path: root/src/cowboy_req.erl
diff options
authorLoïc Hoguin <[email protected]>2012-09-21 09:18:56 +0200
committerLoïc Hoguin <[email protected]>2012-09-21 09:18:56 +0200
commit34021666cbf626e979ea136664b1f8beca893d6f (patch)
treec5c56ca56b6540c42f84278221b442096edf61b0 /src/cowboy_req.erl
parent8497c8bbcdcfd8754c500e65557ee09d9bd1bed0 (diff)
Don't use decode_packet/3 for parsing the headers
Header names are now binaries. Since header names are case insensitive they are all converted to lowercase. For example: <<"content-length">>. The max_line_length option was removed. Three new options have been added instead: * max_request_line_length (defaults to 4096) * max_header_name_length (defaults to 64) * max_header_value_length (defaults to 4096)
Diffstat (limited to 'src/cowboy_req.erl')
1 files changed, 61 insertions, 123 deletions
diff --git a/src/cowboy_req.erl b/src/cowboy_req.erl
index 8d2cd98..8f2ef15 100644
--- a/src/cowboy_req.erl
+++ b/src/cowboy_req.erl
@@ -203,8 +203,8 @@ peer(Req) ->
%% @doc Returns the peer address calculated from headers.
-spec peer_addr(Req) -> {inet:ip_address(), Req} when Req::req().
peer_addr(Req = #http_req{}) ->
- {RealIp, Req1} = header(<<"X-Real-Ip">>, Req),
- {ForwardedForRaw, Req2} = header(<<"X-Forwarded-For">>, Req1),
+ {RealIp, Req1} = header(<<"x-real-ip">>, Req),
+ {ForwardedForRaw, Req2} = header(<<"x-forwarded-for">>, Req1),
{{PeerIp, _PeerPort}, Req3} = peer(Req2),
ForwardedFor = case ForwardedForRaw of
undefined ->
@@ -339,15 +339,15 @@ bindings(Req) ->
{Req#http_req.bindings, Req}.
%% @equiv header(Name, Req, undefined)
--spec header(atom() | binary(), Req)
+-spec header(binary(), Req)
-> {binary() | undefined, Req} when Req::req().
-header(Name, Req) when is_atom(Name) orelse is_binary(Name) ->
+header(Name, Req) ->
header(Name, Req, undefined).
%% @doc Return the header value for the given key, or a default if missing.
--spec header(atom() | binary(), Req, Default)
+-spec header(binary(), Req, Default)
-> {binary() | Default, Req} when Req::req(), Default::any().
-header(Name, Req, Default) when is_atom(Name) orelse is_binary(Name) ->
+header(Name, Req, Default) ->
case lists:keyfind(Name, 1, Req#http_req.headers) of
{Name, Value} -> {Value, Req};
false -> {Default, Req}
@@ -363,7 +363,7 @@ headers(Req) ->
%% When the value isn't found, a proper default value for the type
%% returned is used as a return value.
%% @see parse_header/3
--spec parse_header(cowboy_http:header(), Req)
+-spec parse_header(binary(), Req)
-> {ok, any(), Req} | {undefined, binary(), Req}
| {error, badarg} when Req::req().
parse_header(Name, Req=#http_req{p_headers=PHeaders}) ->
@@ -373,76 +373,77 @@ parse_header(Name, Req=#http_req{p_headers=PHeaders}) ->
%% @doc Default values for semantic header parsing.
--spec parse_header_default(cowboy_http:header()) -> any().
-parse_header_default('Connection') -> [];
-parse_header_default('Transfer-Encoding') -> [<<"identity">>];
+-spec parse_header_default(binary()) -> any().
+parse_header_default(<<"connection">>) -> [];
+parse_header_default(<<"transfer-encoding">>) -> [<<"identity">>];
parse_header_default(_Name) -> undefined.
%% @doc Semantically parse headers.
%% When the header is unknown, the value is returned directly without parsing.
