diff options
authorLoïc Hoguin <[email protected]>2017-04-10 16:37:01 +0200
committerLoïc Hoguin <[email protected]>2017-04-10 16:37:01 +0200
commitc2beff712695199f0189906615146d2770843dc5 (patch)
parent10dfd8c910bce3ae71146f8f13eef25b34ec093a (diff)
Initial cowboy_stream manual
2 files changed, 394 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/doc/src/manual/cowboy_app.asciidoc b/doc/src/manual/cowboy_app.asciidoc
index 29c4497..4c5ad69 100644
--- a/doc/src/manual/cowboy_app.asciidoc
+++ b/doc/src/manual/cowboy_app.asciidoc
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Handlers:
* link:man:cowboy_static(3)[cowboy_static(3)] - Static file handler
// @todo What about cowboy_stream_h?
+// @todo cowboy_compress_h
@@ -41,7 +42,7 @@ Behaviors:
* link:man:cowboy_loop(3)[cowboy_loop(3)] - Loop handlers
* link:man:cowboy_middleware(3)[cowboy_middleware(3)] - Middlewares
* link:man:cowboy_rest(3)[cowboy_rest(3)] - REST handlers
-// @todo * link:man:cowboy_stream(3)[cowboy_stream(3)] - Stream handlers
+* link:man:cowboy_stream(3)[cowboy_stream(3)] - Stream handlers
// @todo * link:man:cowboy_sub_protocol(3)[cowboy_sub_protocol(3)] - Sub protocols
* link:man:cowboy_websocket(3)[cowboy_websocket(3)] - Websocket handlers
diff --git a/doc/src/manual/cowboy_stream.asciidoc b/doc/src/manual/cowboy_stream.asciidoc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d332752
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/src/manual/cowboy_stream.asciidoc
@@ -0,0 +1,392 @@
+= cowboy_stream(3)
+== Name
+cowboy_handler - Stream handlers
+== Description
+The module `cowboy_stream` defines a callback interface
+and a protocol for handling HTTP streams.
+An HTTP request and its associated response is called
+a stream. A connection may have many streams. In HTTP/1.1
+they are executed sequentially, while in HTTP/2 they are
+executed concurrently.
+Cowboy calls the stream handler for nearly all events
+related to a stream. Exceptions vary depending on the
+== Callbacks
+Stream handlers must implement the following interface:
+init(StreamID, Req, Opts) -> {Commands, State}
+data(StreamID, IsFin, Data, State) -> {Commands, State}
+info(StreamID, Info, State) -> {Commands, State}
+terminate(StreamID, Reason, State) -> any()
+early_error(StreamID, Reason, PartialReq, Resp, Opts) -> Resp
+StreamID :: cowboy_stream:streamid()
+Req :: cowboy_req:req()
+Opts :: cowboy:opts()
+Commands :: cowboy_stream:commands()
+State :: any()
+IsFin :: cowboy_stream:fin()
+Data :: binary()
+Info :: any()
+Reason :: cowboy_stream:reason()
+PartialReq - cowboy_req:req(), except all fields are optional
+Resp :: cowboy_stream:resp_command()
+HTTP/1.1 will initialize a stream only when the request-line
+and all headers have been received. When errors occur before
+that point Cowboy will call the callback `early_error/5`
+with a partial request, the error reason and the response
+Cowboy intends to send. All other events go throuh the
+stream handler using the normal callbacks.
+HTTP/2 will initialize the stream when the `HEADERS` block has
+been fully received and decoded. Any protocol error occuring
+before that will not result in a response being sent and
+will therefore not go through the stream handler. In addition
+Cowboy may terminate streams without sending an HTTP response
+The stream is initialized by calling `init/3`. All streams
+that are initialized will eventually be terminated by calling
+When Cowboy receives data for the stream it will call `data/4`.
+The data given is the request body after any transfer decoding
+has been applied.
+When Cowboy receives a message addressed to a stream, or when
+Cowboy needs to inform the stream handler that an internal
+event has occurred, it will call `info/3`.
+== Commands
+Stream handlers can return a list of commands to be executed
+from the `init/3`, `data/4` and `info/3` callbacks. In addition,
+the `early_error/5` callback must return a response command.
+// @todo We need a 'log' command that would call error_logger.
+// It's better than doing in the handlers directly because
+// then we can have other stream handlers manipulate those logs.
+// @todo We need a command to send a message so that other
+// stream handlers can manipulate these messages if necessary.
+The following commands are defined:
+=== response
+Send a response to the client.
+{response, cowboy:http_status(), cowboy:http_headers(),
+ cowboy_req:resp_body()}
+No more data can be sent after this command.
+=== headers
+Initiate a response to the client.
+{headers, cowboy:http_status(), cowboy:http_headers()}
+This initiates a response to the client. The stream
+will end when a data command with the `fin` flag is
+=== data
+Send data to the client.
+{data, fin(), iodata()}
+=== push
+Push a resource to the client.
+{push, Method, Scheme, Host, inet:port_number(),
+ Path, Qs, cowboy:http_headers()}
+Method = Scheme = Host = Path = Qs = binary()
+The command will be ignored if the protocol does not provide
+any server push mechanism.
+=== flow
+=== spawn
+Inform Cowboy that a process was spawned and should be
+{spawn, pid(), timeout()}
+=== error_response
+Send an error response if no response was sent previously.
