%% Copyright (c) Loïc Hoguin %% %% Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any %% purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above %% copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. %% %% THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES %% WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF %% MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR %% ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES %% WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN %% ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF %% OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. -module(cowboy). -export([start_clear/3]). -export([start_tls/3]). -export([start_quic/3]). -export([stop_listener/1]). -export([get_env/2]). -export([get_env/3]). -export([set_env/3]). %% Internal. -export([log/2]). -export([log/4]). %% Don't warn about the bad quicer specs. -dialyzer([{nowarn_function, start_quic/3}]). -type opts() :: cowboy_http:opts() | cowboy_http2:opts(). -export_type([opts/0]). -type fields() :: [atom() | {atom(), cowboy_constraints:constraint() | [cowboy_constraints:constraint()]} | {atom(), cowboy_constraints:constraint() | [cowboy_constraints:constraint()], any()}]. -export_type([fields/0]). -type http_headers() :: #{binary() => iodata()}. -export_type([http_headers/0]). -type http_status() :: non_neg_integer() | binary(). -export_type([http_status/0]). -type http_version() :: 'HTTP/2' | 'HTTP/1.1' | 'HTTP/1.0'. -export_type([http_version/0]). -spec start_clear(ranch:ref(), ranch:opts(), opts()) -> {ok, pid()} | {error, any()}. start_clear(Ref, TransOpts0, ProtoOpts0) -> TransOpts1 = ranch:normalize_opts(TransOpts0), {TransOpts2, DynamicBuffer} = ensure_dynamic_buffer(TransOpts1, ProtoOpts0), {TransOpts, ConnectionType} = ensure_connection_type(TransOpts2), ProtoOpts = ProtoOpts0#{ connection_type => ConnectionType, dynamic_buffer => DynamicBuffer }, ranch:start_listener(Ref, ranch_tcp, TransOpts, cowboy_clear, ProtoOpts). -spec start_tls(ranch:ref(), ranch:opts(), opts()) -> {ok, pid()} | {error, any()}. start_tls(Ref, TransOpts0, ProtoOpts0) -> TransOpts1 = ranch:normalize_opts(TransOpts0), {TransOpts2, DynamicBuffer} = ensure_dynamic_buffer(TransOpts1, ProtoOpts0), TransOpts3 = ensure_alpn(TransOpts2), {TransOpts, ConnectionType} = ensure_connection_type(TransOpts3), ProtoOpts = ProtoOpts0#{ connection_type => ConnectionType, dynamic_buffer => DynamicBuffer }, ranch:start_listener(Ref, ranch_ssl, TransOpts, cowboy_tls, ProtoOpts). %% @todo Experimental function to start a barebone QUIC listener. %% This will need to be reworked to be closer to Ranch %% listeners and provide equivalent features. %% %% @todo Better type for transport options. Might require fixing quicer types. -spec start_quic(ranch:ref(), #{socket_opts => [{atom(), _}]}, cowboy_http3:opts()) -> {ok, pid()}. %% @todo Implement dynamic_buffer for HTTP/3 if/when it applies. start_quic(Ref, TransOpts, ProtoOpts) -> {ok, _} = application:ensure_all_started(quicer), Parent = self(), SocketOpts0 = maps:get(socket_opts, TransOpts, []), {Port, SocketOpts2} = case lists:keytake(port, 1, SocketOpts0) of {value, {port, Port0}, SocketOpts1} -> {Port0, SocketOpts1}; false -> {port_0(), SocketOpts0} end, SocketOpts = [ {alpn, ["h3"]}, %% @todo Why not binary? {peer_unidi_stream_count, 3}, %% We only need control and QPACK enc/dec. {peer_bidi_stream_count, 100} |SocketOpts2], _ListenerPid = spawn(fun() -> {ok, Listener} = quicer:listen(Port, SocketOpts), Parent ! {ok, Listener}, _AcceptorPid = [spawn(fun AcceptLoop() -> {ok, Conn} = quicer:accept(Listener, []), Pid = spawn(fun() -> receive go -> ok end, %% We have to do the handshake after handing control of %% the connection otherwise streams may come in before %% the controlling process is changed and messages will %% not be sent to the correct process. {ok, Conn} = quicer:handshake(Conn), process_flag(trap_exit, true), %% @todo Only if supervisor though. try cowboy_http3:init(Parent, Ref, Conn, ProtoOpts) catch exit:{shutdown,_} -> ok; C:E:S -> log(error, "CRASH ~p:~p:~p", [C,E,S], ProtoOpts) end end), ok = quicer:controlling_process(Conn, Pid), Pid ! go, AcceptLoop() end) || _ <- lists:seq(1, 20)], %% Listener process must not terminate. receive after infinity -> ok end end), receive {ok, Listener} -> {ok, Listener} end. %% Select a random UDP port using gen_udp because quicer %% does not provide equivalent functionality. Taken from %% quicer test suites. port_0() -> {ok, Socket} = gen_udp:open(0, [{reuseaddr, true}]), {ok, {_, Port}} = inet:sockname(Socket), gen_udp:close(Socket), case os:type() of {unix, darwin} -> %% Apparently macOS doesn't free the port immediately. timer:sleep(500); _ -> ok end, Port. ensure_alpn(TransOpts) -> SocketOpts = maps:get(socket_opts, TransOpts, []), TransOpts#{socket_opts => [ {alpn_preferred_protocols, [<<"h2">>, <<"http/1.1">>]} |SocketOpts]}. ensure_connection_type(TransOpts=#{connection_type := ConnectionType}) -> {TransOpts, ConnectionType}; ensure_connection_type(TransOpts) -> {TransOpts#{connection_type => supervisor}, supervisor}. %% Dynamic buffer was set; accept transport options as-is. %% Note that initial 'buffer' size may be lower than dynamic buffer allows. ensure_dynamic_buffer(TransOpts, #{dynamic_buffer := DynamicBuffer}) -> {TransOpts, DynamicBuffer}; %% Dynamic buffer was not set; define default dynamic buffer %% only if 'buffer' size was not configured. In that case we %% set the 'buffer' size to the lowest value. ensure_dynamic_buffer(TransOpts=#{socket_opts := SocketOpts}, _) -> case proplists:get_value(buffer, SocketOpts, undefined) of undefined -> {TransOpts#{socket_opts => [{buffer, 1024}|SocketOpts]}, {1024, 131072}}; _ -> {TransOpts, false} end. -spec stop_listener(ranch:ref()) -> ok | {error, not_found}. stop_listener(Ref) -> ranch:stop_listener(Ref). -spec get_env(ranch:ref(), atom()) -> ok. get_env(Ref, Name) -> Opts = ranch:get_protocol_options(Ref), Env = maps:get(env, Opts, #{}), maps:get(Name, Env). -spec get_env(ranch:ref(), atom(), any()) -> ok. get_env(Ref, Name, Default) -> Opts = ranch:get_protocol_options(Ref), Env = maps:get(env, Opts, #{}), maps:get(Name, Env, Default). -spec set_env(ranch:ref(), atom(), any()) -> ok. set_env(Ref, Name, Value) -> Opts = ranch:get_protocol_options(Ref), Env = maps:get(env, Opts, #{}), Opts2 = maps:put(env, maps:put(Name, Value, Env), Opts), ok = ranch:set_protocol_options(Ref, Opts2). %% Internal. -spec log({log, logger:level(), io:format(), list()}, opts()) -> ok. log({log, Level, Format, Args}, Opts) -> log(Level, Format, Args, Opts). -spec log(logger:level(), io:format(), list(), opts()) -> ok. log(Level, Format, Args, #{logger := Logger}) when Logger =/= error_logger -> _ = Logger:Level(Format, Args), ok; %% We use error_logger by default. Because error_logger does %% not have all the levels we accept we have to do some %% mapping to error_logger functions. log(Level, Format, Args, _) -> Function = case Level of emergency -> error_msg; alert -> error_msg; critical -> error_msg; error -> error_msg; warning -> warning_msg; notice -> warning_msg; info -> info_msg; debug -> info_msg end, error_logger:Function(Format, Args).