--spec parse_header(cowboy_http:header(), Req, any())
+-spec parse_header(binary(), Req, any())
-> {ok, any(), Req} | {undefined, binary(), Req}
| {error, badarg} when Req::req().
-parse_header(Name, Req, Default) when Name =:= 'Accept' ->
+parse_header(Name, Req, Default) when Name =:= <<"accept">> ->
parse_header(Name, Req, Default,
fun (Value) ->
cowboy_http:list(Value, fun cowboy_http:media_range/2)
-parse_header(Name, Req, Default) when Name =:= 'Accept-Charset' ->
+parse_header(Name, Req, Default) when Name =:= <<"accept-charset">> ->
parse_header(Name, Req, Default,
fun (Value) ->
cowboy_http:nonempty_list(Value, fun cowboy_http:conneg/2)
-parse_header(Name, Req, Default) when Name =:= 'Accept-Encoding' ->
+parse_header(Name, Req, Default) when Name =:= <<"accept-encoding">> ->
parse_header(Name, Req, Default,
fun (Value) ->
cowboy_http:list(Value, fun cowboy_http:conneg/2)
-parse_header(Name, Req, Default) when Name =:= 'Accept-Language' ->
+parse_header(Name, Req, Default) when Name =:= <<"accept-language">> ->
parse_header(Name, Req, Default,
fun (Value) ->
cowboy_http:nonempty_list(Value, fun cowboy_http:language_range/2)
-parse_header(Name, Req, Default) when Name =:= 'Connection' ->
+parse_header(Name, Req, Default) when Name =:= <<"connection">> ->
parse_header(Name, Req, Default,
fun (Value) ->
cowboy_http:nonempty_list(Value, fun cowboy_http:token_ci/2)
-parse_header(Name, Req, Default) when Name =:= 'Content-Length' ->
+parse_header(Name, Req, Default) when Name =:= <<"content-length">> ->
parse_header(Name, Req, Default,
fun (Value) ->
-parse_header(Name, Req, Default) when Name =:= 'Content-Type' ->
+parse_header(Name, Req, Default) when Name =:= <<"content-type">> ->
parse_header(Name, Req, Default,
fun (Value) ->
-parse_header(Name, Req, Default) when Name =:= <<"Expect">> ->
+parse_header(Name, Req, Default) when Name =:= <<"expect">> ->
parse_header(Name, Req, Default,
fun (Value) ->
cowboy_http:nonempty_list(Value, fun cowboy_http:expectation/2)
parse_header(Name, Req, Default)
- when Name =:= 'If-Match'; Name =:= 'If-None-Match' ->
+ when Name =:= <<"if-match">>; Name =:= <<"if-none-match">> ->
parse_header(Name, Req, Default,
fun (Value) ->
parse_header(Name, Req, Default)
- when Name =:= 'If-Modified-Since'; Name =:= 'If-Unmodified-Since' ->
+ when Name =:= <<"if-modified-since">>;
+ Name =:= <<"if-unmodified-since">> ->
parse_header(Name, Req, Default,
fun (Value) ->
%% @todo Extension parameters.
-parse_header(Name, Req, Default) when Name =:= 'Transfer-Encoding' ->
+parse_header(Name, Req, Default) when Name =:= <<"transfer-encoding">> ->
parse_header(Name, Req, Default,
fun (Value) ->
cowboy_http:nonempty_list(Value, fun cowboy_http:token_ci/2)
-parse_header(Name, Req, Default) when Name =:= 'Upgrade' ->
+parse_header(Name, Req, Default) when Name =:= <<"upgrade">> ->
parse_header(Name, Req, Default,
fun (Value) ->
cowboy_http:nonempty_list(Value, fun cowboy_http:token_ci/2)
@@ -475,7 +476,7 @@ cookie(Name, Req) when is_binary(Name) ->
-spec cookie(binary(), Req, Default)
-> {binary() | true | Default, Req} when Req::req(), Default::any().
cookie(Name, Req=#http_req{cookies=undefined}, Default) when is_binary(Name) ->
- case header('Cookie', Req) of
+ case header(<<"cookie">>, Req) of
{undefined, Req2} ->
{Default, Req2#http_req{cookies=[]}};
{RawCookie, Req2} ->
@@ -491,7 +492,7 @@ cookie(Name, Req, Default) ->
%% @doc Return the full list of cookie values.
