= cowboy:get_env(3) == Name cowboy:get_env - Retrieve a listener's environment value == Description [source,erlang] ---- get_env(Name :: ranch:ref(), Key :: atom()) -> any() get_env(Name :: ranch:ref(), Key :: atom(), Default :: any()) -> any() ---- Retrieve an environment value for a previously started listener. This function may crash when the key is missing from the environment and a default value is not provided. == Arguments Name:: The name of the listener to access. + The name of the listener is the first argument given to the link:man:cowboy:start_clear(3)[cowboy:start_clear(3)], link:man:cowboy:start_tls(3)[cowboy:start_tls(3)] or link:man:ranch:start_listener(3)[ranch:start_listener(3)] function. Key:: The key in the environment map. Common keys include `dispatch` and `middlewares`. Default:: The default value if the key is missing. == Return value The environment value is returned on success. If a default was provided and the key is missing, then the default value is returned. An `exit:badarg` exception is thrown when the listener does not exist. An `exit:{badkey, Key}` exception is thrown when the key requested is missing and no default was provided. == Changelog * *2.11*: Function introduced. == Examples .Retrieve a listener's routes [source,erlang] ---- Dispatch = cowboy:get_env(example, dispatch). ---- == See also link:man:cowboy(3)[cowboy(3)], link:man:cowboy:start_clear(3)[cowboy:start_clear(3)], link:man:cowboy:start_tls(3)[cowboy:start_tls(3)], link:man:cowboy:set_env(3)[cowboy:set_env(3)], link:man:ranch:get_protocol_options(3)[ranch:get_protocol_options(3)]