diff options
4 files changed, 41 insertions, 13 deletions
diff --git a/src/cowboy_http.erl b/src/cowboy_http.erl
index 505765a..021657a 100644
--- a/src/cowboy_http.erl
+++ b/src/cowboy_http.erl
@@ -647,13 +647,13 @@ horse_clean_value_ws_end() ->
-request(Buffer, State=#state{transport=Transport, in_streamid=StreamID,
+request(Buffer, State=#state{transport=Transport,
in_state=PS=#ps_header{authority=Authority, version=Version}}, Headers) ->
case maps:get(<<"host">>, Headers, undefined) of
undefined when Version =:= 'HTTP/1.1' ->
%% @todo Might want to not close the connection on this and next one.
error_terminate(400, State#state{in_state=PS#ps_header{headers=Headers}},
- {stream_error, StreamID, protocol_error,
+ {stream_error, protocol_error,
'HTTP/1.1 requests must include a host header. (RFC7230 5.4)'});
undefined ->
request(Buffer, State, Headers, <<>>, default_port(Transport:secure()));
@@ -667,23 +667,22 @@ request(Buffer, State=#state{transport=Transport, in_streamid=StreamID,
%% so we enforce that.
_ ->
error_terminate(400, State#state{in_state=PS#ps_header{headers=Headers}},
- {stream_error, StreamID, protocol_error,
+ {stream_error, protocol_error,
'The host header is different than the absolute-form authority component. (RFC7230 5.4)'})
-request_parse_host(Buffer, State=#state{transport=Transport,
- in_streamid=StreamID, in_state=PS}, Headers, RawHost) ->
+request_parse_host(Buffer, State=#state{transport=Transport, in_state=PS}, Headers, RawHost) ->
try cow_http_hd:parse_host(RawHost) of
{Host, undefined} ->
request(Buffer, State, Headers, Host, default_port(Transport:secure()));
{Host, Port} when Port > 0, Port =< 65535 ->
request(Buffer, State, Headers, Host, Port);
_ ->
- error_terminate(400, State, {stream_error, StreamID, protocol_error,
+ error_terminate(400, State, {stream_error, protocol_error,
'The port component of the absolute-form is not in the range 0..65535. (RFC7230 2.7.1)'})
catch _:_ ->
error_terminate(400, State#state{in_state=PS#ps_header{headers=Headers}},
- {stream_error, StreamID, protocol_error,
+ {stream_error, protocol_error,
'The host header is invalid. (RFC7230 5.4)'})
@@ -709,11 +708,11 @@ request(Buffer, State0=#state{ref=Ref, transport=Transport, peer=Peer, sock=Sock
true, undefined, fun cow_http_te:stream_chunked/2, {0, 0}};
_ ->
error_terminate(400, State0#state{in_state=PS#ps_header{headers=Headers0}},
- {stream_error, StreamID, protocol_error,
+ {stream_error, protocol_error,
'Cowboy only supports transfer-encoding: chunked. (RFC7230 3.3.1)'})
catch _:_ ->
error_terminate(400, State0#state{in_state=PS#ps_header{headers=Headers0}},
- {stream_error, StreamID, protocol_error,
+ {stream_error, protocol_error,
'The transfer-encoding header is invalid. (RFC7230 3.3.1)'})
#{<<"content-length">> := <<"0">>} ->
@@ -723,7 +722,7 @@ request(Buffer, State0=#state{ref=Ref, transport=Transport, peer=Peer, sock=Sock
catch _:_ ->
error_terminate(400, State0#state{in_state=PS#ps_header{headers=Headers0}},
- {stream_error, StreamID, protocol_error,
+ {stream_error, protocol_error,
'The content-length header is invalid. (RFC7230 3.3.2)'})
{Headers0, true, Length, fun cow_http_te:stream_identity/2, {0, Length}};
diff --git a/src/cowboy_http2.erl b/src/cowboy_http2.erl
index 18a367b..f5d80ce 100644
--- a/src/cowboy_http2.erl
+++ b/src/cowboy_http2.erl
@@ -497,7 +497,7 @@ headers_frame(State=#state{opts=Opts, streams=Streams}, StreamID, Req) ->
early_error(State0=#state{ref=Ref, opts=Opts, peer=Peer},
- StreamID, _IsFin, _Headers, #{method := Method},
+ StreamID, _IsFin, Headers, #{method := Method},
StatusCode0, HumanReadable) ->
%% We automatically terminate the stream but it is not an error
%% per se (at least not in the first implementation).
@@ -508,7 +508,8 @@ early_error(State0=#state{ref=Ref, opts=Opts, peer=Peer},
PartialReq = #{
ref => Ref,
peer => Peer,
- method => Method
+ method => Method,
+ headers => headers_to_map(Headers, #{})
Resp = {response, StatusCode0, RespHeaders0=#{<<"content-length">> => <<"0">>}, <<>>},
try cowboy_stream:early_error(StreamID, Reason, PartialReq, Resp, Opts) of
diff --git a/test/metrics_SUITE.erl b/test/metrics_SUITE.erl
index d9ff7ea..971dd16 100644
--- a/test/metrics_SUITE.erl
+++ b/test/metrics_SUITE.erl
@@ -314,7 +314,7 @@ do_early_error(Config) ->
ref := _,
pid := From,
streamid := 1,
- reason := {stream_error, 1, protocol_error, _},
+ reason := {stream_error, protocol_error, _},
partial_req := #{},
resp_status := 400,
resp_headers := ExpectedRespHeaders,
diff --git a/test/stream_handler_SUITE.erl b/test/stream_handler_SUITE.erl
index 02aa437..130447d 100644
--- a/test/stream_handler_SUITE.erl
+++ b/test/stream_handler_SUITE.erl
@@ -248,6 +248,34 @@ do_crash_in_early_error_fatal(Config) ->
%% Confirm the connection gets closed.
+early_error_stream_error_reason(Config) ->
+ doc("Confirm that the stream_error given to early_error/5 is consistent between protocols."),
+ Self = self(),
+ ConnPid = gun_open(Config),
+ %% We must use different solutions to hit early_error with a stream_error
+ %% reason in both protocols.
+ {Method, Headers, Status, Error} = case config(protocol, Config) of
+ http -> {<<"GET">>, [{<<"host">>, <<"host:port">>}], 400, protocol_error};
+ http2 -> {<<"TRACE">>, [], 501, no_error}
+ end,
+ Ref = gun:request(ConnPid, Method, "/long_polling", [
+ {<<"accept-encoding">>, <<"gzip">>},
+ {<<"x-test-case">>, <<"early_error_stream_error_reason">>},
+ {<<"x-test-pid">>, pid_to_list(Self)}
+ |Headers], <<>>),
+ %% Confirm init/3 is NOT called. The error occurs before we reach this step.
+ receive {Self, _, init, _, _, _} -> error(init) after 1000 -> ok end,
+ %% Confirm terminate/3 is NOT called. We have no state to give to it.
+ receive {Self, _, terminate, _, _, _} -> error(terminate) after 1000 -> ok end,
+ %% Confirm early_error/5 is called.
+ Reason = receive {Self, _, early_error, _, R, _, _, _} -> R after 1000 -> error(timeout) end,
+ %% Confirm that the Reason is a {stream_error, Reason, Human}.
+ {stream_error, Error, HumanReadable} = Reason,
+ true = is_atom(HumanReadable),
+ %% Receive a 400 or 501 error response.
+ {response, fin, Status, _} = gun:await(ConnPid, Ref),
+ ok.
set_options_ignore_unknown(Config) ->
doc("Confirm that unknown options are ignored when using the set_options commands."),
Self = self(),