path: root/src
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1 files changed, 4 insertions, 9 deletions
diff --git a/src/cowboy_http2.erl b/src/cowboy_http2.erl
index c4b9767..f98478a 100644
--- a/src/cowboy_http2.erl
+++ b/src/cowboy_http2.erl
@@ -274,14 +274,16 @@ parse(State=#state{http2_status=Status, http2_machine=HTTP2Machine, streams=Stre
%% Frames received.
+%% We do nothing when receiving a lingering DATA frame.
+%% We already removed the stream flow from the connection
+%% flow and are therefore already accounting for the window
+%% being reduced by these frames.
frame(State=#state{http2_machine=HTTP2Machine0}, Frame) ->
case cow_http2_machine:frame(Frame, HTTP2Machine0) of
{ok, HTTP2Machine} ->
maybe_ack(State#state{http2_machine=HTTP2Machine}, Frame);
{ok, {data, StreamID, IsFin, Data}, HTTP2Machine} ->
data_frame(State#state{http2_machine=HTTP2Machine}, StreamID, IsFin, Data);
- {ok, {lingering_data, StreamID, DataLen}, HTTP2Machine} ->
- lingering_data_frame(State#state{http2_machine=HTTP2Machine}, StreamID, DataLen);
{ok, {headers, StreamID, IsFin, Headers, PseudoHeaders, BodyLen}, HTTP2Machine} ->
StreamID, IsFin, Headers, PseudoHeaders, BodyLen);
@@ -343,13 +345,6 @@ data_frame(State0=#state{opts=Opts, flow=Flow, streams=Streams}, StreamID, IsFin
-lingering_data_frame(State, _StreamID, _DataLen) ->
- %% We do nothing when receiving a lingering DATA frame.
- %% We already removed the stream flow from the connection
- %% flow and are therefore already accounting for the window
- %% being reduced by these frames.
- State.
headers_frame(State, StreamID, IsFin, Headers,
PseudoHeaders=#{method := <<"CONNECT">>}, _)
when map_size(PseudoHeaders) =:= 2 ->