path: root/src
diff options
authorJames Fish <[email protected]>2013-02-17 00:17:43 +0000
committerJames Fish <[email protected]>2013-02-22 18:36:13 +0000
commitb61f535134adb35df35c16b6eebe51b3d14aaf48 (patch)
tree1d7343813fb1128c29969caa75640bcc18d76c4e /src
parent6884a4949b5235eb809996228406c659a349fc60 (diff)
Fix to prevent loop handler awakening immediately after response sent
If a loop handler sent a response (e.g. cowboy_req:chunked_reply/2,/3) and then returns {loop, Req, HandlerState, hibernate} it would have a {cowboy_req, resp_sent} message in its message queue. This message would cause the process to immediately awaken, so it is flushed before hibernation.
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
1 files changed, 23 insertions, 9 deletions
diff --git a/src/cowboy_handler.erl b/src/cowboy_handler.erl
index ab09a97..7aaf9ae 100644
--- a/src/cowboy_handler.erl
+++ b/src/cowboy_handler.erl
@@ -70,17 +70,17 @@ handler_init(Req, State, Handler, HandlerOpts) ->
{ok, Req2, HandlerState} ->
handler_handle(Req2, State, Handler, HandlerState);
{loop, Req2, HandlerState} ->
- handler_before_loop(Req2, State, Handler, HandlerState);
+ handler_after_callback(Req2, State, Handler, HandlerState);
{loop, Req2, HandlerState, hibernate} ->
- handler_before_loop(Req2, State#state{hibernate=true},
+ handler_after_callback(Req2, State#state{hibernate=true},
Handler, HandlerState);
{loop, Req2, HandlerState, Timeout} ->
State2 = handler_loop_timeout(State#state{loop_timeout=Timeout}),
- handler_before_loop(Req2, State2, Handler, HandlerState);
+ handler_after_callback(Req2, State2, Handler, HandlerState);
{loop, Req2, HandlerState, Timeout, hibernate} ->
State2 = handler_loop_timeout(State#state{
hibernate=true, loop_timeout=Timeout}),
- handler_before_loop(Req2, State2, Handler, HandlerState);
+ handler_after_callback(Req2, State2, Handler, HandlerState);
{shutdown, Req2, HandlerState} ->
terminate_request(Req2, State, Handler, HandlerState,
{normal, shutdown});
@@ -133,6 +133,23 @@ handler_handle(Req, State, Handler, HandlerState) ->
error_terminate(Req, State)
+%% Update the state if the response was sent in the callback.
+-spec handler_after_callback(Req, #state{}, module(), any())
+ -> {ok, Req, cowboy_middleware:env()}
+ | {error, 500, Req} | {suspend, module(), atom(), [any()]}
+ when Req::cowboy_req:req().
+handler_after_callback(Req, State=#state{resp_sent=false}, Handler,
+ HandlerState) ->
+ receive
+ {cowboy_req, resp_sent} ->
+ handler_before_loop(Req, State#state{resp_sent=true}, Handler,
+ HandlerState)
+ after 0 ->
+ handler_before_loop(Req, State, Handler, HandlerState)
+ end;
+handler_after_callback(Req, State, Handler, HandlerState) ->
+ handler_before_loop(Req, State, Handler, HandlerState).
%% We don't listen for Transport closes because that would force us
%% to receive data and buffer it indefinitely.
-spec handler_before_loop(Req, #state{}, module(), any())
@@ -191,9 +208,6 @@ handler_loop(Req, State=#state{loop_buffer_size=NbBytes,
{Error, Socket, Reason} ->
terminate_request(Req, State, Handler, HandlerState,
{error, Reason});
- {cowboy_req, resp_sent} ->
- handler_before_loop(Req, State#state{resp_sent=true},
- Handler, HandlerState);
{timeout, TRef, ?MODULE} ->
handler_after_loop(Req, State, Handler, HandlerState,
{normal, timeout});
@@ -213,9 +227,9 @@ handler_call(Req, State, Handler, HandlerState, Message) ->
handler_after_loop(Req2, State, Handler, HandlerState2,
{normal, shutdown});
{loop, Req2, HandlerState2} ->
- handler_before_loop(Req2, State, Handler, HandlerState2);
+ handler_after_callback(Req2, State, Handler, HandlerState2);
{loop, Req2, HandlerState2, hibernate} ->
- handler_before_loop(Req2, State#state{hibernate=true},
+ handler_after_callback(Req2, State#state{hibernate=true},
Handler, HandlerState2)
catch Class:Reason ->