path: root/doc/src/manual
diff options
authorLoïc Hoguin <[email protected]>2014-07-06 13:10:35 +0200
committerLoïc Hoguin <[email protected]>2014-07-06 13:10:35 +0200
commit078d686a0ac0aed212db97d73bd1e4a9387a4956 (patch)
tree6bbc6111fdbdfedd3bb351bf3b01c63fac0d7143 /doc/src/manual
parent1a71a733c37df70c15ebfd28157b10915cd738d1 (diff)
Provide installable man pages
make docs: generate Markdown and man pages in doc/ make install-docs: install man pages to be usable directly Docs are generated from the ezdoc files in doc/src/.
Diffstat (limited to 'doc/src/manual')
17 files changed, 2216 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/doc/src/manual/cowboy.ezdoc b/doc/src/manual/cowboy.ezdoc
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+::: cowboy
+The `cowboy` module provides convenience functions for
+manipulating Ranch listeners.
+:: Types
+: http_headers() = [{binary(), iodata()}]
+HTTP headers as a list of key/values.
+: http_status() = non_neg_integer() | binary()
+HTTP status.
+A binary status can be used to set a custom message.
+: http_version() = 'HTTP/1.1' | 'HTTP/1.0'
+HTTP version.
+: onrequest_fun() = fun((cowboy_req:req()) -> cowboy_req:req())
+Fun called immediately after receiving a request.
+It can perform any operation on the Req object, including
+reading the request body or replying. If a reply is sent,
+the processing of the request ends here, before any middleware
+is executed.
+: onresponse_fun() = fun((http_status(), http_headers(),
+ iodata(), cowboy_req:req()) -> cowboy_req:req())
+Fun called immediately before sending the response.
+It can perform any operation on the Req object, including
+reading the request body or replying. If a reply is sent, it
+overrides the reply initially sent. The callback will not be
+called again for the new reply.
+:: Exports
+: start_http(Ref, NbAcceptors, TransOpts, ProtoOpts) -> {ok, pid()}
+* Ref = ranch:ref()
+* NbAcceptors = non_neg_integer()
+* TransOpts = ranch_tcp:opts()
+* ProtoOpts = cowboy_protocol:opts()
+Start listening for HTTP connections. Returns the pid for this
+listener's supervisor.
+: start_https(Ref, NbAcceptors, TransOpts, ProtoOpts) -> {ok, pid()}
+* Ref = ranch:ref()
+* NbAcceptors = non_neg_integer()
+* TransOpts = ranch_ssl:opts()
+* ProtoOpts = cowboy_protocol:opts()
+Start listening for HTTPS connections. Returns the pid for this
+listener's supervisor.
+: start_spdy(Ref, NbAcceptors, TransOpts, ProtoOpts) -> {ok, pid()}
+* Ref = ranch:ref()
+* NbAcceptors = non_neg_integer()
+* TransOpts = ranch_ssl:opts()
+* ProtoOpts = cowboy_spdy:opts()
+Start listening for SPDY connections. Returns the pid for this
+listener's supervisor.
+: stop_listener(Ref) -> ok | {error, not_found}
+* Ref = ranch:ref()
+Stop a previously started listener.
+: set_env(Ref, Name, Value) -> ok
+* Ref = ranch:ref()
+* Name = atom()
+* Value = any()
+Set or update an environment value for an already running listener.
+This will take effect on all subsequent connections.
+:: See also
+The ^"Ranch guide^http://ninenines.eu/docs/en/ranch/HEAD/guide
+provides detailed information about how listeners work.
diff --git a/doc/src/manual/cowboy_app.ezdoc b/doc/src/manual/cowboy_app.ezdoc
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+::: The Cowboy Application
+Small, fast, modular HTTP server.
+:: Dependencies
+The `cowboy` application uses the Erlang applications `ranch`
+for listening and accepting TCP connections, `crypto` for
+establishing Websocket connections, and `cowlib` for parsing and
+building messages for Web protocols. These dependencies must
+be loaded for the `cowboy` application to work. In an embedded
+environment this means that they need to be started with the
+`application:start/{1,2}` function before the `cowboy`
+application is started.
+The `cowboy` application also uses the Erlang applications
+`asn1`, `public_key` and `ssl` when listening for HTTPS connections.
+These are started automatically if they weren't before.
+:: Environment
+The `cowboy` application does not define any application
+environment configuration parameters.
diff --git a/doc/src/manual/cowboy_handler.ezdoc b/doc/src/manual/cowboy_handler.ezdoc
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+::: cowboy_handler
+The `cowboy_handler` middleware executes the handler passed
+through the environment values `handler` and `handler_opts`,
+and adds the result of this execution to the environment as
+the value `result`, indicating that the request has been
+handled and received a response.
+Environment input:
+* handler = module()
+* handler_opts = any()
+Environment output:
+* result = ok
+:: Types
+:: Exports
diff --git a/doc/src/manual/cowboy_http_handler.ezdoc b/doc/src/manual/cowboy_http_handler.ezdoc
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+::: cowboy_http_handler
+The `cowboy_http_handler` behaviour defines the interface used
+by plain HTTP handlers.
+Unless noted otherwise, the callbacks will be executed sequentially.
+:: Types
+:: Callbacks
+: init({TransportName, ProtocolName}, Req, Opts)
+ -> {ok, Req, State} | {shutdown, Req, State}
+* TransportName = tcp | ssl | atom()
+* ProtocolName = http | atom()
+* Req = cowboy_req:req()
+* Opts = any()
+* State = any()
+Initialize the state for this request.
+The `shutdown` return value can be used to skip the `handle/2`
+call entirely.
+: handle(Req, State) -> {ok, Req, State}
+* Req = cowboy_req:req()
+* State = any()
+Handle the request.
+This callback is where the request is handled and a response
+should be sent. If a response is not sent, Cowboy will send
+a `204 No Content` response automatically.
+: terminate(Reason, Req, State) -> ok
+* Reason = {normal, shutdown} | {error, atom()}
+* Req = cowboy_req:req()
+* State = any()
+Perform any necessary cleanup of the state.
+This callback should release any resource currently in use,
+clear any active timer and reset the process to its original
+state, as it might be reused for future requests sent on the
+same connection. Typical plain HTTP handlers rarely need to
+use it.
diff --git a/doc/src/manual/cowboy_loop_handler.ezdoc b/doc/src/manual/cowboy_loop_handler.ezdoc
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+::: cowboy_loop_handler
+The `cowboy_loop_handler` behaviour defines the interface used
+by HTTP handlers that do not send a response directly, instead
+requiring a receive loop to process Erlang messages.
+This interface is best fit for long-polling types of requests.
+The `init/3` callback will always be called, followed by zero
+or more calls to `info/3`. The `terminate/3` callback will
+always be called last.
+:: Types
+:: Callbacks
+: init({TransportName, ProtocolName}, Req, Opts)
+ -> {loop, Req, State}
+ | {loop, Req, State, hibernate}
+ | {loop, Req, State, Timeout}
+ | {loop, Req, State, Timeout, hibernate}
+ | {shutdown, Req, State}
+* TransportName = tcp | ssl | atom()
+* ProtocolName = http | atom()
+* Req = cowboy_req:req()
+* Opts = any()
+* State = any()
+* Timeout = timeout()
+Initialize the state for this request.
