path: root/test/rfc7230_SUITE.erl
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Diffstat (limited to 'test/rfc7230_SUITE.erl')
1 files changed, 12 insertions, 12 deletions
diff --git a/test/rfc7230_SUITE.erl b/test/rfc7230_SUITE.erl
index 15d1fc5..480cc4e 100644
--- a/test/rfc7230_SUITE.erl
+++ b/test/rfc7230_SUITE.erl
@@ -23,12 +23,12 @@
all() -> [{group, http}].
-groups() -> [{http, [parallel], ct_helper:all(?MODULE)}].
+groups() -> [{http, [parallel], ct_helper:all(?MODULE)}]. %% @todo parallel
init_per_group(Name = http, Config) ->
- cowboy_test:init_http(Name = http, [
- {env, [{dispatch, cowboy_router:compile(init_routes(Config))}]}
- ], Config).
+ cowboy_test:init_http(Name = http, #{
+ env => #{dispatch => cowboy_router:compile(init_routes(Config))}
+ }, Config).
end_per_group(Name, _) ->
ok = cowboy:stop_listener(Name).
@@ -52,9 +52,7 @@ do_raw(Config, Data) ->
{Version, Code, Reason, Rest} = cow_http:parse_status_line(raw_recv_head(Client)),
{Headers, Rest2} = cow_http:parse_headers(Rest),
case lists:keyfind(<<"content-length">>, 1, Headers) of
- false ->
- #{client => Client, version => Version, code => Code, reason => Reason, headers => Headers, body => <<>>};
- {_, LengthBin} ->
+ {_, LengthBin} when LengthBin =/= <<"0">> ->
Length = binary_to_integer(LengthBin),
Body = if
byte_size(Rest2) =:= Length -> Rest2;
@@ -62,7 +60,9 @@ do_raw(Config, Data) ->
{ok, Body0} = raw_recv(Client, binary_to_integer(LengthBin) - byte_size(Rest2), 5000),
<< Rest2/bits, Body0/bits >>
- #{client => Client, version => Version, code => Code, reason => Reason, headers => Headers, body => Body}
+ #{client => Client, version => Version, code => Code, reason => Reason, headers => Headers, body => Body};
+ _ ->
+ #{client => Client, version => Version, code => Code, reason => Reason, headers => Headers, body => <<>>}
%% Listener.
@@ -90,8 +90,8 @@ accept_at_least_1_empty_line(Config) ->
reject_response(Config) ->
doc("When receiving a response instead of a request, identified by the "
"status-line which starts with the HTTP version, the server must "
- "reject the message with a 501 status code and close the connection. (RFC7230 3.1)"),
- #{code := 501, client := Client} = do_raw(Config,
+ "reject the message with a 400 status code and close the connection. (RFC7230 3.1)"),
+ #{code := 400, client := Client} = do_raw(Config,
"HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n"
{error, closed} = raw_recv(Client, 0, 1000).
@@ -138,14 +138,14 @@ timeout_before_request_line(Config) ->
"by the reception of a complete request-line."),
Client = raw_open(Config),
ok = raw_send(Client, "GET / HTTP/1.1\r"),
- {error, closed} = raw_recv(Client, 0, 1000).
+ {error, closed} = raw_recv(Client, 0, 6000).
timeout_after_request_line(Config) ->
doc("The time the request (request line and headers) takes to be "
"received by the server must be limited and subject to configuration. "
"A 408 status code must be sent if the request line was received."),
#{code := 408, client := Client} = do_raw(Config, "GET / HTTP/1.1\r\n"),
- {error, closed} = raw_recv(Client, 0, 1000).
+ {error, closed} = raw_recv(Client, 0, 6000).
%% @todo Add an HTTP/1.0 test suite.
%An HTTP/1.1 server must understand any valid HTTP/1.0 request,