diff options
authorLoïc Hoguin <[email protected]>2018-04-29 11:29:26 +0200
committerLoïc Hoguin <[email protected]>2018-04-29 17:39:48 +0200
commit84b4128d068cddc37bbb45e755044183f3e9cd97 (patch)
parent2db5ffbf842e0aeb0ae11484b8c247bbfdcf5e9e (diff)
Receive and ignore HTTP/2 request trailers if any
This is a first step toward properly supporting request trailers.
2 files changed, 192 insertions, 22 deletions
diff --git a/src/cowboy_http2.erl b/src/cowboy_http2.erl
index 9bd1bda..bb075ed 100644
--- a/src/cowboy_http2.erl
+++ b/src/cowboy_http2.erl
@@ -420,14 +420,28 @@ frame(State0=#state{remote_window=ConnWindow, streams=Streams, lingering_streams
frame(State, {headers, StreamID, _, _, _}) when StreamID rem 2 =:= 0 ->
terminate(State, {connection_error, protocol_error,
'HEADERS frame received with even-numbered streamid. (RFC7540 5.1.1)'});
-%% HEADERS frame received on (half-)closed stream.
-%% We always close the connection here to avoid having to decode
-%% the headers to not waste resources on non-compliant clients.
-frame(State=#state{client_streamid=LastStreamID}, {headers, StreamID, _, _, _})
+%% Either a HEADERS frame received on (half-)closed stream,
+%% or a HEADERS frame containing the trailers.
+frame(State=#state{client_streamid=LastStreamID, streams=Streams},
+ {headers, StreamID, IsFin, IsHeadFin, HeaderBlockOrFragment})
when StreamID =< LastStreamID ->
- terminate(State, {connection_error, stream_closed,
- 'HEADERS frame received on a stream in closed or half-closed state. (RFC7540 5.1)'});
+ case lists:keyfind(StreamID, #stream.id, Streams) of
+ Stream = #stream{remote=nofin} when IsFin =:= fin ->
+ case IsHeadFin of
+ head_fin ->
+ stream_decode_trailers(State, Stream, HeaderBlockOrFragment);
+ head_nofin ->
+ State#state{parse_state={continuation, StreamID, IsFin, HeaderBlockOrFragment}}
+ end;
+ %% We always close the connection here to avoid having to decode
+ %% the headers to not waste resources on non-compliant clients.
+ #stream{remote=nofin} when IsFin =:= nofin ->
+ terminate(State, {connection_error, protocol_error,
+ 'Trailing HEADERS frame received without the END_STREAM flag set. (RFC7540 8.1, RFC7540'});
+ _ ->
+ terminate(State, {connection_error, stream_closed,
+ 'HEADERS frame received on a stream in closed or half-closed state. (RFC7540 5.1)'})
+ end;
%% Single HEADERS frame headers block.
frame(State, {headers, StreamID, IsFin, head_fin, HeaderBlock}) ->
%% @todo We probably need to validate StreamID here and in 4 next clauses.
@@ -544,10 +558,17 @@ frame(State, {continuation, _, _, _}) ->
terminate(State, {connection_error, protocol_error,
'CONTINUATION frames MUST be preceded by a HEADERS frame. (RFC7540 6.10)'}).
-continuation_frame(State=#state{parse_state={continuation, StreamID, IsFin, HeaderBlockFragment0}},
+continuation_frame(State=#state{client_streamid=LastStreamID, streams=Streams,
+ parse_state={continuation, StreamID, IsFin, HeaderBlockFragment0}},
{continuation, StreamID, head_fin, HeaderBlockFragment1}) ->
- stream_decode_init(State#state{parse_state=normal}, StreamID, IsFin,
- << HeaderBlockFragment0/binary, HeaderBlockFragment1/binary >>);
+ HeaderBlock = << HeaderBlockFragment0/binary, HeaderBlockFragment1/binary >>,
+ case StreamID > LastStreamID of
+ true -> %% New stream.
