path: root/doc/src/manual/cowboy_static.asciidoc
blob: 658d93bdd7daac743b83adf331452be0d02d8202 (plain) (tree)

= cowboy_static(3)

== Name

cowboy_static - static file handler

== Description

The `cowboy_static` module implements file serving capabilities
by using the REST semantics provided by `cowboy_rest`.

== Types

=== opts() = [Option]

Option = {priv_file, atom(), string() | binary()}
	| {priv_file, atom(), string() | binary(), Extra}
	| {file, string() | binary()}
	| {file, string() | binary(), Extra}
	| {priv_dir, atom(), string() | binary()}
	| {priv_dir, atom(), string() | binary(), Extra}
	| {dir, string() | binary()}
	| {dir, string() | binary(), Extra}

Extra = [ETag | Mimetypes]

ETag = {etag, module(), function()} | {etag, false}

Mimetypes = {mimetypes, module(), function()}
	| {mimetypes, binary() | {binary(), binary(), [{binary(), binary()}]}}

Configuration for the static handler.

The handler can be configured for sending either one file or
a directory (including its subdirectories).

Extra options allow you to define how the etag should be calculated
and how the mimetype of files should be detected.