= cowboy_middleware(3)

== Name

cowboy_middleware - Middlewares

== Description

The module `cowboy_middleware` defines a callback interface for
Cowboy middlewares.

Middlewares process the request sequentially in the order they
are configured.

== Callbacks

Middlewares implement the following interface:

execute(Req, Env)
    -> {ok, Req, Env}
     | {suspend, module(), atom(), [any()]}
     | {stop, Req}

Req :: cowboy_req:req()
Env :: cowboy_middleware:env()

The `execute/2` is the only callback that needs to be
implemented. It must execute the middleware and return
with instructions for Cowboy.


Cowboy should continue processing the request using the
returned Req object and environment.


Cowboy will hibernate the process. When resuming, Cowboy
will apply the returned module, function and arguments.


Cowboy will stop middleware execution. No other middleware
will be executed. This effectively ends the processing of
the request.

== Types

=== env()

env() :: #{atom() => any()}

Middleware environment.

A new environment is created for every request. The initial
environment contained the user configured environment values
(like `dispatch` for example) plus the `listener` value which
contains the name of the listener for this connection.

Middlewares may modify the environment as necessary.

== Changelog

* *2.0*: The `env` type is now a map instead of a proplist.
* *1.0*: Behavior introduced.

== See also