-spec cookies(Req) -> {list({binary(), binary() | true}), Req} when Req::req().
cookies(Req=#http_req{cookies=undefined}) ->
- case header('Cookie', Req) of
+ case header(<<"cookie">>, Req) of
{undefined, Req2} ->
{[], Req2#http_req{cookies=[]}};
{RawCookie, Req2} ->
@@ -532,8 +533,8 @@ set_meta(Name, Value, Req=#http_req{meta=Meta}) ->
%% @doc Return whether the request message has a body.
-spec has_body(Req) -> {boolean(), Req} when Req::req().
has_body(Req) ->
- Has = lists:keymember('Content-Length', 1, Req#http_req.headers) orelse
- lists:keymember('Transfer-Encoding', 1, Req#http_req.headers),
+ Has = lists:keymember(<<"content-length">>, 1, Req#http_req.headers) orelse
+ lists:keymember(<<"transfer-encoding">>, 1, Req#http_req.headers),
{Has, Req}.
%% @doc Return the request message body length, if known.
@@ -542,11 +543,11 @@ has_body(Req) ->
%% and the body hasn't been read at the time of the call.
-spec body_length(Req) -> {undefined | non_neg_integer(), Req} when Req::req().
body_length(Req) ->
- case lists:keymember('Transfer-Encoding', 1, Req#http_req.headers) of
+ case lists:keymember(<<"transfer-encoding">>, 1, Req#http_req.headers) of
true ->
{undefined, Req};
false ->
- {ok, Length, Req2} = parse_header('Content-Length', Req, 0),
+ {ok, Length, Req2} = parse_header(<<"content-length">>, Req, 0),
{Length, Req2}
@@ -586,7 +587,7 @@ init_stream(TransferDecode, TransferState, ContentDecode, Req) ->
| {done, Req} | {error, atom()} when Req::req().
version=Version, transport=Transport, socket=Socket}) ->
- case parse_header(<<"Expect">>, Req) of
+ case parse_header(<<"expect">>, Req) of
{ok, [<<"100-continue">>], Req1} ->
HTTPVer = cowboy_http:version_to_binary(Version),
@@ -594,7 +595,7 @@ stream_body(Req=#http_req{body_state=waiting,
{ok, undefined, Req1} ->
- case parse_header('Transfer-Encoding', Req1) of
+ case parse_header(<<"transfer-encoding">>, Req1) of
{ok, [<<"chunked">>], Req2} ->
{stream, fun cowboy_http:te_chunked/2, {0, 0},
@@ -657,13 +658,13 @@ transfer_decode(Data, Req=#http_req{
-> Req when Req::req().
transfer_decode_done(Length, Rest, Req=#http_req{
headers=Headers, p_headers=PHeaders}) ->
- Headers2 = lists:keystore('Content-Length', 1, Headers,
- {'Content-Length', list_to_binary(integer_to_list(Length))}),
+ Headers2 = lists:keystore(<<"content-length">>, 1, Headers,
+ {<<"content-length">>, list_to_binary(integer_to_list(Length))}),
%% At this point we just assume TEs were all decoded.
- Headers3 = lists:keydelete('Transfer-Encoding', 1, Headers2),
- PHeaders2 = lists:keystore('Content-Length', 1, PHeaders,
- {'Content-Length', Length}),
- PHeaders3 = lists:keydelete('Transfer-Encoding', 1, PHeaders2),
+ Headers3 = lists:keydelete(<<"transfer-encoding">>, 1, Headers2),
+ PHeaders2 = lists:keystore(<<"content-length">>, 1, PHeaders,
+ {<<"content-length">>, Length}),
+ PHeaders3 = lists:keydelete(<<"transfer-encoding">>, 1, PHeaders2),
Req#http_req{buffer=Rest, body_state=done,
headers=Headers3, p_headers=PHeaders3}.
