= cowboy(7) == Name cowboy - Small, fast, modern HTTP server for Erlang/OTP == Description Cowboy is an HTTP server for Erlang/OTP with support for the HTTP/1.1, HTTP/2 and Websocket protocols. Cowboy aims to provide a complete HTTP stack. This includes the implementation of the HTTP RFCs but also any directly related standards, like Websocket or Server-Sent Events. == Modules Functions: * link:man:cowboy(3)[cowboy(3)] - Listener management * link:man:cowboy_req(3)[cowboy_req(3)] - Request and response * link:man:cowboy_router(3)[cowboy_router(3)] - Router * link:man:cowboy_constraints(3)[cowboy_constraints(3)] - Constraints Protocols: * link:man:cowboy_http(3)[cowboy_http(3)] - HTTP/1.1 * link:man:cowboy_http2(3)[cowboy_http2(3)] - HTTP/2 * link:man:cowboy_websocket(3)[cowboy_websocket(3)] - Websocket Handlers: * link:man:cowboy_static(3)[cowboy_static(3)] - Static file handler Stream handlers: * link:man:cowboy_stream_h(3)[cowboy_stream_h(3)] - Default stream handler * link:man:cowboy_compress_h(3)[cowboy_compress_h(3)] - Compress stream handler * link:man:cowboy_decompress_h(3)[cowboy_decompress_h(3)] - Decompress stream handler * link:man:cowboy_metrics_h(3)[cowboy_metrics_h(3)] - Metrics stream handler * link:man:cowboy_tracer_h(3)[cowboy_tracer_h(3)] - Tracer stream handler Behaviors: * link:man:cowboy_handler(3)[cowboy_handler(3)] - Plain HTTP handlers * link:man:cowboy_loop(3)[cowboy_loop(3)] - Loop handlers * link:man:cowboy_middleware(3)[cowboy_middleware(3)] - Middlewares * link:man:cowboy_rest(3)[cowboy_rest(3)] - REST handlers * link:man:cowboy_stream(3)[cowboy_stream(3)] - Stream handlers * link:man:cowboy_websocket(3)[cowboy_websocket(3)] - Websocket handlers Middlewares: * link:man:cowboy_router(3)[cowboy_router(3)] - Router middleware * link:man:cowboy_handler(3)[cowboy_handler(3)] - Handler middleware // @todo http_status_codes is not linked to; what to do with it? == Dependencies * link:man:ranch(7)[ranch(7)] - Socket acceptor pool for TCP protocols * link:man:cowlib(7)[cowlib(7)] - Support library for manipulating Web protocols * ssl - Secure communication over sockets * crypto - Crypto functions All these applications must be started before the `cowboy` application. To start Cowboy and all dependencies at once: [source,erlang] ---- {ok, _} = application:ensure_all_started(cowboy). ---- == Environment The `cowboy` application does not define any application environment configuration parameters. == See also link:man:ranch(7)[ranch(7)], link:man:cowlib(7)[cowlib(7)]