path: root/src/cowboy_rest.erl
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/cowboy_rest.erl')
1 files changed, 166 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/src/cowboy_rest.erl b/src/cowboy_rest.erl
index 5cfa007..8a574cd 100644
--- a/src/cowboy_rest.erl
+++ b/src/cowboy_rest.erl
@@ -180,6 +180,20 @@
when Req::cowboy_req:req(), State::any().
+-callback range_satisfiable(Req, State)
+ -> {boolean() | {false, non_neg_integer() | iodata()}, Req, State}
+ | {stop, Req, State}
+ | {switch_handler(), Req, State}
+ when Req::cowboy_req:req(), State::any().
+-callback ranges_provided(Req, State)
+ -> {[{binary(), atom()}], Req, State}
+ | {stop, Req, State}
+ | {switch_handler(), Req, State}
+ when Req::cowboy_req:req(), State::any().
-callback rate_limited(Req, State)
-> {{true, non_neg_integer() | calendar:datetime()} | false, Req, State}
| {stop, Req, State}
@@ -255,6 +269,9 @@
charsets_p = undefined :: undefined | [binary()],
charset_a :: undefined | binary(),
+ %% Range units.
+ ranges_a = [] :: [{binary(), atom()}],
%% Whether the resource exists.
exists = false :: boolean(),
@@ -733,11 +750,28 @@ set_content_type_build_params([{Attr, Value}|Tail], Acc) ->
%% @todo Don't forget to set the Content-Encoding header when we reply a body
%% and the found encoding is something other than identity.
encodings_provided(Req, State) ->
- variances(Req, State).
+ ranges_provided(Req, State).
not_acceptable(Req, State) ->
respond(Req, State, 406).
+ranges_provided(Req, State) ->
+ case call(Req, State, ranges_provided) of
+ no_call ->
+ variances(Req, State);
+ {stop, Req2, State2} ->
+ terminate(Req2, State2);
+ {Switch, Req2, State2} when element(1, Switch) =:= switch_handler ->
+ switch_handler(Switch, Req2, State2);
+ {[], Req2, State2} ->
+ Req3 = cowboy_req:set_resp_header(<<"accept-ranges">>, <<"none">>, Req2),
+ variances(Req3, State2#state{ranges_a=[]});
+ {RP, Req2, State2} ->
+ <<", ", AcceptRanges/binary>> = <<<<", ", R/binary>> || {R, _} <- RP>>,
+ Req3 = cowboy_req:set_resp_header(<<"accept-ranges">>, AcceptRanges, Req2),
+ variances(Req3, State2#state{ranges_a=RP})
+ end.
%% variances/2 should return a list of headers that will be added
%% to the Vary response header. The Accept, Accept-Language,
%% Accept-Charset and Accept-Encoding headers do not need to be
@@ -1124,11 +1158,141 @@ set_resp_body_last_modified(Req, State) ->
set_resp_body_expires(Req, State) ->
try set_resp_expires(Req, State) of
{Req2, State2} ->
- set_resp_body(Req2, State2)
+ if_range(Req2, State2)
catch Class:Reason ->
error_terminate(Req, State, Class, Reason)
+%% When both the if-range and range headers are set, we perform
+%% a strong comparison. If it fails, we send a full response.
+if_range(Req=#{headers := #{<<"if-range">> := _, <<"range">> := _}},
+ State=#state{etag=Etag}) ->
+ try cowboy_req:parse_header(<<"if-range">>, Req) of
+ %% Strong etag comparison is an exact match with the generate_etag result.
+ Etag={strong, _} ->
+ range(Req, State);
+ %% We cannot do a strong date comparison because we have
+ %% no way of knowing whether the representation changed
+ %% twice during the second covered by the presented
+ %% validator. (RFC7232 2.2.2)
+ _ ->
+ set_resp_body(Req, State)
+ catch _:_ ->
+ set_resp_body(Req, State)
+ end;
+if_range(Req, State) ->
+ range(Req, State).
+range(Req, State=#state{ranges_a=[]}) ->
+ set_resp_body(Req, State);
+range(Req, State) ->
+ try cowboy_req:parse_header(<<"range">>, Req) of
+ undefined ->
+ set_resp_body(Req, State);
+ %% @todo Maybe change parse_header to return <<"bytes">> in 3.0.
+ {bytes, BytesRange} ->
+ choose_range(Req, State, {<<"bytes">>, BytesRange});
+ Range ->
+ choose_range(Req, State, Range)
+ catch _:_ ->
+ %% We send a 416 response back when we can't parse the
+ %% range header at all. I'm not sure this is the right
+ %% way to go but at least this can help clients identify
+ %% what went wrong when their range requests never work.
+ range_not_satisfiable(Req, State, undefined)
+ end.
