path: root/src
diff options
authorLoïc Hoguin <[email protected]>2017-11-22 15:39:39 +0100
committerLoïc Hoguin <[email protected]>2017-11-22 23:10:00 +0100
commitc4e43ec26ad5193b9665f159d294d133a2d34a85 (patch)
treeef8a48c75a445e4b86e2fded44e409f6992cc81a /src
parent1af508c4cdad328a14fb889dfebf3fff23bc77d4 (diff)
Add more rfc7230 tests and better handle bad chunk sizes
Bad chunk sizes used to be accepted and could result in a badly parsed body or a timeout. They are now properly rejected. Chunk extensions now have a hard limit of 129 characters. I haven't heard of anyone using them and Cowboy does not provide an interface for them, but we can always increase or make configurable if it ever becomes necessary (but I honestly doubt it). Also a test from the old http suite could be removed. Yay!
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
1 files changed, 7 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/src/cowboy_http.erl b/src/cowboy_http.erl
index c94efe2..ce24f52 100644
--- a/src/cowboy_http.erl
+++ b/src/cowboy_http.erl
@@ -727,7 +727,7 @@ http2_upgrade(State=#state{parent=Parent, ref=Ref, socket=Socket, transport=Tran
parse_body(Buffer, State=#state{in_streamid=StreamID, in_state=
PS=#ps_body{transfer_decode_fun=TDecode, transfer_decode_state=TState0}}) ->
%% @todo Proper trailers.
- case TDecode(Buffer, TState0) of
+ try TDecode(Buffer, TState0) of
more ->
%% @todo Asks for 0 or more bytes.
{more, State, Buffer};
@@ -749,6 +749,10 @@ parse_body(Buffer, State=#state{in_streamid=StreamID, in_state=
{done, Data, _HasTrailers, Rest} ->
{data, StreamID, fin, Data, set_timeout(
State#state{in_streamid=StreamID + 1, in_state=#ps_request_line{}}), Rest}
+ catch _:_ ->
+ Reason = {connection_error, protocol_error,
+ 'Failure to decode the content. (RFC7230 4)'},
+ terminate(stream_terminate(State, StreamID, Reason), Reason)
%% Message handling.
@@ -1031,6 +1035,8 @@ stream_terminate(State0=#state{out_streamid=OutStreamID, out_state=OutState,
State1 = #state{streams=Streams1} = case OutState of
wait when element(1, Reason) =:= internal_error ->
info(State0, StreamID, {response, 500, #{<<"content-length">> => <<"0">>}, <<>>});
+ wait when element(1, Reason) =:= connection_error ->
+ info(State0, StreamID, {response, 400, #{<<"content-length">> => <<"0">>}, <<>>});
wait ->
info(State0, StreamID, {response, 204, #{}, <<>>});
chunked when Version =:= 'HTTP/1.1' ->