%% Copyright 2007 Mochi Media, Inc. %% Copyright 2011 Thomas Burdick %% %% Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any %% purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above %% copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. %% %% THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES %% WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF %% MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR %% ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES %% WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN %% ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF %% OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. %% @doc HTTP Cookie parsing and generating (RFC 2965). -module(cowboy_cookies). %% API. -export([parse_cookie/1, cookie/3, cookie/2]). %% Types. -type kv() :: {Name::binary(), Value::binary()}. -type kvlist() :: [kv()]. -type cookie_option() :: {max_age, integer()} | {local_time, {calendar:date(), calendar:time()}} | {domain, binary()} | {path, binary()} | {secure, true | false} | {http_only, true | false}. -export_type([kv/0, kvlist/0, cookie_option/0]). -define(QUOTE, $\"). -include_lib("eunit/include/eunit.hrl"). %% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- %% API %% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- %% @doc Parse the contents of a Cookie header field, ignoring cookie %% attributes, and return a simple property list. -spec parse_cookie(binary()) -> kvlist(). parse_cookie(<<>>) -> []; parse_cookie(Cookie) when is_binary(Cookie) -> parse_cookie(Cookie, []). %% @doc Short-hand for cookie(Key, Value, []). -spec cookie(binary(), binary()) -> kvlist(). cookie(Key, Value) when is_binary(Key) andalso is_binary(Value) -> cookie(Key, Value, []). %% @doc Generate a Set-Cookie header field tuple. -spec cookie(binary(), binary(), [cookie_option()]) -> kvlist(). cookie(Key, Value, Options) when is_binary(Key) andalso is_binary(Value) andalso is_list(Options) -> Cookie = <<(any_to_binary(Key))/binary, "=", (quote(Value))/binary, "; Version=1">>, %% Set-Cookie: %% Comment, Domain, Max-Age, Path, Secure, Version ExpiresPart = case proplists:get_value(max_age, Options) of undefined -> <<"">>; RawAge -> When = case proplists:get_value(local_time, Options) of undefined -> calendar:local_time(); LocalTime -> LocalTime end, Age = case RawAge < 0 of true -> 0; false -> RawAge end, AgeBinary = quote(Age), CookieDate = age_to_cookie_date(Age, When), <<"; Expires=", CookieDate/binary, "; Max-Age=", AgeBinary/binary>> end, SecurePart = case proplists:get_value(secure, Options) of true -> <<"; Secure">>; _ -> <<"">> end, DomainPart = case proplists:get_value(domain, Options) of undefined -> <<"">>; Domain -> <<"; Domain=", (quote(Domain))/binary>> end, PathPart = case proplists:get_value(path, Options) of undefined -> <<"">>; Path -> <<"; Path=", (quote(Path))/binary>> end, HttpOnlyPart = case proplists:get_value(http_only, Options) of true -> <<"; HttpOnly">>; _ -> <<"">> end, CookieParts = <>, {<<"Set-Cookie">>, CookieParts}. %% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Private %% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- %% @doc Check if a character is a white space character. -spec is_whitespace(char()) -> boolean(). is_whitespace($\s) -> true; is_whitespace($\t) -> true; is_whitespace($\r) -> true; is_whitespace($\n) -> true; is_whitespace(_) -> false. %% @doc