path: root/doc/src/manual/cowboy_req.stream_events.asciidoc
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diff --git a/doc/src/manual/cowboy_req.stream_events.asciidoc b/doc/src/manual/cowboy_req.stream_events.asciidoc
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index 0000000..72f3c3b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/src/manual/cowboy_req.stream_events.asciidoc
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+= cowboy_req:stream_events(3)
+== Name
+cowboy_req:stream_events - Stream events
+== Description
+stream_events(Events, IsFin, Req :: cowboy_req:req()) -> ok
+Events :: Event | [Event]
+IsFin :: fin | nofin
+Event :: #{
+ comment => iodata(),
+ data => iodata(),
+ event => iodata() | atom(),
+ id => iodata(),
+ retry => non_neg_integer()
+Stream events.
+This function should only be used for `text/event-stream`
+responses when using server-sent events. Cowboy will
+automatically encode the given events to their text
+This function may be called as many times as needed after
+initiating a response using the
+The second argument indicates if this call is the final
+call. Use the `nofin` value until you know no more data
+will be sent. The final call should use `fin` (possibly
+with an empty data value) or be a call to the
+Note that not using `fin` for the final call is not an
+error; Cowboy will take care of it when the request
+handler terminates if needed. Depending on the resource
+it may however be more efficient to do it as early as
+You do not need to handle HEAD requests specifically as
+Cowboy will ensure no data is sent when you call this function.
+== Arguments
+Events to be sent. All fields are optional.
+A flag indicating whether this is the final piece of data
+to be sent.
+The Req object.
+== Return value
+The atom `ok` is always returned. It can be safely ignored.
+== Changelog
+* *2.5*: Function introduced.
+== Examples
+.Stream events
+Req = cowboy_req:stream_reply(200, #{
+ <<"content-type">> => <<"text/event-stream">>
+}, Req0),
+ id => <<"comment-123">>,
+ event => <<"add_comment">>,
+ data => <<"Hello,\n\nI noticed something wrong in ...">>
+}, nofin, Req),
+ event => <<"debug">>,
+ data => io_lib:format("An error occurred: ~p~n", [Error])
+}, fin, Req).
+== See also