path: root/test/rfc7230_SUITE.erl
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Diffstat (limited to 'test/rfc7230_SUITE.erl')
1 files changed, 1388 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/rfc7230_SUITE.erl b/test/rfc7230_SUITE.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..15d1fc5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/rfc7230_SUITE.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,1388 @@
+%% Copyright (c) 2015, Loïc Hoguin <[email protected]>
+%% Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any
+%% purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
+%% copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
+-import(ct_helper, [doc/1]).
+-import(cowboy_test, [raw_open/1]).
+-import(cowboy_test, [raw_send/2]).
+-import(cowboy_test, [raw_recv_head/1]).
+-import(cowboy_test, [raw_recv/3]).
+all() -> [{group, http}].
+groups() -> [{http, [parallel], ct_helper:all(?MODULE)}].
+init_per_group(Name = http, Config) ->
+ cowboy_test:init_http(Name = http, [
+ {env, [{dispatch, cowboy_router:compile(init_routes(Config))}]}
+ ], Config).
+end_per_group(Name, _) ->
+ ok = cowboy:stop_listener(Name).
+init_routes(_) -> [
+ {"localhost", [
+ {"/", hello_h, []},
+ {"/echo/:key", echo_h, []}
+%% @todo Something is clearly wrong about routing * right now.
+%% {"*", asterisk_h, []}
+ ]},
+ {"", [{"/echo/:key", echo_h, []}]},
+ {"example.org", [{"/echo/:key", echo_h, []}]}
+%% @todo Add IPv6 addresses support to the router. This fails:
+%% {"[2001:db8:85a3::8a2e:370:7334]", [{"/echo/:key", echo_h, []}]}
+do_raw(Config, Data) ->
+ Client = raw_open(Config),
+ ok = raw_send(Client, Data),
+ {Version, Code, Reason, Rest} = cow_http:parse_status_line(raw_recv_head(Client)),
+ {Headers, Rest2} = cow_http:parse_headers(Rest),
+ case lists:keyfind(<<"content-length">>, 1, Headers) of
+ false ->
+ #{client => Client, version => Version, code => Code, reason => Reason, headers => Headers, body => <<>>};
+ {_, LengthBin} ->
+ Length = binary_to_integer(LengthBin),
+ Body = if
+ byte_size(Rest2) =:= Length -> Rest2;
+ true ->
+ {ok, Body0} = raw_recv(Client, binary_to_integer(LengthBin) - byte_size(Rest2), 5000),
+ << Rest2/bits, Body0/bits >>
+ end,
+ #{client => Client, version => Version, code => Code, reason => Reason, headers => Headers, body => Body}
+ end.
+%% Listener.
+%% @todo Add to documentation.
+%The default port for "http" connections is 80. The connection
+%uses plain TCP. (RFC7230 2.7.1)
+%The default port for "https" connections is 443. The connection
+%uses TLS. (RFC7230 2.7.2)
+%Any other port may be used for either of them.
+%% Before the request.
+accept_at_least_1_empty_line(Config) ->
+ doc("A configurable number of empty lines (CRLF) preceding the request "
+ "must be ignored. At least 1 empty line must be ignored. (RFC7230 3.5)"),
+ #{code := 200} = do_raw(Config,
+ "\r\n"
+ "GET / HTTP/1.1\r\n"
+ "Host: localhost\r\n"
+ "\r\n").
+reject_response(Config) ->
+ doc("When receiving a response instead of a request, identified by the "
+ "status-line which starts with the HTTP version, the server must "
+ "reject the message with a 501 status code and close the connection. (RFC7230 3.1)"),
+ #{code := 501, client := Client} = do_raw(Config,
+ "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n"
+ "\r\n"),
+ {error, closed} = raw_recv(Client, 0, 1000).
+%% Request.
+only_parse_necessary_elements(Config) ->
+ doc("It is only necessary to parse elements required to process the request. (RFC7230 2.5)"),
+ #{code := 200} = do_raw(Config,
+ "GET / HTTP/1.1\r\n"
+ "Host: localhost\r\n"
+ "Content-type: purposefully bad header value\r\n"
+ "\r\n").
+%% @todo Add to documentation.
+%Parsed elements are subject to configurable limits. A server must
+%be able to parse elements at least as long as it generates. (RFC7230 2.5)
+no_empty_line_after_request_line(Config) ->
+ doc("The general format of HTTP requests is strict. No empty line is "
+ "allowed in-between components except for the empty line "
+ "indicating the end of the list of headers."),
+ #{code := 400} = do_raw(Config,
+ "GET / HTTP/1.1\r\n"
+ "\r\n"
+ "Host: localhost\r\n"
+ "\r\n").
+no_empty_line_in_headers(Config) ->
+ doc("The general format of HTTP requests is strict. No empty line is "
+ "allowed in-between components except for the empty line "
+ "indicating the end of the list of headers."),
+ #{code := 400} = do_raw(Config,
+ "GET / HTTP/1.1\r\n"
+ "User-Agent: RFC7230\r\n"
+ "\r\n"
+ "Host: localhost\r\n"
+ "\r\n").
+timeout_before_request_line(Config) ->
+ doc("The time the request (request line and headers) takes to be "
+ "received by the server must be limited and subject to configuration. "
+ "No response must be sent before closing if no request was initiated "
+ "by the reception of a complete request-line."),
+ Client = raw_open(Config),
+ ok = raw_send(Client, "GET / HTTP/1.1\r"),
+ {error, closed} = raw_recv(Client, 0, 1000).
+timeout_after_request_line(Config) ->
+ doc("The time the request (request line and headers) takes to be "
+ "received by the server must be limited and subject to configuration. "
+ "A 408 status code must be sent if the request line was received."),
+ #{code := 408, client := Client} = do_raw(Config, "GET / HTTP/1.1\r\n"),
+ {error, closed} = raw_recv(Client, 0, 1000).
+%% @todo Add an HTTP/1.0 test suite.
+%An HTTP/1.1 server must understand any valid HTTP/1.0 request,
+%and respond to those with an HTTP/1.1 message that only use
+%features understood or safely ignored by HTTP/1.0 clients. (RFC7230 A)
+%% Request line.
+limit_request_line_8000(Config) ->
+ doc("It is recommended to limit the request-line length to a configurable "
+ "limit of at least 8000 octets."),
+ LongPath = ["/long-path" || _ <- lists:seq(1, 799)],
+ #{code := 200} = do_raw(Config, [
+ "GET /?qs=", LongPath, " HTTP/1.1\r\n"
+ "Host: localhost\r\n"
+ "\r\n"]).
+limit_request_line_9000(Config) ->
+ doc("It is recommended to limit the request-line length to a configurable "
+ "limit of at least 8000 octets. A request line too long must be rejected "
+ "with a 414 status code and the closing of the connection. (RFC7230 3.1.1)"),
+ LongPath = ["/long-path" || _ <- lists:seq(1, 899)],
+ #{code := 414, client := Client} = do_raw(Config, [
+ "GET /very", LongPath, " HTTP/1.1\r\n"
+ "Host: localhost\r\n"
+ "\r\n"]),
+ {error, closed} = raw_recv(Client, 0, 1000).
+%% Method.
