diff options
authorLoïc Hoguin <[email protected]>2021-05-12 10:24:40 +0200
committerLoïc Hoguin <[email protected]>2021-05-12 10:24:40 +0200
commit04ca4c5d31a92d4d3de087bbd7d6021dc4a6d409 (patch)
parent136e74fc512cc410708da2827f7e3a919feb9ac1 (diff)
7 files changed, 413 insertions, 11 deletions
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 7d41be5..acfe98c 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
PROJECT = cowboy
PROJECT_DESCRIPTION = Small, fast, modern HTTP server.
# Options.
diff --git a/doc/src/guide/book.asciidoc b/doc/src/guide/book.asciidoc
index 0b01b22..0edb99a 100644
--- a/doc/src/guide/book.asciidoc
+++ b/doc/src/guide/book.asciidoc
@@ -75,6 +75,8 @@ include::performance.asciidoc[Performance]
= Additional information
+include::migrating_from_2.8.asciidoc[Migrating from Cowboy 2.8 to 2.9]
include::migrating_from_2.7.asciidoc[Migrating from Cowboy 2.7 to 2.8]
include::migrating_from_2.6.asciidoc[Migrating from Cowboy 2.6 to 2.7]
diff --git a/doc/src/guide/getting_started.asciidoc b/doc/src/guide/getting_started.asciidoc
index 7bf97e3..7104d9a 100644
--- a/doc/src/guide/getting_started.asciidoc
+++ b/doc/src/guide/getting_started.asciidoc
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ fetch and compile Cowboy:
PROJECT = hello_erlang
DEPS = cowboy
-dep_cowboy_commit = 2.8.0
+dep_cowboy_commit = 2.9.0
DEP_PLUGINS = cowboy
diff --git a/doc/src/guide/migrating_from_2.8.asciidoc b/doc/src/guide/migrating_from_2.8.asciidoc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a3a0e7c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/src/guide/migrating_from_2.8.asciidoc
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+== Migrating from Cowboy 2.8 to 2.9
+Cowboy 2.9 implements graceful shutdown of connection
+processes for both HTTP/1.1 and HTTP/2 connections.
+Cowboy 2.9 is the first release to support the much
+awaited Erlang/OTP 24 out of the box. While users that
+were using Ranch 2.0 already were ready for OTP 24,
+the Ranch version used by Cowboy out of the box was
+not compatible and had to be updated.
+Cowboy 2.9 also contains a small number of tweaks
+and bug fixes.
+Cowboy 2.9 requires Erlang/OTP 22.0 or greater.
+=== Features added
+* Cowboy will now gracefully shutdown HTTP/1.1 and HTTP/2
+ connections when the supervisor asks the connection
+ process to exit, or when `sys:terminate/2,3` is used.
+ Two new configuration options were added for HTTP/2
+ to determine the timeouts for the graceful shutdown
+ steps.
+* REST handler `AcceptCallback` can now return `{created, URI}`
+ or `{see_other, URI}` to determine what response status code
+ should be sent (typically to differentiate between a new
+ resource and an update). The return value `{true, URI}` is
+ now deprecated.
+* Update Ranch to 1.8.0.
+* Update Cowlib to 2.11.0.
+=== Bugs fixed
+* Fix concurrent body streaming getting stuck with HTTP/2.
+ The alarm could get into blocking state indefinitely
+ when two or more request processes were streaming bodies.
+* Fix HTTP/2 rate limiting using the wrong default values
+ in some cases.
+* Don't produce an error report when the request process
+ exited normally (`normal` or `shutdown` exit reasons).
+* Fix `cowboy_tracer_h` to support trace messages without
+ timestamps.
diff --git a/doc/src/manual/cowboy_http2.asciidoc b/doc/src/manual/cowboy_http2.asciidoc
index de632be..9be1de8 100644
--- a/doc/src/manual/cowboy_http2.asciidoc
+++ b/doc/src/manual/cowboy_http2.asciidoc
@@ -256,6 +256,8 @@ too many `WINDOW_UPDATE` frames.
== Changelog
+* *2.9*: The `goaway_initial_timeout` and `goaway_complete_timeout`
+ options were added.
* *2.8*: The `active_n` option was added.
* *2.8*: The `linger_timeout` option was added.
