path: root/Makefile
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Makefile')
1 files changed, 26 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index f1c95d4..c44dee1 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -80,3 +80,29 @@ $(H2SPEC):
ci-setup:: clean deps test-deps
$(gen_verbose) cp ~/.kerl/builds/$(CI_OTP_RELEASE)/otp_src_git/lib/ssl/test/erl_make_certs.erl deps/ct_helper/src/ || true
$(gen_verbose) $(MAKE) -C $(DEPS_DIR)/ct_helper clean app
+# Prepare for the release.
+ $(verbose) echo -n "Most recent tag: "
+ $(verbose) git tag | tail -n1
+ $(verbose) git verify-tag `git tag | tail -n1`
+ $(verbose) echo -n "MAKEFILE: "
+ $(verbose) grep -m1 PROJECT_VERSION Makefile
+ $(verbose) echo -n "APP: "
+ $(verbose) grep -m1 vsn ebin/$(PROJECT).app | sed 's/ //g'
+ $(verbose) echo -n "GUIDE: "
+ $(verbose) grep -h dep_$(PROJECT)_commit doc/src/guide/*.asciidoc || true
+ $(verbose) echo
+ $(verbose) echo "Titles in most recent CHANGELOG:"
+ $(verbose) for f in `ls -r doc/src/guide/migrating_from_*.asciidoc | head -n1`; do \
+ echo $$f:; \
+ grep == $$f; \
+ done
+ $(verbose) echo
+ $(verbose) echo "Dependencies:"
+ $(verbose) grep ^DEPS Makefile || echo "DEPS ="
+ $(verbose) grep ^dep_ Makefile || true
+ $(verbose) echo
+ $(verbose) echo "rebar.config:"
+ $(verbose) cat rebar.config || true