# See LICENSE for licensing information. PROJECT = cowboy # Options. COMPILE_FIRST = cowboy_middleware cowboy_sub_protocol CT_OPTS += -pa test -ct_hooks cowboy_ct_hook [] PLT_APPS = crypto public_key ssl # Dependencies. DEPS = cowlib ranch dep_cowlib = git https://github.com/ninenines/cowlib 1.1.0 TEST_DEPS = ct_helper gun dep_ct_helper = git https://github.com/extend/ct_helper.git master # Standard targets. include erlang.mk ERLC_OPTS += +warn_export_all +warn_missing_spec +warn_untyped_record # Also dialyze the tests. # DIALYZER_OPTS += --src -r test # Documentation. dep_ezdoc = git https://github.com/ninenines/ezdoc master $(eval $(call dep_target,ezdoc)) build-doc-deps: $(DEPS_DIR)/ezdoc $(MAKE) -C $(DEPS_DIR)/ezdoc define ezdoc_script io:format("Building manual~n"), [begin AST = ezdoc:parse_file(F), BF = filename:rootname(filename:basename(F)), io:format(" ~s~n", [BF]), file:write_file("doc/markdown/manual/" ++ BF ++ ".md", ezdoc_markdown:export(AST)), case BF of "cowboy" ++ _ when BF =/= "cowboy_app" -> file:write_file("doc/man3/" ++ BF ++ ".3", ezdoc_man:export(3, AST)); _ when BF =/= "index" -> file:write_file("doc/man7/" ++ BF ++ ".7", ezdoc_man:export(7, AST)); _ -> ok end end || F <- filelib:wildcard("doc/src/manual/*.ezdoc")], io:format("Building guide~n"), [begin AST = ezdoc:parse_file(F), BF = filename:rootname(filename:basename(F)), io:format(" ~s~n", [BF]), file:write_file("doc/markdown/guide/" ++ BF ++ ".md", ezdoc_markdown:export(AST)) end || F <- filelib:wildcard("doc/src/guide/*.ezdoc")], io:format("Done.~n"), init:stop(). endef export ezdoc_script docs:: clean-docs build-doc-deps @mkdir -p doc/man3 doc/man7 doc/markdown/guide doc/markdown/manual $(gen_verbose) erl -noinput -pa ebin deps/ezdoc/ebin -eval "$$ezdoc_script" @gzip doc/man3/*.3 doc/man7/*.7 @cp doc/src/guide/*.png doc/markdown/guide clean-docs: $(gen_verbose) rm -rf doc/man3 doc/man7 doc/markdown MAN_INSTALL_PATH ?= /usr/local/share/man install-docs: mkdir -p $(MAN_INSTALL_PATH)/man3/ $(MAN_INSTALL_PATH)/man7/ install -g 0 -o 0 -m 0644 doc/man3/*.gz $(MAN_INSTALL_PATH)/man3/ install -g 0 -o 0 -m 0644 doc/man7/*.gz $(MAN_INSTALL_PATH)/man7/