* *2.8*: The `max_received_frame_rate` default value has
diff --git a/ebin/cowboy.app b/ebin/cowboy.app
index b44c951..6c67d14 100644
--- a/ebin/cowboy.app
+++ b/ebin/cowboy.app
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
{application, 'cowboy', [
{description, "Small, fast, modern HTTP server."},
- {vsn, "2.8.0"},
+ {vsn, "2.9.0"},
{modules, ['cowboy','cowboy_app','cowboy_bstr','cowboy_children','cowboy_clear','cowboy_clock','cowboy_compress_h','cowboy_constraints','cowboy_handler','cowboy_http','cowboy_http2','cowboy_loop','cowboy_metrics_h','cowboy_middleware','cowboy_req','cowboy_rest','cowboy_router','cowboy_static','cowboy_stream','cowboy_stream_h','cowboy_sub_protocol','cowboy_sup','cowboy_tls','cowboy_tracer_h','cowboy_websocket']},
{registered, [cowboy_sup,cowboy_clock]},
{applications, [kernel,stdlib,crypto,cowlib,ranch]},
diff --git a/erlang.mk b/erlang.mk
index bb5f409..f152c37 100644
--- a/erlang.mk
+++ b/erlang.mk
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
ERLANG_MK_FILENAME := $(realpath $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST)))
# Make 3.81 and 3.82 are deprecated.
@@ -955,10 +955,10 @@ pkg_cr_commit = master
PACKAGES += cuttlefish
pkg_cuttlefish_name = cuttlefish
-pkg_cuttlefish_description = never lose your childlike sense of wonder baby cuttlefish, promise me?
-pkg_cuttlefish_homepage = https://github.com/basho/cuttlefish
+pkg_cuttlefish_description = cuttlefish configuration abstraction
+pkg_cuttlefish_homepage = https://github.com/Kyorai/cuttlefish
pkg_cuttlefish_fetch = git
-pkg_cuttlefish_repo = https://github.com/basho/cuttlefish
+pkg_cuttlefish_repo = https://github.com/Kyorai/cuttlefish
pkg_cuttlefish_commit = master
PACKAGES += damocles
@@ -2823,7 +2823,7 @@ pkg_mysql_description = MySQL client library for Erlang/OTP
pkg_mysql_homepage = https://github.com/mysql-otp/mysql-otp
pkg_mysql_fetch = git
pkg_mysql_repo = https://github.com/mysql-otp/mysql-otp
-pkg_mysql_commit = 1.5.1
+pkg_mysql_commit = 1.7.0
pkg_n2o_name = n2o
@@ -4692,8 +4692,19 @@ define dep_autopatch_rebar.erl
case file:consult("$(call core_native_path,$(DEPS_DIR)/$1/rebar.lock)") of
{ok, Lock} ->
io:format("~p~n", [Lock]),
- case lists:keyfind("1.1.0", 1, Lock) of
- {_, LockPkgs} ->
+ LockPkgs = case lists:keyfind("1.2.0", 1, Lock) of
+ {_, LP} ->
+ LP;
+ _ ->
+ case lists:keyfind("1.1.0", 1, Lock) of
+ {_, LP} ->
+ LP;
+ _ ->
+ false
+ end
+ end,
+ if
+ is_list(LockPkgs) ->
io:format("~p~n", [LockPkgs]),
case lists:keyfind(atom_to_binary(N, latin1), 1, LockPkgs) of
{_, {pkg, _, Vsn}, _} ->
@@ -4702,7 +4713,7 @@ define dep_autopatch_rebar.erl
_ ->
- _ ->
+ true ->
_ ->
@@ -6987,6 +6998,343 @@ apps-eunit: test-build
+# Copyright (c) 2020, Loïc Hoguin <[email protected]>
+# This file is part of erlang.mk and subject to the terms of the ISC License.
+HEX_CORE_GIT ?= https://github.com/hexpm/hex_core
+HEX_CORE_COMMIT ?= v0.7.0
+PACKAGES += hex_core
+pkg_hex_core_name = hex_core
+pkg_hex_core_description = Reference implementation of Hex specifications
+pkg_hex_core_homepage = $(HEX_CORE_GIT)
+pkg_hex_core_fetch = git
+pkg_hex_core_repo = $(HEX_CORE_GIT)
+pkg_hex_core_commit = $(HEX_CORE_COMMIT)
+# We automatically depend on hex_core when the project isn't already.
