path: root/src
diff options
authorTom Burdick <[email protected]>2012-10-15 17:56:55 -0500
committerTom Burdick <[email protected]>2013-01-29 11:34:20 -0600
commitc4d1ee554778cc7c90e0a964bfbdddb8823de0c9 (patch)
tree164a3758dbc0f74446974237ab62aad34c20da54 /src
parentab0699ab29b6750d19cf2e0fce03e185d2206e9d (diff)
add patch support to cowboy_rest
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
1 files changed, 28 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/src/cowboy_rest.erl b/src/cowboy_rest.erl
index 6816303..fb7f2e1 100644
--- a/src/cowboy_rest.erl
+++ b/src/cowboy_rest.erl
@@ -91,7 +91,8 @@ known_methods(Req, State=#state{method=Method}) ->
no_call when Method =:= <<"HEAD">>; Method =:= <<"GET">>;
Method =:= <<"POST">>; Method =:= <<"PUT">>;
Method =:= <<"DELETE">>; Method =:= <<"TRACE">>;
- Method =:= <<"CONNECT">>; Method =:= <<"OPTIONS">> ->
+ Method =:= <<"CONNECT">>; Method =:= <<"OPTIONS">>;
+ Method =:= <<"PATCH">> ->
next(Req, State, fun uri_too_long/2);
no_call ->
next(Req, State, 501);
@@ -644,6 +645,8 @@ method(Req, State=#state{method= <<"POST">>}) ->
post_is_create(Req, State);
method(Req, State=#state{method= <<"PUT">>}) ->
is_conflict(Req, State);
+method(Req, State=#state{method= <<"PATCH">>}) ->
+ patch_resource(Req, State);
method(Req, State=#state{method=Method})
when Method =:= <<"GET">>; Method =:= <<"HEAD">> ->
set_resp_body(Req, State);
@@ -708,6 +711,9 @@ put_resource(Req, State) ->
%% may be different from the request path, and is stored as request metadata.
%% It is always defined past this point. It can be retrieved as demonstrated:
%% {PutPath, Req2} = cowboy_req:meta(put_path, Req)
+%%content_types_accepted SHOULD return a different list
+%% for each HTTP method.
put_resource(Req, State, OnTrue) ->
case call(Req, State, content_types_accepted) of
no_call ->
@@ -722,6 +728,27 @@ put_resource(Req, State, OnTrue) ->
choose_content_type(Req3, State2, OnTrue, ContentType, CTA2)
+%% content_types_accepted should return a list of media types and their
+%% associated callback functions in the same format as content_types_provided.
+%% The callback will then be called and is expected to process the content
+%% pushed to the resource in the request body.
+%% content_types_accepted SHOULD return a different list
+%% for each HTTP method.
+patch_resource(Req, State) ->
+ case call(Req, State, content_types_accepted) of
+ no_call ->
+ respond(Req, State, 415);
+ {halt, Req2, HandlerState} ->
+ terminate(Req2, State#state{handler_state=HandlerState});
+ {CTM, Req2, HandlerState} ->
+ State2 = State#state{handler_state=HandlerState},
+ {ok, ContentType, Req3}
+ = cowboy_req:parse_header(<<"content-type">>, Req2),
+ choose_content_type(Req3, State2, 204, ContentType, CTM)
+ end.
%% The special content type '*' will always match. It can be used as a
%% catch-all content type for accepting any kind of request content.
%% Note that because it will always match, it should be the last of the