#!/usr/bin/env sh set -e #set -x NAME=$1 DIST=centos RELEASE=7 ARCH=amd64 # We don't install Erlang because it's complicated on CentOS. # We will instead use the Erlang versions built with kerl. PACKAGES="curl ncurses-devel openssl-devel zsh vim sudo git make \ autoconf automake gcc golang glide rsync groff psmisc parallel" for f in ci.d/*; do source "$f"; done buildkite_stop $DIST lxc_destroy lxc_create $DIST $RELEASE $ARCH lxc_wait_for_ip yum_upgrade yum_install_epel yum_install $PACKAGES buildkite_install $DIST $BUILDKITE_TOKEN ssh_copy_host_key ssh_copy_host_key buildkite-agent /var/lib/buildkite-agent lxc_restart