= cowboy_req:header(3) == Name cowboy_req:header - HTTP header == Description [source,erlang] ---- header(Name, Req) -> header(Name, Req, undefined) header(Name, Req, Default) -> binary() | Default Name :: binary() Req :: cowboy_req:req() Default :: any() ---- Return the value for the given HTTP header. The header name must be given as a lowercase binary string. While header names are case insensitive, Cowboy requires them to be given as lowercase to function properly. Headers can also be obtained using pattern matching: [source,erlang] ---- #{headers := #{Name := Value}} = Req. ---- Note that this snippet will crash if the header is missing. == Arguments Name:: Desired HTTP header name as a lowercase binary string. Req:: The Req object. Default:: Default value returned when the header is missing. == Return value The header value is returned as a binary string. When the header is missing, the default argument is returned. == Changelog * *2.0*: Only the header value is returned, it is no longer wrapped in a tuple. * *1.0*: Function introduced. == Examples .Get the accept header [source,erlang] ---- Accept = cowboy_req:header(<<"accept">>, Req). ---- .Get the content-length header with a default value [source,erlang] ---- Length = cowboy_req:header(<<"content-length">>, Req, <<"0">>). ---- == See also link:man:cowboy_req(3)[cowboy_req(3)], link:man:cowboy_req:headers(3)[cowboy_req:headers(3)], link:man:cowboy_req:parse_header(3)[cowboy_req:parse_header(3)]