path: root/src/cowboy_http.erl
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authorLoïc Hoguin <[email protected]>2019-10-03 15:42:58 +0200
committerLoïc Hoguin <[email protected]>2019-10-03 16:04:17 +0200
commit1ba48c58b1462fb9d9d8c4d9a43878679aea8eb7 (patch)
tree989759af4f9793b7af742b33c47f1d20d4d550df /src/cowboy_http.erl
parent57badc9082f4052f15bc3a3a432b1cfcee03c745 (diff)
Make stream_error early_error reasons consistent
Now both HTTP/1.1 and HTTP/2 follow the documented format. HTTP/1.1 was including an extra element containing the StreamID before, which was unnecessary because it is also given as argument to the callback. HTTP/2 early_error will now include headers in its PartialReq.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/cowboy_http.erl')
1 files changed, 9 insertions, 10 deletions
diff --git a/src/cowboy_http.erl b/src/cowboy_http.erl
index 505765a..021657a 100644
--- a/src/cowboy_http.erl
+++ b/src/cowboy_http.erl
@@ -647,13 +647,13 @@ horse_clean_value_ws_end() ->
-request(Buffer, State=#state{transport=Transport, in_streamid=StreamID,
+request(Buffer, State=#state{transport=Transport,
in_state=PS=#ps_header{authority=Authority, version=Version}}, Headers) ->
case maps:get(<<"host">>, Headers, undefined) of
undefined when Version =:= 'HTTP/1.1' ->
%% @todo Might want to not close the connection on this and next one.
error_terminate(400, State#state{in_state=PS#ps_header{headers=Headers}},
- {stream_error, StreamID, protocol_error,
+ {stream_error, protocol_error,
'HTTP/1.1 requests must include a host header. (RFC7230 5.4)'});
undefined ->
request(Buffer, State, Headers, <<>>, default_port(Transport:secure()));
@@ -667,23 +667,22 @@ request(Buffer, State=#state{transport=Transport, in_streamid=StreamID,
%% so we enforce that.
_ ->
error_terminate(400, State#state{in_state=PS#ps_header{headers=Headers}},
- {stream_error, StreamID, protocol_error,
+ {stream_error, protocol_error,
'The host header is different than the absolute-form authority component. (RFC7230 5.4)'})
-request_parse_host(Buffer, State=#state{transport=Transport,
- in_streamid=StreamID, in_state=PS}, Headers, RawHost) ->
+request_parse_host(Buffer, State=#state{transport=Transport, in_state=PS}, Headers, RawHost) ->
try cow_http_hd:parse_host(RawHost) of
{Host, undefined} ->
request(Buffer, State, Headers, Host, default_port(Transport:secure()));
{Host, Port} when Port > 0, Port =< 65535 ->
request(Buffer, State, Headers, Host, Port);
_ ->
- error_terminate(400, State, {stream_error, StreamID, protocol_error,
+ error_terminate(400, State, {stream_error, protocol_error,
'The port component of the absolute-form is not in the range 0..65535. (RFC7230 2.7.1)'})
catch _:_ ->
error_terminate(400, State#state{in_state=PS#ps_header{headers=Headers}},
- {stream_error, StreamID, protocol_error,
+ {stream_error, protocol_error,
'The host header is invalid. (RFC7230 5.4)'})
@@ -709,11 +708,11 @@ request(Buffer, State0=#state{ref=Ref, transport=Transport, peer=Peer, sock=Sock
true, undefined, fun cow_http_te:stream_chunked/2, {0, 0}};
_ ->
error_terminate(400, State0#state{in_state=PS#ps_header{headers=Headers0}},
- {stream_error, StreamID, protocol_error,
+ {stream_error, protocol_error,
'Cowboy only supports transfer-encoding: chunked. (RFC7230 3.3.1)'})
catch _:_ ->
error_terminate(400, State0#state{in_state=PS#ps_header{headers=Headers0}},
- {stream_error, StreamID, protocol_error,
+ {stream_error, protocol_error,
'The transfer-encoding header is invalid. (RFC7230 3.3.1)'})
#{<<"content-length">> := <<"0">>} ->
@@ -723,7 +722,7 @@ request(Buffer, State0=#state{ref=Ref, transport=Transport, peer=Peer, sock=Sock
catch _:_ ->
error_terminate(400, State0#state{in_state=PS#ps_header{headers=Headers0}},
- {stream_error, StreamID, protocol_error,
+ {stream_error, protocol_error,
'The content-length header is invalid. (RFC7230 3.3.2)'})
{Headers0, true, Length, fun cow_http_te:stream_identity/2, {0, Length}};