Check if a character is a seperator. -spec is_separator(char()) -> boolean(). is_separator(C) when C < 32 -> true; is_separator($\s) -> true; is_separator($\t) -> true; is_separator($() -> true; is_separator($)) -> true; is_separator($<) -> true; is_separator($>) -> true; is_separator($@) -> true; is_separator($,) -> true; is_separator($;) -> true; is_separator($:) -> true; is_separator($\\) -> true; is_separator(?QUOTE) -> true; is_separator($/) -> true; is_separator($[) -> true; is_separator($]) -> true; is_separator($?) -> true; is_separator($=) -> true; is_separator(${) -> true; is_separator($}) -> true; is_separator(_) -> false. %% @doc Check if a binary has an ASCII seperator character. -spec has_seperator(binary()) -> boolean(). has_seperator(<<>>) -> false; has_seperator(<<$/, Rest/binary>>) -> has_seperator(Rest); has_seperator(<>) -> case is_separator(C) of true -> true; false -> has_seperator(Rest) end. %% @doc Convert to a binary and raise an error if quoting is required. Quoting %% is broken in different ways for different browsers. Its better to simply %% avoiding doing it at all. %% @end -spec quote(term()) -> binary(). quote(V0) -> V = any_to_binary(V0), case has_seperator(V) of true -> erlang:error({cookie_quoting_required, V}); false -> V end. -spec add_seconds(integer(), cowboy_clock:datetime()) -> cowboy_clock:datetime(). add_seconds(Secs, LocalTime) -> Greg = calendar:datetime_to_gregorian_seconds(LocalTime), calendar:gregorian_seconds_to_datetime(Greg + Secs). -spec age_to_cookie_date(integer(), cowboy_clock:datetime()) -> binary(). age_to_cookie_date(Age, LocalTime) -> cowboy_clock:rfc2109(add_seconds(Age, LocalTime)). -spec parse_cookie(binary(), kvlist()) -> kvlist(). parse_cookie(<<>>, Acc) -> lists:reverse(Acc); parse_cookie(String, Acc) -> {{Token, Value}, Rest} = read_pair(String), Acc1 = case Token of <<"">> -> Acc; <<"$", _R/binary>> -> Acc; _ -> [{Token, Value} | Acc] end, parse_cookie(Rest, Acc1). -spec read_pair(binary()) -> {binary(), binary(), binary()}. read_pair(String) -> {Token, Rest} = read_token(skip_whitespace(String)), {Value, Rest1} = read_value(skip_whitespace(Rest)), {{Token, Value}, skip_past_separator(Rest1)}. -spec read_value(binary()) -> {binary(), binary()}. read_value(<<"=", Value/binary>>) -> Value1 = skip_whitespace(Value), case Value1 of <> -> read_quoted(Value1); _ -> read_token(Value1) end; read_value(String) -> {<<"">>, String}. -spec read_quoted(binary()) -> {binary(), binary()}. read_quoted(<>) -> read_quoted(String, <<"">>). -spec read_quoted(binary(), binary()) -> {binary(), binary()}. read_quoted(<<"">>, Acc) -> {Acc, <<"">>}; read_quoted(<>, Acc) -> {Acc, Rest}; read_quoted(<<$\\, Any, Rest/binary>>, Acc) -> read_quoted(Rest, <>); read_quoted(<>, Acc) -> read_quoted(Rest, <>). %% @doc Drop characters while a function returns true. -spec binary_dropwhile(fun((char()) -> boolean()), binary()) -> binary(). binary_dropwhile(_F, <<"">>) -> <<"">>; binary_dropwhile(F, String) -> <> = String, case F(C) of true -> binary_dropwhile(F, Rest); false -> String end. %% @doc Remove leading whitespace. -spec skip_whitespace(binary()) -> binary(). skip_whitespace(String) -> binary_dropwhile(fun is_whitespace/1, String). %% @doc Split a binary when the current character causes F to return true. -spec