+$(if $(filter hex_core,$(DEPS) $(BUILD_DEPS) $(DOC_DEPS) $(REL_DEPS) $(TEST_DEPS)),,\
+ $(eval $(call dep_target,hex_core)))
+hex-core: $(DEPS_DIR)/hex_core
+ $(verbose) if [ ! -e $(DEPS_DIR)/hex_core/ebin/dep_built ]; then \
+ $(MAKE) -C $(DEPS_DIR)/hex_core IS_DEP=1; \
+ touch $(DEPS_DIR)/hex_core/ebin/dep_built; \
+ fi
+# @todo This must also apply to fetching.
+define hex_config.erl
+ begin
+ Config0 = hex_core:default_config(),
+ Config0$(HEX_CONFIG)
+ end
+define hex_user_create.erl
+ {ok, _} = application:ensure_all_started(ssl),
+ {ok, _} = application:ensure_all_started(inets),
+ Config = $(hex_config.erl),
+ case hex_api_user:create(Config, <<"$(strip $1)">>, <<"$(strip $2)">>, <<"$(strip $3)">>) of
+ {ok, {201, _, #{<<"email">> := Email, <<"url">> := URL, <<"username">> := Username}}} ->
+ io:format("User ~s (~s) created at ~s~n"
+ "Please check your inbox for a confirmation email.~n"
+ "You must confirm before you are allowed to publish packages.~n",
+ [Username, Email, URL]),
+ halt(0);
+ {ok, {Status, _, Errors}} ->
+ io:format("Error ~b: ~0p~n", [Status, Errors]),
+ halt(80)
+ end
+# The $(info ) call inserts a new line after the password prompt.
+hex-user-create: hex-core
+ $(if $(HEX_USERNAME),,$(eval HEX_USERNAME := $(shell read -p "Username: " username; echo $$username)))
+ $(if $(HEX_PASSWORD),,$(eval HEX_PASSWORD := $(shell stty -echo; read -p "Password: " password; stty echo; echo $$password) $(info )))
+ $(if $(HEX_EMAIL),,$(eval HEX_EMAIL := $(shell read -p "Email: " email; echo $$email)))
+ $(gen_verbose) $(call erlang,$(call hex_user_create.erl,$(HEX_USERNAME),$(HEX_PASSWORD),$(HEX_EMAIL)))
+define hex_key_add.erl
+ {ok, _} = application:ensure_all_started(ssl),
+ {ok, _} = application:ensure_all_started(inets),
+ Config = $(hex_config.erl),
+ ConfigF = Config#{api_key => iolist_to_binary([<<"Basic ">>, base64:encode(<<"$(strip $1):$(strip $2)">>)])},
+ Permissions = [
+ case string:split(P, <<":">>) of
+ [D] -> #{domain => D};
+ [D, R] -> #{domain => D, resource => R}
+ end
+ || P <- string:split(<<"$(strip $4)">>, <<",">>, all)],
+ case hex_api_key:add(ConfigF, <<"$(strip $3)">>, Permissions) of
+ {ok, {201, _, #{<<"secret">> := Secret}}} ->
+ io:format("Key ~s created for user ~s~nSecret: ~s~n"
+ "Please store the secret in a secure location, such as a password store.~n"
+ "The secret will be requested for most Hex-related operations.~n",
+ [<<"$(strip $3)">>, <<"$(strip $1)">>, Secret]),
+ halt(0);
+ {ok, {Status, _, Errors}} ->
+ io:format("Error ~b: ~0p~n", [Status, Errors]),
+ halt(81)
+ end
+hex-key-add: hex-core
+ $(if $(HEX_USERNAME),,$(eval HEX_USERNAME := $(shell read -p "Username: " username; echo $$username)))
+ $(if $(HEX_PASSWORD),,$(eval HEX_PASSWORD := $(shell stty -echo; read -p "Password: " password; stty echo; echo $$password) $(info )))
+ $(gen_verbose) $(call erlang,$(call hex_key_add.erl,$(HEX_USERNAME),$(HEX_PASSWORD),\
+ $(if $(name),$(name),$(shell hostname)-erlang-mk),\
+ $(if $(perm),$(perm),api)))
+# @todo Check that we can += files
+ $(wildcard early-plugins.mk) \
+ $(wildcard ebin/$(PROJECT).app) \
+ $(wildcard ebin/$(PROJECT).appup) \
+ $(wildcard $(notdir $(ERLANG_MK_FILENAME))) \
+ $(sort $(call core_find,include/,*.hrl)) \
+ $(wildcard LICENSE*) \
+ $(wildcard Makefile) \
+ $(wildcard plugins.mk) \
+ $(sort $(call core_find,priv/,*)) \
+ $(wildcard README*) \
+ $(wildcard rebar.config) \
+ $(sort $(call core_find,src/,*))
+# @todo Need to check for rebar.config and/or the absence of DEPS to know
+# whether a project will work with Rebar.
