path: root/src/cowboy_websocket.erl
diff options
authorLoïc Hoguin <[email protected]>2017-05-28 19:04:16 +0200
committerLoïc Hoguin <[email protected]>2017-05-28 20:19:39 +0200
commit5f421f93bc36d73161f7aa8705da5ea3a3793807 (patch)
tree3111c6978ec7b562a2fcf0bbe76f09d653dc67ac /src/cowboy_websocket.erl
parent8cb125dbb7c410cab862aac5a582e5dfa0e46772 (diff)
Introduce the req_filter Websocket option
This option allows customizing the compacting of the Req object when using Websocket. By default it will keep most public fields excluding headers of course, since those can be large.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/cowboy_websocket.erl')
1 files changed, 11 insertions, 7 deletions
diff --git a/src/cowboy_websocket.erl b/src/cowboy_websocket.erl
index 29c0ad1..549ef0d 100644
--- a/src/cowboy_websocket.erl
+++ b/src/cowboy_websocket.erl
@@ -47,14 +47,13 @@
-callback websocket_info(any(), State)
-> call_result(State) when State::any().
-%% @todo OK this I am not sure what to do about it. We don't have a Req anymore.
-%% We probably should have a websocket_terminate instead.
-callback terminate(any(), cowboy_req:req(), any()) -> ok.
-type opts() :: #{
+ compress => boolean(),
idle_timeout => timeout(),
- compress => boolean()
+ req_filter => fun((cowboy_req:req()) -> map())
@@ -71,7 +70,8 @@
frag_state = undefined :: cow_ws:frag_state(),
frag_buffer = <<>> :: binary(),
utf8_state = 0 :: cow_ws:utf8_state(),
- extensions = #{} :: map()
+ extensions = #{} :: map(),
+ req = #{} :: map()
%% Stream process.
@@ -90,7 +90,11 @@ upgrade(Req, Env, Handler, HandlerState) ->
upgrade(Req0, Env, Handler, HandlerState, Opts) ->
Timeout = maps:get(idle_timeout, Opts, 60000),
Compress = maps:get(compress, Opts, false),
- State0 = #state{handler=Handler, timeout=Timeout, compress=Compress},
+ FilteredReq = case maps:get(req_filter, Opts, undefined) of
+ undefined -> maps:with([method, version, scheme, host, port, path, qs, peer], Req0);
+ FilterFun -> FilterFun(Req0)
+ end,
+ State0 = #state{handler=Handler, timeout=Timeout, compress=Compress, req=FilteredReq},
try websocket_upgrade(State0, Req0) of
{ok, State, Req} ->
websocket_handshake(State, Req, HandlerState, Env)
@@ -417,5 +421,5 @@ terminate(State, HandlerState, Reason) ->
handler_terminate(State, HandlerState, Reason),
-handler_terminate(#state{handler=Handler}, HandlerState, Reason) ->
- cowboy_handler:terminate(Reason, undefined, HandlerState, Handler).
+handler_terminate(#state{handler=Handler, req=Req}, HandlerState, Reason) ->
+ cowboy_handler:terminate(Reason, Req, HandlerState, Handler).