+ stream_decode_init(State#state{parse_state=normal}, StreamID, IsFin, HeaderBlock);
+ false -> %% Trailers.
+ Stream = lists:keyfind(StreamID, #stream.id, Streams),
+ stream_decode_trailers(State, Stream, HeaderBlock)
+ end;
continuation_frame(State=#state{parse_state={continuation, StreamID, IsFin, HeaderBlockFragment0}},
{continuation, StreamID, head_nofin, HeaderBlockFragment1}) ->
State#state{parse_state={continuation, StreamID, IsFin,
@@ -1181,6 +1202,34 @@ stream_handler_init(State=#state{opts=Opts,
'Unhandled exception in cowboy_stream:init/3.'})
+stream_decode_trailers(State=#state{decode_state=DecodeState0}, Stream, HeaderBlock) ->
+ try cow_hpack:decode(HeaderBlock, DecodeState0) of
+ {Headers, DecodeState} ->
+ stream_reject_pseudo_headers_in_trailers(State#state{decode_state=DecodeState},
+ Stream#stream{remote=fin}, Headers)
+ catch _:_ ->
+ terminate(State, {connection_error, compression_error,
+ 'Error while trying to decode HPACK-encoded header block. (RFC7540 4.3)'})
+ end.
+stream_reject_pseudo_headers_in_trailers(State, Stream=#stream{id=StreamID}, Headers) ->
+ case has_pseudo_header(Headers) of
+ false ->
+ %% @todo There's probably a number of regular headers forbidden too.
+ %% @todo Propagate trailers.
+ after_commands(State, Stream);
+ true ->
+ stream_reset(State, StreamID, {stream_error, protocol_error,
+ 'Trailer header blocks must not contain pseudo-headers. (RFC7540'})
+ end.
+has_pseudo_header([]) ->
+ false;
+has_pseudo_header([{<<":", _/bits>>, _}|_]) ->
+ true;
+has_pseudo_header([_|Tail]) ->
+ has_pseudo_header(Tail).
%% @todo Don't send an RST_STREAM if one was already sent.
stream_reset(State=#state{socket=Socket, transport=Transport}, StreamID, StreamError) ->
Reason = case StreamError of
diff --git a/test/rfc7540_SUITE.erl b/test/rfc7540_SUITE.erl
index 85e83a5..3d8bac4 100644
--- a/test/rfc7540_SUITE.erl
+++ b/test/rfc7540_SUITE.erl
@@ -3173,6 +3173,114 @@ settings_initial_window_size_reject_overflow(Config) ->
% behavior. These MAY be treated by an implementation as being
% equivalent to INTERNAL_ERROR.
+accept_trailers(Config) ->
+ doc("Trailing HEADERS frames must be accepted. (RFC7540 8.1)"),
+ {ok, Socket} = do_handshake(Config),
+ %% Send a request containing DATA and trailing HEADERS frames.
+ {HeadersBlock, EncodeState} = cow_hpack:encode([
+ {<<":method">>, <<"POST">>},
+ {<<":scheme">>, <<"http">>},
+ {<<":authority">>, <<"localhost">>}, %% @todo Correct port number.
+ {<<":path">>, <<"/long_polling">>},
+ {<<"trailer">>, <<"x-checksum">>}
+ ]),
+ {TrailersBlock, _} = cow_hpack:encode([
+ {<<"x-checksum">>, <<"md5:4cc909a007407f3706399b6496babec3">>}
+ ], EncodeState),
+ ok = gen_tcp:send(Socket, [
+ cow_http2:headers(1, nofin, HeadersBlock),
+ cow_http2:data(1, nofin, <<0:10000/unit:8>>),
+ cow_http2:headers(1, fin, TrailersBlock)
+ ]),
+ %% Receive a HEADERS frame as a response.
+ {ok, << _:24, 1:8, _:40 >>} = gen_tcp:recv(Socket, 9, 6000),
+ ok.
