path: root/src/cowboy_http2.erl
diff options
authorLoïc Hoguin <[email protected]>2017-12-06 00:30:59 +0100
committerLoïc Hoguin <[email protected]>2017-12-06 00:30:59 +0100
commitdd002b81417dabac10daf28cbab00179e7bdf95f (patch)
tree279a0ad211e7bceac571ec1b03e35d9f12271d05 /src/cowboy_http2.erl
parent10dc2c2ef0ea4f89f7c9cbe7b886ce6327196115 (diff)
Disable the CONNECT method completely
It's safer than allow it with the wrong behavior.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/cowboy_http2.erl')
1 files changed, 65 insertions, 31 deletions
diff --git a/src/cowboy_http2.erl b/src/cowboy_http2.erl
index fdfef4a..9c2d74e 100644
--- a/src/cowboy_http2.erl
+++ b/src/cowboy_http2.erl
@@ -526,48 +526,28 @@ commands(State, Stream=#stream{local=idle}, [{error_response, StatusCode, Header
commands(State, Stream, [{error_response, _, _, _}|Tail]) ->
commands(State, Stream, Tail);
%% Send an informational response.
-commands(State=#state{socket=Socket, transport=Transport, encode_state=EncodeState0},
- Stream=#stream{id=StreamID, local=idle}, [{inform, StatusCode, Headers0}|Tail]) ->
- Headers = Headers0#{<<":status">> => status(StatusCode)},
- {HeaderBlock, EncodeState} = headers_encode(Headers, EncodeState0),
- Transport:send(Socket, cow_http2:headers(StreamID, fin, HeaderBlock)),
- commands(State#state{encode_state=EncodeState}, Stream, Tail);
+commands(State0, Stream=#stream{local=idle}, [{inform, StatusCode, Headers}|Tail]) ->
+ State = send_headers(State0, Stream, StatusCode, Headers, fin),
+ commands(State, Stream, Tail);
%% Send response headers.
%% @todo Kill the stream if it sent a response when one has already been sent.
%% @todo Keep IsFin in the state.
%% @todo Same two things above apply to DATA, possibly promise too.
-commands(State=#state{socket=Socket, transport=Transport, encode_state=EncodeState0},
- Stream=#stream{id=StreamID, method=Method, local=idle},
- [{response, StatusCode, Headers0, Body}|Tail]) ->
- Headers = Headers0#{<<":status">> => status(StatusCode)},
- {HeaderBlock, EncodeState} = headers_encode(Headers, EncodeState0),
- if
- Method =:= <<"HEAD">>; Body =:= <<>> ->
- Transport:send(Socket, cow_http2:headers(StreamID, fin, HeaderBlock)),
- commands(State#state{encode_state=EncodeState}, Stream#stream{local=fin}, Tail);
- element(1, Body) =:= sendfile ->
- Transport:send(Socket, cow_http2:headers(StreamID, nofin, HeaderBlock)),
- commands(State#state{encode_state=EncodeState}, Stream#stream{local=nofin},
- [erlang:insert_element(2, Body, fin)|Tail]);
- true ->
- Transport:send(Socket, cow_http2:headers(StreamID, nofin, HeaderBlock)),
- {State1, Stream1} = send_data(State, Stream#stream{local=nofin}, fin, Body),
- commands(State1#state{encode_state=EncodeState}, Stream1, Tail)
- end;
+commands(State0, Stream0=#stream{local=idle},
+ [{response, StatusCode, Headers, Body}|Tail]) ->
+ {State, Stream} = send_response(State0, Stream0, StatusCode, Headers, Body),
+ commands(State, Stream, Tail);
%% @todo response when local!=idle
%% Send response headers.
-commands(State=#state{socket=Socket, transport=Transport, encode_state=EncodeState0},
- Stream=#stream{id=StreamID, method=Method, local=idle},
- [{headers, StatusCode, Headers0}|Tail]) ->
- Headers = Headers0#{<<":status">> => status(StatusCode)},
- {HeaderBlock, EncodeState} = headers_encode(Headers, EncodeState0),
+commands(State0, Stream=#stream{method=Method, local=idle},
+ [{headers, StatusCode, Headers}|Tail]) ->
IsFin = case Method of
<<"HEAD">> -> fin;
_ -> nofin
- Transport:send(Socket, cow_http2:headers(StreamID, IsFin, HeaderBlock)),
- commands(State#state{encode_state=EncodeState}, Stream#stream{local=IsFin}, Tail);
+ State = send_headers(State0, Stream, StatusCode, Headers, IsFin),
+ commands(State, Stream#stream{local=IsFin}, Tail);
%% @todo headers when local!=idle
%% Send a response body chunk.
