path: root/doc/src/manual/cowboy_spdy.asciidoc
blob: b0dcb7069ff4d96e3bf99f9f04155ed1b8580ea7 (plain) (tree)

= cowboy_spdy(3)

== Name

cowboy_spdy - SPDY protocol

== Description

The `cowboy_spdy` module implements SPDY/3 as a Ranch protocol.

== Types

=== opts() = [Option]

Option = {env, cowboy_middleware:env()}
	| {middlewares, [module()]}
	| {onresponse, cowboy:onresponse_fun()}

Configuration for the SPDY protocol handler.

This configuration is passed to Cowboy when starting listeners
using the `cowboy:start_spdy/4` function.

It can be updated without restarting listeners using the
Ranch functions `ranch:get_protocol_options/1` and

== Option descriptions

The default value is given next to the option name.

env ([{listener, Ref}])::
	Initial middleware environment.

middlewares ([cowboy_router, cowboy_handler])::
	List of middlewares to execute for every requests.

onresponse (undefined)::
	Fun called every time a response is sent.