= cowboy_handler:terminate(3)

== Name

cowboy_handler:terminate - Terminate the handler

== Description

terminate(Reason, PartialReq, State, Handler) -> ok

Reason     :: any()
PartialReq :: map()
State      :: any()
Handler    :: module()

Call the optional terminate callback if it is defined.

Make sure to use this function at the end of the execution
of modules that implement custom handler behaviors.

== Arguments


Reason for termination.


The Req object.
It is possible to remove fields from the Req object to save memory
when the handler has no concept of requests/responses. The only
requirement is that a map is provided.


Handler state.


Handler module.

== Return value

The atom `ok` is always returned. It can be safely ignored.

== Changelog

* *2.0*: Function introduced.

== Examples

.Terminate a handler normally
cowboy_handler:terminate(normal, Req, State, Handler).

== See also