+reject_invalid_method(Config) ->
+ doc("The request method is defined as 1+ token characters. An invalid "
+ "method must be rejected with a 400 status code and the "
+ "closing of the connection. (RFC7230 3.1.1, RFC7230 3.2.6)"),
+ #{code := 400, client := Client} = do_raw(Config,
+ "GET\0 / HTTP/1.1\r\n"
+ "Host: localhost\r\n"
+ "\r\n"),
+ {error, closed} = raw_recv(Client, 0, 1000).
+reject_empty_method(Config) ->
+ doc("The request method is defined as 1+ token characters. An empty "
+ "method must be rejected with a 400 status code and the "
+ "closing of the connection. (RFC7230 3.1.1, RFC7230 3.2.6)"),
+ #{code := 400, client := Client} = do_raw(Config,
+ " / HTTP/1.1\r\n"
+ "Host: localhost\r\n"
+ "\r\n"),
+ {error, closed} = raw_recv(Client, 0, 1000).
+%% @todo We probably want to directly match commonly used methods.
+%In practice the only characters in use by registered methods are
+%uppercase letters [A-Z] and the dash "-". (IANA HTTP Method Registry)
+limit_method_name(Config) ->
+ doc("The length of the method must be subject to a configurable limit. "
+ "A method too long must be rejected with a 501 status code and the "
+ "closing of the connection. A good default for the method length limit "
+ "is the longest method length the server implements. (RFC7230 3.1.1)"),
+ LongMethod = [$G || _ <- lists:seq(1, 1000)],
+ #{code := 501, client := Client} = do_raw(Config, [
+ LongMethod, " / HTTP/1.1\r\n"
+ "Host: localhost\r\n"
+ "\r\n"]),
+ {error, closed} = raw_recv(Client, 0, 1000).
+%% Between method and request-target.
+reject_tab_between_method_and_request_target(Config) ->
+ doc("A request that uses anything other than SP as separator between "
+ "the method and the request-target must be rejected with a 400 "
+ "status code and the closing of the connection. (RFC7230 3.1.1, RFC7230 3.5)"),
+ #{code := 400, client := Client} = do_raw(Config,
+ "GET\t/ HTTP/1.1\r\n"
+ "Host: localhost\r\n"
+ "\r\n"),
+ {error, closed} = raw_recv(Client, 0, 1000).
+reject_two_sp_between_method_and_request_target(Config) ->
+ doc("A request that uses anything other than SP as separator between "
+ "the method and the request-target must be rejected with a 400 "
+ "status code and the closing of the connection. (RFC7230 3.1.1, RFC7230 3.5)"),
+ #{code := 400, client := Client} = do_raw(Config,
+ "GET / HTTP/1.1\r\n"
+ "Host: localhost\r\n"
+ "\r\n"),
+ {error, closed} = raw_recv(Client, 0, 1000).
+%% Request target.
+ignore_uri_fragment_after_path(Config) ->
+ doc("The fragment part of the target URI is not sent. It must be "
+ "ignored by a server receiving it. (RFC7230 5.1)"),
+ Echo = <<"http://localhost/echo/url">>,
+ #{code := 200, body := Echo} = do_raw(Config,
+ "GET /echo/url#fragment HTTP/1.1\r\n"
+ "Host: localhost\r\n"
+ "\r\n").
+ignore_uri_fragment_after_query(Config) ->
+ doc("The fragment part of the target URI is not sent. It must be "
+ "ignored by a server receiving it. (RFC7230 5.1)"),
+ Echo = <<"http://localhost/echo/url?key=value">>,
+ #{code := 200, body := Echo} = do_raw(Config,
+ "GET /echo/url?key=value#fragment HTTP/1.1\r\n"
+ "Host: localhost\r\n"
+ "\r\n").
+%% Request target: origin-form.
+must_understand_origin_form(Config) ->
+ doc("A server must be able to handle at least origin-form and absolute-form. (RFC7230 5.3.2)"),
+ #{code := 200} = do_raw(Config,
+ "GET / HTTP/1.1\r\n"
+ "Host: localhost\r\n"
+ "\r\n").
+origin_form_reject_if_connect(Config) ->
+ doc("origin-form is used when the client does not connect to a proxy, "
+ "does not use the CONNECT method and does not issue a site-wide "
+ "OPTIONS request. (RFC7230 5.3.1)"),
+ #{code := 400, client := Client} = do_raw(Config,
+ "CONNECT / HTTP/1.1\r\n"
+ "Host: localhost\r\n"
+ "\r\n"),
+ {error, closed} = raw_recv(Client, 0, 1000).
+%% @todo Equivalent test for https.
+origin_form_tcp_scheme(Config) ->
+ doc("The scheme is either resolved from configuration or is \"https\" "
+ "when on a TLS connection and \"http\" otherwise. (RFC7230 5.5)"),
+ Echo = <<"http://localhost/echo/url">>,
+ #{code := 200, body := Echo} = do_raw(Config,
+ "GET /echo/url HTTP/1.1\r\n"
+ "Host: localhost\r\n"
+ "\r\n").
+origin_form_path(Config) ->
+ doc("The absolute-path always starts with \"/\" and ends with either \"?\", \"#\" "
+ "or the end of the URI. (RFC3986 3.3)"),
+ Echo = <<"/echo/path">>,
+ #{code := 200, body := Echo} = do_raw(Config,
+ "GET /echo/path HTTP/1.1\r\n"
+ "Host: localhost\r\n"
+ "\r\n").
+origin_form_path_query(Config) ->
+ doc("The absolute-path always starts with \"/\" and ends with either \"?\", \"#\" "
+ "or the end of the URI. (RFC3986 3.3)"),
+ Echo = <<"/echo/path">>,
+ #{code := 200, body := Echo} = do_raw(Config,
+ "GET /echo/path?key=value HTTP/1.1\r\n"
+ "Host: localhost\r\n"
+ "\r\n").
+origin_form_path_fragment(Config) ->
+ doc("The absolute-path always starts with \"/\" and ends with either \"?\", \"#\" "
+ "or the end of the URI. (RFC3986 3.3)"),
+ Echo = <<"/echo/path">>,
+ #{code := 200, body := Echo} = do_raw(Config,
+ "GET /echo/path#fragment HTTP/1.1\r\n"
+ "Host: localhost\r\n"
+ "\r\n").
+origin_form_query(Config) ->
+ doc("The query starts with \"?\" and ends with \"#\" or the end of the URI. (RFC3986 3.4)"),
+ Echo = <<"key=value">>,
+ #{code := 200, body := Echo} = do_raw(Config,
+ "GET /echo/qs?key=value HTTP/1.1\r\n"
+ "Host: localhost\r\n"
+ "\r\n").
+origin_form_query_fragment(Config) ->
+ doc("The query starts with \"?\" and ends with \"#\" or the end of the URI. (RFC3986 3.4)"),
+ Echo = <<"key=value">>,
+ #{code := 200, body := Echo} = do_raw(Config,
+ "GET /echo/qs?key=value#fragment HTTP/1.1\r\n"
+ "Host: localhost\r\n"
+ "\r\n").
+%% @todo origin_form: reject paths with too large depth or query strings with too many keys
+%% Request target: absolute-form.
