diff options
4 files changed, 366 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/doc/src/manual/cowboy_req.header.asciidoc b/doc/src/manual/cowboy_req.header.asciidoc
index e16b902..a4d7007 100644
--- a/doc/src/manual/cowboy_req.header.asciidoc
+++ b/doc/src/manual/cowboy_req.header.asciidoc
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ Note that this snippet will crash if the header is missing.
-Desired HTTP header name as a binary string.
+Desired HTTP header name as a lowercase binary string.
diff --git a/doc/src/manual/cowboy_req.match_qs.asciidoc b/doc/src/manual/cowboy_req.match_qs.asciidoc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e66d311
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/src/manual/cowboy_req.match_qs.asciidoc
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+= cowboy_req:match_qs(3)
+== Name
+cowboy_req:match_qs - Match the query string against constraints
+== Description
+match_qs(Fields :: cowboy:fields(), Req :: cowboy_req:req())
+ -> #{atom() => any()}
+Parse the query string and match specific values against
+This function allows easily retrieving expected values
+from the query string, validating and converting them
+in one call. In addition, the keys are converted to
+atoms, making manipulation that much simpler.
+== Arguments
+Fields to retrieve from the query string.
+See link:man:cowboy(3)[cowboy(3)] for a complete description.
+The Req object.
+== Return value
+Desired values are returned as a map. The key is the atom
+that was given in the list of fields, and the value is the
+optionally converted value after applying constraints.
+The map contains the same keys that were given in the fields.
+An exception is triggered when the match fails.
+== Changelog
+* *2.0*: Function introduced.
+== Examples
+.Match fields
+%% ID and Lang are binaries.
+#{id := ID, lang := Lang}
+ = cowboy_req:match_qs([id, lang], Req).
+.Match fields and apply constraints
+%% ID is an integer and Lang a non-empty binary.
+#{id := ID, lang := Lang}
+ = cowboy_req:match_qs([{id, int}, {lang, nonempty}], Req).
+.Match fields with default values
+#{lang := Lang}
+ = cowboy_req:match_qs([{lang, [], <<"en-US">>}], Req).
+== See also
diff --git a/doc/src/manual/cowboy_req.parse_header.asciidoc b/doc/src/manual/cowboy_req.parse_header.asciidoc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..14e640d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/src/manual/cowboy_req.parse_header.asciidoc
@@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
+= cowboy_req:parse_header(3)
+== Name
+cowboy_req:parse_header - Parse the given HTTP header
+== Description
+parse_header(Name, Req) -> ParsedValue | Default
+parse_header(Name, Req, Default) -> ParsedValue | Default
+Name :: binary()
+Req :: cowboy_req:req()
+ParsedValue :: any()
+Default :: any()
+Parse the given HTTP header.
+The header name must be given as a lowercase binary string.
+While header names are case insensitive, Cowboy requires them
+to be given as lowercase to function properly.
+The type of the parsed value varies depending on
+the header. Similarly, the default value when calling
+`cowboy_req:parse_header/2` differs depending on the
+== Arguments
+Desired HTTP header name as a lowercase binary string.
+The Req object.
+Default value returned when the header is missing.
+== Return value
+The parsed header value varies depending on the header.
+When the header is missing, the default argument is returned.
+== Headers
+The following snippets detail the types returned by the
+different headers. Unless mentioned otherwise, the
+default value when the header is missing will be `undefined`:
+parse_header(<<"accept">>, Req)
+ -> [{{Type, SubType, Params}, Quality, AcceptExt}]
+Type :: binary() %% case insensitive
+SubType :: binary() %% case insensitive
+Params :: [{Key, Value}]
+Quality :: 0..1000
+AcceptExt :: [Key | {Key, Value}]
+Key :: binary() %% case insensitive
+Value :: binary() %% case sensitive
+.accept-charset, accept-encoding and accept-language
+parse_header(Name, Req) -> [{Value, Quality}]
+Name :: <<"accept-charset">>
+ | <<"accept-encoding">>
+ | <<"accept-language">>
+Value :: binary() %% case insensitive
+Quality :: 0..1000
+parse_header(<<"authorization">>, Req)
+ -> {basic, Username :: binary(), Password :: binary()}
+ | {bearer, Token :: binary()}
+ | {digest, [{Key :: binary(), Value :: binary()}]}
+// @todo Currently also parses connection. Do we want this? Should it be documented? Use case?
