= cowboy_handler:terminate(3) == Name cowboy_handler:terminate - Terminate the handler == Description [source,erlang] ---- terminate(Reason, Req | undefined, State, Handler) -> ok Reason :: any() Req :: cowboy_req:req() State :: any() Handler :: module() ---- Call the optional terminate callback if it is defined. Make sure to use this function at the end of the execution of modules that implement custom handler behaviors. == Arguments Reason:: Reason for termination. Req:: The Req object. + It is possible to pass `undefined` if the handler has no concept of requests/responses and discarded the Req object before calling this function. State:: Handler state. Handler:: Handler module. == Return value The atom `ok` is always returned. It can be safely ignored. == Changelog * *2.0*: Function introduced. == Examples .Terminate a handler normally [source,erlang] ---- cowboy_handler:terminate(normal, Req, State, Handler). ---- == See also link:man:cowboy_handler(3)[cowboy_handler(3)]