+must_understand_absolute_form(Config) ->
+ doc("A server must be able to handle at least origin-form and absolute-form. (RFC7230 5.3.2)"),
+ #{code := 200} = do_raw(Config,
+ "GET http://localhost HTTP/1.1\r\n"
+ "Host: localhost\r\n"
+ "\r\n").
+absolute_form_case_insensitive_scheme(Config) ->
+ doc("The scheme is case insensitive and normally provided in lowercase. (RFC7230 2.7.3)"),
+ Echo = <<"http://localhost/echo/url">>,
+ #{code := 200, body := Echo} = do_raw(Config,
+ "GET HttP://localhost/echo/url HTTP/1.1\r\n"
+ "Host: localhost\r\n"
+ "\r\n").
+absolute_form_case_insensitive_host(Config) ->
+ doc("The host is case insensitive and normally provided in lowercase. (RFC7230 2.7.3)"),
+ Echo = <<"http://localhost/echo/url">>,
+ #{code := 200, body := Echo} = do_raw(Config,
+ "GET http://LoCaLHOsT/echo/url HTTP/1.1\r\n"
+ "Host: localhost\r\n"
+ "\r\n").
+absolute_form_reject_unknown_schemes(Config) ->
+ doc("Unknown schemes must be rejected with a 400 status code and the closing of the connection."),
+ #{code := 400, client := Client} = do_raw(Config,
+ "GET bad://localhost/ HTTP/1.1\r\n"
+ "Host: localhost\r\n"
+ "\r\n"),
+ {error, closed} = raw_recv(Client, 0, 1000).
+%% @todo Equivalent test for https.
+absolute_form_drop_scheme_tcp(Config) ->
+ doc("The scheme provided with the request must be dropped. The effective "
+ "scheme is either resolved from configuration or is \"https\" when on "
+ "a TLS connection and \"http\" otherwise. (RFC7230 5.5)"),
+ Echo = <<"http://localhost/echo/url">>,
+ #{code := 200, body := Echo} = do_raw(Config,
+ "GET https://localhost/echo/url HTTP/1.1\r\n"
+ "Host: localhost\r\n"
+ "\r\n").
+absolute_form_reject_userinfo(Config) ->
+ doc("An authority component with a userinfo component (and its "
+ "\"@\" delimiter) is invalid. The request must be rejected with "
+ "a 400 status code and the closing of the connection. (RFC7230 2.7.1)"),
+ #{code := 400, client := Client} = do_raw(Config,
+ "GET http://username:password@localhost HTTP/1.1\r\n"
+ "Host: localhost\r\n"
+ "\r\n"),
+ {error, closed} = raw_recv(Client, 0, 1000).
+absolute_form_reject_missing_host_without_path(Config) ->
+ doc("A URI with a missing host identifier is invalid. The request must "
+ "be rejected with a 400 status code and the closing of the connection. (RFC7230 2.7.1)"),
+ #{code := 400, client := Client} = do_raw(Config,
+ "GET http:// HTTP/1.1\r\n"
+ "Host: localhost\r\n"
+ "\r\n"),
+ {error, closed} = raw_recv(Client, 0, 1000).
+absolute_form_reject_missing_host_with_path(Config) ->
+ doc("A URI with a missing host identifier is invalid. The request must "
+ "be rejected with a 400 status code and the closing of the connection. (RFC7230 2.7.1)"),
+ #{code := 400, client := Client} = do_raw(Config,
+ "GET http:/// HTTP/1.1\r\n"
+ "Host: localhost\r\n"
+ "\r\n"),
+ {error, closed} = raw_recv(Client, 0, 1000).
+absolute_form_ipv4(Config) ->
+ doc("Absolute form with an IPv4 address for the host. (RFC3986 3.2.2)"),
+ Echo = <<"">>,
+ #{code := 200, body := Echo} = do_raw(Config,
+ "GET HTTP/1.1\r\n"
+ "Host:\r\n"
+ "\r\n").
+absolute_form_ipv4_port(Config) ->
+ doc("Absolute form with an IPv4 address for the host and a port number. (RFC3986 3.2.2)"),
+ Host = <<"">>,
+ #{code := 200, body := Host} = do_raw(Config,
+ "GET HTTP/1.1\r\n"
+ "Host:\r\n"
+ "\r\n"),
+ Port = <<"8080">>,
+ #{code := 200, body := Port} = do_raw(Config,
+ "GET HTTP/1.1\r\n"
+ "Host:\r\n"
+ "\r\n").
+%% @todo We need the router to support IPv6 addresses to write proper tests for these:
+%absolute_form_ipv6(Config) ->
+%absolute_form_ipv6_ipv4(Config) ->
+%absolute_form_ipv6_zoneid(Config) ->
+absolute_form_reg_name(Config) ->
+ doc("Absolute form with a regular name for the host. (RFC3986 3.2.2)"),
+ Echo = <<"example.org">>,
+ #{code := 200, body := Echo} = do_raw(Config,
+ "GET http://example.org/echo/host HTTP/1.1\r\n"
+ "Host: example.org\r\n"
+ "\r\n").
+absolute_form_reg_name_port(Config) ->
+ doc("Absolute form with an IPv4 address for the host and a port number. (RFC3986 3.2.2)"),
+ Host = <<"example.org">>,
+ #{code := 200, body := Host} = do_raw(Config,
+ "GET http://example.org:8080/echo/host HTTP/1.1\r\n"
+ "Host: example.org:8080\r\n"
+ "\r\n"),
+ Port = <<"8080">>,
+ #{code := 200, body := Port} = do_raw(Config,
+ "GET http://example.org:8080/echo/port HTTP/1.1\r\n"
+ "Host: example.org:8080\r\n"
+ "\r\n").
+absolute_form_limit_host(Config) ->
+ doc("The maximum length for the host component of the URI must be subject "
+ "to a configurable limit. A good default is 255 characters. "
+ "(RFC7230 3.1.1, RFC3986 3.2.2, RFC1034 3.1)"),
+ LongHost = ["host." || _ <- lists:seq(1, 100)],
+ #{code := 414, client := Client} = do_raw(Config, [
+ "GET http://", LongHost, "/ HTTP/1.1\r\n"
+ "Host: ", LongHost, "\r\n"
+ "\r\n"]),
+ {error, closed} = raw_recv(Client, 0, 1000).
+absolute_form_invalid_port_0(Config) ->
+ doc("Port number 0 is reserved. The request must be rejected and the connection closed."),
+ #{code := 400, client := Client} = do_raw(Config,
+ "GET http://localhost:0/ HTTP/1.1\r\n"
+ "Host: localhost:0\r\n"
+ "\r\n"),
+ {error, closed} = raw_recv(Client, 0, 1000).
+absolute_form_invalid_port_65536(Config) ->
+ doc("Port numbers above 65535 are invalid. The request must be rejected and the connection closed."),
+ #{code := 400, client := Client} = do_raw(Config,
+ "GET http://localhost:65536/ HTTP/1.1\r\n"
+ "Host: localhost:65536\r\n"
+ "\r\n"),
+ {error, closed} = raw_recv(Client, 0, 1000).
