ROADMAP ======= This document explains in as much details as possible the list of planned changes and work to be done on the Cowboy server. It is intended to be exhaustive but some elements might still be missing. 1.0 (R16 and R17) ----------------- We are now in the final push to Cowboy 1.0. Further changes are expected to be bug fixes and documentation improvements. 2.0 (R17 and R18) ----------------- * HTTP/2.0 * Websocket permessage deflate compression * Better cowboy_req usability The number one usability concern with Cowboy today is the need to keep the Req object. Most functions in cowboy_req don't actually modify it and probably never will. This change will make sure that only the required function return a new Req. At the same time, some of the functions that cache their results will stop to do so. This will save memory and allow us to not modify the Req. * Start experimenting with maps. Under consideration ------------------- * Convenience API for extracting query string and body information, similar to PHP's $_GET, $_POST and $_FILES