= cowboy:start_clear(3) == Name cowboy:start_clear - Listen for connections using plain TCP == Description [source,erlang] ---- start_clear(Name :: ranch:ref(), NumAcceptors :: non_neg_integer(), TransportOpts :: ranch_tcp:opts(), ProtocolOpts :: opts()) -> {ok, ListenerPid :: pid()} | {error, any()} ---- Start listening for connections over a clear TCP channel. Both HTTP/1.1 and HTTP/2 are supported on this listener. HTTP/2 has two methods of establishing a connection over a clear TCP channel. Both the upgrade and the prior knowledge methods are supported. == Arguments Name:: The listener name is used to refer to this listener in future calls, for example when stopping it or when updating the routes defined. + It can be any Erlang term. An atom is generally good enough, for example `api`, `my_app_clear` or `my_app_tls`. NumAcceptors:: The number of acceptors is the number of processes that will accept connections. Tweak this value to improve the accept rate for incoming connections. + The ideal value is between 10 and 100 on most systems. Larger values may have the opposite effect and reduce the accept rate. It's generally safe to start with a value of 100 (or 10 on low memory systems). Then, when accept rates become a concern, measure the performance and update the value accordingly. + This value is unrelated to the maximum number of concurrent connections. TransportOpts:: The transport options are where the TCP options, including the listener's port number, are defined. Transport options are provided as a list of keys and values, for example `[{port, 8080}]`. + The available options are documented in the link:man:ranch_tcp(3)[ranch_tcp(3)] manual. ProtocolOpts:: The protocol options are in a map containing all the options for the different protocols that may be involved when connecting to the listener, including HTTP/1.1 and HTTP/2 but also subprotocols like Websocket. // @todo For Websocket this might change in the future. + The HTTP/1.1 options are documented in the link:man:cowboy_http(3)[cowboy_http(3)] manual; the HTTP/2 options in link:man:cowboy_http2(3)[cowboy_http2(3)]; and the Websocket options in link:man:cowboy_websocket(3)[cowboy_websocket(3)]. == Return value An ok tuple is returned on success. It contains the pid of the top-level supervisor for the listener. An error tuple is returned on error. The error reason may be any Erlang term. A common error is `eaddrinuse`. It indicates that the port configured for Cowboy is already in use. == Changelog * *2.0*: HTTP/2 support added. * *2.0*: Function introduced. Replaces `cowboy:start_http/4`. == Examples .Start a listener [source,erlang] ---- Dispatch = cowboy_router:compile([ {'_', [ {"/", toppage_h, []} ]} ]), {ok, _} = cowboy:start_clear(example, 100, [{port, 8080}], #{ env => #{dispatch => Dispatch} }). ---- .Start a listener on a random port [source,erlang] ---- Name = example, {ok, _} = cowboy:start_clear(Name, 100, [], #{ env => #{dispatch => Dispatch} }), Port = ranch:get_port(Name). ---- == See also link:man:cowboy(3)[cowboy(3)], link:man:cowboy:start_tls(3)[cowboy:start_tls(3)], link:man:ranch(3)[ranch(3)]