+%% @todo The RFC says to discard the Host header if we are a proxy,
+%% and replace it with the content of absolute-form. This means
+%% that we should probably keep the absolute-form value when
+%% operating in proxy mode. Otherwise the absolute-form value
+%% is simply dropped and the Host header is used.
+%% @todo The authority is sent both in the URI and in the host header.
+%% The authority from the URI must be dropped, and the host header
+%% must be used instead. (RFC7230 5.5)
+%% It is not possible to test that the absolute-form value is dropped
+%% because one of the Host header test ensures that the authority
+%% is the same in both, and errors out otherwise.
+absolute_form_path(Config) ->
+ doc("The path always starts with \"/\" and ends with either \"?\", \"#\" "
+ "or the end of the URI. (RFC3986 3.3)"),
+ Echo = <<"/echo/path">>,
+ #{code := 200, body := Echo} = do_raw(Config,
+ "GET http://localhost/echo/path HTTP/1.1\r\n"
+ "Host: localhost\r\n"
+ "\r\n").
+absolute_form_path_query(Config) ->
+ doc("The path always starts with \"/\" and ends with either \"?\", \"#\" "
+ "or the end of the URI. (RFC3986 3.3)"),
+ Echo = <<"/echo/path">>,
+ #{code := 200, body := Echo} = do_raw(Config,
+ "GET http://localhost/echo/path?key=value HTTP/1.1\r\n"
+ "Host: localhost\r\n"
+ "\r\n").
+absolute_form_path_fragment(Config) ->
+ doc("The path always starts with \"/\" and ends with either \"?\", \"#\" "
+ "or the end of the URI. (RFC3986 3.3)"),
+ Echo = <<"/echo/path">>,
+ #{code := 200, body := Echo} = do_raw(Config,
+ "GET http://localhost/echo/path#fragment HTTP/1.1\r\n"
+ "Host: localhost\r\n"
+ "\r\n").
+absolute_form_no_path(Config) ->
+ doc("An empty path component is equivalent to \"/\". (RFC7230 2.7.3)"),
+ #{code := 200, body := <<"Hello world!">>} = do_raw(Config,
+ "GET http://localhost HTTP/1.1\r\n"
+ "Host: localhost\r\n"
+ "\r\n").
+absolute_form_no_path_then_query(Config) ->
+ doc("An empty path component is equivalent to \"/\". (RFC7230 2.7.3)"),
+ #{code := 200, body := <<"Hello world!">>} = do_raw(Config,
+ "GET http://localhost?key=value HTTP/1.1\r\n"
+ "Host: localhost\r\n"
+ "\r\n").
+absolute_form_no_path_then_fragment(Config) ->
+ doc("An empty path component is equivalent to \"/\". (RFC7230 2.7.3)"),
+ #{code := 200, body := <<"Hello world!">>} = do_raw(Config,
+ "GET http://localhost#fragment HTTP/1.1\r\n"
+ "Host: localhost\r\n"
+ "\r\n").
+absolute_form_query(Config) ->
+ doc("The query starts with \"?\" and ends with \"#\" or the end of the URI. (RFC3986 3.4)"),
+ Echo = <<"key=value">>,
+ #{code := 200, body := Echo} = do_raw(Config,
+ "GET http://localhost/echo/qs?key=value HTTP/1.1\r\n"
+ "Host: localhost\r\n"
+ "\r\n").
+absolute_form_query_fragment(Config) ->
+ doc("The query starts with \"?\" and ends with \"#\" or the end of the URI. (RFC3986 3.4)"),
+ Echo = <<"key=value">>,
+ #{code := 200, body := Echo} = do_raw(Config,
+ "GET http://localhost/echo/qs?key=value#fragment HTTP/1.1\r\n"
+ "Host: localhost\r\n"
+ "\r\n").
+%% @todo absolute_form: reject paths with too large depth or query strings with too many keys
+%% Request-target: authority-form.
+authority_form_reject_if_not_connect(Config) ->
+ doc("When the method is CONNECT, authority-form must be used. This "
+ "form does not apply to any other methods which must reject the "
+ "request with a 400 status code and the closing of the connection. (RFC7230 5.3.3)"),
+ #{code := 400, client := Client} = do_raw(Config,
+ "GET localhost:80 HTTP/1.1\r\n"
+ "Host: localhost\r\n"
+ "\r\n"),
+ {error, closed} = raw_recv(Client, 0, 1000).
+%% @todo Implement CONNECT.
+%authority_form_reject_userinfo(Config) ->
+%An authority component with a userinfo component (and its
+%"@" delimiter) is invalid. The request must be rejected with
+%a 400 status code and the closing of the connection. (RFC7230 2.7.1)
+%authority_form_limit_host(Config) ->
+%authority_form_limit_port0(Config) ->
+%authority_form_limit_port65536(Config) ->
+%A request with a too long component of authority-form must be rejected with
+%a 414 status code and the closing of the connection. (RFC7230 3.1.1)
+%The authority is either resolved from configuration or is taken
+%directly from authority-form. (RFC7230 5.5)
+%authority_form_empty_path(Config) ->
+%authority_form_empty_query(Config) ->
+%The path and query are empty when using authority-form. (RFC7230 5.5)
+%% Request-target: asterisk-form.
+asterisk_form_reject_if_not_options(Config) ->
+ doc("asterisk-form is used for server-wide OPTIONS requests. "
+ "It is invalid with any other methods which must reject the "
+ "request with a 400 status code and the closing of the connection. (RFC7230 5.3.4)"),
+ #{code := 400, client := Client} = do_raw(Config,
+ "GET * HTTP/1.1\r\n"
+ "Host: localhost\r\n"
+ "\r\n"),
+ {error, closed} = raw_recv(Client, 0, 1000).
+asterisk_form_empty_path(Config) ->
+ doc("The path is empty when using asterisk-form. (RFC7230 5.5)"),
+ #{code := 200, body := <<>>} = do_raw(Config,
+ "OPTIONS * HTTP/1.1\r\n"
+ "Host: localhost\r\n"
+ "X-Echo: path\r\n"
+ "\r\n").
+asterisk_form_empty_query(Config) ->
+ doc("The query is empty when using asterisk-form. (RFC7230 5.5)"),
+ #{code := 200, body := <<>>} = do_raw(Config,
+ "OPTIONS * HTTP/1.1\r\n"
+ "Host: localhost\r\n"
+ "X-Echo: query\r\n"
+ "\r\n").
+%% Invalid request-target.
+invalid_request_target(Config) ->
+ doc("Any other form is invalid and must be rejected with a 400 status code "
+ "and the closing of the connection."),
+ #{code := 400, client := Client} = do_raw(Config,
+ "GET \0 HTTP/1.1\r\n"
+ "Host: localhost\r\n"
+ "\r\n"),
+ {error, closed} = raw_recv(Client, 0, 1000).
+%% Between request-target and version.
+reject_tab_between_request_target_and_version(Config) ->
+ doc("A request that uses anything other than SP as separator between "
+ "the request-target and the version must be rejected with a 400 "
+ "status code and the closing of the connection. (RFC7230 3.1.1, RFC7230 3.5)"),
+ #{code := 400, client := Client} = do_raw(Config,
+ "GET /\tHTTP/1.1\r\n"
+ "Host: localhost\r\n"
+ "\r\n"),
+ {error, closed} = raw_recv(Client, 0, 1000).
