path: root/src/cowboy_http_req.erl
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authorLoïc Hoguin <[email protected]>2012-03-29 01:14:44 +0200
committerLoïc Hoguin <[email protected]>2012-04-01 21:25:55 +0200
commit95e05d822f46e791a919f4e966879b4827989669 (patch)
tree7cec66644ebea5d3711fea6232bc441fb713723d /src/cowboy_http_req.erl
parentba75e8b8ae5629ea24815f28da944a489bfa0a3e (diff)
Add chunked transfer encoding support and rework the body reading API
Introduces 3 low level functions and updates the existing higher levels functions. The new primitives are has_body/1, body_length/1 and stream_body/1. In addition to that, a helper function init_stream/4 has been added. Streaming a body implies to decode the Transfer-Encoding and Content-Encoding used for the body. By default, Cowboy will try to figure out what was used and decode them properly. You can override this if you want to disable this behavior or simply support more encodings by calling the init_stream/4 function before you start streaming the body.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/cowboy_http_req.erl')
1 files changed, 173 insertions, 27 deletions
diff --git a/src/cowboy_http_req.erl b/src/cowboy_http_req.erl
index c352bbf..a6e8834 100644
--- a/src/cowboy_http_req.erl
+++ b/src/cowboy_http_req.erl
@@ -34,7 +34,8 @@
]). %% Request API.
- body/1, body/2, body_qs/1,
+ has_body/1, body_length/1, init_stream/4, stream_body/1,
+ skip_body/1, body/1, body/2, body_qs/1,
multipart_data/1, multipart_skip/1
]). %% Request Body API.
@@ -231,6 +232,7 @@ parse_header(Name, Req=#http_req{p_headers=PHeaders}) ->
%% @doc Default values for semantic header parsing.
-spec parse_header_default(cowboy_http:header()) -> any().
parse_header_default('Connection') -> [];
+parse_header_default('Transfer-Encoding') -> [<<"identity">>];
parse_header_default(_Name) -> undefined.
%% @doc Semantically parse headers.
@@ -290,6 +292,12 @@ parse_header(Name, Req, Default)
fun (Value) ->
+%% @todo Extension parameters.
+parse_header(Name, Req, Default) when Name =:= 'Transfer-Encoding' ->
+ parse_header(Name, Req, Default,
+ fun (Value) ->
+ cowboy_http:nonempty_list(Value, fun cowboy_http:token_ci/2)
+ end);
parse_header(Name, Req, Default) when Name =:= 'Upgrade' ->
parse_header(Name, Req, Default,
fun (Value) ->
@@ -299,6 +307,7 @@ parse_header(Name, Req, Default) ->
{Value, Req2} = header(Name, Req, Default),
{undefined, Value, Req2}.
+%% @todo This doesn't look in the cache.
parse_header(Name, Req=#http_req{p_headers=PHeaders}, Default, Fun) ->
case header(Name, Req) of
{undefined, Req2} ->
@@ -368,42 +377,179 @@ meta(Name, Req, Default) ->
%% Request Body API.
-%% @doc Return the full body sent with the request, or <em>{error, badarg}</em>
-%% if no <em>Content-Length</em> is available.
-%% @todo We probably want to allow a max length.
-%% @todo Add multipart support to this function.
+%% @doc Return whether the request message has a body.
+-spec has_body(#http_req{}) -> {boolean(), #http_req{}}.
+has_body(Req) ->
+ Has = lists:keymember('Content-Length', 1, Req#http_req.headers) orelse
+ lists:keymember('Transfer-Encoding', 1, Req#http_req.headers),
+ {Has, Req}.
+%% @doc Return the request message body length, if known.
+%% The length may not be known if Transfer-Encoding is not identity,
+%% and the body hasn't been read at the time of the call.
+-spec body_length(#http_req{}) -> {undefined | non_neg_integer(), #http_req{}}.
+body_length(Req) ->
+ case lists:keymember('Transfer-Encoding', 1, Req#http_req.headers) of
+ true -> {undefined, Req};
+ false -> parse_header('Content-Length', Req, 0)
+ end.
+%% @doc Initialize body streaming and set custom decoding functions.
+%% Calling this function is optional. It should only be used if you
+%% need to override the default behavior of Cowboy. Otherwise you
+%% should call stream_body/1 directly.