+This callback will typically be used to register this process
+to an event manager or a message queue in order to receive
+the messages the handler wants to process.
+The receive loop will run for a duration of up to `Timeout`
+milliseconds after it last received data from the socket,
+at which point it will stop and send a `204 No Content` reply.
+By default this value is set to `infinity`. It is recommended
+to either set this value or ensure by any other mechanism
+that the handler will be closed after a certain period of
+The `hibernate` option will hibernate the process until it
+starts receiving messages.
+The `shutdown` return value can be used to skip the receive
+loop entirely.
+: info(Info, Req, State) -> {ok, Req, State} | {loop, Req, State}
+ | {loop, Req, State, hibernate}
+* Info = any()
+* Req = cowboy_req:req()
+* State = any()
+Handle the Erlang message received.
+This function will be called every time an Erlang message
+has been received. The message can be any Erlang term.
+The `ok` return value can be used to stop the receive loop,
+typically because a response has been sent.
+The `hibernate` option will hibernate the process until
+it receives another message.
+: terminate(Reason, Req, State) -> ok
+* Reason = {normal, shutdown} | {normal, timeout} | {error, closed} | {error, overflow} | {error, atom()}
+* Req = cowboy_req:req()
+* State = any()
+Perform any necessary cleanup of the state.
+This callback will typically unregister from any event manager
+or message queue it registered to in `init/3`.
+This callback should release any resource currently in use,
+clear any active timer and reset the process to its original
+state, as it might be reused for future requests sent on the
+same connection.
diff --git a/doc/src/manual/cowboy_middleware.ezdoc b/doc/src/manual/cowboy_middleware.ezdoc
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+::: cowboy_middleware
+The `cowboy_middleware` behaviour defines the interface used
+by Cowboy middleware modules.
+Middlewares process the request sequentially in the order they
+are configured.
+:: Types
+: env() = [{atom(), any()}]
+The environment variable.
+One is created for every request. It is passed to each
+middleware module executed and subsequently returned,
+optionally with its contents modified.
+:: Callbacks
+: execute(Req, Env)
+ -> {ok, Req, Env}
+ | {suspend, Module, Function, Args}
+ | {halt, Req}
+ | {error, StatusCode, Req}
+* Req = cowboy_req:req()
+* Env = env()
+* Module = module()
+* Function = atom()
+* Args = [any()]
+* StatusCode = cowboy:http_status()
+Execute the middleware.
+The `ok` return value indicates that everything went well
+and that Cowboy should continue processing the request. A
+response may or may not have been sent.
+The `suspend` return value will hibernate the process until
+an Erlang message is received. Note that when resuming, any
+previous stacktrace information will be gone.
+The `halt` return value stops Cowboy from doing any further
+processing of the request, even if there are middlewares
+that haven't been executed yet. The connection may be left
+open to receive more requests from the client.
+The `error` return value sends an error response identified
+by the `StatusCode` and then proceeds to terminate the
+connection. Middlewares that haven't been executed yet
+will not be called.
diff --git a/doc/src/manual/cowboy_protocol.ezdoc b/doc/src/manual/cowboy_protocol.ezdoc
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+::: cowboy_protocol
+The `cowboy_protocol` module implements HTTP/1.1 and HTTP/1.0
+as a Ranch protocol.
+:: Types
+: opts() = [{compress, boolean()}
+ | {env, cowboy_middleware:env()}
+ | {max_empty_lines, non_neg_integer()}
+ | {max_header_name_length, non_neg_integer()}
+ | {max_header_value_length, non_neg_integer()}
+ | {max_headers, non_neg_integer()}
+ | {max_keepalive, non_neg_integer()}
+ | {max_request_line_length, non_neg_integer()}
+ | {middlewares, [module()]}
+ | {onrequest, cowboy:onrequest_fun()}
+ | {onresponse, cowboy:onresponse_fun()}
+ | {timeout, timeout()}]
+Configuration for the HTTP protocol handler.
+This configuration is passed to Cowboy when starting listeners
+using `cowboy:start_http/4` or `cowboy:start_https/4` functions.
+It can be updated without restarting listeners using the
+Ranch functions `ranch:get_protocol_options/1` and
+:: Option descriptions
+The default value is given next to the option name.
+: compress (false)
+When enabled, Cowboy will attempt to compress the response body.
+: env ([{listener, Ref}])
+Initial middleware environment.
+: max_empty_lines (5)
+Maximum number of empty lines before a request.
+: max_header_name_length (64)
+Maximum length of header names.
+: max_header_value_length (4096)
+Maximum length of header values.
+: max_headers (100)
+Maximum number of headers allowed per request.
+: max_keepalive (100)
+Maximum number of requests allowed per connection.
+: max_request_line_length (4096)
+Maximum length of the request line.
+: middlewares ([cowboy_router, cowboy_handler])
+List of middlewares to execute for every requests.
+: onrequest (undefined)
+Fun called every time a request is received.
+: onresponse (undefined)
+Fun called every time a response is sent.
+: timeout (5000)
+Time in ms with no requests before Cowboy closes the connection.
+:: Exports
diff --git a/doc/src/manual/cowboy_req.ezdoc b/doc/src/manual/cowboy_req.ezdoc
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+::: cowboy_req
+The `cowboy_req` module provides functions to access, manipulate
+and respond to requests.
+The functions in this module follow patterns for their return types,
+based on the kind of function.
+* access: `{Value, Req}`
+* action: `{Result, Req} | {Result, Value, Req} | {error, atom()}`
+* modification: `Req`
+* question: `boolean()`
+The only exception is the `chunk/2` function which may return `ok`.
+Whenever `Req` is returned, you must use this returned value and
+ignore any previous you may have had. This value contains various
+state informations which are necessary for Cowboy to do some lazy
+evaluation or cache results where appropriate.
+All functions which perform an action should only be called once.
+This includes reading the request body or replying. Cowboy will
+generally throw an error on the second call.
+It is highly discouraged to pass the Req object to another process.
+Doing so and calling `cowboy_req` functions from it leads to
+undefined behavior.
+:: Types
+: body_opts() = [{continue, boolean()}
+ | {length, non_neg_integer()}
+ | {read_length, non_neg_integer()}
+ | {read_timeout, timeout()}
+ | {transfer_decode, transfer_decode_fun(), any()}
+ | {content_decode, content_decode_fun()}]
+Request body reading options.
+: cookie_opts() = [{max_age, non_neg_integer()}
+ | {domain, binary()} | {path, binary()}
+ | {secure, boolean()} | {http_only, boolean()}]
+Cookie options.
+: req() - opaque to the user
+The Req object.
+All functions in this module receive a `Req` as argument,
+and most of them return a new object labelled `Req2` in
+the function descriptions below.
+:: Request related exports
+: binding(Name, Req) -> binding(Name, Req, undefined)
+: binding(Name, Req, Default) -> {Value, Req2}
+* Name = atom()
+* Default = any()
+* Value = any() | Default
+Return the value for the given binding.
