%% Copyright (c) 2016, Loïc Hoguin %% %% Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any %% purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above %% copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. %% %% THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES %% WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF %% MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR %% ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES %% WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN %% ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF %% OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. -module(asciideck_parser). -export([parse/2]). %% @todo %% All nodes in the AST are of type {Type, Attrs, Text | Nodes, Ann} %% except for text formatting nodes at the moment. Text formatting %% nodes will be converted to this form in a future change. %% Parsing occurs in a few passes: %% %% * p1: Line-based parsing of the raw Asciidoc document %% * p2: Deal with more compp1 structures like lists and tables parse(Data, St) -> Lines0 = binary:split(Data, <<"\n">>, [global]), %% Ensure there's an empty line at the end, to simplify parsing. Lines1 = lists:append(Lines0, [<<>>]), LineNumbers = lists:seq(1, length(Lines1)), Lines = lists:zip(LineNumbers, Lines1), %% @todo Document header, if any. Recognized by the author info/doc attributes? %% Alternatively, don't recognize it, and only use attribute entries for the same info. p2(p1(Lines, [], St), []). %% First pass. %% @todo When a block element is encountered asciidoc(1) determines the type of block by checking in the following order (first to last): (section) Titles, BlockMacros, Lists, DelimitedBlocks, Tables, AttributeEntrys, AttributeLists, BlockTitles, Paragraphs. %% @todo And this function is parsing, not p1ing. p1([], AST, _St) -> lists:reverse(AST); %% Extra empty lines. p1([{_, <<>>}|Tail], AST, St) -> p1(Tail, AST, St); %% Comments. p1([{LN, <<"//", Comment/bits >>}|Tail], AST, St) -> p1(Tail, [comment(trim_ws(Comment), ann(LN, St))|AST], St); %% Section titles. p1([{LN, <<"= ", Title/bits >>}, {_, <<>>}|Tail], AST, St) -> p1_title_short(Tail, AST, St, LN, Title, 0); p1([{LN, <<"== ", Title/bits >>}, {_, <<>>}|Tail], AST, St) -> p1_title_short(Tail, AST, St, LN, Title, 1); p1([{LN, <<"=== ", Title/bits >>}, {_, <<>>}|Tail], AST, St) -> p1_title_short(Tail, AST, St, LN, Title, 2); p1([{LN, <<"==== ", Title/bits >>}, {_, <<>>}|Tail], AST, St) -> p1_title_short(Tail, AST, St, LN, Title, 3); p1([{LN, <<"===== ", Title/bits >>}, {_, <<>>}|Tail], AST, St) -> p1_title_short(Tail, AST, St, LN, Title, 4); %% Block titles. p1([{_LN, <<".", Title/bits >>}|Tail], AST, St) -> p1(Tail, [{block_title, Title}|AST], St); %% Attribute lists. p1([{_LN, <<"[", Attrs/bits >>}|Tail], AST, St) -> p1(Tail, [{attribute_list, p1_attr_list(Attrs)}|AST], St); %% Listing blocks. p1([{LN, <<"----", _/bits >>}|Tail], AST, St) -> p1_listing(Tail, AST, St, LN, []); %% Lists. p1([{LN, <<"* ", Text/bits >>}|Tail], AST, St) -> p1_li(Tail, AST, St, uli1, {LN, Text}); p1([{LN, <<"** ", Text/bits >>}|Tail], AST, St) -> p1_li(Tail, AST, St, uli2, {LN, Text}); p1([{LN, <<"*** ", Text/bits >>}|Tail], AST, St) -> p1_li(Tail, AST, St, uli3, {LN, Text}); p1([{LN, <<"**** ", Text/bits >>}|Tail], AST, St) -> p1_li(Tail, AST, St, uli4, {LN, Text}); p1([{LN, <<"***** ", Text/bits >>}|Tail], AST, St) -> p1_li(Tail, AST, St, uli5, {LN, Text}); %% Tables. p1([{LN, <<"|===", _/bits >>}|Tail], AST, St) -> p1_table(Tail, AST, St, LN); p1([{LN, <<"|", Text/bits >>}|Tail], AST, St) -> p1_cell(Tail, AST, St, LN, Text); %% Prefix-based or paragraph. p1(Lines, AST, St) -> p1_text(Lines, AST, St). p1_title_short(Tail, AST, St, LN, Text0, Level) -> %% Remove the trailer, if any. Text1 = trim_ws(Text0), Trailer = case Level of 0 -> <<" =">>; 1 -> <<" ==">>; 2 -> <<" ===">>; 3 -> <<" ====">>; 4 -> <<" =====">> end, TrailerSize = byte_size(Trailer), Size = byte_size(Text1) - TrailerSize, Text3 = case Text1 of << Text2:Size/binary, Trailer:TrailerSize/binary >> -> Text2; _ -> Text1 end, Text = trim_ws(Text3), p1(Tail, [title(Text, #{level => Level}, ann(LN, St))|AST], St). p1_attr_list(AttrList0) -> [AttrList|_] = binary:split(AttrList0, <<"]">>), binary:split(AttrList, <<",">>). %% @todo Parse attributes properly. p1_table(Tail, [{attribute_list, Attrs}, {block_title, Title}|AST], St, LN) -> p1(Tail, [{begin_table, #{title => Title, todo => Attrs}, ann(LN, St)}|AST], St); p1_table(Tail, [{attribute_list, Attrs}|AST], St, LN) -> p1(Tail, [{begin_table, #{todo => Attrs}, ann(LN, St)}|AST], St); p1_table(Tail, AST=[nl, {cell, _, _, _}|_], St, _) -> p1(Tail, [end_table|AST], St); p1_table(Tail, AST=[{cell, _, _, _}|_], St, _) -> p1(Tail, [end_table|AST], St); p1_table(Tail, AST, St, LN) -> p1(Tail, [{begin_table, #{}, ann(LN, St)}|AST], St). %% @todo Multiline cells. %% @todo Styled cells. %% @todo Strip whitespace at the beginning of the cell if on the same line. p1_cell(Tail=[{_, NextLine}|_], AST0, St, LN, Text) -> case p1_cell_split(Text, <<>>) of [_] -> AST1 = [nl, cell(p1([{LN, trim_ws(Text)}, {LN, <<>>}], [], St), ann(LN, St))|AST0], AST = case NextLine of <<>> -> [nl|AST1]; _ -> AST1 end, p1(Tail, AST, St); [Cell, Rest] -> p1_cell(Tail, [cell(p1([{LN, trim_ws(Cell)}, {LN, <<>>}], [], St), ann(LN, St))|AST0], St, LN, Rest) end. p1_cell_split(<<>>, Acc) -> [Acc]; p1_cell_split(<< $\\, $|, Rest/bits >>, Acc) -> p1_cell_split(Rest, << Acc/binary, $\\, $| >>); p1_cell_split(<< $|, Rest/bits >>, Acc) -> [Acc, Rest]; p1_cell_split(<< C, Rest/bits >>, Acc) -> p1_cell_split(Rest, << Acc/binary, C >>). p1_listing([{_, <<"----", _/bits >>}, {_, <<>>}|Tail], AST0, St, LN, [_|Acc]) -> Text = iolist_to_binary(lists:reverse(Acc)), case AST0 of [{attribute_list, [<<"source">>, Lang]}, {block_title, Title}|AST] -> p1(Tail, [listing(Text, #{title => Title, language => Lang}, ann(LN, St))|AST], St); [{block_title, Title}, {attribute_list, [<<"source">>, Lang]}|AST] -> p1(Tail, [listing(Text, #{title => Title, language => Lang}, ann(LN, St))|AST], St); [{attribute_list, [<<"source">>, Lang]}|AST] -> p1(Tail, [listing(Text, #{language => Lang}, ann(LN, St))|AST], St); [{block_title, Title}|AST] -> p1(Tail, [listing(Text, #{title => Title}, ann(LN, St))|AST], St); AST -> p1(Tail, [listing(Text, #{}, ann(LN, St))|AST], St) end; p1_listing([{_, Line}|Tail], AST, St, LN, Acc) -> p1_listing(Tail, AST, St, LN, [<<"\n">>, Line|Acc]). p1_li(Lines, AST, St, Type, FirstLine = {LN, _}) -> {Tail, Glob} = p1_li_glob(Lines, []), p1(Tail, [{Type, p1([FirstLine|Glob], [], St), ann(LN, St)}|AST], St). %% Glob everything until next list or empty line. p1_li_glob(Tail = [{LN, << "*", _/bits >>}|_], Acc) -> {Tail, lists:reverse([{LN, <<>>}|Acc])}; p1_li_glob(Tail = [{LN, <<>>}|_], Acc) -> {Tail, lists:reverse([{LN, <<>>}|Acc])}; p1_li_glob([{_, <<"+">>}|Tail], Acc) -> p1_li_glob(Tail, [<<>>|Acc]); p1_li_glob([Line|Tail], Acc) -> p1_li_glob(Tail, [Line|Acc]). p1_text(Lines=[{LN, Line}|Tail], AST, St) -> case binary:split(<< Line/binary, $\s >>, <<":: ">>) of %% Nothing else on the line. [Label, <<>>] -> p1(Tail, [{label, Label, ann(LN, St)}|AST], St); %% Text on the same line. [Label, Text0] -> Size = byte_size(Text0) - 1, << Text:Size/binary, _ >> = Text0, p1([{LN, Text}|Tail], [{label, Label, ann(LN, St)}|AST], St); %% Not a labeled list. _ -> p1_maybe_p(Lines, AST, St) end. %% @todo Literal paragraphs. p1_maybe_p([{_LN, << " ", Line/bits >>}|Tail], AST, St) -> <<>> = trim_ws(Line), p1(Tail, AST, St); p1_maybe_p(Lines=[{LN, _}|_], AST, St) -> p1_p(Lines, AST, St, LN, []). p1_p([{_, <<>>}|Tail], AST0, St, LN, [_|Acc]) -> Text = format(iolist_to_binary(lists:reverse(Acc)), LN, St), case AST0 of [{block_title, Title}|AST] -> p1(Tail, [paragraph(Text, #{title => Title}, ann(LN, St))|AST], St); AST -> p1(Tail, [paragraph(Text, #{}, ann(LN, St))|AST], St) end; p1_p([{_, Line}|Tail], AST, St, LN, Acc) -> %% @todo We need to keep line/col information. To do this %% we probably should keep an index of character number -> line/col %% that we pass to the format function. Otherwise the line/col %% information on text will point to the paragraph start. p1_p(Tail, AST, St, LN, [<<" ">>, Line|Acc]). %% Inline formatting. %% @todo Probably do it as part of the node functions that require it. format(Text, LN, St) -> case format(Text, LN, St, [], <<>>, $\s) of [Bin] when is_binary(Bin) -> Bin; Formatted -> Formatted end. format(<<>>, _, _, Acc, <<>>, _) -> lists:reverse(Acc); format(<<>>, _, _, Acc, BinAcc, _) -> lists:reverse([BinAcc|Acc]); format(<< "link:", Rest0/bits >>, LN, St, Acc0, BinAcc, Prev) when Prev =:= $\s -> case re:run(Rest0, "^([^[]*)\\[([^]]*)\\](.