path: root/test/handlers
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Diffstat (limited to 'test/handlers')
1 files changed, 23 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/handlers/resp_h.erl b/test/handlers/resp_h.erl
index bb64906..97423c0 100644
--- a/test/handlers/resp_h.erl
+++ b/test/handlers/resp_h.erl
@@ -25,6 +25,29 @@ do(<<"set_resp_cookie4">>, Req0, Opts) ->
do(<<"set_resp_header">>, Req0, Opts) ->
Req = cowboy_req:set_resp_header(<<"content-type">>, <<"text/plain">>, Req0),
{ok, cowboy_req:reply(200, #{}, "OK", Req), Opts};
+do(<<"set_resp_headers">>, Req0, Opts) ->
+ Req = cowboy_req:set_resp_headers(#{<<"x-header-test1">> => <<"test1">>, <<"x-header-test2">> => <<"test2">>}, Req0),
+ {ok, cowboy_req:reply(200, #{}, "OK", Req), Opts};
+do(<<"resp_headers">>, Req0, Opts) ->
+ Req1 = cowboy_req:set_resp_header(<<"x-header-test1">>, <<"test1">>, Req0),
+ Req2 = cowboy_req:set_resp_headers(#{<<"x-header-test2">> => <<"test2">>, <<"x-header-test3">> => <<"test3">>}, Req1),
+ Headers = cowboy_req:resp_headers(Req2),
+ true = maps:is_key(<<"x-header-test1">>, Headers),
+ true = maps:is_key(<<"x-header-test2">>, Headers),
+ true = maps:is_key(<<"x-header-test3">>, Headers),
+ {ok, cowboy_req:reply(200, #{}, "OK", Req2), Opts};
+do(<<"resp_header_defined">>, Req0, Opts) ->
+ Req1 = cowboy_req:set_resp_header(<<"x-header-test1">>, <<"test1">>, Req0),
+ <<"test1">> = cowboy_req:resp_header(<<"x-header-test1">>, Req1),
+ <<"test1">> = cowboy_req:resp_header(<<"x-header-test1">>, Req1, foo),
+ {ok, cowboy_req:reply(200, #{}, "OK", Req0), Opts};
+do(<<"resp_header_default">>, Req0, Opts) ->
+ undefined = cowboy_req:resp_header(<<"x-header-test1">>, Req0),
+ <<"ok">> = cowboy_req:resp_header(<<"x-header-test1">>, Req0, <<"ok">>),
+ {ok, cowboy_req:reply(200, #{}, "OK", Req0), Opts};
+do(<<"resp_headers_empty">>, Req0, Opts) ->
+ #{} = cowboy_req:resp_headers(Req0),
+ {ok, cowboy_req:reply(200, #{}, "OK", Req0), Opts};
do(<<"set_resp_body">>, Req0, Opts) ->
Arg = cowboy_req:binding(arg, Req0),
Req1 = case Arg of