+%% Two decodings happen. First a decoding function is applied to the
+%% transferred data, and then another is applied to the actual content.
+%% Transfer encoding is generally used for chunked bodies. The decoding
+%% function uses a state to keep track of how much it has read, which is
+%% also initialized through this function.
+%% Content encoding is generally used for compression.
+%% Standard encodings can be found in cowboy_http.
+-spec init_stream(fun(), any(), fun(), #http_req{}) -> {ok, #http_req{}}.
+init_stream(TransferDecode, TransferState, ContentDecode, Req) ->
+ {ok, Req#http_req{body_state=
+ {stream, TransferDecode, TransferState, ContentDecode}}}.
+%% @doc Stream the request's body.
+%% This is the most low level function to read the request body.
+%% In most cases, if they weren't defined before using stream_body/4,
+%% this function will guess which transfer and content encodings were
+%% used for building the request body, and configure the decoding
+%% functions that will be used when streaming.
+%% It then starts streaming the body, returning {ok, Data, Req}
+%% for each streamed part, and {done, Req} when it's finished streaming.
+-spec stream_body(#http_req{}) -> {ok, binary(), #http_req{}}
+ | {done, #http_req{}} | {error, atom()}.
+stream_body(Req=#http_req{body_state=waiting}) ->
+ case parse_header('Transfer-Encoding', Req) of
+ {[<<"chunked">>], Req2} ->
+ stream_body(Req2#http_req{body_state=
+ {stream, fun cowboy_http:te_chunked/2, {0, 0},
+ fun cowboy_http:ce_identity/1}});
+ {[<<"identity">>], Req2} ->
+ {Length, Req3} = body_length(Req2),
+ case Length of
+ 0 ->
+ {done, Req3#http_req{body_state=done}};
+ Length ->
+ stream_body(Req3#http_req{body_state=
+ {stream, fun cowboy_http:te_identity/2, {0, Length},
+ fun cowboy_http:ce_identity/1}})
+ end
+ end;
+stream_body(Req=#http_req{buffer=Buffer, body_state={stream, _, _, _}})
+ when Buffer =/= <<>> ->
+ transfer_decode(Buffer, Req#http_req{buffer= <<>>});
+stream_body(Req=#http_req{body_state={stream, _, _, _}}) ->
+ stream_body_recv(Req);
+stream_body(Req=#http_req{body_state=done}) ->
+ {done, Req}.
+-spec stream_body_recv(#http_req{})
+ -> {ok, binary(), #http_req{}} | {error, atom()}.
+stream_body_recv(Req=#http_req{transport=Transport, socket=Socket}) ->
+ %% @todo Allow configuring the timeout.
+ case Transport:recv(Socket, 0, 5000) of
+ {ok, Data} -> transfer_decode(Data, Req);
+ {error, Reason} -> {error, Reason}
+ end.
+-spec transfer_decode(binary(), #http_req{})
+ -> {ok, binary(), #http_req{}} | {error, atom()}.
+transfer_decode(Data, Req=#http_req{
+ body_state={stream, TransferDecode, TransferState, ContentDecode}}) ->
+ case TransferDecode(Data, TransferState) of
+ {ok, Data2, TransferState2} ->
+ content_decode(ContentDecode, Data2, Req#http_req{body_state=
+ {stream, TransferDecode, TransferState2, ContentDecode}});
+ {ok, Data2, Rest, TransferState2} ->
+ content_decode(ContentDecode, Data2, Req#http_req{
+ buffer=Rest, body_state=
+ {stream, TransferDecode, TransferState2, ContentDecode}});
+ %% @todo {header(s) for chunked
+ more ->
+ stream_body_recv(Req);
+ {done, Length, Rest} ->
+ Req2 = transfer_decode_done(Length, Rest, Req),
+ {done, Req2};
+ {done, Data2, Length, Rest} ->
+ Req2 = transfer_decode_done(Length, Rest, Req),
+ content_decode(ContentDecode, Data2, Req2);
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ {error, Reason}
+ end.
+-spec transfer_decode_done(non_neg_integer(), binary(), #http_req{})
+ -> #http_req{}.
