%% Copyright (c) 2012-2020, Loïc Hoguin %% Copyright (c) 2020, Jan Uhlig %% %% Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any %% purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above %% copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. %% %% THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES %% WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF %% MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR %% ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES %% WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN %% ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF %% OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. -module(ranch_server). -behaviour(gen_server). %% API. -export([start_link/0]). -export([set_new_listener_opts/5]). -export([cleanup_listener_opts/1]). -export([cleanup_connections_sups/1]). -export([set_connections_sup/3]). -export([get_connections_sup/2]). -export([get_connections_sups/1]). -export([get_connections_sups/0]). -export([set_listener_sup/2]). -export([get_listener_sup/1]). -export([get_listener_sups/0]). -export([set_addr/2]). -export([get_addr/1]). -export([set_max_connections/2]). -export([get_max_connections/1]). -export([set_stats_counters/2]). -export([get_stats_counters/1]). -export([set_transport_options/2]). -export([get_transport_options/1]). -export([set_protocol_options/2]). -export([get_protocol_options/1]). -export([get_listener_start_args/1]). -export([count_connections/1]). %% gen_server. -export([init/1]). -export([handle_call/3]). -export([handle_cast/2]). -export([handle_info/2]). -export([terminate/2]). -export([code_change/3]). -define(TAB, ?MODULE). -type monitors() :: [{{reference(), pid()}, any()}]. -record(state, { monitors = [] :: monitors() }). %% API. -spec start_link() -> {ok, pid()}. start_link() -> gen_server:start_link({local, ?MODULE}, ?MODULE, [], []). -spec set_new_listener_opts(ranch:ref(), ranch:max_conns(), any(), any(), [any()]) -> ok. set_new_listener_opts(Ref, MaxConns, TransOpts, ProtoOpts, StartArgs) -> gen_server:call(?MODULE, {set_new_listener_opts, Ref, MaxConns, TransOpts, ProtoOpts, StartArgs}). -spec cleanup_listener_opts(ranch:ref()) -> ok. cleanup_listener_opts(Ref) -> _ = ets:delete(?TAB, {addr, Ref}), _ = ets:delete(?TAB, {max_conns, Ref}), _ = ets:delete(?TAB, {trans_opts, Ref}), _ = ets:delete(?TAB, {proto_opts, Ref}), _ = ets:delete(?TAB, {listener_start_args, Ref}), %% We also remove the pid of the connection supervisors. %% Depending on the timing, they might already have been deleted %% when we handled the monitor DOWN message. However, in some %% cases when calling stop_listener followed by get_connections_sup, %% we could end up with the pid still being returned, when we %% expected a crash (because the listener was stopped). %% Deleting it explictly here removes any possible confusion. _ = ets:match_delete(?TAB, {{conns_sup, Ref, '_'}, '_'}), _ = ets:delete(?TAB, {stats_counters, Ref}), %% Ditto for the listener supervisor. _ = ets:delete(?TAB, {listener_sup, Ref}), ok. -spec cleanup_connections_sups(ranch:ref()) -> ok. cleanup_connections_sups(Ref) -> _ = ets:match_delete(?TAB, {{conns_sup, Ref, '_'}, '_'}), _ = ets:delete(?TAB, {stats_counters, Ref}), ok. -spec set_connections_sup(ranch:ref(), non_neg_integer(), pid()) -> ok. set_connections_sup(Ref, Id, Pid) -> gen_server:call(?MODULE, {set_connections_sup, Ref, Id, Pid}). -spec