%% Copyright (c) 2017-2018, Loïc Hoguin %% %% Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any %% purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above %% copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. %% %% THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES %% WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF %% MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR %% ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES %% WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN %% ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF %% OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. %% This pass walks over the tree and parses inline elements. -module(asciideck_inline_pass). -export([run/1]). -import(asciideck_block_parser, [trim/1, while/2]). -type inline_ast() :: list(). %% @todo -export_type([inline_ast/0]). run([]) -> []; run([Data|Tail]) when is_binary(Data) -> [inline(Data)|run(Tail)]; %% We do not do any inline formatting for verbatim blocks, %% for example listing blocks. %% %% @todo subs is a list of values. run([Item={_, #{<<"subs">> := <<"verbatim">>}, _, _}|Tail]) -> [Item|run(Tail)]; %% Labeled lists' labels can also have inline formatting. run([{Type, Attrs=#{label := Label}, Items, Ann}|Tail]) when is_list(Items) -> [{Type, Attrs#{label => inline(Label)}, run(Items), Ann}|run(Tail)]; run([{Type, Attrs, Items, Ann}|Tail]) when is_list(Items) -> [{Type, Attrs, run(Items), Ann}|run(Tail)]; run([{Type, Attrs, Data, Ann}|Tail]) -> [{Type, Attrs, inline(Data), Ann}|run(Tail)]. %% We reduce inline content with a single text element %% with no formatting to a simple binary. inline(<<>>) -> <<>>; inline(Data) -> case inline(Data, <<>>, []) of [] -> <<>>; [Text] when is_binary(Text) -> Text; AST -> AST end. -spec inline(binary(), binary(), inline_ast()) -> inline_ast(). inline(<<>>, <<>>, Acc) -> lists:reverse(Acc); inline(<<>>, BinAcc, Acc) -> lists:reverse([BinAcc|Acc]); inline(Data, BinAcc, Acc) -> oneof(Data, BinAcc, Acc, [ %% Links. fun xref/2, fun link/2, fun http_link/2, fun https_link/2, %% Quoted text. fun emphasized_single_quote/2, fun emphasized_underline/2, fun strong/2, %% Passthrough macros. fun inline_literal_passthrough/2 ]). %% The inline pass replaces \r\n and \n with a simple space %% when it occurs within normal text. oneof(<<$\r, $\n, Rest/bits>>, BinAcc, Acc, []) -> inline(Rest, <>, Acc); oneof(<<$\n, Rest/bits>>, BinAcc, Acc, []) -> inline(Rest, <>, Acc); oneof(<>, BinAcc, Acc, []) -> inline(Rest, <>, Acc); oneof(Data, BinAcc, Acc, [Parse|Tail]) -> Prev = case BinAcc of <<>> -> undefined; _ -> binary:last(BinAcc) end, try Parse(Data, Prev) of {ok, Inline, Rest} when BinAcc =:= <<>> -> inline(Rest, BinAcc, [Inline|Acc]); {ok, Inline, Rest} -> inline(Rest, <<>>, [Inline, BinAcc|Acc]); {skip, Text, Rest} -> oneof(Rest, <>, Acc, Tail) catch _:_ -> oneof(Data, BinAcc, Acc, Tail) end. -ifdef(TEST). text_test() -> <<>> = inline(<<>>), <<"Hello, Robert">> = inline(<<"Hello, Robert">>), ok. -endif. -define(IS_BOUNDARY(C), C =:= undefined; C =:= $\s; C =:= $\t; C =:= $\r; C =:= $\n; C =:= $(). %% Asciidoc User Guide 21.2.1 %% %% We currently do not implement the <<...>> form. xref(<<"xref:", IDAndCaption/bits>>, Prev) when ?IS_BOUNDARY(Prev) -> %% ID must not contain whitespace characters. {ID, <<"[", Caption0/bits>>} = while(fun(C) -> (C =/= $[) andalso (C =/= $\s) andalso (C =/= $\t) end, IDAndCaption), %% It is followed by a caption. {Caption1, <<"]", Rest/bits>>} = while(fun(C) -> C =/= $] end, Caption0), Caption = trim(Caption1), {ok, {xref, #{ id => ID }, Caption, inline}, Rest}. -ifdef(TEST). xref_test() -> [{xref, #{ id := <<"tiger_image">> }, <<"face of a tiger">>, _}] = inline(<<"xref:tiger_image[face of a tiger]">>), ok. -endif. %% Asciidoc User Guide 21.1.3 link(<<"link:", TargetAndCaption/bits>>, Prev) when ?IS_BOUNDARY(Prev) -> %% Target must not contain whitespace characters. {Target, <<"[", Caption0/bits>>} = while(fun(C) -> (C =/= $[) andalso (C =/= $\s) andalso (C =/= $\t) andalso (C =/= $\r) andalso (C =/= $\n) end, TargetAndCaption), %% It is followed by a caption. {Caption1, <<"]", Rest/bits>>} = while(fun(C) -> C =/= $] end, Caption0), Caption = trim(Caption1), {ok, {link, #{ target => Target }, Caption, inline}, Rest}. -ifdef(TEST). link_test() -> [{link, #{ target := <<"downloads/foo.zip">> }, <<"download foo.zip">>, _}] = inline(<<"link:downloads/foo.zip[download foo.zip]">>), [{link, #{ target := <<"chapter1.asciidoc#fragment">> }, <<"Chapter 1.">>, _}] = inline(<<"link:chapter1.asciidoc#fragment[Chapter 1.]">>), [ {link, #{target := <<"first.zip">>}, <<"first">>, _}, <<", ">>, {link, #{target := <<"second.zip">>}, <<"second">>, _} ] = inline(<<"link:first.zip[first],\nlink:second.zip[second]">>), ok. -endif. %% Asciidoc User Guide 21.1.3 http_link(<<"http:", Rest/bits>>, Prev) when ?IS_BOUNDARY(Prev) -> direct_link(Rest, <<"http:">>). direct_link(Data, Prefix) -> %% Target must not contain whitespace characters. {Target0, Rest0} = while(fun(C) -> (C =/= $[) andalso (C =/= $\s) andalso (C =/= $\t) andalso (C =/= $\r) andalso (C =/= $\n) andalso (C =/= $,) end, Data), %% The link must be more than just the prefix. false = Target0 =:= <<>>, Target = <>, %% It is optionally followed by a caption. Otherwise %% the link itself is the caption. case Rest0 of <<"[", Caption0/bits>> -> {Caption1, <<"]", Rest/bits>>} = while(fun(C) -> C =/= $] end, Caption0), Caption = trim(Caption1), {ok, {link, #{ target => Target }, Caption, inline}, Rest}; _ -> {ok, {link, #{ target => Target }, Target, inline}, Rest0} end. -ifdef(TEST). http_link_test() -> <<"Incomplete http: link">> = inline(<<"Incomplete http: link">>), [ {link, #{ target := <<"http://example.org:8080">> }, <<"http://example.org:8080">>, _}, <<", continued">> ] = inline(<<"http://example.org:8080, continued">>), [ <<"If you have ">>, {link, #{ target := <<"http://example.org/hello#fragment">> }, <<"http://example.org/hello#fragment">>, _}, <<" then:">> ] = inline(<<"If you have http://example.org/hello#fragment then:">>), [ <<"If you have ">>, {link, #{ target := <<"http://example.org/hello#fragment">> }, <<"http://example.org/hello#fragment">>, _}, <<" then:">> ] = inline(<<"If you have http://example.org/hello#fragment\nthen:">>), [ <<"Oh, ">>, {link, #{ target := <<"http://example.org/hello#fragment">> }, <<"hello there">>, _}, <<", young lad.">> ] = inline(<<"Oh, http://example.org/hello#fragment[hello there], young lad.">>), ok. -endif. %% Asciidoc User Guide 21.1.3 https_link(<<"https:", Rest/bits>>, Prev) when ?IS_BOUNDARY(Prev) -> direct_link(Rest, <<"https:">>). -ifdef(TEST). https_link_test() -> <<"Incomplete https: link">> = inline(<<"Incomplete https: link">>), [ {link, #{ target := <<"https://example.org:8080">> }, <<"https://example.org:8080">>, _}, <<", continued">> ] = inline(<<"https://example.org:8080, continued">>), [ <<"If you have ">>, {link, #{ target := <<"https://example.org/hello#fragment">> }, <<"https://example.org/hello#fragment">>, _}, <<" then:">> ] = inline(<<"If you have https://example.org/hello#fragment then:">>), [ <<"If you have ">>, {link, #{ target := <<"https://example.org/hello#fragment">> }, <<"https://example.org/hello#fragment">>, _}, <<" then:">> ] = inline(<<"If you have https://example.org/hello#fragment\nthen:">>), [ <<"Oh, ">>, {link, #{ target := <<"https://example.org/hello#fragment">> }, <<"hello there">>, _}, <<", young lad.">> ] = inline(<<"Oh, https://example.org/hello#fragment[hello there], young lad.">>), ok. -endif. %% Asciidoc User Guide 10.1 %% @todo <<"\\**" %% @todo <<"\\*" %% @todo <<"**" emphasized_single_quote(Data, Prev) -> quoted_text(Data, Prev, emphasized, $', $'). emphasized_underline(Data, Prev) -> quoted_text(Data, Prev, emphasized, $_, $_). strong(Data, Prev) -> quoted_text(Data, Prev, strong, $*, $*). quoted_text(<>, Prev, Type, Left, Right) when ?IS_BOUNDARY(Prev) -> {Content, <>} = while(fun(C) -> C =/= Right end, Rest0), {ok, {Type, #{ left => Left, right => Right }, inline(Content), inline}, Rest}. -ifdef(TEST). emphasized_test() -> [ <<"Word phrases ">>, {emphasized, #{left := $', right := $'}, <<"enclosed in single quote characters">>, _}, <<" (acute accents) or ">>, {emphasized, #{left := $_, right := $_}, <<"underline characters">>, _}, <<" are emphasized.">> ] = inline(<< "Word phrases 'enclosed in single quote characters' (acute accents) " "or _underline characters_ are emphasized." >>), ok. strong_test() -> [ <<"Word phrases ">>, {strong, #{left := $*, right := $*}, <<"enclosed in asterisk characters">>, _}, <<" are rendered in a strong font (usually bold).">> ] = inline(<< "Word phrases *enclosed in asterisk characters* " "are rendered in a strong font (usually bold)." >>), ok. -endif. %% Asciidoc User Guide 21.4 inline_literal_passthrough(<<"`", Rest0/bits>>, Prev) when ?IS_BOUNDARY(Prev) -> {Content, <<"`", Rest/bits>>} = while(fun(C) -> C =/= $` end, Rest0), {ok, {inline_literal_passthrough, #{}, Content, inline}, Rest}. -ifdef(TEST). inline_literal_passthrough_test() -> [ <<"Word phrases ">>, {inline_literal_passthrough, #{}, <<"enclosed in backtick characters">>, _}, <<" (grave accents)...">> ] = inline(<<"Word phrases `enclosed in backtick characters` (grave accents)...">>), ok. -endif.