# See LICENSE for licensing information. PROJECT = cowlib PROJECT_DESCRIPTION = Support library for manipulating Web protocols. PROJECT_VERSION = 2.11.0 # Options. #ERLC_OPTS += +bin_opt_info ifdef HIPE ERLC_OPTS += -smp +native TEST_ERLC_OPTS += -smp +native endif DIALYZER_OPTS = -Werror_handling -Wunmatched_returns # Dependencies. LOCAL_DEPS = crypto DOC_DEPS = asciideck TEST_DEPS = $(if $(CI_ERLANG_MK),ci.erlang.mk) base32 horse proper jsx \ decimal structured-header-tests uritemplate-tests dep_base32 = git https://github.com/dnsimple/base32_erlang main dep_horse = git https://github.com/ninenines/horse.git master dep_jsx = git https://github.com/talentdeficit/jsx v2.10.0 dep_decimal = git https://github.com/egobrain/decimal 0.6.2 dep_structured-header-tests = git https://github.com/httpwg/structured-header-tests main dep_uritemplate-tests = git https://github.com/uri-templates/uritemplate-test master # CI configuration. dep_ci.erlang.mk = git https://github.com/ninenines/ci.erlang.mk master DEP_EARLY_PLUGINS = ci.erlang.mk AUTO_CI_OTP ?= OTP-21+ AUTO_CI_HIPE ?= OTP-LATEST # AUTO_CI_ERLLVM ?= OTP-LATEST AUTO_CI_WINDOWS ?= OTP-21+ # Hex configuration. define HEX_TARBALL_EXTRA_METADATA #{ licenses => [<<"ISC">>], links => #{ <<"Function reference">> => <<"https://ninenines.eu/docs/en/cowlib/2.11/manual/">>, <<"GitHub">> => <<"https://github.com/ninenines/cowlib">>, <<"Sponsor">> => <<"https://github.com/sponsors/essen">> } } endef # Standard targets. include erlang.mk # Always rebuild from scratch in CI because OTP-25.0+ can't use the older build. ci-setup:: distclean-deps -$(verbose) rm -rf $(ERLANG_MK_TMP)/rebar # Compile options. TEST_ERLC_OPTS += +'{parse_transform, eunit_autoexport}' +'{parse_transform, horse_autoexport}' # Mimetypes module generator. GEN_URL = http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/httpd/httpd/trunk/docs/conf/mime.types GEN_SRC = src/cow_mimetypes.erl.src GEN_OUT = src/cow_mimetypes.erl .PHONY: gen gen: $(gen_verbose) cat $(GEN_SRC) \ | head -n `grep -n "%% GENERATED" $(GEN_SRC) | cut -d : -f 1` \ > $(GEN_OUT) $(gen_verbose) wget -qO - $(GEN_URL) \ | grep -v ^# \ | awk '{for (i=2; i<=NF; i++) if ($$i != "") { \ split($$1, a, "/"); \ print "all_ext(<<\"" $$i "\">>) -> {<<\"" \ a[1] "\">>, <<\"" a[2] "\">>, []};"}}' \ | sort \ | uniq -w 25 \ >> $(GEN_OUT) $(gen_verbose) cat $(GEN_SRC) \ | tail -n +`grep -n "%% GENERATED" $(GEN_SRC) | cut -d : -f 1` \ >> $(GEN_OUT) # Performance testing. ifeq ($(MAKECMDGOALS),perfs) .NOTPARALLEL: endif .PHONY: perfs perfs: test-build $(gen_verbose) erl -noshell -pa ebin -eval 'horse:app_perf($(PROJECT)), erlang:halt().' # Prepare for the release. prepare_tag: $(verbose) $(warning Hex metadata: $(HEX_TARBALL_EXTRA_METADATA)) $(verbose) echo $(verbose) echo -n "Most recent tag: " $(verbose) git tag --sort taggerdate | tail -n1 $(verbose) git verify-tag `git tag --sort taggerdate | tail -n1` $(verbose) echo -n "MAKEFILE: " $(verbose) grep -m1 PROJECT_VERSION Makefile $(verbose) echo -n "APP: " $(verbose) grep -m1 vsn ebin/$(PROJECT).app | sed 's/ //g' $(verbose) echo $(verbose) echo "Dependencies:" $(verbose) grep ^DEPS Makefile || echo "DEPS =" $(verbose) grep ^dep_ Makefile || true