get_connections_sup(ranch:ref(), pos_integer()) -> pid(). get_connections_sup(Ref, Id) -> ConnsSups = get_connections_sups(Ref), NConnsSups = length(ConnsSups), {_, Pid} = lists:keyfind((Id rem NConnsSups) + 1, 1, ConnsSups), Pid. -spec get_connections_sups(ranch:ref()) -> [{pos_integer(), pid()}]. get_connections_sups(Ref) -> [{Id, Pid} || [Id, Pid] <- ets:match(?TAB, {{conns_sup, Ref, '$1'}, '$2'})]. -spec get_connections_sups() -> [{ranch:ref(), pos_integer(), pid()}]. get_connections_sups() -> [{Ref, Id, Pid} || [Ref, Id, Pid] <- ets:match(?TAB, {{conns_sup, '$1', '$2'}, '$3'})]. -spec set_listener_sup(ranch:ref(), pid()) -> ok. set_listener_sup(Ref, Pid) -> gen_server:call(?MODULE, {set_listener_sup, Ref, Pid}). -spec get_listener_sup(ranch:ref()) -> pid(). get_listener_sup(Ref) -> ets:lookup_element(?TAB, {listener_sup, Ref}, 2). -spec get_listener_sups() -> [{ranch:ref(), pid()}]. get_listener_sups() -> [{Ref, Pid} || [Ref, Pid] <- ets:match(?TAB, {{listener_sup, '$1'}, '$2'})]. -spec set_addr(ranch:ref(), {inet:ip_address(), inet:port_number()} | {local, binary()} | {undefined, undefined}) -> ok. set_addr(Ref, Addr) -> gen_server:call(?MODULE, {set_addr, Ref, Addr}). -spec get_addr(ranch:ref()) -> {inet:ip_address(), inet:port_number()} | {local, binary()} | {undefined, undefined}. get_addr(Ref) -> ets:lookup_element(?TAB, {addr, Ref}, 2). -spec set_max_connections(ranch:ref(), ranch:max_conns()) -> ok. set_max_connections(Ref, MaxConnections) -> gen_server:call(?MODULE, {set_max_conns, Ref, MaxConnections}). -spec get_max_connections(ranch:ref()) -> ranch:max_conns(). get_max_connections(Ref) -> ets:lookup_element(?TAB, {max_conns, Ref}, 2). -spec set_stats_counters(ranch:ref(), counters:counters_ref()) -> ok. set_stats_counters(Ref, Counters) -> gen_server:call(?MODULE, {set_stats_counters, Ref, Counters}). -spec get_stats_counters(ranch:ref()) -> counters:counters_ref(). get_stats_counters(Ref) -> ets:lookup_element(?TAB, {stats_counters, Ref}, 2). -spec set_transport_options(ranch:ref(), any()) -> ok. set_transport_options(Ref, TransOpts) -> gen_server:call(?MODULE, {set_trans_opts, Ref, TransOpts}). -spec get_transport_options(ranch:ref()) -> any(). get_transport_options(Ref) -> ets:lookup_element(?TAB, {trans_opts, Ref}, 2). -spec set_protocol_options(ranch:ref(), any()) -> ok. set_protocol_options(Ref, ProtoOpts) -> gen_server:call(?MODULE, {set_proto_opts, Ref, ProtoOpts}). -spec get_protocol_options(ranch:ref()) -> any(). get_protocol_options(Ref) -> ets:lookup_element(?TAB, {proto_opts, Ref}, 2). -spec get_listener_start_args(ranch:ref()) -> [any()]. get_listener_start_args(Ref) -> ets:lookup_element(?TAB, {listener_start_args, Ref}, 2). -spec count_connections(ranch:ref()) -> non_neg_integer(). count_connections(Ref) -> lists:foldl( fun ({_, ConnsSup}, Acc) -> Acc+ranch_conns_sup:active_connections(ConnsSup) end, 0, get_connections_sups(Ref)). %% gen_server. -spec init([]) -> {ok, #state{}}. init([]) -> ConnMonitors = [{{erlang:monitor(process, Pid), Pid}, {conns_sup, Ref, Id}} || [Ref, Id, Pid] <- ets:match(?TAB, {{conns_sup, '$1', '$2'}, '$3'})], ListenerMonitors = [{{erlang:monitor(process, Pid), Pid}, {listener_sup, Ref}} || [Ref, Pid] <- ets:match(?TAB, {{listener_sup, '$1'}, '$2'})], {ok, #state{monitors=ConnMonitors++ListenerMonitors}}. -spec