path: root/doc/src/manual/cowboy_req.read_urlencoded_body.asciidoc
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1 files changed, 94 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/doc/src/manual/cowboy_req.read_urlencoded_body.asciidoc b/doc/src/manual/cowboy_req.read_urlencoded_body.asciidoc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f8a72ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/src/manual/cowboy_req.read_urlencoded_body.asciidoc
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+= cowboy_req:read_urlencoded_body(3)
+== Name
+cowboy_req:read_urlencoded_body - Read and parse a urlencoded request body
+== Description
+read_urlencoded_body(Req :: cowboy_req:req())
+ -> read_urlencoded_body(Req, #{})
+read_urlencoded_body(Req :: cowboy_req:req(), Opts)
+ -> {ok, Body, Req}
+Opts :: cowboy_req:read_body_opts()
+Body :: [{Key :: binary(), Value :: binary() | true}]
+Read and parse a urlencoded request body.
+This function reads the request body and parses it as
+`application/x-www-form-urlencoded`. It returns a list
+of key/values.
+The urlencoded media type is used by Web browsers when
+submitting HTML forms using the POST method.
+Cowboy needs to read the full body before parsing. By default
+it will read bodies of size up to 64KB. It is possible to
+provide options to read larger bodies if required.
+Cowboy will automatically handle protocol details including
+the expect header, chunked transfer-encoding and others.
+Once the body has been read, Cowboy sets the content-length
+header if it was not previously provided.
+This function can only be called once. Calling it again will
+result in undefined behavior.
+== Arguments
+The Req object.
+A map of body reading options. Please refer to
+for details about each option.
+This function defaults the `length` to 64KB and the `period`
+to 5 seconds.
+== Return value
+An `ok` tuple is returned containing a list of key/values found
+in the body.
+The Req object returned in the tuple must be used for that point
+onward. It contains a more up to date representation of the request.
+For example it may have an added content-length header once the
+body has been read.
+== Changelog
+* *2.0*: Function introduced. Replaces `body_qs/1,2`.
+== Examples
+.Read a urlencoded body
+{ok, Body, Req} = cowboy_req:read_urlencoded_body(Req0),
+{_, Lang} = lists:keyfind(<<"lang">>, 1, Body).
+.Allow large urlencoded bodies
+{ok, Body, Req} = cowboy_req:read_urlencoded_body(Req0, #{length => 1000000}).
+== See also