+transfer_decode_done(Length, Rest, Req=#http_req{
+ headers=Headers, p_headers=PHeaders}) ->
+ Headers2 = lists:keystore('Content-Length', 1, Headers,
+ {'Content-Length', list_to_binary(integer_to_list(Length))}),
+ %% At this point we just assume TEs were all decoded.
+ Headers3 = lists:keydelete('Transfer-Encoding', 1, Headers2),
+ PHeaders2 = lists:keystore('Content-Length', 1, PHeaders,
+ {'Content-Length', Length}),
+ PHeaders3 = lists:keydelete('Transfer-Encoding', 1, PHeaders2),
+ Req#http_req{buffer=Rest, body_state=done,
+ headers=Headers3, p_headers=PHeaders3}.
+%% @todo Probably needs a Rest.
+-spec content_decode(fun(), binary(), #http_req{})
+ -> {ok, binary(), #http_req{}} | {error, atom()}.
+content_decode(ContentDecode, Data, Req) ->
+ case ContentDecode(Data) of
+ {ok, Data2} -> {ok, Data2, Req};
+ {error, Reason} -> {error, Reason}
+ end.
+%% @doc Return the full body sent with the request.
-spec body(#http_req{}) -> {ok, binary(), #http_req{}} | {error, atom()}.
body(Req) ->
- {Length, Req2} = cowboy_http_req:parse_header('Content-Length', Req),
- case Length of
- undefined -> {error, badarg};
- {error, badarg} -> {error, badarg};
- _Any ->
- body(Length, Req2)
- end.
+ read_body(infinity, Req, <<>>).
-%% @doc Return <em>Length</em> bytes of the request body.
+%% @doc Return the full body sent with the request as long as the body
+%% length doesn't go over MaxLength.
-%% You probably shouldn't be calling this function directly, as it expects the
-%% <em>Length</em> argument to be the full size of the body, and will consider
-%% the body to be fully read from the socket.
-%% @todo We probably want to configure the timeout.
--spec body(non_neg_integer(), #http_req{})
+%% This is most useful to quickly be able to get the full body while
+%% avoiding filling your memory with huge request bodies when you're
+%% not expecting it.
+-spec body(non_neg_integer() | infinity, #http_req{})
-> {ok, binary(), #http_req{}} | {error, atom()}.
-body(Length, Req=#http_req{body_state=waiting, buffer=Buffer})
- when is_integer(Length) andalso Length =< byte_size(Buffer) ->
- << Body:Length/binary, Rest/bits >> = Buffer,
- {ok, Body, Req#http_req{body_state=done, buffer=Rest}};
-body(Length, Req=#http_req{socket=Socket, transport=Transport,
- body_state=waiting, buffer=Buffer}) ->
- case Transport:recv(Socket, Length - byte_size(Buffer), 5000) of
- {ok, Body} -> {ok, << Buffer/binary, Body/binary >>,
- Req#http_req{body_state=done, buffer= <<>>}};
+body(MaxLength, Req) ->
+ read_body(MaxLength, Req, <<>>).
+-spec read_body(non_neg_integer() | infinity, #http_req{}, binary())
+ -> {ok, binary(), #http_req{}} | {error, atom()}.
+read_body(MaxLength, Req, Acc) when MaxLength > byte_size(Acc) ->
+ case stream_body(Req) of
+ {ok, Data, Req2} ->
+ read_body(MaxLength, Req2, << Acc/binary, Data/binary >>);
+ {done, Req2} ->
+ {ok, Acc, Req2};
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ {error, Reason}
+ end.
+-spec skip_body(#http_req{}) -> {ok, #http_req{}} | {error, atom()}.
+skip_body(Req) ->
+ case stream_body(Req) of
+ {ok, _, Req2} -> skip_body(Req2);
+ {done, Req2} -> {ok, Req2};
{error, Reason} -> {error, Reason}
%% @doc Return the full body sent with the reqest, parsed as an
%% application/x-www-form-urlencoded string. Essentially a POST query string.
+%% @todo We need an option to limit the size of the body for QS too.
-spec body_qs(#http_req{}) -> {list({binary(), binary() | true}), #http_req{}}.
body_qs(Req=#http_req{urldecode={URLDecFun, URLDecArg}}) ->
{ok, Body, Req2} = body(Req),