# See LICENSE for licensing information. PROJECT = cowboy PROJECT_DESCRIPTION = Small, fast, modern HTTP server. PROJECT_VERSION = 2.13.0 PROJECT_REGISTERED = cowboy_clock # Options. PLT_APPS = public_key ssl # ct_helper gun common_test inets CT_OPTS += -ct_hooks cowboy_ct_hook [] # -boot start_sasl #CT_OPTS += +JPperf true +S 1 # Dependencies. LOCAL_DEPS = crypto DEPS = cowlib ranch dep_cowlib = git https://github.com/ninenines/cowlib 2.14.0 dep_ranch = git https://github.com/ninenines/ranch 1.8.1 ifeq ($(COWBOY_QUICER),1) DEPS += quicer dep_quicer = git https://github.com/emqx/quic main endif DOC_DEPS = asciideck TEST_DEPS = $(if $(CI_ERLANG_MK),ci.erlang.mk) ct_helper gun dep_ct_helper = git https://github.com/extend/ct_helper master dep_gun = git https://github.com/ninenines/gun master # CI configuration. dep_ci.erlang.mk = git https://github.com/ninenines/ci.erlang.mk master DEP_EARLY_PLUGINS = ci.erlang.mk AUTO_CI_OTP ?= OTP-LATEST-24+ AUTO_CI_WINDOWS ?= OTP-LATEST-24+ # Hex configuration. define HEX_TARBALL_EXTRA_METADATA #{ licenses => [<<"ISC">>], links => #{ <<"User guide">> => <<"https://ninenines.eu/docs/en/cowboy/2.13/guide/">>, <<"Function reference">> => <<"https://ninenines.eu/docs/en/cowboy/2.13/manual/">>, <<"GitHub">> => <<"https://github.com/ninenines/cowboy">>, <<"Sponsor">> => <<"https://github.com/sponsors/essen">> } } endef hex_req_ranch = >= 1.8.0 and < 3.0.0 hex_req_cowlib = >= 2.14.0 and < 3.0.0 # Standard targets. include erlang.mk # Don't run the examples/autobahn test suites by default. ifndef FULL CT_SUITES := $(filter-out examples http_perf ws_autobahn ws_perf,$(CT_SUITES)) endif # Don't run HTTP/3 test suites on Windows. ifeq ($(PLATFORM),msys2) CT_SUITES := $(filter-out rfc9114 rfc9204 rfc9220,$(CT_SUITES)) endif # Compile options. ERLC_OPTS += +warn_missing_spec +warn_untyped_record # +bin_opt_info TEST_ERLC_OPTS += +'{parse_transform, eunit_autoexport}' ifeq ($(COWBOY_QUICER),1) ERLC_OPTS += -D COWBOY_QUICER=1 TEST_ERLC_OPTS += -D COWBOY_QUICER=1 endif # Generate rebar.config on build. app:: rebar.config # Fix quicer compilation for HTTP/3. autopatch-quicer:: $(verbose) printf "%s\n" "all: ;" > $(DEPS_DIR)/quicer/c_src/Makefile.erlang.mk # Dialyze the tests. #DIALYZER_OPTS += --src -r test # h2spec setup. GOPATH := $(ERLANG_MK_TMP)/gopath export GOPATH H2SPEC := $(GOPATH)/src/github.com/summerwind/h2spec/h2spec export H2SPEC # @todo It would be better to allow these dependencies to be specified # on a per-target basis instead of for all targets. test-build:: $(H2SPEC) $(H2SPEC): $(gen_verbose) mkdir -p $(GOPATH)/src/github.com/summerwind $(verbose) git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/summerwind/h2spec $(dir $(H2SPEC)) || true $(verbose) $(MAKE) -C $(dir $(H2SPEC)) build MAKEFLAGS= || true # Prepare for the release. prepare_tag: $(verbose) $(warning Hex metadata: $(HEX_TARBALL_EXTRA_METADATA)) $(verbose) echo $(verbose) echo -n "Most recent tag: " $(verbose) git tag --sort taggerdate | tail -n1 $(verbose) git verify-tag `git tag --sort taggerdate | tail -n1` $(verbose) echo -n "MAKEFILE: " $(verbose) grep -m1 PROJECT_VERSION Makefile $(verbose) echo -n "APP: " $(verbose) grep -m1 vsn ebin/$(PROJECT).app | sed 's/ //g' $(verbose) echo -n "GUIDE: " $(verbose) grep -h dep_$(PROJECT)_commit doc/src/guide/*.asciidoc || true $(verbose) echo $(verbose) echo "Links in the README:" $(verbose) grep http.*:// README.asciidoc $(verbose) echo $(verbose) echo "Titles in most recent CHANGELOG:" $(verbose) for f in `ls -rv doc/src/guide/migrating_from_*.asciidoc | head -n1`; do \ echo $$f:; \ grep == $$f; \ done $(verbose) echo $(verbose) echo "Dependencies:" $(verbose) grep ^DEPS Makefile || echo "DEPS =" $(verbose) grep ^dep_ Makefile || true $(verbose) grep ^hex_req_ Makefile || true $(verbose) echo $(verbose) echo "rebar.config:" $(verbose) cat rebar.config || true