*)", [{capture, all, binary}]) of nomatch -> format(Rest0, LN, St, Acc0, << BinAcc/binary, "link:" >>, $:); {match, [_, Link, Text, Rest]} -> Acc = case BinAcc of <<>> -> Acc0; _ -> [BinAcc|Acc0] end, format(Rest, LN, St, [rel_link(Text, Link, ann(LN, St))|Acc], <<>>, $]) end; format(<< C, Rest0/bits >>, LN, St, Acc0, BinAcc, Prev) when Prev =:= $\s -> %% @todo In some cases we must format inside the quoted text too. %% Therefore we need to have some information about what to do here. Quotes = #{ $* => {strong, text}, $` => {mono, literal} }, case maps:get(C, Quotes, undefined) of undefined -> format(Rest0, LN, St, Acc0, << BinAcc/binary, C >>, C); {NodeType, QuotedType} -> case binary:split(Rest0, << C >>) of [_] -> format(Rest0, LN, St, Acc0, << BinAcc/binary, $* >>, $*); [QuotedText0, Rest] -> Acc = case BinAcc of <<>> -> Acc0; _ -> [BinAcc|Acc0] end, QuotedText = case QuotedType of text -> format(QuotedText0, LN, St); literal -> QuotedText0 end, format(Rest, LN, St, [quoted(NodeType, QuotedText, ann(LN, St))|Acc], <<>>, $*) end end; format(<< C, Rest/bits >>, LN, St, Acc, BinAcc, _) -> format(Rest, LN, St, Acc, << BinAcc/binary, C >>, C). %% Second pass. p2([], Acc) -> lists:reverse(Acc); p2([{label, Label, Ann}, Item|Tail], Acc) -> %% @todo Handle this like other lists. p2(Tail, [ll([li([Item], #{label => Label}, Ann)], #{}, Ann)|Acc]); p2(Tail0=[{uli1, _, UlAnn}|_], Acc) -> {LIs0, Tail} = lists:splitwith(fun({uli1, _, _}) -> true; (_) -> false end, Tail0), LIs = [li(I, LiAnn) || {uli1, I, LiAnn} <- LIs0], p2(Tail, [ul(LIs, #{}, UlAnn)|Acc]); p2([{begin_table, Attrs, Ann}|Tail0], Acc) -> %% @todo Can also get them from Attrs? N = count_table_columns(Tail0), {Rows, Tail} = p2_rows(Tail0, [], [], N, 1), p2(Tail, [table(Rows, Attrs, Ann)|Acc]); p2([Item|Tail], Acc) -> p2(Tail, [Item|Acc]). %% @todo One cell per line version. count_table_columns(Cells) -> length(lists:takewhile(fun({cell, _, _, _}) -> true; (_) -> false end, Cells)). p2_rows([nl|Tail], Rows, Cols, NumCols, N) -> p2_rows(Tail, Rows, Cols, NumCols, N); p2_rows([Cell = {cell, _, _, Ann}|Tail], Rows, Cols, NumCols, NumCols) -> p2_rows(Tail, [row(lists:reverse([Cell|Cols]), Ann)|Rows], [], NumCols, 1); p2_rows([Cell = {cell, _, _, _}|Tail], Rows, Cols, NumCols, N) -> p2_rows(Tail, Rows, [Cell|Cols], NumCols, N + 1); p2_rows([end_table|Tail], Rows, [], _, _) -> {lists:reverse(Rows), Tail}. %% Annotations. ann(Line, St) -> ann(Line, 1, St). %% @todo Take filename too, if any. ann(Line, Col, _St) -> #{line => Line, col => Col}. %% Nodes. cell(Nodes, Ann) -> {cell, #{}, Nodes, Ann}. comment(Text, Ann) -> {comment, #{}, Text, Ann}. li(Nodes, Ann) -> li(Nodes, #{}, Ann). li(Nodes, Attrs, Ann) -> {li, Attrs, Nodes, Ann}. listing(Text, Attrs, Ann) -> {listing, Attrs, Text, Ann}. ll(Nodes, Attrs, Ann) -> {ll, Attrs, Nodes, Ann}. paragraph(Text, Attrs, Ann) -> {p, Attrs, Text, Ann}. quoted(NodeType, Text, Ann) -> {NodeType, #{}, Text, Ann}. rel_link(Text, Link, Ann) -> {rel_link, #{target => Link}, Text, Ann}. row(Nodes, Ann) -> {row, #{}, Nodes, Ann}. table(Nodes, Attrs, Ann) -> {table, Attrs, Nodes, Ann}. title(Text, Attrs, Ann) -> {title, Attrs, Text, Ann}. ul(Nodes, Attrs, Ann) -> {ul, Attrs, Nodes, Ann}. %% Utility functions. trim_ws(Text) -> iolist_to_binary(re:replace(Text, "^[ \\t]+|[ \\t]+$", <<>>, [global])).