+By default the value is a binary, however constraints may change
+the type of this value (for example automatically converting
+numbers to integer).
+: bindings(Req) -> {[{Name, Value}], Req2}
+* Name = atom()
+* Value = any()
+Return all bindings.
+By default the value is a binary, however constraints may change
+the type of this value (for example automatically converting
+numbers to integer).
+: cookie(Name, Req) -> cookie(Name, Req, undefined)
+: cookie(Name, Req, Default) -> {Value, Req2}
+* Name = binary()
+* Default = any()
+* Value = binary() | Default
+Return the value for the given cookie.
+Cookie names are case sensitive.
+: cookies(Req) -> {[{Name, Value}], Req2}
+* Name = binary()
+* Value = binary()
+Return all cookies.
+: header(Name, Req) -> header(Name, Req, undefined)
+: header(Name, Req, Default) -> {Value, Req2}
+* Name = binary()
+* Default = any()
+* Value = binary() | Default
+Return the value for the given header.
+While header names are case insensitive, this function expects
+the name to be a lowercase binary.
+: headers(Req) -> {Headers, Req2}
+* Headers = cowboy:http_headers()
+Return all headers.
+: host(Req) -> {Host, Req2}
+* Host = binary()
+Return the requested host.
+: host_info(Req) -> {HostInfo, Req2}
+* HostInfo = cowboy_router:tokens() | undefined
+Return the extra tokens from matching against `...` during routing.
+: host_url(Req) -> {HostURL, Req2}
+* HostURL = binary() | undefined
+Return the requested URL excluding the path component.
+This function will always return `undefined` until the
+`cowboy_router` middleware has been executed. This includes
+the `onrequest` hook.
+: meta(Name, Req) -> meta(Name, Req, undefined)
+: meta(Name, Req, Default) -> {Value, Req2}
+* Name = atom()
+* Default = any()
+* Value = any()
+Return metadata about the request.
+: method(Req) -> {Method, Req2}
+* Method = binary()
+Return the method.
+Methods are case sensitive. Standard methods are always uppercase.
+: parse_header(Name, Req) ->
+: parse_header(Name, Req, Default) -> {ok, ParsedValue, Req2}
+ | {undefined, Value, Req2} | {error, badarg}
+* Name = binary()
+* Default = any()
+* ParsedValue - see below
+* Value = any()
+Parse the given header.
+While header names are case insensitive, this function expects
+the name to be a lowercase binary.
+The `parse_header/2` function will call `parser_header/3` with a
+different default value depending on the header being parsed. The
+following table summarizes the default values used.
+|| Header name Default value
+| transfer-encoding `[<<"identity">>]`
+| Any other header `undefined`
+The parsed value differs depending on the header being parsed. The
+following table summarizes the different types returned.
+|| Header name Type
+| accept `[{{Type, SubType, Params}, Quality, AcceptExt}]`
+| accept-charset `[{Charset, Quality}]`
+| accept-encoding `[{Encoding, Quality}]`
+| accept-language `[{LanguageTag, Quality}]`
+| authorization `{AuthType, Credentials}`
+| content-length `non_neg_integer()`
+| content-type `{Type, SubType, ContentTypeParams}`
+| cookie `[{binary(), binary()}]`
+| expect `[Expect | {Expect, ExpectValue, Params}]`
+| if-match `'*' | [{weak | strong, OpaqueTag}]`
+| if-modified-since `calendar:datetime()`
+| if-none-match `'*' | [{weak | strong, OpaqueTag}]`
+| if-unmodified-since `calendar:datetime()`
+| range `{Unit, [Range]}`
+| sec-websocket-protocol `[binary()]`
+| transfer-encoding `[binary()]`
+| upgrade `[binary()]`
+| x-forwarded-for `[binary()]`
+Types for the above table:
+* Type = SubType = Charset = Encoding = LanguageTag = binary()
+* AuthType = Expect = OpaqueTag = Unit = binary()
+* Params = ContentTypeParams = [{binary(), binary()}]
+* Quality = 0..1000
+* AcceptExt = [{binary(), binary()} | binary()]
+* Credentials - see below
+* Range = {non_neg_integer(), non_neg_integer() | infinity} | neg_integer()
+The cookie names and values, the values of the sec-websocket-protocol
+and x-forwarded-for headers, the values in `AcceptExt` and `Params`,
+the authorization `Credentials`, the `ExpectValue` and `OpaqueTag`
+are case sensitive. All values in `ContentTypeParams` are case sensitive
+except the value of the charset parameter, which is case insensitive.
+All other values are case insensitive and will be returned as lowercase.
+The headers accept, accept-encoding and cookie headers can return
+an empty list. Others will return `{error, badarg}` if the header
+value is empty.
+The authorization header parsing code currently only supports basic
+HTTP authentication. The `Credentials` type is thus `{Username, Password}`
+with `Username` and `Password` being `binary()`.
+The range header value `Range` can take three forms:
+* `{From, To}`: from `From` to `To` units
+* `{From, infinity}`: everything after `From` units
+* `-Final`: the final `Final` units
+An `undefined` tuple will be returned if Cowboy doesn't know how
+to parse the requested header.
+: path(Req) -> {Path, Req2}
+* Path = binary()
+Return the requested path.
+: path_info(Req) -> {PathInfo, Req2}
+* PathInfo = cowboy_router:tokens() | undefined
+Return the extra tokens from matching against `...` during routing.
+: peer(Req) -> {Peer, Req2}
+* Peer = {inet:ip_address(), inet:port_number()}
+Return the client's IP address and port number.
+: port(Req) -> {Port, Req2}
+* Port = inet:port_number()
+Return the request's port.
+The port returned by this function is obtained by parsing
+the host header. It may be different than the actual port
+the client used to connect to the Cowboy server.
+: qs(Req) -> {QueryString, Req2}
+* QueryString = binary()
+Return the request's query string.
+: qs_val(Name, Req) -> qs_val(Name, Req, undefined)
+: qs_val(Name, Req, Default) -> {Value, Req2}
+* Name = binary()
+* Default = any()
+* Value = binary() | true
+Return a value from the request's query string.
+The value `true` will be returned when the name was found
+in the query string without an associated value.
+: qs_vals(Req) -> {[{Name, Value}], Req2}
+* Name = binary()
+* Value = binary() | true
+Return the request's query string as a list of tuples.
+The value `true` will be returned when a name was found
+in the query string without an associated value.
+: set_meta(Name, Value, Req) -> Req2
+* Name = atom()
+* Value = any()
+Set metadata about the request.
+An existing value will be overwritten.
+: url(Req) -> {URL, Req2}
+* URL = binary() | undefined
+Return the requested URL.
+This function will always return `undefined` until the
+`cowboy_router` middleware has been executed. This includes
+the `onrequest` hook.
+: version(Req) -> {Version, Req2}
+* Version = cowboy:http_version()
+Return the HTTP version used for this request.