+reject_two_sp_between_request_target_and_version(Config) ->
+ doc("A request that uses anything other than SP as separator between "
+ "the request-target and the version must be rejected with a 400 "
+ "status code and the closing of the connection. (RFC7230 3.1.1, RFC7230 3.5)"),
+ #{code := 400, client := Client} = do_raw(Config,
+ "GET / HTTP/1.1\r\n"
+ "Host: localhost\r\n"
+ "\r\n"),
+ {error, closed} = raw_recv(Client, 0, 1000).
+%% Request version.
+reject_invalid_version_http100(Config) ->
+ doc("Any version number other than HTTP/1.0 or HTTP/1.1 must be "
+ "rejected by a server or intermediary with a 505 status code. (RFC7230 2.6, RFC7230 A.2)"),
+ #{code := 505} = do_raw(Config,
+ "GET / HTTP/1.00\r\n"
+ "Host: localhost\r\n"
+ "\r\n").
+reject_invalid_version_http111(Config) ->
+ doc("Any version number other than HTTP/1.0 or HTTP/1.1 must be "
+ "rejected by a server or intermediary with a 505 status code. (RFC7230 2.6, RFC7230 A.2)"),
+ #{code := 505} = do_raw(Config,
+ "GET / HTTP/1.11\r\n"
+ "Host: localhost\r\n"
+ "\r\n").
+reject_invalid_version_http12(Config) ->
+ doc("Any version number other than HTTP/1.0 or HTTP/1.1 must be "
+ "rejected by a server or intermediary with a 505 status code. (RFC7230 2.6, RFC7230 A.2)"),
+ #{code := 505} = do_raw(Config,
+ "GET / HTTP/1.2\r\n"
+ "Host: localhost\r\n"
+ "\r\n").
+reject_invalid_version_http2(Config) ->
+ doc("Any version number other than HTTP/1.0 or HTTP/1.1 must be "
+ "rejected by a server or intermediary with a 505 status code. (RFC7230 2.6, RFC7230 A.2)"),
+ #{code := 505} = do_raw(Config,
+ "GET / HTTP/2\r\n"
+ "Host: localhost\r\n"
+ "\r\n").
+reject_empty_version(Config) ->
+ doc("Any version number other than HTTP/1.0 or HTTP/1.1 must be "
+ "rejected by a server or intermediary with a 505 status code. (RFC7230 2.6, RFC7230 A.2)"),
+ #{code := 505} = do_raw(Config,
+ "GET / \r\n"
+ "Host: localhost\r\n"
+ "\r\n").
+reject_invalid_whitespace_after_version(Config) ->
+ doc("A request that has whitespace different than CRLF following the "
+ "version must be rejected with a 400 status code and the closing "
+ "of the connection. (RFC7230 3.1.1)"),
+ #{code := 400, client := Client} = do_raw(Config,
+ "GET / HTTP/1.1 \r\n"
+ "Host: localhost\r\n"
+ "\r\n"),
+ {error, closed} = raw_recv(Client, 0, 1000).
+%% Request headers.
+%invalid_header(Config) ->
+%headers = *( header-field CRLF ) CRLF
+%header-field = field-name ":" OWS field-value OWS
+%field-name = token
+%field-value = *( SP / HTAB / %21-7E / %80-FF )
+%OWS = *( SP / HTAB )
+%lower_case_header(Config) ->
+%upper_case_header(Config) ->
+%mixed_case_header(Config) ->
+%The header field name is case insensitive. (RFC7230 3.2)
+%reject_whitespace_before_header_name(Config) ->
+%Messages that contain whitespace before the header name must
+%be rejected with a 400 status code and the closing of the
+%connection. (RFC7230 3.2.4)
+%reject_whitespace_between_header_name_and_colon(Config) ->
+%Messages that contain whitespace between the header name and
+%colon must be rejected with a 400 status code and the closing
+%of the connection. (RFC7230 3.2.4)
+%limit_header_name(Config) ->
+%The header name must be subject to a configurable limit. A
+%good default is 50 characters, well above the longest registered
+%header. Such a request must be rejected with a 431 status code
+%and the closing of the connection. (RFC7230 3.2.5, RFC6585 5, IANA Message Headers registry)
+%limit_header_value(Config) ->
+%The header value and the optional whitespace around it must be
+%subject to a configurable limit. There is no recommendations
+%for the default. 4096 characters is known to work well. Such
+%a request must be rejected with a 431 status code and the closing
+%of the connection. (RFC7230 3.2.5, RFC6585 5)
+%drop_whitespace_before_header_value(Config) ->
+%drop_whitespace_after_header_value(Config) ->
+%Optional whitespace before and after the header value is not
+%part of the value and must be dropped.
+%The order of header fields with differing names is not significant. (RFC7230 3.2.2)
+%The normal procedure for parsing headers is to read each header
+%field into a hash table by field name until the empty line. (RFC7230 3)
+%reject_duplicate_content_length_header(Config) ->
+%reject_duplicate_host_header(Config) ->
+%Requests with duplicate content-length or host headers must be rejected
+%with a 400 status code and the closing of the connection. (RFC7230 3.3.2)
+%combine_duplicate_headers(Config) ->
+%Other duplicate header fields must be combined by inserting a comma
+%between the values in the order they were received. (RFC7230 3.2.2)
+%Duplicate header field names are only allowed when their value is
+%a comma-separated list. In practice there is no need to perform
+%a check while reading the headers as the value will become invalid
+%and the error can be handled while parsing the header later on. (RFC7230 3.2.2)
+%wait_for_eoh_before_processing_request(Config) ->
+%The request must not be processed until all headers have arrived. (RFC7230 3.2.2)
+%limit_headers(Config) ->
+%The number of headers allowed in a request must be subject to
+%a configurable limit. There is no recommendations for the default.
+%100 headers is known to work well. Such a request must be rejected
+%with a 431 status code and the closing of the connection. (RFC7230 3.2.5, RFC6585 5)
+%When parsing header field values, the server must ignore empty
+%list elements, and not count those as the count of elements present. (RFC7230 7)
+%The information in the via header is largely unreliable. (RFC7230 5.7.1)
+%%% Request body.
+%The message body is the octets after decoding any transfer
+%codings. (RFC7230 3.3)
+%no_request_body(Config) ->
+%no_request_body_content_length_zero(Config) ->
+%request_body_content_length(Config) ->
+%request_body_transfer_encoding(Config) ->
+%A request has a message body only if it includes a transfer-encoding
+%header or a non-zero content-length header. (RFC7230 3.3)
+%Transfer-Encoding = 1#transfer-coding
+%transfer-coding = "chunked" / "compress" / "deflate" / "gzip" / transfer-extension
+%transfer-extension = token *( OWS ";" OWS transfer-parameter )
+%transfer-parameter = token BWS "=" BWS ( token / quoted-string )
+%case_insensitive_transfer_encoding(Config) ->
+%The transfer-coding is case insensitive. (RFC7230 4)
+%There are no known other transfer-extension with the exception of
+%deprecated aliases "x-compress" and "x-gzip". (IANA HTTP Transfer Coding Registry,
+%RFC7230 4.2.1, RFC7230 4.2.3, RFC7230 8.4.2)
+%must_understand_chunked(Config) ->
+%A server must be able to handle at least chunked transfer-encoding.
