diff options
authorLoïc Hoguin <[email protected]>2016-09-25 17:32:41 +0200
committerLoïc Hoguin <[email protected]>2016-09-25 17:32:41 +0200
commit04247240629f1b9807feca34fde6de89286d4774 (patch)
parent31cabe0fb98b4c75cb088761ba5ad53dbd2285ee (diff)
Update manual for the cowboy module
This commit separates the documentation of the functions into separate manual pages, with at least one example per function and a lot more details about parameters, return values and related functions and modules. It also includes a changelog indicating when the function was added or changed. The inspiration for this comes mainly from the PHP documentation and feedback from users.
5 files changed, 452 insertions, 50 deletions
diff --git a/doc/src/manual/cowboy.asciidoc b/doc/src/manual/cowboy.asciidoc
index 10e3696..6aad091 100644
--- a/doc/src/manual/cowboy.asciidoc
+++ b/doc/src/manual/cowboy.asciidoc
@@ -9,80 +9,91 @@ cowboy - HTTP server
The `cowboy` module provides convenience functions for
manipulating Ranch listeners.
+== Exports
+* link:man:cowboy:start_clear(3)[cowboy:start_clear(3)] - Listen for connections using plain TCP
+* link:man:cowboy:start_tls(3)[cowboy:start_tls(3)] - Listen for connections using TLS
+* link:man:cowboy:stop_listener(3)[cowboy:stop_listener(3)] - Stop the given listener
+* link:man:cowboy:set_env(3)[cowboy:set_env(3)] - Update a listener's environment value
== Types
-=== fields() = [Field]
+=== fields()
-Field = atom()
- | {atom(), cowboy_constraints:constraint() | [cowboy_constraints:constraint()]}
- | {atom(), cowboy_constraints:constraint() | [cowboy_constraints:constraint()], any()}]
+fields() :: [Name
+ | {Name, Constraints}
+ | {Name, Constraints, Default}]
+Name :: atom()
+Constraints :: Constraint | [Constraint]
+Constraint :: cowboy_constraints:constraint()
+Default :: any()
-Fields for match operations. Constraint(s) and default value are optional.
-=== http_headers() = [{binary(), iodata()}]
-HTTP headers as a list of key/values.
-=== http_status() = non_neg_integer() | binary()
+Fields description for match operations.
-HTTP status.
+This type is used in link:man:cowboy_router(3)[cowboy_router]
+for matching bindings and in the match functions found in
-A binary status can be used to set a custom message.
+=== http_headers()
-=== http_version() = \'HTTP/1.1' | \'HTTP/1.0'
-HTTP version.
-=== `onresponse_fun() = fun((http_status(), http_headers(), iodata(), cowboy_req:req()) -> cowboy_req:req())`
-Fun called immediately before sending the response.
+http_headers() :: #{binary() => iodata()}
-It can perform any operation on the Req object, including
-reading the request body or replying. If a reply is sent, it
-overrides the reply initially sent. The callback will not be
-called again for the new reply.
+HTTP headers.
-== Exports
+=== http_status()
-=== start_http(Ref, NbAcceptors, TransOpts, ProtoOpts) -> {ok, pid()}
+http_status() :: non_neg_integer() | binary()
-Ref = ranch:ref():: Listener name.
-NbAcceptors = non_neg_integer():: Number of acceptor processes.
-TransOpts = ranch_tcp:opts():: TCP transport options.
-ProtoOpts = cowboy_protocol:opts():: HTTP protocol options.
+HTTP response status.
-Start listening for HTTP connections. Returns the pid for this
-listener's supervisor.
+A binary status can be used to set a reason phrase. Note
+however that HTTP/2 only sends the status code and drops
+the reason phrase entirely.
-=== start_https(Ref, NbAcceptors, TransOpts, ProtoOpts) -> {ok, pid()}
+=== http_version()
-Ref = ranch:ref():: Listener name.
-NbAcceptors = non_neg_integer():: Number of acceptor processes.
-TransOpts = ranch_ssl:opts():: SSL transport options.
-ProtoOpts = cowboy_protocol:opts():: HTTP protocol options.
+http_version() :: 'HTTP/2' | 'HTTP/1.1' | 'HTTP/1.0'
-Start listening for HTTPS connections. Returns the pid for this
-listener's supervisor.
+HTTP version.
-=== stop_listener(Ref) -> ok | {error, not_found}
+Note that semantically, HTTP/1.1 and HTTP/2 are equivalent.
-Ref = ranch:ref():: Listener name.
+=== opts()
-Stop a previously started listener.
+opts() :: map()
-=== set_env(Ref, Name, Value) -> ok
+Options for the HTTP/1.1, HTTP/2 and Websocket protocols.
-Ref = ranch:ref():: Listener name.
-Name = atom():: Name of environment value.