+:: Request body related exports
+: body(Req) -> body(Req, [])
+: body(Req, Opts) -> {ok, Data, Req2} | {more, Data, Req2} | {error, Reason}
+* Opts = [body_opt()]
+* Data = binary()
+* Reason = atom()
+Read the request body.
+This function will read a chunk of the request body. If there is
+more data to be read after this function call, then a `more` tuple
+is returned. Otherwise an `ok` tuple is returned.
+Cowboy will automatically send a `100 Continue` reply if
+required. If this behavior is not desirable, it can be disabled
+by setting the `continue` option to `false`.
+Cowboy will by default attempt to read up to 8MB of the body,
+but in chunks of 1MB. It will use a timeout of 15s per chunk.
+All these values can be changed using the `length`, `read_length`
+and `read_timeout` options respectively. Note that the size
+of the data may not be the same as requested as the decoding
+functions may grow or shrink it, and Cowboy makes not attempt
+at returning an exact amount.
+Cowboy will properly handle chunked transfer-encoding by
+default. If any other transfer-encoding or content-encoding
+has been used for the request, custom decoding functions
+can be used. The `content_decode` and `transfer_decode`
+options allow setting the decode functions manually.
+After the body has been streamed fully, Cowboy will remove
+the transfer-encoding header from the Req object, and add
+the content-length header if it wasn't already there.
+This function can only be called once. Cowboy will not cache
+the result of this call.
+: body_length(Req) -> {Length, Req2}
+* Length = non_neg_integer() | undefined
+Return the length of the request body.
+The length will only be returned if the request does not
+use any transfer-encoding and if the content-length header
+is present.
+: body_qs(Req) -> body_qs(Req,
+ [{length, 64000}, {read_length, 64000}, {read_timeout, 5000}])
+: body_qs(Req, Opts) -> {ok, [{Name, Value}], Req2}
+ | {badlength, Req2} | {error, Reason}
+* Opts = [body_opt()]
+* Name = binary()
+* Value = binary() | true
+* Reason = chunked | badlength | atom()
+Return the request body as a list of tuples.
+This function will parse the body assuming the content-type
+application/x-www-form-urlencoded, commonly used for the
+query string.
+This function calls `body/2` for reading the body, with the
+same options it received. By default it will attempt to read
+a body of 64KB in one chunk, with a timeout of 5s. If the
+body is larger then a `badlength` tuple is returned.
+This function can only be called once. Cowboy will not cache
+the result of this call.
+: has_body(Req) -> boolean()
+Return whether the request has a body.
+: part(Req) -> part(Req,
+ [{length, 64000}, {read_length, 64000}, {read_timeout, 5000}])
+: part(Req, Opts) -> {ok, Headers, Req2} | {done, Req2}
+* Opts = [body_opt()]
+* Headers = cow_multipart:headers()
+Read the headers for the next part of the multipart message.
+Cowboy will skip any data remaining until the beginning of
+the next part. This includes the preamble to the multipart
+message but also the body of a previous part if it hasn't
+been read. Both are skipped automatically when calling this
+The headers returned are MIME headers, NOT HTTP headers.
+They can be parsed using the functions from the `cow_multipart`
+module. In addition, the `cow_multipart:form_data/1` function
+can be used to quickly figure out `multipart/form-data` messages.
+It takes the list of headers and returns whether this part is
+a simple form field or a file being uploaded.
+Note that once a part has been read, or skipped, it cannot
+be read again.
+This function calls `body/2` for reading the body, with the
+same options it received. By default it will only read chunks
+of 64KB with a timeout of 5s. This is tailored for reading
+part headers, not for skipping the previous part's body.
+You might want to consider skipping large parts manually.
+: part_body(Req) -> part_body(Req, [])
+: part_body(Req, Opts) -> {ok, Data, Req2} | {more, Data, Req2}
+* Opts = [body_opt()]
+* Data = binary()
+Read the body of the current part of the multipart message.
+This function calls `body/2` for reading the body, with the
+same options it received. It uses the same defaults.
+If there are more data to be read from the socket for this
+part, the function will return what it could read inside a
+`more` tuple. Otherwise, it will return an `ok` tuple.
+Calling this function again after receiving a `more` tuple
+will return another chunk of body. The last chunk will be
+returned inside an `ok` tuple.
+Note that once the body has been read, fully or partially,
+it cannot be read again.
+:: Response related exports
+: chunk(Data, Req) -> ok | {error, Reason}
+* Data = iodata()
+* Reason = atom()
+Send a chunk of data.
+This function should be called as many times as needed
+to send data chunks after calling `chunked_reply/{2,3}`.
+When the method is HEAD, no data will actually be sent.
+If the request uses HTTP/1.0, the data is sent directly
+without wrapping it in an HTTP/1.1 chunk, providing
+compatibility with older clients.
+: chunked_reply(StatusCode, Req) -> chunked_reply(StatusCode, [], Req)
+: chunked_reply(StatusCode, Headers, Req) -> {ok, Req2}
+* StatusCode = cowboy:http_status()
+* Headers = cowboy:http_headers()
+Send a response using chunked transfer-encoding.
+This function effectively sends the response status line
+and headers to the client.
+This function will not send any body set previously. After
+this call the handler must use the `chunk/2` function
+repeatedly to send the body in as many chunks as needed.
+If the request uses HTTP/1.0, the data is sent directly
+without wrapping it in an HTTP/1.1 chunk, providing
+compatibility with older clients.
+This function can only be called once, with the exception
+of overriding the response in the `onresponse` hook.
+: continue(Req) -> ok | {error, Reason}
+* Reason = atom()
+Send a 100 Continue intermediate reply.
+This reply is required before the client starts sending the
+body when the request contains the `expect` header with the
+`100-continue` value.
+Cowboy will send this automatically when required. However
+you may want to do it manually by disabling this behavior
+with the `continue` body option and then calling this
+: delete_resp_header(Name, Req) -> Req2
+* Name = binary()
+Delete the given response header.
+While header names are case insensitive, this function expects
+the name to be a lowercase binary.
+: has_resp_body(Req) -> boolean()
+Return whether a response body has been set.
+This function will return false if a response body has
+been set with a length of 0.
+: has_resp_header(Name, Req) -> boolean()
+* Name = binary()
+Return whether the given response header has been set.
+While header names are case insensitive, this function expects
+the name to be a lowercase binary.
+: reply(StatusCode, Req) -> reply(StatusCode, [], Req)
+: reply(StatusCode, Headers, Req) - see below
+: reply(StatusCode, Headers, Body, Req) -> {ok, Req2}
+* StatusCode = cowboy:http_status()
+* Headers = cowboy:http_headers()
+* Body = iodata()
+Send a response.
+This function effectively sends the response status line,
+headers and body to the client, in a single send function
+The `reply/2` and `reply/3` functions will send the body
+set previously, if any. The `reply/4` function overrides
+any body set previously and sends `Body` instead.
+If a body function was set, and `reply/2` or `reply/3` was
+used, it will be called before returning.
+No more data can be sent to the client after this function
+This function can only be called once, with the exception
+of overriding the response in the `onresponse` hook.
+: set_resp_body(Body, Req) -> Req2
+* Body = iodata()
+Set a response body.
