Cowboy User Guide ================= The Cowboy User Guide explores the modern Web and how to make best use of Cowboy for writing powerful web applications. Introducing Cowboy ------------------ * [Introduction]( * [The modern Web]( * [Erlang and the Web]( * [Erlang for beginners]( * [Getting started]( HTTP ---- * [The life of a request]( * [Routing]( * [Handling plain HTTP requests]( * [The Req object]( * [Reading the request body]( * [Sending a response]( * [Using cookies]( Multipart --------- * [Introduction to multipart]( * [Multipart requests]( Static files ------------ * [Static handler]( REST ---- * [REST principles]( * [Handling REST requests]( * [REST flowcharts]( * [Designing a resource handler]( Websocket --------- * [The Websocket protocol]( * [Handling Websocket connections]( Server push ----------- * [Loop handlers]( Pluggable interface ------------------- * [Middlewares]( * [Protocol upgrades]( * [Hooks]( Internals --------- * [Architecture]( * [Dealing with broken clients](