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1 files changed, 62 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/CHANGELOG.md b/CHANGELOG.md
index dca83e1..c6341bb 100644
--- a/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -1,6 +1,68 @@
+* This release drops R14 compatibility
+* Use Ranch for connection handling
+ To start listeners you can now use cowboy:start_http/4 for HTTP,
+ and cowboy:start_https/4 for HTTPS. The proper transport and
+ protocol modules will be used.
+* Shorten the name of many modules
+ * cowboy_http_protocol becomes cowboy_protocol.
+ * cowboy_http_req becomes cowboy_req.
+ * cowboy_http_rest becomes cowboy_rest.
+ * cowboy_http_static becomes cowboy_static.
+ * cowboy_http_websocket becomes cowboy_websocket.
+* Introduce the cowboy_req:req() opaque type
+ The include/http.hrl file was removed. Users are expected to use
+ the cowboy_req API to access or modify the Req object.
+ This required a lot of changes so cleanup and optimization were
+ performed where possible.
+* Add many cowboy_req functions
+ * cowboy_req:delete_resp_header/2 deletes a previously set resp header.
+ * cowboy_req:set_meta/3 sets metadata in the Req object.
+ * cowboy_req:to_list/1 converts the Req object to a list of key/values.
+ * cowboy_req:host_url/1 returns the request URL without the path or qs.
+ * cowboy_req:url/1 returns the full request URL.
+* Rename or drop many cowboy_req functions
+ * Replace cowboy_req:host/1 with cowboy_req:raw_host/1.
+ * Replace cowboy_req:path/1 with cowboy_req:raw_path/1.
+ * cowboy_req:raw_qs/1 becomes cowboy_req:qs/1.
+* Change the signature of many cowboy_req functions
+ * parse_header now returns {ok, any(), Req} instead of {any(), Req}.
+ * body_qs now returns {ok, QsVals, Req} instead of {QsVals, Req}.
+ * multipart_data now returns {headers, Headers, Req} instead of
+ {{headers, Headers}, Req} and {body, Body, Req} instead of
+ {{body, Body}, Req}.
+ * set_resp_* functions now return Req instead of {ok, Req}.
+* Use -callback in behaviours
+* Add cowboy_protocol:onrequest_fun/0 and :onresponse_fun/0 types
+* Isolate multipart from body reading to fix an issue
+* Change a websocket error from {error, protocol} to {error, badframe}
+* Avoid a duplicate HTTP reply in cowboy_websocket:upgrade_error/1
+* Avoid using proplists:get_value/{2,3} in a few places