+This body will not be sent if `chunked_reply/{2,3}` or
+`reply/4` is used, as they override it.
+: set_resp_body_fun(Fun, Req) -> Req2
+: set_resp_body_fun(Length, Fun, Req) -> Req2
+* Fun = fun((Socket, Transport) -> ok)
+* Socket = inet:socket()
+* Transport = module()
+* Length = non_neg_integer()
+Set a fun for sending the response body.
+If a `Length` is provided, it will be sent in the
+content-length header in the response. It is recommended
+to set the length if it can be known in advance. Otherwise,
+the transfer-encoding header will be set to identity.
+This function will only be called if the response is sent
+using the `reply/2` or `reply/3` function.
+The fun will receive the Ranch `Socket` and `Transport` as
+arguments. Only send and sendfile operations are supported.
+: set_resp_body_fun(chunked, Fun, Req) -> Req2
+* Fun = fun((ChunkFun) -> ok)
+* ChunkFun = fun((iodata()) -> ok | {error, atom()})
+Set a fun for sending the response body using chunked transfer-encoding.
+This function will only be called if the response is sent
+using the `reply/2` or `reply/3` function.
+The fun will receive another fun as argument. This fun is to
+be used to send chunks in a similar way to the `chunk/2` function,
+except the fun only takes one argument, the data to be sent in
+the chunk.
+: set_resp_cookie(Name, Value, Opts, Req) -> Req2
+* Name = iodata()
+* Value = iodata()
+* Opts = cookie_opts()
+Set a cookie in the response.
+Cookie names are case sensitive.
+: set_resp_header(Name, Value, Req) -> Req2
+* Name = binary()
+* Value = iodata()
+Set a response header.
+You should use `set_resp_cookie/4` instead of this function
+to set cookies.
+:: Misc. exports
+: compact(Req) -> Req2
+Remove any non-essential data from the Req object.
+Long-lived connections usually only need to manipulate the
+Req object at initialization. Compacting allows saving up
+memory by discarding extraneous information.
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+::: cowboy_rest
+The `cowboy_rest` module implements REST semantics on top of
+the HTTP protocol.
+This module cannot be described as a behaviour due to most of
+the callbacks it defines being optional. It has the same
+semantics as a behaviour otherwise.
+The only mandatory callback is `init/3`, needed to perform
+the protocol upgrade.
+:: Types
+:: Meta values
+: charset
+Type: binary()
+Negotiated charset.
+This value may not be defined if no charset was negotiated.
+: language
+Type: binary()
+Negotiated language.
+This value may not be defined if no language was negotiated.
+: media_type
+Type: {binary(), binary(), '*' | [{binary(), binary()}]}
+Negotiated media-type.
+The media-type is the content-type, excluding the charset.
+This value is always defined after the call to
+:: Callbacks
+: init({TransportName, ProtocolName}, Req, Opts)
+ -> {upgrade, protocol, cowboy_rest}
+ | {upgrade, protocol, cowboy_rest, Req, Opts}
+* TransportName = tcp | ssl | atom()
+* ProtocolName = http | atom()
+* Req = cowboy_req:req()
+* Opts = any()
+Upgrade the protocol to `cowboy_rest`.
+This is the only mandatory callback.
+: rest_init(Req, Opts) -> {ok, Req, State}
+* Req = cowboy_req:req()
+* Opts = any()
+* State = any()
+Initialize the state for this request.
+: rest_terminate(Req, State) -> ok
+* Req = cowboy_req:req()
+* State = any()
+Perform any necessary cleanup of the state.
+This callback should release any resource currently in use,
+clear any active timer and reset the process to its original
+state, as it might be reused for future requests sent on the
+same connection.
+: Callback(Req, State) -> {Value, Req, State} | {halt, Req, State}
+* Callback - one of the REST callbacks described below
+* Req = cowboy_req:req()
+* State = any()
+* Value - see the REST callbacks description below
+Please see the REST callbacks description below for details
+on the `Value` type, the default value if the callback is
+not defined, and more general information on when the
+callback is called and what its intended use is.
+The `halt` tuple can be returned to stop REST processing.
+It is up to the resource code to send a reply before that,
+otherwise a `204 No Content` will be sent.
+:: REST callbacks description
+: allowed_methods
+* Methods: all
+* Value type: [binary()]
+* Default value: [<<"GET">>, <<"HEAD">>, <<"OPTIONS">>]
+Return the list of allowed methods.
+Methods are case sensitive. Standard methods are always uppercase.
+: allow_missing_post
+* Methods: POST
+* Value type: boolean()
+* Default value: true
+Return whether POST is allowed when the resource doesn't exist.
+Returning `true` here means that a new resource will be
+created. The URL to the created resource should also be
+returned from the `AcceptResource` callback.
+: charsets_provided
+* Value type: [binary()]
+* Skip to the next step if undefined
+Return the list of charsets the resource provides.
+The list must be ordered in order of preference.
+If the accept-charset header was not sent, the first charset
+in the list will be selected. Otherwise Cowboy will select
+the most appropriate charset from the list.
+The chosen charset will be set in the `Req` object as the meta
+value `charset`.
+While charsets are case insensitive, this callback is expected
+to return them as lowercase binary.
+: content_types_accepted
+* Methods: POST, PUT, PATCH
+* No default
+* Value = [{binary() | {Type, SubType, Params}, AcceptResource}]
+* Type = SubType = binary()
+* Params = '*' | [{binary(), binary()}]
+* AcceptResource = atom()
+Return the list of content-types the resource accepts.
+The list must be ordered in order of preference.
+Each content-type can be given either as a binary string or as
+a tuple containing the type, subtype and parameters.
+Cowboy will select the most appropriate content-type from the list.
+If any parameter is acceptable, then the tuple form should be used
+with parameters set to `'*'`. If the parameters value is set to `[]`
+only content-type values with no parameters will be accepted. All
+parameter values are treated in a case sensitive manner except the
+`charset` parameter, if present, which is case insensitive.
+This function will be called for POST, PUT and PATCH requests.
+It is entirely possible to define different callbacks for different
+methods if the handling of the request differs. Simply verify
+what the method is with `cowboy_req:method/1` and return a
+different list for each methods.
+The `AcceptResource` value is the name of the callback that will
+be called if the content-type matches. It is defined as follow.
+* Value type: true | {true, URL} | false
+* No default
+Process the request body.
+This function should create or update the resource with the
+information contained in the request body. This information
+may be full or partial depending on the request method.
+If the request body was processed successfully, `true` or
+`{true, URL}` may be returned. If an URL is provided, the
+response will redirect the client to the location of the
+If a response body must be sent, the appropriate media-type, charset
+and language can be retrieved using the `cowboy_req:meta/{2,3}`
+functions. The respective keys are `media_type`, `charset`
+and `language`. The body can be set using `cowboy_req:set_resp_body/2`.
+: content_types_provided
+* Default value: [{{<<"text">>, <<"html">>, '*'}, to_html}]
+* Value = [{binary() | {Type, SubType, Params}, ProvideResource}]
+* Type = SubType = binary()
+* Params = '*' | [{binary(), binary()}]
+* ProvideResource = atom()
+Return the list of content-types the resource provides.