handle_call(term(), {pid(), reference()}, #state{}) -> {reply, ok | ignore, #state{}}. handle_call({set_new_listener_opts, Ref, MaxConns, TransOpts, ProtoOpts, StartArgs}, _, State) -> ets:insert_new(?TAB, {{max_conns, Ref}, MaxConns}), ets:insert_new(?TAB, {{trans_opts, Ref}, TransOpts}), ets:insert_new(?TAB, {{proto_opts, Ref}, ProtoOpts}), ets:insert_new(?TAB, {{listener_start_args, Ref}, StartArgs}), {reply, ok, State}; handle_call({set_connections_sup, Ref, Id, Pid}, _, State0) -> State = set_monitored_process({conns_sup, Ref, Id}, Pid, State0), {reply, ok, State}; handle_call({set_listener_sup, Ref, Pid}, _, State0) -> State = set_monitored_process({listener_sup, Ref}, Pid, State0), {reply, ok, State}; handle_call({set_addr, Ref, Addr}, _, State) -> true = ets:insert(?TAB, {{addr, Ref}, Addr}), {reply, ok, State}; handle_call({set_max_conns, Ref, MaxConns}, _, State) -> ets:insert(?TAB, {{max_conns, Ref}, MaxConns}), _ = [ConnsSup ! {set_max_conns, MaxConns} || {_, ConnsSup} <- get_connections_sups(Ref)], {reply, ok, State}; handle_call({set_stats_counters, Ref, Counters}, _, State) -> ets:insert(?TAB, {{stats_counters, Ref}, Counters}), {reply, ok, State}; handle_call({set_trans_opts, Ref, Opts}, _, State) -> ets:insert(?TAB, {{trans_opts, Ref}, Opts}), {reply, ok, State}; handle_call({set_proto_opts, Ref, Opts}, _, State) -> ets:insert(?TAB, {{proto_opts, Ref}, Opts}), _ = [ConnsSup ! {set_protocol_options, Opts} || {_, ConnsSup} <- get_connections_sups(Ref)], {reply, ok, State}; handle_call(_Request, _From, State) -> {reply, ignore, State}. -spec handle_cast(_, #state{}) -> {noreply, #state{}}. handle_cast(_Request, State) -> {noreply, State}. -spec handle_info(term(), #state{}) -> {noreply, #state{}}. handle_info({'DOWN', MonitorRef, process, Pid, Reason}, State=#state{monitors=Monitors}) -> {_, TypeRef} = lists:keyfind({MonitorRef, Pid}, 1, Monitors), ok = case {TypeRef, Reason} of {{listener_sup, Ref}, normal} -> cleanup_listener_opts(Ref); {{listener_sup, Ref}, shutdown} -> cleanup_listener_opts(Ref); {{listener_sup, Ref}, {shutdown, _}} -> cleanup_listener_opts(Ref); _ -> _ = ets:delete(?TAB, TypeRef), ok end, Monitors2 = lists:keydelete({MonitorRef, Pid}, 1, Monitors), {noreply, State#state{monitors=Monitors2}}; handle_info(_Info, State) -> {noreply, State}. -spec terminate(_, #state{}) -> ok. terminate(_Reason, _State) -> ok. -spec code_change(term() | {down, term()}, #state{}, term()) -> {ok, term()}. code_change({down, _}, State, _Extra) -> true = ets:match_delete(?TAB, {{stats_counters, '_'}, '_'}), {ok, State}; code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) -> {ok, State}. %% Internal. set_monitored_process(Key, Pid, State=#state{monitors=Monitors0}) -> %% First we cleanup the monitor if a residual one exists. %% This can happen during crashes when the restart is faster %% than the cleanup. Monitors = case lists:keytake(Key, 2, Monitors0) of false -> Monitors0; {value, {{OldMonitorRef, _}, _}, Monitors1} -> true = erlang:demonitor(OldMonitorRef, [flush]), Monitors1 end, %% Then we unconditionally insert in the ets table. %% If residual data is there, it will be overwritten. true = ets:insert(?TAB, {Key, Pid}), %% Finally we start monitoring this new process. MonitorRef = erlang:monitor(process, Pid), State#state{monitors=[{{MonitorRef, Pid}, Key}|Monitors]}.