@@ -743,9 +744,9 @@ body_qs(Req=#http_req{urldecode={URLDecFun, URLDecArg}}) ->
| {end_of_part | eof, Req} when Req::req().
multipart_data(Req=#http_req{body_state=waiting}) ->
{ok, {<<"multipart">>, _SubType, Params}, Req2} =
- parse_header('Content-Type', Req),
+ parse_header(<<"content-type">>, Req),
{_, Boundary} = lists:keyfind(<<"boundary">>, 1, Params),
- {ok, Length, Req3} = parse_header('Content-Length', Req2),
+ {ok, Length, Req3} = parse_header(<<"content-length">>, Req2),
multipart_data(Req3, Length, {more, cowboy_multipart:parser(Boundary)});
multipart_data(Req=#http_req{multipart={Length, Cont}}) ->
multipart_data(Req, Length, Cont());
@@ -796,11 +797,10 @@ set_resp_cookie(Name, Value, Options, Req) ->
set_resp_header(HeaderName, HeaderValue, Req).
%% @doc Add a header to the response.
--spec set_resp_header(cowboy_http:header(), iodata(), Req)
+-spec set_resp_header(binary(), iodata(), Req)
-> Req when Req::req().
set_resp_header(Name, Value, Req=#http_req{resp_headers=RespHeaders}) ->
- NameBin = header_to_binary(Name),
- Req#http_req{resp_headers=[{NameBin, Value}|RespHeaders]}.
+ Req#http_req{resp_headers=[{Name, Value}|RespHeaders]}.
%% @doc Add a body to the response.
@@ -831,10 +831,9 @@ set_resp_body_fun(StreamLen, StreamFun, Req) ->
Req#http_req{resp_body={StreamLen, StreamFun}}.
%% @doc Return whether the given header has been set for the response.
--spec has_resp_header(cowboy_http:header(), req()) -> boolean().
+-spec has_resp_header(binary(), req()) -> boolean().
has_resp_header(Name, #http_req{resp_headers=RespHeaders}) ->
- NameBin = header_to_binary(Name),
- lists:keymember(NameBin, 1, RespHeaders).
+ lists:keymember(Name, 1, RespHeaders).
%% @doc Return whether a body has been set for the response.
-spec has_resp_body(req()) -> boolean().
@@ -844,7 +843,7 @@ has_resp_body(#http_req{resp_body=RespBody}) ->
iolist_size(RespBody) > 0.
%% Remove a header previously set for the response.
--spec delete_resp_header(cowboy_http:header(), Req)
+-spec delete_resp_header(binary(), Req)
-> Req when Req::req().
delete_resp_header(Name, Req=#http_req{resp_headers=RespHeaders}) ->
RespHeaders2 = lists:keydelete(Name, 1, RespHeaders),
@@ -870,13 +869,13 @@ reply(Status, Headers, Body, Req=#http_req{socket=Socket, transport=Transport,
RespConn = response_connection(Headers, Connection),
ContentLen = case Body of {CL, _} -> CL; _ -> iolist_size(Body) end,
HTTP11Headers = case Version of
- {1, 1} -> [{<<"Connection">>, atom_to_connection(Connection)}];
+ {1, 1} -> [{<<"connection">>, atom_to_connection(Connection)}];
_ -> []
{ReplyType, Req2} = response(Status, Headers, RespHeaders, [
- {<<"Content-Length">>, integer_to_list(ContentLen)},
- {<<"Date">>, cowboy_clock:rfc1123()},
- {<<"Server">>, <<"Cowboy">>}
+ {<<"content-length">>, integer_to_list(ContentLen)},
+ {<<"date">>, cowboy_clock:rfc1123()},
+ {<<"server">>, <<"Cowboy">>}
|HTTP11Headers], Req),
if Method =:= <<"HEAD">> -> ok;
ReplyType =:= hook -> ok; %% Hook replied for us, stop there.