+%This is also the only coding that sees widespread use. (RFC7230 3.3.1, RFC7230 4.1)
+%reject_double_chunked_encoding(Config) ->
+%Messages encoded more than once with chunked transfer-encoding
+%must be rejected with a 400 status code and the closing of the
+%connection. (RFC7230 3.3.1)
+%reject_non_terminal_chunked(Config) ->
+%Messages where chunked, when present, is not the last
+%transfer-encoding must be rejected with a 400 status code
+%and the closing of the connection. (RFC7230 3.3.3)
+%Some non-conformant implementations send the "deflate" compressed
+%data without the zlib wrapper. (RFC7230 4.2.2)
+%reject_unknown_transfer_encoding(Config) ->
+%Messages encoded with a transfer-encoding the server does not
+%understand must be rejected with a 501 status code and the
+%closing of the connection. (RFC7230 3.3.1)
+%A server can reject requests with a body and no content-length
+%header with a 411 status code. (RFC7230 3.3.3)
+%Content-Length = 1*DIGIT
+%reject_invalid_content_length(Config) ->
+%A request with an invalid content-length header must be rejected
+%with a 400 status code and the closing of the connection. (RFC7230 3.3.3)
+%The content-length header ranges from 0 to infinity. Requests
+%with a message body too large must be rejected with a 413 status
+%code and the closing of the connection. (RFC7230 3.3.2)
+%ignore_content_length_when_transfer_encoding(Config) ->
+%When a message includes both transfer-encoding and content-length
+%headers, the content-length header must be removed before processing
+%the request. (RFC7230 3.3.3)
+%socket_error_while_reading_body(Config) ->
+%If a socket error occurs while reading the body the server
+%must send a 400 status code response and close the connection. (RFC7230 3.3.3, RFC7230 3.4)
+%timeout_while_reading_body(Config) ->
+%If a timeout occurs while reading the body the server must
+%send a 408 status code response and close the connection. (RFC7230 3.3.3, RFC7230 3.4)
+%%% Body length.
+%body_length_chunked_before(Config) ->
+%The length of a message with a transfer-encoding header can
+%only be determined on decoding completion. (RFC7230 3.3.3)
+%body_length_chunked_after(Config) ->
+%Upon completion of chunk decoding the server must add a content-length
+%header with the value set to the total length of data read. (RFC7230 4.1.3)
+%body_length_content_length(Config) ->
+%The length of a message with a content-length header is
+%the numeric value in octets found in the header. (RFC7230 3.3.3)
+%body_length_zero(Config) ->
+%A message with no transfer-encoding or content-length header
+%has a body length of 0. (RFC7230 3.3.3)
+%%% Chunked transfer-encoding.
+%reject_invalid_chunk_size(Config) ->
+%chunked-body = *chunk last-chunk trailer-part CRLF
+%chunk = chunk-size [ chunk-ext ] CRLF chunk-data CRLF
+%chunk-size = 1*HEXDIG
+%chunk-data = 1*OCTET ; a sequence of chunk-size octets
+%last-chunk = 1*("0") [ chunk-ext ] CRLF
+%The chunk-size field is a string of hex digits indicating the size of
+%the chunk-data in octets.
+%chunk-ext = *( ";" chunk-ext-name [ "=" chunk-ext-val ] )
+%chunk-ext-name = token
+%chunk-ext-val = token / quoted-string
+%ignore_unknown_chunk_extensions(Config) ->
+%Unknown chunk extensions must be ignored. (RFC7230 4.1.1)
+%reject_invalid_chunk_extensions(Config) ->
+%limit_chunk_size_line(Config) ->
+%The chunk-size line length must be subject to configuration.
+%There are no recommended defaults, although 100 octets should work.
+%Requests with a too long line must be rejected with a 400 status
+%code and the closing of the connection.
+%reject_invalid_chunk_line_crlf(Config) ->
+%reject_invalid_chunk_data_crlf(Config) ->
+%trailer-part = *( header-field CRLF )
+%%% @todo see headers above and reject the same way, space etc.
+%reject_invalid_trailer_part(Config) ->
+%ignore_trailer_transfer_encoding(Config) ->
+%ignore_trailer_content_length(Config) ->
+%ignore_trailer_host(Config) ->
+%ignore_trailer_cache_control(Config) ->
+%ignore_trailer_expect(Config) ->
+%ignore_trailer_max_forwards(Config) ->
+%ignore_trailer_pragma(Config) ->
+%ignore_trailer_range(Config) ->
+%ignore_trailer_te(Config) ->
+%ignore_trailer_if_match(Config) ->
+%ignore_trailer_if_none_match(Config) ->
+%ignore_trailer_if_modified_since(Config) ->
+%ignore_trailer_if_unmodified_since(Config) ->
+%ignore_trailer_if_range(Config) ->
+%ignore_trailer_www_authenticate(Config) ->
+%ignore_trailer_authorization(Config) ->
+%ignore_trailer_proxy_authenticate(Config) ->
+%ignore_trailer_proxy_authorization(Config) ->
+%ignore_trailer_content_encoding(Config) ->
+%ignore_trailer_content_type(Config) ->
+%ignore_trailer_content_range(Config) ->
+%ignore_trailer_trailer(Config) ->
+%ignore_trailer_header(Config, Header) ->
+%Trailing headers must not include transfer-encoding, content-length,
+%host, cache-control, expect, max-forwards, pragma, range, te,
+%if-match, if-none-match, if-modified-since, if-unmodified-since,
+%if-range, www-authenticate, authorization, proxy-authenticate,
+%proxy-authorization, age, cache-control, expires, date, location,
+%retry-after, vary, warning, content-encoding, content-type,
+%content-range, or trailer. (RFC7230 4.1.2)
+%Trailer headers can be ignored safely. (RFC7230 4.1.2)
+%When trailer headers are processed, invalid headers must be ignored.
+%Valid headers must be added to the list of headers of the request. (RFC7230 4.1.2)
+%limit_trailer_headers(Config) ->
+%The number of trailer headers must be subject to configuration.
+%There is no known recommendations for the default. A value of 10
+%should cover most cases. Requests with too many trailer headers
+%must be rejected with a 431 status code and the closing of the
+%connection. (RFC6585 5)
+%remove_transfer_encoding_chunked_after_body_read(Config) ->
+%Upon completion of chunk decoding the server must remove "chunked"
+%from the transfer-encoding header. This header must be removed if
+%it becomes empty following this removal. (RFC7230 4.1.3)
+%remove_trailer_after_body_read(Config) ->
+%Upon completion of chunk decoding the server must remove the trailer
+%header from the list of headers. (RFC7230 4.1.3)
+%Trailer = 1#field-name
+%ignore_chunked_headers_not_in_trailer(Config) ->
+%The trailer header can be used to list the headers found in the
+%trailer. A server must have the option of ignoring trailer headers
+%that were not listed in the trailer header. (RFC7230 4.4)
+%ignore_chunked_headers_if_trailer_not_in_connection(Config) ->
+%The trailer header must be listed in the connection header field.