+accept_trailers_continuation(Config) ->
+ doc("Trailing HEADERS and CONTINUATION frames must be accepted. (RFC7540 8.1)"),
+ {ok, Socket} = do_handshake(Config),
+ %% Send a request containing DATA and trailing HEADERS and CONTINUATION frames.
+ {HeadersBlock, EncodeState} = cow_hpack:encode([
+ {<<":method">>, <<"POST">>},
+ {<<":scheme">>, <<"http">>},
+ {<<":authority">>, <<"localhost">>}, %% @todo Correct port number.
+ {<<":path">>, <<"/long_polling">>},
+ {<<"trailer">>, <<"x-checksum">>}
+ ]),
+ {TrailersBlock, _} = cow_hpack:encode([
+ {<<"x-checksum">>, <<"md5:4cc909a007407f3706399b6496babec3">>}
+ ], EncodeState),
+ Len = iolist_size(TrailersBlock),
+ ok = gen_tcp:send(Socket, [
+ cow_http2:headers(1, nofin, HeadersBlock),
+ cow_http2:data(1, nofin, <<0:10000/unit:8>>),
+ <<0:24, 1:8, 0:7, 1:1, 0:1, 1:31>>,
+ <<Len:24, 9:8, 0:5, 1:1, 0:3, 1:31>>,
+ TrailersBlock
+ ]),
+ %% Receive a HEADERS frame as a response.
+ {ok, << _:24, 1:8, _:40 >>} = gen_tcp:recv(Socket, 9, 6000),
+ ok.
+%% We reject all invalid HEADERS with a connection error because
+%% we do not want to waste resources decoding them.
+reject_trailers_nofin(Config) ->
+ doc("Trailing HEADERS frames received without the END_STREAM flag "
+ "set must be rejected with a PROTOCOL_ERROR connection error. "
+ "(RFC7540 8.1, RFC7540"),
+ {ok, Socket} = do_handshake(Config),
+ %% Send a request containing DATA and trailing HEADERS frames.
+ %% The trailing HEADERS does not have the END_STREAM flag set.
+ {HeadersBlock, EncodeState} = cow_hpack:encode([
+ {<<":method">>, <<"POST">>},
+ {<<":scheme">>, <<"http">>},
+ {<<":authority">>, <<"localhost">>}, %% @todo Correct port number.
+ {<<":path">>, <<"/long_polling">>},
+ {<<"trailer">>, <<"x-checksum">>}
+ ]),
+ {TrailersBlock, _} = cow_hpack:encode([
+ {<<"x-checksum">>, <<"md5:4cc909a007407f3706399b6496babec3">>}
+ ], EncodeState),
+ ok = gen_tcp:send(Socket, [
+ cow_http2:headers(1, nofin, HeadersBlock),
+ cow_http2:data(1, nofin, <<0:10000/unit:8>>),
+ cow_http2:headers(1, nofin, TrailersBlock)
+ ]),
+ %% Receive a PROTOCOL_ERROR connection error.
+ {ok, << _:24, 7:8, _:72, 1:32 >>} = gen_tcp:recv(Socket, 17, 6000),
+ ok.
+%% We reject all invalid HEADERS with a connection error because
+%% we do not want to waste resources decoding them.
+reject_trailers_nofin_continuation(Config) ->
+ doc("Trailing HEADERS frames received without the END_STREAM flag "
+ "set must be rejected with a PROTOCOL_ERROR connection error. "
+ "(RFC7540 8.1, RFC7540"),
+ {ok, Socket} = do_handshake(Config),
+ %% Send a request containing DATA and trailing HEADERS and CONTINUATION frames.
+ %% The trailing HEADERS does not have the END_STREAM flag set.
+ {HeadersBlock, EncodeState} = cow_hpack:encode([
+ {<<":method">>, <<"POST">>},
+ {<<":scheme">>, <<"http">>},
+ {<<":authority">>, <<"localhost">>}, %% @todo Correct port number.
