Hello world example =================== To try this example, you need GNU `make`, `git` and [relx](https://github.com/erlware/relx) in your PATH. To build the example, run the following command: ``` bash $ make ``` To start the release in the foreground: ``` bash $ ./_rel/bin/ssl_hello_world_example console ``` Then point your browser at [http://localhost:8443](http://localhost:8443). You will need to temporarily trust the root certificate authority, which can also be found in `priv/ssl/cowboy-ca.crt`. Example output -------------- ``` bash $ curl --cacert priv/ssl/cowboy-ca.crt -i https://localhost:8443 HTTP/1.1 200 OK connection: keep-alive server: Cowboy date: Fri, 28 Sep 2012 04:10:25 GMT content-length: 12 Hello world! ```