path: root/src
diff options
authorLoïc Hoguin <[email protected]>2017-10-30 16:21:25 +0000
committerLoïc Hoguin <[email protected]>2017-10-30 16:21:25 +0000
commit217fac7f4414f5ff5eda85079a179e2462aba61c (patch)
tree9493f8a7df840ffb9d971ec3015aeb0586e9aae4 /src
parentf3d6b05b863fe177a34a8a6ba48c5f263ef8cf82 (diff)
Handle expect: 100-continue request headers
The 100 continue response will only be sent if the client has not sent the body yet (at all), if the connection is HTTP/1.1 or above and if the user has not sent it yet. The 100 continue response is sent when the user calls read_body and it is cowboy_stream_h's responsibility to send it. This means projects that don't use the cowboy_stream_h stream handler will need to handle the expect header themselves (but that's okay because they might have different considerations than normal Cowboy).
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
1 files changed, 46 insertions, 7 deletions
diff --git a/src/cowboy_stream_h.erl b/src/cowboy_stream_h.erl
index c631c87..8cd1457 100644
--- a/src/cowboy_stream_h.erl
+++ b/src/cowboy_stream_h.erl
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
-record(state, {
ref = undefined :: ranch:ref(),
pid = undefined :: pid(),
+ expect = undefined :: undefined | continue,
read_body_ref = undefined :: reference() | undefined,
read_body_timer_ref = undefined :: reference() | undefined,
read_body_length = 0 :: non_neg_integer() | infinity,
@@ -49,18 +50,35 @@ init(_StreamID, Req=#{ref := Ref}, Opts) ->
Middlewares = maps:get(middlewares, Opts, [cowboy_router, cowboy_handler]),
Shutdown = maps:get(shutdown_timeout, Opts, 5000),
Pid = proc_lib:spawn_link(?MODULE, request_process, [Req, Env, Middlewares]),
- {[{spawn, Pid, Shutdown}], #state{ref=Ref, pid=Pid}}.
+ Expect = expect(Req),
+ {[{spawn, Pid, Shutdown}], #state{ref=Ref, pid=Pid, expect=Expect}}.
+%% Ignore the expect header in HTTP/1.0.
+expect(#{version := 'HTTP/1.0'}) ->
+ undefined;
+expect(Req) ->
+ try cowboy_req:parse_header(<<"expect">>, Req) of
+ Expect ->
+ Expect
+ catch _:_ ->
+ undefined
+ end.
%% If we receive data and stream is waiting for data:
%% If we accumulated enough data or IsFin=fin, send it.
%% If not, buffer it.
%% If not, buffer it.
+%% We always reset the expect field when we receive data,
+%% since the client started sending the request body before
+%% we could send a 100 continue response.
-spec data(cowboy_stream:streamid(), cowboy_stream:fin(), cowboy_req:resp_body(), State)
-> {cowboy_stream:commands(), State} when State::#state{}.
data(_StreamID, IsFin, Data, State=#state{
read_body_ref=undefined, read_body_buffer=Buffer, body_length=BodyLen}) ->
{[], State#state{
+ expect=undefined,
read_body_buffer= << Buffer/binary, Data/binary >>,
body_length=BodyLen + byte_size(Data)}};
@@ -68,6 +86,7 @@ data(_StreamID, nofin, Data, State=#state{
read_body_length=ReadLen, read_body_buffer=Buffer, body_length=BodyLen})
when byte_size(Data) + byte_size(Buffer) < ReadLen ->
{[], State#state{
+ expect=undefined,
read_body_buffer= << Buffer/binary, Data/binary >>,
body_length=BodyLen + byte_size(Data)}};
data(_StreamID, IsFin, Data, State=#state{pid=Pid, read_body_ref=Ref,
@@ -76,6 +95,7 @@ data(_StreamID, IsFin, Data, State=#state{pid=Pid, read_body_ref=Ref,
ok = erlang:cancel_timer(TRef, [{async, true}, {info, false}]),
send_request_body(Pid, Ref, IsFin, BodyLen, <<Buffer/binary, Data/binary>>),
{[], State#state{
+ expect=undefined,
read_body_buffer= <<>>,
@@ -102,15 +122,25 @@ info(StreamID, Exit = {'EXIT', Pid, {Reason, Stacktrace}}, State=#state{ref=Ref,
{internal_error, Exit, 'Stream process crashed.'}
], State};
%% Request body, body buffered large enough or complete.
+%% We do not send a 100 continue response if the client
+%% already started sending the body.
info(_StreamID, {read_body, Ref, Length, _}, State=#state{pid=Pid,
read_body_is_fin=IsFin, read_body_buffer=Buffer, body_length=BodyLen})
when IsFin =:= fin; byte_size(Buffer) >= Length ->
send_request_body(Pid, Ref, IsFin, BodyLen, Buffer),
{[], State#state{read_body_buffer= <<>>}};
%% Request body, not enough to send yet.
-info(StreamID, {read_body, Ref, Length, Period}, State) ->
+info(StreamID, {read_body, Ref, Length, Period}, State=#state{expect=Expect}) ->
+ Commands = case Expect of
+ continue -> [{inform, 100, #{}}, {flow, Length}];
+ undefined -> [{flow, Length}]
+ end,
TRef = erlang:send_after(Period, self(), {{self(), StreamID}, {read_body_timeout, Ref}}),
- {[{flow, Length}], State#state{read_body_ref=Ref, read_body_timer_ref=TRef, read_body_length=Length}};
+ {Commands, State#state{
+ read_body_ref=Ref,
+ read_body_timer_ref=TRef,
+ read_body_length=Length}};
%% Request body reading timeout; send what we got.
info(_StreamID, {read_body_timeout, Ref}, State=#state{pid=Pid, read_body_ref=Ref,
read_body_is_fin=IsFin, read_body_buffer=Buffer, body_length=BodyLen}) ->
@@ -119,18 +149,27 @@ info(_StreamID, {read_body_timeout, Ref}, State=#state{pid=Pid, read_body_ref=Re
info(_StreamID, {read_body_timeout, _}, State) ->
{[], State};
%% Response.
-info(_StreamID, Inform = {inform, _, _}, State) ->
+%% We reset the expect field when a 100 continue response
+%% is sent or when any final response is sent.
+info(_StreamID, Inform = {inform, Status, _}, State0) ->
+ State = case Status of
+ 100 -> State0#state{expect=undefined};
+ <<"100">> -> State0#state{expect=undefined};
+ <<"100 ", _/bits>> -> State0#state{expect=undefined};
+ _ -> State0
+ end,
{[Inform], State};
info(_StreamID, Response = {response, _, _, _}, State) ->
- {[Response], State};
+ {[Response], State#state{expect=undefined}};
info(_StreamID, Headers = {headers, _, _}, State) ->
- {[Headers], State};
+ {[Headers], State#state{expect=undefined}};
info(_StreamID, Data = {data, _, _}, State) ->
{[Data], State};
info(_StreamID, Push = {push, _, _, _, _, _, _, _}, State) ->
{[Push], State};
info(_StreamID, SwitchProtocol = {switch_protocol, _, _, _}, State) ->
- {[SwitchProtocol], State};
+ {[SwitchProtocol], State#state{expect=undefined}};
%% Stray message.
info(_StreamID, _Info, State) ->
{[], State}.