+ {<<":path">>, <<"/long_polling">>},
+ {<<"trailer">>, <<"x-checksum">>}
+ ]),
+ {TrailersBlock, _} = cow_hpack:encode([
+ {<<"x-checksum">>, <<"md5:4cc909a007407f3706399b6496babec3">>}
+ ], EncodeState),
+ Len = iolist_size(TrailersBlock),
+ ok = gen_tcp:send(Socket, [
+ cow_http2:headers(1, nofin, HeadersBlock),
+ cow_http2:data(1, nofin, <<0:10000/unit:8>>),
+ <<0:24, 1:8, 0:9, 1:31>>,
+ <<Len:24, 9:8, 0:5, 1:1, 0:3, 1:31>>,
+ TrailersBlock
+ ]),
+ %% Receive a PROTOCOL_ERROR connection error.
+ {ok, << _:24, 7:8, _:72, 1:32 >>} = gen_tcp:recv(Socket, 17, 6000),
+ ok.
headers_informational_nofin(Config) ->
doc("Informational HEADERS frames must not have the END_STREAM flag set. (RFC7540 8.1)"),
{ok, Socket} = do_handshake(Config),
@@ -3194,13 +3302,6 @@ headers_informational_nofin(Config) ->
{_, <<"100">>} = lists:keyfind(<<":status">>, 1, RespHeaders),
-%% (RFC7540 8.1)
-% A HEADERS frame (and associated CONTINUATION frames) can only appear
-% at the start or end of a stream. An endpoint that receives a HEADERS
-% frame without the END_STREAM flag set after receiving a final (non-
-% informational) status code MUST treat the corresponding request or
-% response as malformed (Section
%% @todo This one is interesting to implement because Cowboy DOES this.
% A server can
% send a complete response prior to the client sending an entire
@@ -3261,11 +3362,31 @@ reject_unknown_pseudo_headers(Config) ->
{ok, << _:24, 3:8, _:8, 1:32, 1:32 >>} = gen_tcp:recv(Socket, 13, 6000),
-%% @todo Implement request trailers. reject_pseudo_headers_in_trailers(Config) ->
-% Pseudo-header fields MUST NOT appear in trailers.
-% Endpoints MUST treat a request or response that contains
-% undefined or invalid pseudo-header fields as malformed
-% (Section
+reject_pseudo_headers_in_trailers(Config) ->
+ doc("Requests containing pseudo-headers in trailers must be rejected "
+ "with a PROTOCOL_ERROR stream error. (RFC7540, RFC7540"),
+ {ok, Socket} = do_handshake(Config),
+ %% Send a request containing DATA and trailing HEADERS frames.
+ %% The trailing HEADERS contains pseudo-headers.
+ {HeadersBlock, EncodeState} = cow_hpack:encode([
+ {<<":method">>, <<"POST">>},
+ {<<":scheme">>, <<"http">>},
+ {<<":authority">>, <<"localhost">>}, %% @todo Correct port number.
+ {<<":path">>, <<"/long_polling">>},
+ {<<"trailer">>, <<"x-checksum">>}
+ ]),
+ {TrailersBlock, _} = cow_hpack:encode([
+ {<<"x-checksum">>, <<"md5:4cc909a007407f3706399b6496babec3">>},
+ {<<":path">>, <<"/">>}
+ ], EncodeState),
+ ok = gen_tcp:send(Socket, [
+ cow_http2:headers(1, nofin, HeadersBlock),
+ cow_http2:data(1, nofin, <<0:10000/unit:8>>),
+ cow_http2:headers(1, fin, TrailersBlock)
+ ]),
+ %% Receive a PROTOCOL_ERROR stream error.
+ {ok, << _:24, 3:8, _:8, 1:32, 1:32 >>} = gen_tcp:recv(Socket, 13, 6000),
+ ok.
reject_pseudo_headers_after_regular_headers(Config) ->
doc("Requests containing pseudo-headers after regular headers must be rejected "