+# @todo contributors licenses links in HEX_TARBALL_EXTRA_METADATA
+# In order to build the requirements metadata we look into DEPS.
+# We do not require that the project use Hex dependencies, however
+# Hex.pm does require that the package name and version numbers
+# correspond to a real Hex package.
+define hex_tarball_create.erl
+ Files0 = [$(call comma_list,$(patsubst %,"%",$(HEX_TARBALL_FILES)))],
+ Requirements0 = #{
+ $(foreach d,$(DEPS),
+ <<"$(if $(subst hex,,$(call query_fetch_method,$d)),$d,$(if $(word 3,$(dep_$d)),$(word 3,$(dep_$d)),$d))">> => #{
+ <<"app">> => <<"$d">>,
+ <<"optional">> => false,
+ <<"requirement">> => <<"$(call query_version,$d)">>
+ },)
+ $(if $(DEPS),dummy => dummy)
+ },
+ Requirements = maps:remove(dummy, Requirements0),
+ Metadata0 = #{
+ app => <<"$(strip $(PROJECT))">>,
+ build_tools => [<<"make">>, <<"rebar3">>],
+ description => <<"$(strip $(PROJECT_DESCRIPTION))">>,
+ files => [unicode:characters_to_binary(F) || F <- Files0],
+ name => <<"$(strip $(PROJECT))">>,
+ requirements => Requirements,
+ version => <<"$(strip $(PROJECT_VERSION))">>
+ },
+ Metadata = Metadata0$(HEX_TARBALL_EXTRA_METADATA),
+ Files = [case file:read_file(F) of
+ {ok, Bin} ->
+ {F, Bin};
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ io:format("Error trying to open file ~0p: ~0p~n", [F, Reason]),
+ halt(82)
+ end || F <- Files0],
+ case hex_tarball:create(Metadata, Files) of
+ {ok, #{tarball := Tarball}} ->
+ ok = file:write_file("$(strip $(HEX_TARBALL_OUTPUT_FILE))", Tarball),
+ halt(0);
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ io:format("Error ~0p~n", [Reason]),
+ halt(83)
+ end
+hex_tar_verbose_0 = @echo " TAR $(notdir $(ERLANG_MK_TMP))/$(@F)";
+hex_tar_verbose_2 = set -x;
+hex_tar_verbose = $(hex_tar_verbose_$(V))
+$(HEX_TARBALL_OUTPUT_FILE): hex-core app
+ $(hex_tar_verbose) $(call erlang,$(call hex_tarball_create.erl))
+hex-tarball-create: $(HEX_TARBALL_OUTPUT_FILE)
+define hex_release_publish_summary.erl
+ {ok, Tarball} = erl_tar:open("$(strip $(HEX_TARBALL_OUTPUT_FILE))", [read]),
+ ok = erl_tar:extract(Tarball, [{cwd, "$(ERLANG_MK_TMP)"}, {files, ["metadata.config"]}]),
+ {ok, Metadata} = file:consult("$(ERLANG_MK_TMP)/metadata.config"),
+ #{
+ <<"name">> := Name,
+ <<"version">> := Version,
+ <<"files">> := Files,
+ <<"requirements">> := Deps
+ } = maps:from_list(Metadata),
+ io:format("Publishing ~s ~s~n Dependencies:~n", [Name, Version]),
+ case Deps of
+ [] ->
+ io:format(" (none)~n");
+ _ ->
+ [begin
+ #{<<"app">> := DA, <<"requirement">> := DR} = maps:from_list(D),
+ io:format(" ~s ~s~n", [DA, DR])
+ end || {_, D} <- Deps]
+ end,
+ io:format(" Included files:~n"),
+ [io:format(" ~s~n", [F]) || F <- Files],
+ io:format("You may also review the contents of the tarball file.~n"
+ "Please enter your secret key to proceed.~n"),