commands(State0, Stream0=#stream{local=nofin}, [{data, IsFin, Data}|Tail]) ->
@@ -669,6 +649,24 @@ after_commands(State=#state{streams=Streams0}, Stream=#stream{id=StreamID}) ->
Streams = lists:keystore(StreamID, #stream.id, Streams0, Stream),
+send_response(State0, Stream=#stream{method=Method}, StatusCode, Headers0, Body) ->
+ if
+ Method =:= <<"HEAD">>; Body =:= <<>> ->
+ State = send_headers(State0, Stream, StatusCode, Headers0, fin),
+ {State, Stream#stream{local=fin}};
+ true ->
+ State = send_headers(State0, Stream, StatusCode, Headers0, nofin),
+ %% send_data works with both sendfile and iolists.
+ send_data(State, Stream#stream{local=nofin}, fin, Body)
+ end.
+send_headers(State=#state{socket=Socket, transport=Transport, encode_state=EncodeState0},
+ #stream{id=StreamID}, StatusCode, Headers0, IsFin) ->
+ Headers = Headers0#{<<":status">> => status(StatusCode)},
+ {HeaderBlock, EncodeState} = headers_encode(Headers, EncodeState0),
+ Transport:send(Socket, cow_http2:headers(StreamID, IsFin, HeaderBlock)),
+ State#state{encode_state=EncodeState}.
status(Status) when is_integer(Status) ->
status(<< H, T, U, _/bits >>) when H >= $1, H =< $9, T >= $0, T =< $9, U >= $0, U =< $9 ->
@@ -844,6 +842,10 @@ stream_decode_init(State=#state{decode_state=DecodeState0}, StreamID, IsFin, Hea
stream_pseudo_headers_init(State, StreamID, IsFin, Headers0) ->
case pseudo_headers(Headers0, #{}) of
%% @todo Add clause for CONNECT requests (no scheme/path).
+ {ok, PseudoHeaders=#{method := Method}, _}
+ when Method =:= <<"CONNECT">> ->
+ stream_early_error(State, StreamID, 501, PseudoHeaders,
+ 'The CONNECT method is currently not implemented. (RFC7231 4.3.6)');
{ok, PseudoHeaders=#{method := _, scheme := _, authority := _, path := _}, Headers} ->
stream_regular_headers_init(State, StreamID, IsFin, Headers, PseudoHeaders);
{ok, _, _} ->
@@ -979,6 +981,38 @@ stream_malformed(State=#state{socket=Socket, transport=Transport}, StreamID, _)
Transport:send(Socket, cow_http2:rst_stream(StreamID, protocol_error)),
+stream_early_error(State0=#state{ref=Ref, opts=Opts, peer=Peer, streams=Streams},
+ StreamID, StatusCode0, #{method := Method}, HumanReadable) ->
+ %% We automatically terminate the stream but it is not an error
+ %% per se (at least not in the first implementation).
+ Reason = {stream_error, no_error, HumanReadable},
+ %% The partial Req is minimal for now. We only have one case
+ %% where it can be called (when a method is completely disabled).
+ PartialReq = #{
+ ref => Ref,
+ peer => Peer,
+ method => Method
+ },
+ Resp = {response, StatusCode0, RespHeaders0=#{<<"content-length">> => <<"0">>}, <<>>},
+ %% We need a stream to talk to the send_* functions.
+ Stream0 = #stream{id=StreamID, method=Method},
+ try cowboy_stream:early_error(StreamID, Reason, PartialReq, Resp, Opts) of
+ {response, StatusCode, RespHeaders, RespBody} ->
+ case send_response(State0, Stream0, StatusCode, RespHeaders, RespBody) of
+ {State, #stream{local=fin}} ->
+ State;
+ {State, Stream} ->
+ State#state{streams=[Stream|Streams]}
+ end
+ catch Class:Exception ->
+ cowboy_stream:report_error(early_error,
+ [StreamID, Reason, PartialReq, Resp, Opts],
+ Class, Exception, erlang:get_stacktrace()),
+ %% We still need to send an error response, so send what we initially
+ %% wanted to send. It's better than nothing.
+ send_headers(State0, Stream0, StatusCode0, RespHeaders0, fin)
+ end.
local_settings=#{initial_window_size := RemoteWindow},
remote_settings=#{initial_window_size := LocalWindow}},