+parse_header(<<"content-length">>, Req) -> non_neg_integer()
+When the content-length header is missing, `0` is returned.
+parse_header(<<"content-type">>, Req)
+ -> {Type, SubType, Params}
+Type :: binary() %% case insensitive
+SubType :: binary() %% case insensitive
+Params :: [{Key, Value}]
+Key :: binary() %% case insensitive
+Value :: binary() %% case sensitive;
+Note that the value for the charset parameter is case insensitive
+and returned as a lowercase binary string.
+parse_header(<<"cookie">>, Req) -> [{Name, Value}]
+Name :: binary() %% case sensitive
+Value :: binary() %% case sensitive
+When the cookie header is missing, `[]` is returned.
+While an empty cookie header is not valid, some clients do
+send it. Cowboy will in this case also return `[]`.
+parse_header(<<"expect">>, Req) -> continue
+.if-match and if-none-match
+parse_header(Name, Req)
+ -> '*' | [{weak | strong, OpaqueTag}]
+Name :: <<"if-match">>
+ | <<"if-none-match">>
+OpaqueTag :: binary() %% case sensitive
+.if-modified-since and if-unmodified-since
+parse_header(Name, Req) -> calendar:datetime()
+parse_header(<<"range">>, Req) -> {From, To} | Final
+From :: non_neg_integer()
+To :: non_neg_integer() | infinity
+Final :: neg_integer()
+// @todo Remove transfer-encoding from the headers parsed by this function.
+parse_header(<<"sec-websocket-extensions">>, Req)
+ -> [{Extension, Params}]
+Extension :: binary() %% case sensitive
+Params :: [Key | {Key, Value}]
+Key :: binary() %% case sensitive
+Value :: binary() %% case sensitive
+.sec-websocket-protocol and upgrade
+parse_header(Name, Req) -> [Token]
+Name :: <<"sec-websocket-protocol">>
+ | <<"upgrade">>
+Token :: binary() %% case insensitive
+parse_header(<<"x-forwarded-for">>, Req) -> [Token]
+Token :: binary() %% case sensitive
+.Unknown headers
+parse_header(_, Req) -> {undefined, RawValue}
+== Changelog
+* *2.0*: Only the parsed header value is returned, it is no longer wrapped in a tuple.
+* *1.0*: Function introduced.
+== Examples
+.Parse the accept header with a custom default value
+%% Accept everything when header is missing.
+Accept = cowboy_req:parse_header(<<"accept">>, Req,
+ [{{<<"*">>, <<"*">>, []}, 1000, []}]).
+.Parse the content-length header
+%% Default content-length is 0.
+Length = cowboy_req:header(<<"content-length">>, Req).
+== See also
diff --git a/doc/src/manual/cowboy_req.parse_qs.asciidoc b/doc/src/manual/cowboy_req.parse_qs.asciidoc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..907bc7b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/src/manual/cowboy_req.parse_qs.asciidoc
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+= cowboy_req:parse_qs(3)
+== Name
+cowboy_req:parse_qs - Parse the query string
+== Description
+parse_qs(Req :: cowboy_req:req())
+ -> [{Key :: binary(), Value :: binary() | true}]
+Parse the query string as a list of key/value pairs.
+== Arguments
+The Req object.
+== Return value
+The parsed query string is returned as a list of key/value pairs.
+The key is a binary string. The value is either a binary string,
+or the atom `true`. Both key and value are case sensitive.
+The atom `true` is returned when a key is present in the query
+string without a value. For example, in the following URIs
+the key `<<"edit">>` will always have the value `true`:
+* `/posts/42?edit`
+* `/posts/42?edit&exclusive=1`
+* `/posts/42?exclusive=1&edit`
+* `/posts/42?exclusive=1&edit&from=web`
+== Changelog
+* *2.0*: The parsed value is not longer cached in the Req object.
+* *2.0*: Only the parsed query string is returned, it is no longer wrapped in a tuple.
+* *2.0*: Function introduced. Replaces `qs_val/1` and `qs_vals/1`.
+== Examples
+.Parse the query string and convert the keys to atoms
+ParsedQs = cowboy_req:parse_qs(Req),
+AtomsQs = [{binary_to_existing_atom(K, latin1), V}
+ || {K, V} <- ParsedQs].
+== See also