@@ -904,13 +903,13 @@ chunked_reply(Status, Headers, Req=#http_req{
RespConn = response_connection(Headers, Connection),
HTTP11Headers = case Version of
{1, 1} -> [
- {<<"Connection">>, atom_to_connection(Connection)},
- {<<"Transfer-Encoding">>, <<"chunked">>}];
+ {<<"connection">>, atom_to_connection(Connection)},
+ {<<"transfer-encoding">>, <<"chunked">>}];
_ -> []
{_, Req2} = response(Status, Headers, RespHeaders, [
- {<<"Date">>, cowboy_clock:rfc1123()},
- {<<"Server">>, <<"Cowboy">>}
+ {<<"date">>, cowboy_clock:rfc1123()},
+ {<<"server">>, <<"Cowboy">>}
|HTTP11Headers], Req),
{ok, Req2#http_req{connection=RespConn, resp_state=chunks,
resp_headers=[], resp_body= <<>>}}.
@@ -934,7 +933,7 @@ chunk(Data, #http_req{socket=Socket, transport=Transport, resp_state=chunks}) ->
upgrade_reply(Status, Headers, Req=#http_req{
resp_state=waiting, resp_headers=RespHeaders}) ->
{_, Req2} = response(Status, Headers, RespHeaders, [
- {<<"Connection">>, <<"Upgrade">>}
+ {<<"connection">>, <<"Upgrade">>}
], Req),
{ok, Req2#http_req{resp_state=done, resp_headers=[], resp_body= <<>>}}.
@@ -965,18 +964,18 @@ ensure_response(#http_req{socket=Socket, transport=Transport,
-spec set_host(binary(), inet:port_number(), binary(), Req)
-> Req when Req::req().
set_host(Host, Port, RawHost, Req=#http_req{headers=Headers}) ->
- Req#http_req{host=Host, port=Port, headers=[{'Host', RawHost}|Headers]}.
+ Req#http_req{host=Host, port=Port, headers=[{<<"host">>, RawHost}|Headers]}.
%% @private
-spec set_connection(binary(), Req) -> Req when Req::req().
set_connection(RawConnection, Req=#http_req{headers=Headers}) ->
- Req2 = Req#http_req{headers=[{'Connection', RawConnection}|Headers]},
- {ok, ConnTokens, Req3} = parse_header('Connection', Req2),
+ Req2 = Req#http_req{headers=[{<<"connection">>, RawConnection}|Headers]},
+ {ok, ConnTokens, Req3} = parse_header(<<"connection">>, Req2),
ConnAtom = cowboy_http:connection_to_atom(ConnTokens),
%% @private
--spec add_header(cowboy_http:header(), binary(), Req)
+-spec add_header(binary(), binary(), Req)
-> Req when Req::req().
add_header(Name, Value, Req=#http_req{headers=Headers}) ->
Req#http_req{headers=[{Name, Value}|Headers]}.
@@ -1084,14 +1083,8 @@ response_connection([], Connection) ->
response_connection([{Name, Value}|Tail], Connection) ->
case Name of
- 'Connection' -> response_connection_parse(Value);
- Name when is_atom(Name) -> response_connection(Tail, Connection);
- Name ->
- Name2 = cowboy_bstr:to_lower(Name),
- case Name2 of
- <<"connection">> -> response_connection_parse(Value);
- _Any -> response_connection(Tail, Connection)
- end
+ <<"connection">> -> response_connection_parse(Value);
+ _ -> response_connection(Tail, Connection)
-spec response_connection_parse(binary()) -> keepalive | close.
@@ -1102,7 +1095,7 @@ response_connection_parse(ReplyConn) ->
-spec response_merge_headers(cowboy_http:headers(), cowboy_http:headers(),
cowboy_http:headers()) -> cowboy_http:headers().
response_merge_headers(Headers, RespHeaders, DefaultHeaders) ->
- Headers2 = [{header_to_binary(Key), Value} || {Key, Value} <- Headers],
+ Headers2 = [{Key, Value} || {Key, Value} <- Headers],
merge_headers(Headers2, RespHeaders),
@@ -1185,61 +1178,6 @@ status(510) -> <<"510 Not Extended">>;
status(511) -> <<"511 Network Authentication Required">>;
status(B) when is_binary(B) -> B.