+The list must be ordered in order of preference.
+Each content-type can be given either as a binary string or as
+a tuple containing the type, subtype and parameters.
+Cowboy will select the most appropriate content-type from the list.
+If any parameter is acceptable, then the tuple form should be used
+with parameters set to `'*'`. If the parameters value is set to `[]`
+only content-type values with no parameters will be accepted. All
+parameter values are treated in a case sensitive manner except the
+`charset` parameter, if present, which is case insensitive.
+The `ProvideResource` value is the name of the callback that will
+be called if the content-type matches. It will only be called when
+a representation of the resource needs to be returned. It is defined
+as follow.
+* Methods: GET, HEAD
+* Value type: iodata() | {stream, Fun} | {stream, Len, Fun} | {chunked, ChunkedFun}
+* No default
+Return the response body.
+The response body may be provided directly or through a fun.
+If a fun tuple is returned, the appropriate `set_resp_body_fun`
+function will be called. Please refer to the documentation for
+these functions for more information about the types.
+The call to this callback happens a good time after the call to
+`content_types_provided/2`, when it is time to start rendering
+the response body.
+: delete_completed
+* Methods: DELETE
+* Value type: boolean()
+* Default value: true
+Return whether the delete action has been completed.
+This function should return `false` if there is no guarantee
+that the resource gets deleted immediately from the system,
+including from any internal cache.
+When this function returns `false`, a `202 Accepted`
+response will be sent instead of a `200 OK` or `204 No Content`.
+: delete_resource
+* Methods: DELETE
+* Value type: boolean()
+* Default value: false
+Delete the resource.
+The value returned indicates if the action was successful,
+regardless of whether the resource is immediately deleted
+from the system.
+: expires
+* Methods: GET, HEAD
+* Value type: calendar:datetime() | binary() | undefined
+* Default value: undefined
+Return the date of expiration of the resource.
+This date will be sent as the value of the expires header.
+: forbidden
+* Methods: all
+* Value type: boolean()
+* Default value: false
+Return whether access to the resource is forbidden.
+A `403 Forbidden` response will be sent if this
+function returns `true`. This status code means that
+access is forbidden regardless of authentication,
+and that the request shouldn't be repeated.
+: generate_etag
+* Value type: binary() | {weak | strong, binary()}
+* Default value: undefined
+Return the entity tag of the resource.
+This value will be sent as the value of the etag header.
+If a binary is returned, then the value will be parsed
+to the tuple form automatically. The value must be in
+the same format as the etag header, including quotes.
+: is_authorized
+* Methods: all
+* Value type: true | {false, AuthHeader}
+* Default value: true
+Return whether the user is authorized to perform the action.
+This function should be used to perform any necessary
+authentication of the user before attempting to perform
+any action on the resource.
+If the authentication fails, the value returned will be sent
+as the value for the www-authenticate header in the
+`401 Unauthorized` response.
+: is_conflict
+* Methods: PUT
+* Value type: boolean()
+* Default value: false
+Return whether the put action results in a conflict.
+A `409 Conflict` response will be sent if this function
+returns `true`.
+: known_content_type
+* Methods: all
+* Value type: boolean()
+* Default value: true
+Return whether the content-type is known.
+This function determines if the server understands the
+content-type, regardless of its use by the resource.
+: known_methods
+* Methods: all
+* Value type: [binary()]
+* Default value: [<<"GET">>, <<"HEAD">>, <<"POST">>, <<"PUT">>, <<"PATCH">>, <<"DELETE">>, <<"OPTIONS">>]
+Return the list of known methods.
+The full list of methods known by the server should be
+returned, regardless of their use in the resource.
+The default value lists the methods Cowboy knows and
+implement in `cowboy_rest`.
+Methods are case sensitive. Standard methods are always uppercase.
+: languages_provided
+* Value type: [binary()]
+* Skip to the next step if undefined
+Return the list of languages the resource provides.
+The list must be ordered in order of preference.
+If the accept-language header was not sent, the first language
+in the list will be selected. Otherwise Cowboy will select
+the most appropriate language from the list.
+The chosen language will be set in the `Req` object as the meta
+value `language`.
+While languages are case insensitive, this callback is expected
+to return them as lowercase binary.
+: last_modified
+* Value type: calendar:datetime()
+* Default value: undefined
+Return the date of last modification of the resource.
+This date will be used to test against the if-modified-since
+and if-unmodified-since headers, and sent as the last-modified
+header in the response of GET and HEAD requests.
+: malformed_request
+* Methods: all
+* Value type: boolean()
+* Default value: false
+Return whether the request is malformed.
+Cowboy has already performed all the necessary checks
+by the time this function is called, so few resources
+are expected to implement it.
+The check is to be done on the request itself, not on
+the request body, which is processed later.
+: moved_permanently
+* Value type: {true, URL} | false
+* Default value: false
+Return whether the resource was permanently moved.
+If it was, its new URL is also returned and sent in the
+location header in the response.
+: moved_temporarily
+* Value type: {true, URL} | false
+* Default value: false
+Return whether the resource was temporarily moved.
+If it was, its new URL is also returned and sent in the
+location header in the response.
+: multiple_choices
+* Value type: boolean()
+* Default value: false
+Return whether there are multiple representations of the resource.
+This function should be used to inform the client if there
+are different representations of the resource, for example
+different content-type. If this function returns `true`,
+the response body should include information about these
+different representations using `cowboy_req:set_resp_body/2`.
+The content-type of the response should be the one previously
+negociated and that can be obtained by calling
+`cowboy_req:meta(media_type, Req)`.
+: options
+* Methods: OPTIONS
+* Value type: ok
+* Default value: ok
+Handle a request for information.
+The response should inform the client the communication
+options available for this resource.
+By default, Cowboy will send a `200 OK` response with the
+allow header set.
+: previously_existed
+* Value type: boolean()
+* Default value: false
+Return whether the resource existed previously.
+: resource_exists
+* Value type: boolean()
+* Default value: true
+Return whether the resource exists.
+If it exists, conditional headers will be tested before
+attempting to perform the action. Otherwise, Cowboy will
+check if the resource previously existed first.
+: service_available
+* Methods: all
+* Value type: boolean()
+* Default value: true
+Return whether the service is available.
+This function can be used to test that all relevant backend
+systems are up and able to handle requests.
+A `503 Service Unavailable` response will be sent if this
+function returns `false`.
+: uri_too_long
+* Methods: all
+* Value type: boolean()
+* Default value: false
+Return whether the requested URI is too long.
+Cowboy has already performed all the necessary checks
+by the time this function is called, so few resources
+are expected to implement it.
+A `414 Request-URI Too Long` response will be sent if this
+function returns `true`.
+: valid_content_headers
+* Methods: all
+* Value type: boolean()
+* Default value: true
+Return whether the content-* headers are valid.
+This also applies to the transfer-encoding header. This
+function must return `false` for any unknown content-*
+headers, or if the headers can't be understood. The
+function `cowboy_req:parse_header/2` can be used to
+quickly check the headers can be parsed.