+choose_range(Req, State=#state{ranges_a=RangesAccepted}, Range={RangeUnit, _}) ->
+ case lists:keyfind(RangeUnit, 1, RangesAccepted) of
+ {_, Callback} ->
+ %% We pass the selected range onward in the Req.
+ range_satisfiable(Req#{range => Range}, State, Callback);
+ false ->
+ set_resp_body(Req, State)
+ end.
+range_satisfiable(Req, State, Callback) ->
+ case call(Req, State, range_satisfiable) of
+ no_call ->
+ set_ranged_body(Req, State, Callback);
+ {stop, Req2, State2} ->
+ terminate(Req2, State2);
+ {Switch, Req2, State2} when element(1, Switch) =:= switch_handler ->
+ switch_handler(Switch, Req2, State2);
+ {true, Req2, State2} ->
+ set_ranged_body(Req2, State2, Callback);
+ {false, Req2, State2} ->
+ range_not_satisfiable(Req2, State2, undefined);
+ {{false, Int}, Req2, State2} when is_integer(Int) ->
+ range_not_satisfiable(Req2, State2, [<<"*/">>, integer_to_binary(Int)]);
+ {{false, Iodata}, Req2, State2} when is_binary(Iodata); is_list(Iodata) ->
+ range_not_satisfiable(Req2, State2, Iodata)
+ end.
+%% We send the content-range header when we can on error.
+range_not_satisfiable(Req, State, undefined) ->
+ respond(Req, State, 416);
+range_not_satisfiable(Req0=#{range := {RangeUnit, _}}, State, RangeData) ->
+ Req = cowboy_req:set_resp_header(<<"content-range">>,
+ [RangeUnit, $\s, RangeData], Req0),
+ respond(Req, State, 416).
+set_ranged_body(Req, State=#state{handler=Handler}, Callback) ->
+ try case call(Req, State, Callback) of
+ {stop, Req2, State2} ->
+ terminate(Req2, State2);
+ {Switch, Req2, State2} when element(1, Switch) =:= switch_handler ->
+ switch_handler(Switch, Req2, State2);
+ %% When we receive a single range, we send it directly.
+ {[OneRange], Req2, State2} ->
+ {ContentRange, Body} = prepare_range(Req2, OneRange),
+ Req3 = cowboy_req:set_resp_header(<<"content-range">>, ContentRange, Req2),
+ Req4 = cowboy_req:set_resp_body(Body, Req3),
+ respond(Req4, State2, 206);
+ %% When we receive multiple ranges we have to send them as multipart/byteranges.
+ %% This also applies to non-bytes units. (RFC7233 A) If users don't want to use
+ %% this for non-bytes units they can always return a single range with a binary
+ %% content-range information.
+ {Ranges, Req2, State2} when length(Ranges) > 1 ->
+ set_multipart_ranged_body(Req2, State2, Ranges)
+ end catch Class:{case_clause, no_call} ->
+ error_terminate(Req, State, Class, {error, {missing_callback, {Handler, Callback, 2}},
+ 'A callback specified in ranges_accepted/2 is not exported.'})
+ end.
+set_multipart_ranged_body(Req, State, [FirstRange|MoreRanges]) ->
+ Boundary = cow_multipart:boundary(),
+ ContentType = cowboy_req:resp_header(<<"content-type">>, Req),
+ {FirstContentRange, FirstPartBody} = prepare_range(Req, FirstRange),
+ FirstPartHead = cow_multipart:first_part(Boundary, [
+ {<<"content-type">>, ContentType},
+ {<<"content-range">>, FirstContentRange}
+ ]),
+ MoreParts = [begin
+ {NextContentRange, NextPartBody} = prepare_range(Req, NextRange),
+ NextPartHead = cow_multipart:part(Boundary, [
+ {<<"content-type">>, ContentType},
+ {<<"content-range">>, NextContentRange}
+ ]),
+ [NextPartHead, NextPartBody]
+ end || NextRange <- MoreRanges],
+ Body = [FirstPartHead, FirstPartBody, MoreParts, cow_multipart:close(Boundary)],
+ Req2 = cowboy_req:set_resp_header(<<"content-type">>,
+ [<<"multipart/byteranges; boundary=">>, Boundary], Req),
+ Req3 = cowboy_req:set_resp_body(Body, Req2),
+ respond(Req3, State, 206).
+prepare_range(#{range := {RangeUnit, _}}, {{From, To, Total0}, Body}) ->
+ Total = case Total0 of
+ '*' -> <<"*">>;
+ _ -> integer_to_binary(Total0)
+ end,
+ ContentRange = [RangeUnit, $\s, integer_to_binary(From),
+ $-, integer_to_binary(To), $/, Total],
+ {ContentRange, Body};
+prepare_range(#{range := {RangeUnit, _}}, {RangeData, Body}) ->
+ {[RangeUnit, $\s, RangeData], Body}.
%% Set the response headers and call the callback found using
%% content_types_provided/2 to obtain the request body and add
%% it to the response.