+ halt(0)
+define hex_release_publish.erl
+ {ok, _} = application:ensure_all_started(ssl),
+ {ok, _} = application:ensure_all_started(inets),
+ Config = $(hex_config.erl),
+ ConfigF = Config#{api_key => <<"$(strip $1)">>},
+ {ok, Tarball} = file:read_file("$(strip $(HEX_TARBALL_OUTPUT_FILE))"),
+ case hex_api_release:publish(ConfigF, Tarball, [{replace, $2}]) of
+ {ok, {200, _, #{}}} ->
+ io:format("Release replaced~n"),
+ halt(0);
+ {ok, {201, _, #{}}} ->
+ io:format("Release published~n"),
+ halt(0);
+ {ok, {Status, _, Errors}} ->
+ io:format("Error ~b: ~0p~n", [Status, Errors]),
+ halt(84)
+ end
+hex-release-tarball: hex-core $(HEX_TARBALL_OUTPUT_FILE)
+ $(verbose) $(call erlang,$(call hex_release_publish_summary.erl))
+hex-release-publish: hex-core hex-release-tarball
+ $(if $(HEX_SECRET),,$(eval HEX_SECRET := $(shell stty -echo; read -p "Secret: " secret; stty echo; echo $$secret) $(info )))
+ $(gen_verbose) $(call erlang,$(call hex_release_publish.erl,$(HEX_SECRET),false))
+hex-release-replace: hex-core hex-release-tarball
+ $(if $(HEX_SECRET),,$(eval HEX_SECRET := $(shell stty -echo; read -p "Secret: " secret; stty echo; echo $$secret) $(info )))
+ $(gen_verbose) $(call erlang,$(call hex_release_publish.erl,$(HEX_SECRET),true))
+define hex_release_delete.erl
+ {ok, _} = application:ensure_all_started(ssl),
+ {ok, _} = application:ensure_all_started(inets),
+ Config = $(hex_config.erl),
+ ConfigF = Config#{api_key => <<"$(strip $1)">>},
+ case hex_api_release:delete(ConfigF, <<"$(strip $(PROJECT))">>, <<"$(strip $(PROJECT_VERSION))">>) of
+ {ok, {204, _, _}} ->
+ io:format("Release $(strip $(PROJECT_VERSION)) deleted~n"),
+ halt(0);
+ {ok, {Status, _, Errors}} ->
+ io:format("Error ~b: ~0p~n", [Status, Errors]),
+ halt(85)
+ end
+hex-release-delete: hex-core
+ $(if $(HEX_SECRET),,$(eval HEX_SECRET := $(shell stty -echo; read -p "Secret: " secret; stty echo; echo $$secret) $(info )))
+ $(gen_verbose) $(call erlang,$(call hex_release_delete.erl,$(HEX_SECRET)))
+define hex_release_retire.erl
+ {ok, _} = application:ensure_all_started(ssl),
+ {ok, _} = application:ensure_all_started(inets),
+ Config = $(hex_config.erl),
+ ConfigF = Config#{api_key => <<"$(strip $1)">>},
+ Params = #{<<"reason">> => <<"$(strip $3)">>, <<"message">> => <<"$(strip $4)">>},
+ case hex_api_release:retire(ConfigF, <<"$(strip $(PROJECT))">>, <<"$(strip $2)">>, Params) of
+ {ok, {204, _, _}} ->
+ io:format("Release $(strip $2) has been retired~n"),
+ halt(0);
+ {ok, {Status, _, Errors}} ->
+ io:format("Error ~b: ~0p~n", [Status, Errors]),
+ halt(86)
+ end
+hex-release-retire: hex-core
+ $(if $(HEX_SECRET),,$(eval HEX_SECRET := $(shell stty -echo; read -p "Secret: " secret; stty echo; echo $$secret) $(info )))
+ $(gen_verbose) $(call erlang,$(call hex_release_retire.erl,$(HEX_SECRET),\