+A `501 Not Implemented` response will be sent if this
+function returns `false`.
+: valid_entity_length
+* Methods: all
+* Value type: boolean()
+* Default value: true
+Return whether the request body length is within acceptable boundaries.
+A `413 Request Entity Too Large` response will be sent if this
+function returns `false`.
+: variances
+* Value type: [binary()]
+* Default value: []
+Return the list of headers that affect the representation of the resource.
+These request headers return the same resource but with different
+parameters, like another language or a different content-type.
+Cowboy will automatically add the accept, accept-language and
+accept-charset headers to the list if the respective functions
+were defined in the resource.
+This operation is performed right before the `resource_exists/2`
+callback. All responses past that point will contain the vary
+header which holds this list.
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+::: cowboy_router
+The `cowboy_router` middleware maps the requested host and
+path to the handler to be used for processing the request.
+It uses the dispatch rules compiled from the routes given
+to the `compile/1` function for this purpose. It adds the
+handler name and options to the environment as the values
+`handler` and `handler_opts` respectively.
+Environment input:
+* dispatch = dispatch_rules()
+Environment output:
+* handler = module()
+* handler_opts = any()
+:: Types
+: bindings() = [{atom(), binary()}]
+List of bindings found during routing.
+: constraints() = [IntConstraint | FunConstraint]
+* IntConstraint = {atom(), int}
+* FunConstraint = {atom(), function, Fun}
+* Fun = fun((binary()) -> true | {true, any()} | false)
+List of constraints to apply to the bindings.
+The int constraint will convert the binding to an integer.
+The fun constraint allows writing custom code for checking
+the bindings. Returning a new value from that fun allows
+replacing the current binding with a new value.
+: dispatch_rules() - opaque to the user
+Rules for dispatching request used by Cowboy.
+: routes() = [{Host, Paths} | {Host, constraints(), Paths}]
+* Host = Path = '_' | iodata()
+* Paths = [{Path, Handler, Opts} | {Path, constraints(), Handler, Opts}]
+* Handler = module()
+* Opts = any()
+Human readable list of routes mapping hosts and paths to handlers.
+The syntax for routes is defined in the user guide.
+: tokens() = [binary()]
+List of host_info and path_info tokens found during routing.
+:: Exports
+: compile(Routes) -> Dispatch
+* Routes = routes()
+* Dispatch = dispatch_rules()
+Compile the routes for use by Cowboy.
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+::: cowboy_spdy
+The `cowboy_spdy` module implements SPDY/3 as a Ranch protocol.
+:: Types
+: opts() = [{env, cowboy_middleware:env()}
+ | {middlewares, [module()]}
+ | {onrequest, cowboy:onrequest_fun()}
+ | {onresponse, cowboy:onresponse_fun()}]
+Configuration for the SPDY protocol handler.
+This configuration is passed to Cowboy when starting listeners
+using the `cowboy:start_spdy/4` function.
+It can be updated without restarting listeners using the
+Ranch functions `ranch:get_protocol_options/1` and
+:: Option descriptions
+The default value is given next to the option name.
+: env ([{listener, Ref}])
+Initial middleware environment.
+: middlewares ([cowboy_router, cowboy_handler])
+List of middlewares to execute for every requests.
+: onrequest (undefined)
+Fun called every time a request is received.
+: onresponse (undefined)
+Fun called every time a response is sent.
+:: Exports
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+::: cowboy_static
+The `cowboy_static` module implements file serving capabilities
+by using the REST semantics provided by `cowboy_rest`.
+:: Types
+: opts() = {priv_file, atom(), string() | binary()}
+ | {priv_file, atom(), string() | binary(), extra()}
+ | {file, string() | binary()}
+ | {file, string() | binary(), extra()}
+ | {priv_dir, atom(), string() | binary()}
+ | {priv_dir, atom(), string() | binary(), extra()}
+ | {dir, atom(), string() | binary()}
+ | {dir, atom(), string() | binary(), extra()}
+Configuration for the static handler.
+The handler can be configured for sending either one file or
+a directory (including its subdirectories).
+Extra options allow you to define how the etag should be calculated
+and how the mimetype of files should be detected. They are defined
+as follow, but do note that these types are not exported, only the
+`opts/0` type is public.
+: extra() = [extra_etag() | extra_mimetypes()]
+: extra_etag() = {etag, module(), function()} | {etag, false}
+: extra_mimetypes() = {mimetypes, module(), function()}
+ | {mimetypes, binary() | {binary(), binary(), [{binary(), binary()}]}}
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+::: cowboy_sub_protocol
+The `cowboy_sub_protocol` behaviour defines the interface used
+by modules that implement a protocol on top of HTTP.
+:: Types
+:: Callbacks
+: upgrade(Req, Env, Handler, Opts)
+ -> {ok, Req, Env}
+ | {suspend, Module, Function, Args}
+ | {halt, Req}
+ | {error, StatusCode, Req}
+* Req = cowboy_req:req()
+* Env = env()
+* Handler = module()
+* Opts = any()
+* Module = module()
+* Function = atom()
+* Args = [any()]
+* StatusCode = cowboy:http_status()
+Upgrade the protocol.
+Please refer to the `cowboy_middleware` manual for a
+description of the return values.
diff --git a/doc/src/manual/cowboy_websocket.ezdoc b/doc/src/manual/cowboy_websocket.ezdoc
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+::: cowboy_websocket
+The `cowboy_websocket` module implements the Websocket protocol.
+The callbacks for websocket handlers are defined in the manual
+for the `cowboy_websocket_handler` behaviour.
+:: Types
+: close_code() = 1000..4999
+Reason for closing the connection.
+: frame() = close | ping | pong
+ | {text | binary | close | ping | pong, iodata()}
+ | {close, close_code(), iodata()}
+Frames that can be sent to the client.
+:: Meta values
+: websocket_compress
+Type: true | false
+Whether a websocket compression extension in in use.
+: websocket_version
+Type: 7 | 8 | 13
+The version of the Websocket protocol being used.
+:: Exports
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+::: cowboy_websocket_handler
+The `cowboy_websocket_handler` behaviour defines the interface used
+by Websocket handlers.
+The `init/3` and `websocket_init/3` callbacks will always be called,
+followed by zero or more calls to `websocket_handle/3` and
+`websocket_info/3`. The `websocket_terminate/3` will always
+be called last.
+:: Types
+:: Callbacks
+: init({TransportName, ProtocolName}, Req, Opts)
+ -> {upgrade, protocol, cowboy_websocket}
+ | {upgrade, protocol, cowboy_websocket, Req, Opts}
+* TransportName = tcp | ssl | atom()
+* ProtocolName = http | atom()
+* Req = cowboy_req:req()
+* Opts = any()
+Upgrade the protocol to `cowboy_websocket`.
+: websocket_init(TransportName, Req, Opts)
+ -> {ok, Req, State}
+ | {ok, Req, State, hibernate}
+ | {ok, Req, State, Timeout}
+ | {ok, Req, State, Timeout, hibernate}
+ | {shutdown, Req}
+* TransportName = tcp | ssl | atom()
+* Req = cowboy_req:req()
+* Opts = any()
+* State = any()
+* Timeout = timeout()
+Initialize the state for this session.