-Value = any():: Environment value.
+The protocol options are in a map containing all the options for
+the different protocols that may be involved when connecting
+to the listener, including HTTP/1.1 and HTTP/2 but also
+subprotocols like Websocket.
+// @todo For Websocket this might change in the future.
-Set or update an environment value for an already running listener.
-This will take effect on all subsequent connections.
+The HTTP/1.1 options are documented in the
+link:man:cowboy_http(3)[cowboy_http(3)] manual;
+the HTTP/2 options in
+and the Websocket options in
== See also
-The http://ninenines.eu/docs/en/ranch/HEAD/guide[Ranch guide]
-provides detailed information about how listeners work.
diff --git a/doc/src/manual/cowboy.set_env.asciidoc b/doc/src/manual/cowboy.set_env.asciidoc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0e67e3e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/src/manual/cowboy.set_env.asciidoc
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+= cowboy:set_env(3)
+== Name
+cowboy:set_env - Update a listener's environment value
+== Description
+set_env(Name :: ranch:ref(),
+ Key :: atom(),
+ Value :: any())
+ -> ok
+Set or update an environment value for a previously started
+This is most useful for updating the routes dynamically,
+without having to restart the listener.
+The new value will only be available to new connections.
+Pre-existing connections will still use the old value.
+== Arguments
+The name of the listener to update.
+The name of the listener is the first argument given to the
+link:man:cowboy:start_tls(3)[cowboy:start_tls(3)] or
+link:man:ranch:start_listener(3)[ranch:start_listener(3)] function.
+The key in the environment map. Common keys include `dispatch`
+and `middlewares`.
+The new value.
+The type of the value differs depending on the key.
+== Return value
+The atom `ok` is returned on success.
+An `exit:badarg` exception is thrown when the listener does
+not exist.
+== Changelog
+* *1.0*: Function introduced.
+== Examples
+.Update a listener's routes
+Dispatch = cowboy_router:compile([
+ {'_', [
+ {"/", toppage_h, []},
+ {"/ws", websocket_h, []}
+ ]}
+cowboy:set_env(example, dispatch, Dispatch).
+== See also
diff --git a/doc/src/manual/cowboy.start_clear.asciidoc b/doc/src/manual/cowboy.start_clear.asciidoc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4903426
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/src/manual/cowboy.start_clear.asciidoc
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+= cowboy:start_clear(3)
+== Name
+cowboy:start_clear - Listen for connections using plain TCP
+== Description
+start_clear(Name :: ranch:ref(),
+ NumAcceptors :: non_neg_integer(),
+ TransportOpts :: ranch_tcp:opts(),
+ ProtocolOpts :: opts())
+ -> {ok, ListenerPid :: pid()}
+ | {error, any()}
+Start listening for connections over a clear TCP channel.
+Both HTTP/1.1 and HTTP/2 are supported on this listener.
+HTTP/2 has two methods of establishing a connection over
+a clear TCP channel. Both the upgrade and the prior knowledge
+methods are supported.
+== Arguments
+The listener name is used to refer to this listener in
+future calls, for example when stopping it or when
+updating the routes defined.
+It can be any Erlang term. An atom is generally good enough,
+for example `api`, `my_app_clear` or `my_app_tls`.
+The number of acceptors is the number of processes that
+will accept connections. Tweak this value to improve the
+accept rate for incoming connections.
+The ideal value is between 10 and 100 on most systems.
+Larger values may have the opposite effect and reduce the
+accept rate. It's generally safe to start with a value of
+100 (or 10 on low memory systems). Then, when accept rates
+become a concern, measure the performance and update the
+value accordingly.
+This value is unrelated to the maximum number of concurrent
+The transport options are where the TCP options, including
+the listener's port number, are defined. Transport options
+are provided as a list of keys and values, for example
+`[{port, 8080}]`.
+The available options are documented in the
+link:man:ranch_tcp(3)[ranch_tcp(3)] manual.
+The protocol options are in a map containing all the options for
+the different protocols that may be involved when connecting
+to the listener, including HTTP/1.1 and HTTP/2 but also
+subprotocols like Websocket.
+// @todo For Websocket this might change in the future.
+The HTTP/1.1 options are documented in the
+link:man:cowboy_http(3)[cowboy_http(3)] manual;
+the HTTP/2 options in
+and the Websocket options in
+== Return value
+An ok tuple is returned on success. It contains the pid of
+the top-level supervisor for the listener.
+An error tuple is returned on error. The error reason may
+be any Erlang term.
+A common error is `eaddrinuse`. It indicates that the port
+configured for Cowboy is already in use.
+== Changelog
+* *2.0*: HTTP/2 support added.
+* *2.0*: Function introduced. Replaces `cowboy:start_http/4`.