+%Trailers must be ignored otherwise.
+%%% @todo Though we need a compatibility mode as some clients don't send it...
+%reject_chunked_missing_end_crlf(Config) ->
+%@todo ending CRLF
+%%% Connection management.
+%@todo can probably test using auth
+%Never assume any two requests on a single connection come
+%from the same user agent. (RFC7230 2.3)
+%Connection = 1#token ; case-insensitive
+%The connection token is either case insensitive "close", "keep-alive"
+%or a header field name.
+%There are no corresponding "close" or "keep-alive" headers. (RFC7230 8.1, RFC7230 A.2)
+%The connection header is valid only for the immediate connection,
+%alongside any header field it lists. (RFC7230 6.1)
+%The server must determine if the connection is persistent for
+%every message received by looking at the connection header and
+%HTTP version. (RFC7230 6.3)
+%no_connection_header_keepalive(Config) ->
+%%% @todo http/1.0 suite? connection_keepalive(Config) ->
+%HTTP/1.1 requests with no "close" option and HTTP/1.0 with the
+%"keep-alive" option indicate the connection will persist. (RFC7230 6.1, RFC7230 6.3)
+%connection_close(Config) ->
+%%% @todo http/1.0 suite? no_connection_close(Config) ->
+%HTTP/1.1 requests with the "close" option and HTTP/1.0 with no
+%"keep-alive" option indicate the connection will be closed
+%upon reception of the response by the client. (RFC7230 6.1, RFC7230 6.3)
+%limit_requests_keepalive(Config) ->
+%The maximum number of requests sent using a persistent connection
+%must be subject to configuration. The connection must be closed
+%when the limit is reached. (RFC7230 6.3)
+%skip_request_body_by_closing_connection(Config) ->
+%%A server that doesn't want to read the entire body of a message
+%%must close the connection, if possible after sending the "close"
+%%connection option in the response. (RFC7230 6.3)
+%pipeline(Config) ->
+%%% @todo pipeline_parallel (safe methods can, others can't)
+%A server can receive more than one request before any response
+%is sent. This is called pipelining. The requests can be processed
+%in parallel if they all have safe methods. Responses must be sent
+%in the same order as the requests. (RFC7230 6.3.2)
+%The server must reject abusive traffic by closing the connection.
+%Abusive traffic can come from the form of too many requests in a
+%given amount of time, or too many concurrent connections. Limits
+%must be subject to configuration. (RFC7230 6.4)
+%close_inactive_connections(Config) ->
+%The server must close inactive connections. The timeout
+%must be subject to configuration. (RFC7230 6.5)
+%The server must monitor connections for the close signal
+%and close the socket on its end accordingly. (RFC7230 6.5)
+%A connection close may occur at any time. (RFC7230 6.5)
+%ignore_requests_after_connection_close(Config) ->
+%The server must not process any request after sending or
+%receiving the "close" connection option. (RFC7230 6.6)
+%The server must close the connection in stages to avoid the
+%TCP reset problem. The server starts by closing the write
+%side of the socket. The server then reads until it detects
+%the socket has been closed, until it can be certain its
+%last response has been received by the client, or until
+%a close or timeout occurs. The server then fully close the
+%connection. (6.6)
+%%% Routing.
+%Host = authority ; same as authority-form
+%reject_missing_host(Config) ->
+%An HTTP/1.1 request that lacks a host header must be rejected with
+%a 400 status code and the closing of the connection. (RFC7230 5.4)
+%%% @todo http/1.0 missing_host(Config) ->
+%An HTTP/1.0 request that lack a host header is valid. Behavior
+%for these requests is configuration dependent. (RFC7230 5.5)
+%reject_invalid_host(Config) ->
+%A request with an invalid host header must be rejected with a
+%400 status code and the closing of the connection. (RFC7230 5.4)
+%reject_userinfo(Config) ->
+%An authority component with a userinfo component (and its
+%"@" delimiter) is invalid. The request must be rejected with
+%a 400 status code and the closing of the connection. (RFC7230 2.7.1)
+%reject_absolute_form_different_host(Config) ->
+%When using absolute-form the URI authority component must be
+%identical to the host header. Invalid requests must be rejected
+%with a 400 status code and the closing of the connection. (RFC7230 5.4)
+%reject_authority_form_different_host(Config) ->
+%When using authority-form the URI authority component must be
+%identical to the host header. Invalid requests must be rejected
+%with a 400 status code and the closing of the connection.
+%empty_host(Config) ->
+%The host header is empty when the authority component is undefined. (RFC7230 5.4)
+%The effective request URI can be rebuilt by concatenating scheme,
+%"://", authority, path and query components. (RFC7230 5.5)
+%Resources with identical URI except for the scheme component
+%must be treated as different. (RFC7230 2.7.2)
+%%% Response.
+%A server can send more than one response per request only when a
+%1xx response is sent preceding the final response. (RFC7230 5.6)
+%A server that does parallel pipelining must send responses in the
+%same order as the requests came in. (RFC7230 5.6)
+%HTTP-response = status-line *( header-field CRLF ) CRLF [ message-body ]
+%The response format must be followed strictly.
+%status-line = HTTP-version SP status-code SP reason-phrase CRLF
+%status-code = 3DIGIT
+%reason-phrase = *( HTAB / SP / VCHAR / obs-text )
+%http10_request_http11_response(Config) ->
+%A server must send its own version. (RFC7230 2.6)
+%An HTTP/1.1 server may send an HTTP/1.0 version for compatibility purposes. (RFC7230 2.6)
+%RFC6585 defines additional status code a server can use to reject
+%messages. (RFC7230 9.3, RFC6585)
+%%% Response headers.
+%In responses, OWS must be generated as SP or not generated
+%at all. RWS must be generated as SP. BWS must not be
+%generated. (RFC7230 3.2.3)
+%header-field = field-name ":" SP field-value
+%field-name = token ; case-insensitive
+%field-value = *( SP / %21-7E / %80-FF )
+%In quoted-string found in field-value, quoted-pair must only be
+%used for DQUOTE and backslash. (RFC7230 3.2.6)
+%HTTP header values must use US-ASCII encoding and must only send
+%printable characters or SP. (RFC7230 3.2.4, RFC7230 9.4)
+%The server must not generate empty list elements in headers. (RFC7230 7)
+%When encoding an URI as part of a response, only characters that
+%are reserved need to be percent-encoded. (RFC7230 2.7.3)
+%special_set_cookie_handling(Config) ->
+%The set-cookie header must be handled as a special case. There
+%must be exactly one set-cookie header field per cookie. (RFC7230 3.2.2)
+%The server must list headers for or about the immediate connection
+%in the connection header field. (RFC7230 6.1)
+%A server that does not support persistent connections must
+%send "close" in every non-1xx response. (RFC7230 6.1)
+%no_close_in_100_response(Config) ->
+%no_close_in_101_response(Config) ->
+%no_close_in_102_response(Config) ->
+%A server must not send a "close" connection option
+%in 1xx responses. (RFC7230 6.1)
+%The "close" connection must be sent in a message when the
+%sender knows it will close the connection after fully sending
+%the response. (RFC7230 6.6)
+%A server must close the connection after sending or
+%receiving a "close" once the response has been sent. (RFC7230 6.6)
+%close_request_close_response(Config) ->
+%A server must send a "close" in a response to a request
+%containing a "close". (RFC7230 6.6)
+%%% Response body.