+This function is called before the upgrade to Websocket occurs.
+It can be used to negotiate Websocket protocol extensions
+with the client. It will typically be used to register this process
+to an event manager or a message queue in order to receive
+the messages the handler wants to process.
+The connection will stay up for a duration of up to `Timeout`
+milliseconds after it last received data from the socket,
+at which point it will stop and close the connection.
+By default this value is set to `infinity`. It is recommended
+to either set this value or ensure by any other mechanism
+that the handler will be closed after a certain period of
+The `hibernate` option will hibernate the process until it
+starts receiving either data from the Websocket connection
+or Erlang messages.
+The `shutdown` return value can be used to close the connection
+before upgrading to Websocket.
+: websocket_handle(InFrame, Req, State)
+ -> {ok, Req, State}
+ | {ok, Req, State, hibernate}
+ | {reply, OutFrame | [OutFrame], Req, State}
+ | {reply, OutFrame | [OutFrame], Req, State, hibernate}
+ | {shutdown, Req, State}
+* InFrame = {text | binary | ping | pong, binary()}
+* Req = cowboy_req:req()
+* State = any()
+* OutFrame = cowboy_websocket:frame()
+Handle the data received from the Websocket connection.
+This function will be called every time data is received
+from the Websocket connection.
+The `shutdown` return value can be used to close the
+connection. A close reply will also result in the connection
+being closed.
+The `hibernate` option will hibernate the process until
+it receives new data from the Websocket connection or an
+Erlang message.
+: websocket_info(Info, Req, State)
+ -> {ok, Req, State}
+ | {ok, Req, State, hibernate}
+ | {reply, OutFrame | [OutFrame], Req, State}
+ | {reply, OutFrame | [OutFrame], Req, State, hibernate}
+ | {shutdown, Req, State}
+* Info = any()
+* Req = cowboy_req:req()
+* State = any()
+* OutFrame = cowboy_websocket:frame()
+Handle the Erlang message received.
+This function will be called every time an Erlang message
+has been received. The message can be any Erlang term.
+The `shutdown` return value can be used to close the
+connection. A close reply will also result in the connection
+being closed.
+The `hibernate` option will hibernate the process until
+it receives another message or new data from the Websocket
+: websocket_terminate(Reason, Req, State) -> ok
+* Reason = {normal, shutdown | timeout} | {remote, closed} | {remote, cowboy_websocket:close_code(), binary()} | {error, badencoding | badframe | closed | atom()}
+* Req = cowboy_req:req()
+* State = any()
+Perform any necessary cleanup of the state.
+The connection will be closed and the process stopped right
+after this call.
diff --git a/doc/src/manual/http_status_codes.ezdoc b/doc/src/manual/http_status_codes.ezdoc
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+::: HTTP status codes
+This chapter aims to list all HTTP status codes that Cowboy
+may return, with details on the reasons why. The list given
+here only includes the replies that Cowboy sends, not user
+: 100 Continue
+When the client sends an `expect: 100-continue` header,
+Cowboy automatically sends a this status code before
+trying to read the request body. This behavior can be
+disabled using the appropriate body option.
+: 101 Switching Protocols
+This is the status code sent when switching to the
+Websocket protocol.
+: 200 OK
+This status code is sent by `cowboy_rest`.
+: 201 Created
+This status code is sent by `cowboy_rest`.
+: 202 Accepted
+This status code is sent by `cowboy_rest`.
+: 204 No Content
+This status code is sent when the processing of a request
+ends without any reply having been sent. It may also be
+sent by `cowboy_rest` under normal conditions.
+: 300 Multiple Choices
+This status code is sent by `cowboy_rest`.
+: 301 Moved Permanently
+This status code is sent by `cowboy_rest`.
+: 303 See Other
+This status code is sent by `cowboy_rest`.
+: 304 Not Modified
+This status code is sent by `cowboy_rest`.
+: 307 Temporary Redirect
+This status code is sent by `cowboy_rest`.
+: 400 Bad Request
+Cowboy will send this status code for any of the
+following reasons:
+* Too many empty lines were sent before the request.
+* The request-line could not be parsed.
+* Too many headers were sent.
+* A header name was too long.
+* A header value was too long.
+* The host header was missing from an HTTP/1.1 request.
+* The host header could not be parsed.
+* The requested host was not found.
+* The requested path could not be parsed.
+* The accept header could not be parsed when using REST.
+* REST under normal conditions.
+* A Websocket upgrade failed.
+: 401 Unauthorized
+This status code is sent by `cowboy_rest`.
+: 403 Forbidden
+This status code is sent by `cowboy_rest`.
+: 404 Not Found
+This status code is sent when the router successfully
+resolved the host but didn't find a matching path for
+the request. It may also be sent by `cowboy_rest` under
+normal conditions.
+: 405 Method Not Allowed
+This status code is sent by `cowboy_rest`.
+: 406 Not Acceptable
+This status code is sent by `cowboy_rest`.
+: 408 Request Timeout
+Cowboy will send this status code to the client if the
+client started to send a request, indicated by the
+request-line being received fully, but failed to send
+all headers in a reasonable time.
+: 409 Conflict
+This status code is sent by `cowboy_rest`.
+: 410 Gone
+This status code is sent by `cowboy_rest`.
+: 412 Precondition Failed
+This status code is sent by `cowboy_rest`.
+: 413 Request Entity Too Large
+This status code is sent by `cowboy_rest`.
+: 414 Request-URI Too Long
+Cowboy will send this status code to the client if the
+request-line is too long. It may also be sent by
+`cowboy_rest` under normal conditions.
+: 415 Unsupported Media Type
+This status code is sent by `cowboy_rest`.
+: 500 Internal Server Error
+This status code is sent when a crash occurs in HTTP, loop
+or REST handlers, or when an invalid return value is
+returned. It may also be sent by `cowboy_rest` under
+normal conditions.
+: 501 Not Implemented
+This status code is sent by `cowboy_rest`.
+: 503 Service Unavailable
+This status code is sent by `cowboy_rest`.
+: 505 HTTP Version Not Supported
+Cowboy only supports the versions 1.0 and 1.1 of HTTP.
+In all other cases this status code is sent back to the
+client and the connection is closed.
diff --git a/doc/src/manual/index.ezdoc b/doc/src/manual/index.ezdoc
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+::: Cowboy Function Reference
+The function reference documents the public interface of Cowboy.
+* ^"The Cowboy Application^cowboy_app
+* ^cowboy
+* ^cowboy_handler
+* ^cowboy_http_handler
+* ^cowboy_loop_handler
+* ^cowboy_middleware
+* ^cowboy_protocol
+* ^cowboy_req
+* ^cowboy_rest
+* ^cowboy_router
+* ^cowboy_spdy
+* ^cowboy_static
+* ^cowboy_sub_protocol
+* ^cowboy_websocket
+* ^cowboy_websocket_handler
+* ^"HTTP status codes^http_status_codes