+ $(if $(HEX_REASON),$(HEX_REASON),invalid),\
+define hex_release_unretire.erl
+ {ok, _} = application:ensure_all_started(ssl),
+ {ok, _} = application:ensure_all_started(inets),
+ Config = $(hex_config.erl),
+ ConfigF = Config#{api_key => <<"$(strip $1)">>},
+ case hex_api_release:unretire(ConfigF, <<"$(strip $(PROJECT))">>, <<"$(strip $2)">>) of
+ {ok, {204, _, _}} ->
+ io:format("Release $(strip $2) is not retired anymore~n"),
+ halt(0);
+ {ok, {Status, _, Errors}} ->
+ io:format("Error ~b: ~0p~n", [Status, Errors]),
+ halt(87)
+ end
+hex-release-unretire: hex-core
+ $(if $(HEX_SECRET),,$(eval HEX_SECRET := $(shell stty -echo; read -p "Secret: " secret; stty echo; echo $$secret) $(info )))
+ $(gen_verbose) $(call erlang,$(call hex_release_unretire.erl,$(HEX_SECRET),\
+HEX_DOCS_TARBALL_FILES ?= $(sort $(call core_find,$(HEX_DOCS_DOC_DIR),*))
+$(HEX_DOCS_TARBALL_OUTPUT_FILE): hex-core app docs
+ $(hex_tar_verbose) tar czf $(HEX_DOCS_TARBALL_OUTPUT_FILE) -C $(HEX_DOCS_DOC_DIR) \
+hex-docs-tarball-create: $(HEX_DOCS_TARBALL_OUTPUT_FILE)
+define hex_docs_publish.erl
+ {ok, _} = application:ensure_all_started(ssl),
+ {ok, _} = application:ensure_all_started(inets),
+ Config = $(hex_config.erl),
+ ConfigF = Config#{api_key => <<"$(strip $1)">>},
+ {ok, Tarball} = file:read_file("$(strip $(HEX_DOCS_TARBALL_OUTPUT_FILE))"),
+ case hex_api:post(ConfigF,
+ ["packages", "$(strip $(PROJECT))", "releases", "$(strip $(PROJECT_VERSION))", "docs"],
+ {"application/octet-stream", Tarball}) of
+ {ok, {Status, _, _}} when Status >= 200, Status < 300 ->
+ io:format("Docs published~n"),
+ halt(0);
+ {ok, {Status, _, Errors}} ->
+ io:format("Error ~b: ~0p~n", [Status, Errors]),
+ halt(88)
+ end
+hex-docs-publish: hex-core hex-docs-tarball-create
+ $(if $(HEX_SECRET),,$(eval HEX_SECRET := $(shell stty -echo; read -p "Secret: " secret; stty echo; echo $$secret) $(info )))
+ $(gen_verbose) $(call erlang,$(call hex_docs_publish.erl,$(HEX_SECRET)))
+define hex_docs_delete.erl
+ {ok, _} = application:ensure_all_started(ssl),
+ {ok, _} = application:ensure_all_started(inets),
+ Config = $(hex_config.erl),
+ ConfigF = Config#{api_key => <<"$(strip $1)">>},
+ case hex_api:delete(ConfigF,
+ ["packages", "$(strip $(PROJECT))", "releases", "$(strip $2)", "docs"]) of
+ {ok, {Status, _, _}} when Status >= 200, Status < 300 ->
+ io:format("Docs removed~n"),
+ halt(0);
+ {ok, {Status, _, Errors}} ->
+ io:format("Error ~b: ~0p~n", [Status, Errors]),
+ halt(89)
+ end
+hex-docs-delete: hex-core
+ $(if $(HEX_SECRET),,$(eval HEX_SECRET := $(shell stty -echo; read -p "Secret: " secret; stty echo; echo $$secret) $(info )))
+ $(gen_verbose) $(call erlang,$(call hex_docs_delete.erl,$(HEX_SECRET),\
# Copyright (c) 2015-2017, Loïc Hoguin <[email protected]>
# This file is part of erlang.mk and subject to the terms of the ISC License.