= cowboy_req:stream_trailers(3) == Name cowboy_req:stream_trailers - Send the response trailers == Description [source,erlang] ---- stream_trailers(Trailers, Req :: cowboy_req:req()) -> ok Trailers :: cowboy:http_headers() ---- Send the response trailers and terminate the stream. This function can only be called once, after initiating a response using link:man:cowboy_req:stream_reply(3)[cowboy_req:stream_reply(3)] and sending zero or more body chunks using link:man:cowboy_req:stream_body(3)[cowboy_req:stream_body(3)] with the `nofin` argument set. The function `stream_trailers/2` implies `fin` and automatically terminate the response. You must list all field names sent in trailers in the trailer header, otherwise they might be dropped by intermediaries or clients. == Arguments Trailers:: Trailer field values to be sent. Req:: The Req object. == Return value The atom `ok` is always returned. It can be safely ignored. == Changelog * *2.2*: Function introduced. == Examples .Stream a response body with trailers [source,erlang] ---- Req = cowboy_req:stream_reply(200, #{ <<"content-type">> => <<"text/plain">>, <<"trailer">> => <<"expires, content-md5">> }, Req0), cowboy_req:stream_body(<<"Hello\n">>, nofin, Req), timer:sleep(1000), cowboy_req:stream_body(<<"World!\n">>, nofin, Req). cowboy_req:stream_trailers(#{ <<"expires">> => <<"Sun, 10 Dec 2017 19:13:47 GMT">>, <<"content-md5">> => <<"fbf68a8e34b2ded53bba54e68794b4fe">> }, Req). ---- == See also link:man:cowboy_req(3)[cowboy_req(3)], link:man:cowboy_req:stream_reply(3)[cowboy_req:stream_reply(3)], link:man:cowboy_req:stream_reply(3)[cowboy_req:stream_body(3)]