+%no_body_in_head_response(Config) -> %% @todo test different ways to send a body in response
+%Responses to HEAD requests never include a message body. (RFC7230 3.3)
+%%% @todo Implement CONNECT
+%2xx responses to CONNECT requests never include a message
+%body. (RFC7230 3.3)
+%no_body_in_100_response(Config) ->
+%no_body_in_101_response(Config) ->
+%no_body_in_102_response(Config) ->
+%no_body_in_204_response(Config) ->
+%no_body_in_304_response(Config) ->
+%1xx, 204 and 304 responses never include a message body. (RFC7230 3.3)
+%same_content_length_as_get_in_head_response(Config) ->
+%same_transfer_encoding_as_get_in_head_response(Config) ->
+%same_content_length_as_200_in_304_response(Config) ->
+%same_transfer_encoding_as_200_in_304_response(Config) ->
+%Responses to HEAD requests and 304 responses can include a
+%content-length or transfer-encoding header. Their value must
+%be the same as if the request was an unconditional GET. (RFC7230 3.3, RFC7230 3.3.1, RFC7230 3.3.2)
+%no_transfer_encoding_in_100_response(Config) ->
+%no_transfer_encoding_in_101_response(Config) ->
+%no_transfer_encoding_in_102_response(Config) ->
+%no_transfer_encoding_in_204_response(Config) ->
+%%% @todo CONNECT no_transfer_encoding_in_2xx_response_to_connect_request(Config) ->
+%no_content_length_in_100_response(Config) ->
+%no_content_length_in_101_response(Config) ->
+%no_content_length_in_102_response(Config) ->
+%no_content_length_in_204_response(Config) ->
+%%% @todo CONNECT no_content_length_in_2xx_response_to_connect_request(Config) ->
+%1xx, 204 responses and "2xx responses to CONNECT requests" must
+%not include a content-length or transfer-encoding header. (RFC7230 3.3.1, RFC7230 3.3.2)
+%message-body = *OCTET
+%The message body is the octets after decoding any transfer
+%codings. (RFC7230 3.3)
+%content_length_0_when_no_body(Config) ->
+%content_length_response(Config) ->
+%When the length is known in advance, the server must send a
+%content-length header, including if the length is 0. (RFC7230 3.3.2, RFC7230 3.3.3)
+%chunked_response(Config) ->
+%When the length is not known in advance, the chunked transfer-encoding
+%must be used. (RFC7230 3.3.2, RFC7230 3.3.3)
+%compat_no_content_length_or_transfer_encoding_close_on_body_end(Config) ->
+%For compatibility purposes a server can send no content-length or
+%transfer-encoding header. In this case the connection must be
+%closed after the response has been sent fully. (RFC7230 3.3.2, RFC7230 3.3.3)
+%no_content_length_if_transfer_encoding(Config) ->
+%The content-length header must not be sent when a transfer-encoding
+%header already exists. (RFC7230 3.3.2)
+%The server must not apply the chunked transfer-encoding more than
+%once. (RFC7230 3.3.1)
+%The server must apply the chunked transfer-encoding last. (RFC7230 3.3.1)
+%http10_request_no_transfer_encoding_in_response(Config) ->
+%The transfer-encoding header must not be sent in responses to
+%HTTP/1.0 requests, or in responses that use the HTTP/1.0 version.
+%No transfer codings must be applied in these cases. (RFC7230 3.3.1)
+%TE = #t-codings
+%t-codings = "trailers" / ( transfer-coding [ t-ranking ] )
+%t-ranking = OWS ";" OWS "q=" rank
+%rank = ( "0" [ "." 0*3DIGIT ] ) / ( "1" [ "." 0*3("0") ] )
+%no_te_no_trailers(Config) ->
+%te_trailers(Config) ->
+%Trailers can only be sent if the request includes a TE header
+%containing "trailers". (RFC7230 4.1.2)
+%te_ignore_chunked(Config) ->
+%te_ignore_chunked_0(Config) ->
+%The presence of "chunked" in a TE header must be ignored as it
+%is always acceptable with HTTP/1.1. (RFC7230 4.3)
+%%% @todo te_not_acceptable_coding(Config) ->
+%A qvalue of 0 in the TE header means "not acceptable". (RFC7230 4.3)
+%The lack of a TE header or an empty TE header means only "chunked"
+%(with no trailers) or no transfer-encoding is acceptable. (RFC7230 4.3)
+%ignore_te_if_not_in_connection_header(Config) ->
+%The TE header must be listed in the connection header field,
+%or must be ignored otherwise.
+%Trailer headers must be listed in the trailer header field value. (RFC7230 4.4)
+%When defined, the trailer header must also be listed in the connection header. (RFC7230 4.4)
+%:: Upgrade
+%Upgrade = 1#protocol
+%protocol = protocol-name ["/" protocol-version]
+%protocol-name = token
+%protocol-version = token
+%The upgrade header contains the list of protocols the
+%client wishes to upgrade to, in order of preference. (RFC7230 6.7)
+%upgrade_safely_ignored(Config) ->
+%The upgrade header can be safely ignored. (RFC7230 6.7)
+%upgrade_must_be_in_connection_header(Config) ->
+%The upgrade header must be listed under the connection header,
+%or must be ignored otherwise. (RFC7230 6.7)
+%A server accepting an upgrade request must send a 101 status
+%code with a upgrade header listing the protocol(s) it upgrades
+%to, in layer-ascending order. In addition the upgrade header
+%must be listed in the connection header. (RFC7230 6.7)
+%%A server must not switch to a protocol not listed in the
+%%request's upgrade header. (RFC7230 6.7)
+%A server that sends a 426 status code must include a upgrade
+%header listing acceptable protocols in order of preference. (RFC7230 6.7)
+%A server can send a upgrade header to any response to advertise
+%its support for other protocols listed in order of preference. (RFC7230 6.7)
+%Immediately after a server responds with a 101 status code
+%it must respond to the original request using the new protocol. (RFC7230 6.7)
+%%A server must not switch protocols unless the original message's
+%%semantics can be honored by the new protocol. OPTIONS requests
+%%can be honored by any protocol. (RFC7230 6.7)
+%http10_ignore_upgrade_header(Config) ->
+%A server must ignore an upgrade header received by an HTTP/1.0
+%request. (RFC7230 6.7)
+%expect_then_upgrade(Config) ->
+%A server receiving both an upgrade header and an expect header
+%containing "100-continue" must send a 100 response before the
+%101 response. (RFC7230 6.7)
+%The upgrade header field cannot be used for switching the
+%connection protocol (e.g. TCP) or switching connections. (RFC7230 6.7)
+%%% Compatibility.
+%A server can choose to be non-conformant to the specifications
+%for the sake of compatibility. Such behavior can be enabled
+%through configuration and/or software identification. (RFC7230 2.5)