= cowboy_req:cast(3) == Name cowboy_req:cast - Cast a stream handler event == Description [source,erlang] ---- cast(Event :: any(), Req :: cowboy_req:req()) -> ok ---- Cast a stream handler event. The event will be passed to stream handlers through the `info/3` callback. == Arguments Event:: The event to be sent to stream handlers. Req:: The Req object. == Return value The atom `ok` is always returned. It can be safely ignored. == Changelog * *2.7*: Function introduced. == Examples .Read the body using auto mode [source,erlang] ---- read_body_auto_async(Req) -> read_body_auto_async(Req, make_ref(), <<>>). read_body_auto_async(Req, Ref, Acc) -> cowboy_req:cast({read_body, self(), Ref, auto, infinity}, Req), receive {request_body, Ref, nofin, Data} -> read_body_auto_async(Req, Ref, <>); {request_body, Ref, fin, _BodyLen, Data} -> {ok, <>, Req} end. ---- .Increase the HTTP/1.1 idle timeout [source,erlang] ---- cowboy_req:cast({set_options, #{ idle_timeout => 3600000 }}, Req). ---- .Add user data to metrics ---- cowboy_req:cast({set_options, #{ metrics_user_data => #{handler => ?MODULE} }}, Req). ---- .Enable compression buffering ---- cowboy_req:cast({set_options, #{ compress_buffering => true }}, Req). ---- == See also link:man:cowboy_req(3)[cowboy_req(3)], link:man:cowboy_stream(3)[cowboy_stream(3)]