+== Examples
+.Start a listener
+Dispatch = cowboy_router:compile([
+ {'_', [
+ {"/", toppage_h, []}
+ ]}
+{ok, _} = cowboy:start_clear(example, 100, [{port, 8080}], #{
+ env => #{dispatch => Dispatch}
+.Start a listener on a random port
+Name = example,
+{ok, _} = cowboy:start_clear(Name, 100, [], #{
+ env => #{dispatch => Dispatch}
+Port = ranch:get_port(Name).
+== See also
diff --git a/doc/src/manual/cowboy.start_tls.asciidoc b/doc/src/manual/cowboy.start_tls.asciidoc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b85abe6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/src/manual/cowboy.start_tls.asciidoc
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+= cowboy:start_tls(3)
+== Name
+cowboy:start_tls - Listen for connections using TLS
+== Description
+start_tls(Name :: ranch:ref(),
+ NumAcceptors :: non_neg_integer(),
+ TransportOpts :: ranch_ssl:opts(),
+ ProtocolOpts :: opts())
+ -> {ok, ListenerPid :: pid()}
+ | {error, any()}
+Start listening for connections over a secure TLS channel.
+Both HTTP/1.1 and HTTP/2 are supported on this listener.
+The ALPN TLS extension must be used to initiate an HTTP/2
+== Arguments
+The listener name is used to refer to this listener in
+future calls, for example when stopping it or when
+updating the routes defined.
+It can be any Erlang term. An atom is generally good enough,
+for example `api`, `my_app_clear` or `my_app_tls`.
+The number of acceptors is the number of processes that
+will accept connections. Tweak this value to improve the
+accept rate for incoming connections.
+The ideal value is between 10 and 100 on most systems.
+Larger values may have the opposite effect and reduce the
+accept rate. It's generally safe to start with a value of
+100 (or 10 on low memory systems). Then, when accept rates
+become a concern, measure the performance and update the
+value accordingly.
+This value is unrelated to the maximum number of concurrent
+The transport options are where the TCP options, including
+the listener's port number, are defined. They also contain
+the TLS options, like the server's certificate. Transport options
+are provided as a list of keys and values, for example
+`[{port, 8443}, {certfile, "path/to/cert.pem"}]`.
+The available options are documented in the
+link:man:ranch_ssl(3)[ranch_ssl(3)] manual.
+The protocol options are in a map containing all the options for
+the different protocols that may be involved when connecting
+to the listener, including HTTP/1.1 and HTTP/2 but also
+subprotocols like Websocket.
+// @todo For Websocket this might change in the future.
+The HTTP/1.1 options are documented in the
+link:man:cowboy_http(3)[cowboy_http(3)] manual;
+the HTTP/2 options in
+and the Websocket options in
+== Return value
+An ok tuple is returned on success. It contains the pid of
+the top-level supervisor for the listener.
+An error tuple is returned on error. The error reason may
+be any Erlang term.
+A common error is `eaddrinuse`. It indicates that the port
+configured for Cowboy is already in use.
+== Changelog
+* *2.0*: HTTP/2 support added.
+* *2.0*: Function introduced. Replaces `cowboy:start_https/4`.
+== Examples
+.Start a listener
+Dispatch = cowboy_router:compile([
+ {'_', [
+ {"/", toppage_h, []}
+ ]}
+{ok, _} = cowboy:start_tls(example, 100, [
+ {port, 8443},
+ {cert, "path/to/cert.pem"}
+], #{
+ env => #{dispatch => Dispatch}
+.Start a listener on a random port
+Name = example,
+{ok, _} = cowboy:start_tls(Name, 100, [
+ {cert, "path/to/cert.pem"}
+], #{
+ env => #{dispatch => Dispatch}
+Port = ranch:get_port(Name).
+== See also
diff --git a/doc/src/manual/cowboy.stop_listener.asciidoc b/doc/src/manual/cowboy.stop_listener.asciidoc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7998189
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/src/manual/cowboy.stop_listener.asciidoc
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+= cowboy:stop_listener(3)
+== Name
+cowboy:stop_listener - Stop the given listener
+== Description
+stop_listener(Name :: ranch:ref())
+ -> ok | {error, not_found}.
+Stop a previously started listener.
+Alias of link:man:ranch:stop_listener(3)[ranch:stop_listener(3)].
+== Arguments
+The name of the listener to be stopped.
+The name of the listener is the first argument given to the
+link:man:cowboy:start_tls(3)[cowboy:start_tls(3)] or
+link:man:ranch:start_listener(3)[ranch:start_listener(3)] function.
+== Return value
+The atom `ok` is returned on success.
+The `{error, not_found}` tuple is returned when the listener
+does not exist.
+== Changelog
+* *1.0*: Function introduced.
+== Examples
+.Stop a listener
+ok = cowboy:stop_listener(example).
+== See also