--spec header_to_binary(cowboy_http:header()) -> binary().
-header_to_binary('Cache-Control') -> <<"Cache-Control">>;
-header_to_binary('Connection') -> <<"Connection">>;
-header_to_binary('Date') -> <<"Date">>;
-header_to_binary('Pragma') -> <<"Pragma">>;
-header_to_binary('Transfer-Encoding') -> <<"Transfer-Encoding">>;
-header_to_binary('Upgrade') -> <<"Upgrade">>;
-header_to_binary('Via') -> <<"Via">>;
-header_to_binary('Accept') -> <<"Accept">>;
-header_to_binary('Accept-Charset') -> <<"Accept-Charset">>;
-header_to_binary('Accept-Encoding') -> <<"Accept-Encoding">>;
-header_to_binary('Accept-Language') -> <<"Accept-Language">>;
-header_to_binary('Authorization') -> <<"Authorization">>;
-header_to_binary('From') -> <<"From">>;
-header_to_binary('Host') -> <<"Host">>;
-header_to_binary('If-Modified-Since') -> <<"If-Modified-Since">>;
-header_to_binary('If-Match') -> <<"If-Match">>;
-header_to_binary('If-None-Match') -> <<"If-None-Match">>;
-header_to_binary('If-Range') -> <<"If-Range">>;
-header_to_binary('If-Unmodified-Since') -> <<"If-Unmodified-Since">>;
-header_to_binary('Max-Forwards') -> <<"Max-Forwards">>;
-header_to_binary('Proxy-Authorization') -> <<"Proxy-Authorization">>;
-header_to_binary('Range') -> <<"Range">>;
-header_to_binary('Referer') -> <<"Referer">>;
-header_to_binary('User-Agent') -> <<"User-Agent">>;
-header_to_binary('Age') -> <<"Age">>;
-header_to_binary('Location') -> <<"Location">>;
-header_to_binary('Proxy-Authenticate') -> <<"Proxy-Authenticate">>;
-header_to_binary('Public') -> <<"Public">>;
-header_to_binary('Retry-After') -> <<"Retry-After">>;
-header_to_binary('Server') -> <<"Server">>;
-header_to_binary('Vary') -> <<"Vary">>;
-header_to_binary('Warning') -> <<"Warning">>;
-header_to_binary('Www-Authenticate') -> <<"Www-Authenticate">>;
-header_to_binary('Allow') -> <<"Allow">>;
-header_to_binary('Content-Base') -> <<"Content-Base">>;
-header_to_binary('Content-Encoding') -> <<"Content-Encoding">>;
-header_to_binary('Content-Language') -> <<"Content-Language">>;
-header_to_binary('Content-Length') -> <<"Content-Length">>;
-header_to_binary('Content-Location') -> <<"Content-Location">>;
-header_to_binary('Content-Md5') -> <<"Content-Md5">>;
-header_to_binary('Content-Range') -> <<"Content-Range">>;
-header_to_binary('Content-Type') -> <<"Content-Type">>;
-header_to_binary('Etag') -> <<"Etag">>;
-header_to_binary('Expires') -> <<"Expires">>;
-header_to_binary('Last-Modified') -> <<"Last-Modified">>;
-header_to_binary('Accept-Ranges') -> <<"Accept-Ranges">>;
-header_to_binary('Set-Cookie') -> <<"Set-Cookie">>;
-header_to_binary('Set-Cookie2') -> <<"Set-Cookie2">>;
-header_to_binary('X-Forwarded-For') -> <<"X-Forwarded-For">>;
-header_to_binary('Cookie') -> <<"Cookie">>;
-header_to_binary('Keep-Alive') -> <<"Keep-Alive">>;
-header_to_binary('Proxy-Connection') -> <<"Proxy-Connection">>;
-header_to_binary(B) when is_binary(B) -> B.
%% Tests.