+{error_response, cowboy:http_status(), cowboy:http_headers(), iodata()}
+=== switch_protocol
+Switch to a different protocol.
+{switch_protocol, cowboy:http_headers(), module(), state()}
+Contains the headers that will be sent in the 101 response,
+along with the module implementing the protocol we are
+switching to and its initial state.
+=== stop
+Stop the stream.
+While no more data can be sent after the `fin` flag was set,
+the stream is still tracked by Cowboy until it is stopped by
+the handler.
+The behavior when stopping a stream for which no response
+has been sent will vary depending on the protocol. The stream
+will end successfully as far as the client is concerned.
+To indicate that an error occurred, either use `error_response`
+before stopping, or use `internal_error`.
+=== internal_error
+Stop the stream with an error.
+{internal_error, Reason, HumanReadable}
+Reason = any()
+HumanReadable = atom()
+This command should be used when the stream cannot continue
+because of an internal error. An `error_response` command
+may be sent before that to advertise to the client why the
+stream is dropped.
+== Predefined events
+Cowboy will forward all messages sent to the stream to
+the `info/3` callback. To send a message to a stream,
+send a message to the connection process with the form
+`{{Pid, StreamID}, Msg}`. The connection process will
+then forward `Msg` to the stream handlers.
+Cowboy will also forward the exit signals for the
+processes that the stream spawned.
+=== EXIT
+//info(_StreamID, {'EXIT', Pid, normal}, State=#state{pid=Pid}) ->
+//info(_StreamID, {'EXIT', Pid, {_Reason, [_, {cow_http_hd, _, _, _}|_]}}, State=#state{pid=Pid}) ->
+//info(StreamID, Exit = {'EXIT', Pid, {Reason, Stacktrace}}, State=#state{ref=Ref, pid=Pid}) ->
+A process spawned by this stream has exited.
+{'EXIT', pid(), any()}
+This is the raw exit message without any modification.
+// === read_body
+// //info(_StreamID, {read_body, Ref, Length, _},
+// //info(StreamID, {read_body, Ref, Length, Period}, State) ->
+// TODO yeah I am not actually sure this one should be public just yet
+// TODO if it is, then we probably shouldn't send a message directly,
+// TODO but rather return a command that will end up sending the message
+// TODO The problem being that no stream handler has access to that
+// TODO message if we send it directly. So we should have a command
+// TODO send_message or something that can be seen from all handlers.
+// TODO The thing is that stream handlers can have 0 to N processes
+// TODO so we have to make it easy to say which process should
+// TODO receive the message, and perhaps *identify* which process
+// TODO gets it?
+=== response
+Same as the xref:response_command[response command].
+Usually sent when the request process replies to the client.
+May also be sent by Cowboy internally.
+=== headers
+Same as the xref:headers_command[headers command].
+Sent when the request process starts replying to the client.
+=== data
+Same as the xref:data_command[data command].
+Sent when the request process streams data to the client.
+=== push
+Same as the xref:push_command[push command].
+Sent when the request process pushes a resource to the client.
+=== switch_protocol
+Same as the xref:switch_protocol_command[switch_protocol command].
+// @todo Not done for HTTP/2 yet.
+Sent when switching to the HTTP/2 or Websocket protocol.
+== Exports
+The following function should be called by modules implementing
+stream handlers to execute the next stream handler in the list:
+* link:man:cowboy_stream:init(3)[cowboy_stream:init(3)] - Initialize a stream
+* link:man:cowboy_stream:data(3)[cowboy_stream:data(3)] - Handle data for a stream
+* link:man:cowboy_stream:info(3)[cowboy_stream:info(3)] - Handle a message for a stream
+* link:man:cowboy_stream:terminate(3)[cowboy_stream:terminate(3)] - Terminate a stream
+* link:man:cowboy_stream:early_error(3)[cowboy_stream:early_error(3)] - Handle an early error for a stream
+== Types
+=== commands()
+commands() :: [Command]
+See the xref:commands[list of commands] for details.
+=== fin()
+fin() :: fin | nofin
+Used in commands and events to indicate that this is
+the end of the stream.
+=== partial_req()
+req() :: #{
+ method => binary(), %% case sensitive
+ version => cowboy:http_version() | atom(),
+ scheme => binary(), %% lowercase; case insensitive
+ host => binary(), %% lowercase; case insensitive
+ port => inet:port_number(),
+ path => binary(), %% case sensitive
+ qs => binary(), %% case sensitive
+ headers => cowboy:http_headers(),
+ peer => {inet:ip_address(), inet:port_number()}
+Partial request information received when an early error is
+=== reason()
+reason() :: normal
+ | {internal_error, timeout | {error | exit | throw, any()}, HumanReadable}
+ | {socket_error, closed | atom(), HumanReadable}
+ | {stream_error, Error, HumanReadable}
+ | {connection_error, Error, HumanReadable}
+ | {stop, cow_http2:frame(), HumanReadable}
+Error = atom()
+HumanReadable = atom()
+Reason for the stream termination.
+=== resp_command()
+resp_command() :: {response, cowboy:http_status(),
+ cowboy:http_headers(), cowboy_req:resp_body()}
+See the xref:response_command[response command] for details.
+=== streamid()
+streamid() :: any()
+The identifier for this stream.
+The identifier is unique over the connection process.
+It is possible to form a unique identifier node-wide and
+cluster-wide by wrapping it in a `{self(), StreamID}`
+== Changelog
+* *2.0*: Module introduced.
+== See also