= cowboy_req:method(3)

== Name

cowboy_req:method - HTTP method

== Description

method(Req :: cowboy_req:req()) -> Method :: binary()

Return the request's HTTP method.

The method can also be obtained using pattern matching:

#{method := Method} = Req.

== Arguments


The Req object.

== Return value

The request's HTTP method is returned as a binary string.
While methods are case sensitive, standard methods are
always uppercase.

== Changelog

* *2.0*: Only the method is returned, it is no longer wrapped in a tuple.
* *1.0*: Function introduced.

== Examples

.Ensure the request's method is GET
<<"GET">> = cowboy_req:method(Req).

.Allow methods from list
init(Req, State) ->
    case lists:member(cowboy_req:method(Req), [<<"GET">>, <<"POST">>]) of
        true -> handle(Req, State);
        false -> method_not_allowed(Req, State)

== See also