binary_splitwith(fun((char()) -> boolean()), binary(), binary()) -> {binary(), binary()}. binary_splitwith(_F, Head, <<>>) -> {Head, <<>>}; binary_splitwith(F, Head, Tail) -> <> = Tail, case F(C) of true -> {Head, Tail}; false -> binary_splitwith(F, <>, NTail) end. %% @doc Split a binary with a function returning true or false on each char. -spec binary_splitwith(fun((char()) -> boolean()), binary()) -> {binary(), binary()}. binary_splitwith(F, String) -> binary_splitwith(F, <<>>, String). %% @doc Split the binary when the next seperator is found. -spec read_token(binary()) -> {binary(), binary()}. read_token(String) -> binary_splitwith(fun is_separator/1, String). %% @doc Return string after ; or , characters. -spec skip_past_separator(binary()) -> binary(). skip_past_separator(<<"">>) -> <<"">>; skip_past_separator(<<";", Rest/binary>>) -> Rest; skip_past_separator(<<",", Rest/binary>>) -> Rest; skip_past_separator(<<_C, Rest/binary>>) -> skip_past_separator(Rest). -spec any_to_binary(binary() | string() | atom() | integer()) -> binary(). any_to_binary(V) when is_binary(V) -> V; any_to_binary(V) when is_list(V) -> erlang:list_to_binary(V); any_to_binary(V) when is_atom(V) -> erlang:atom_to_binary(V, latin1); any_to_binary(V) when is_integer(V) -> list_to_binary(integer_to_list(V)). %% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Tests %% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -ifdef(TEST). quote_test() -> %% ?assertError eunit macro is not compatible with coverage module try quote(<<":wq">>) catch error:{cookie_quoting_required, <<":wq">>} -> ok end, ?assertEqual(<<"foo">>,quote(foo)), ok. parse_cookie_test() -> %% RFC example C1 = <<"$Version=\"1\"; Customer=\"WILE_E_COYOTE\"; $Path=\"/acme\"; Part_Number=\"Rocket_Launcher_0001\"; $Path=\"/acme\"; Shipping=\"FedEx\"; $Path=\"/acme\"">>, ?assertEqual( [{<<"Customer">>,<<"WILE_E_COYOTE">>}, {<<"Part_Number">>,<<"Rocket_Launcher_0001">>}, {<<"Shipping">>,<<"FedEx">>}], parse_cookie(C1)), %% Potential edge cases ?assertEqual( [{<<"foo">>, <<"x">>}], parse_cookie(<<"foo=\"\\x\"">>)), ?assertEqual( [], parse_cookie(<<"=">>)), ?assertEqual( [{<<"foo">>, <<"">>}, {<<"bar">>, <<"">>}], parse_cookie(<<" foo ; bar ">>)), ?assertEqual( [{<<"foo">>, <<"">>}, {<<"bar">>, <<"">>}], parse_cookie(<<"foo=;bar=">>)), ?assertEqual( [{<<"foo">>, <<"\";">>}, {<<"bar">>, <<"">>}], parse_cookie(<<"foo = \"\\\";\";bar ">>)), ?assertEqual( [{<<"foo">>, <<"\";bar">>}], parse_cookie(<<"foo=\"\\\";bar">>)), ?assertEqual( [], parse_cookie(<<"">>)), ?assertEqual( [{<<"foo">>, <<"bar">>}, {<<"baz">>, <<"wibble">>}], parse_cookie(<<"foo=bar , baz=wibble ">>)), ok. domain_test() -> ?assertEqual( {<<"Set-Cookie">>, <<"Customer=WILE_E_COYOTE; " "Version=1; " "Domain=acme.com; " "HttpOnly">>}, cookie(<<"Customer">>, <<"WILE_E_COYOTE">>, [{http_only, true}, {domain, <<"acme.com">>}])), ok. local_time_test() -> {<<"Set-Cookie">>, B} = cookie(<<"Customer">>, <<"WILE_E_COYOTE">>, [{max_age, 111}, {secure, true}]), ?assertMatch( [<<"Customer=WILE_E_COYOTE">>, <<" Version=1">>, <<" Expires=", _R/binary>>, <<" Max-Age=111">>, <<" Secure">>], binary:split(B, <<";">>, [global])), ok. cookie_test() -> C1 = {<<"Set-Cookie">>, <<"Customer=WILE_E_COYOTE; " "Version=1; " "Path=/acme">>}, C1 = cookie(<<"Customer">>, <<"WILE_E_COYOTE">>, [{path, <<"/acme">>}]), C1 = cookie(<<"Customer">>, <<"WILE_E_COYOTE">>, [{path, <<"/acme">>}, {badoption, <<"negatory">>}]), C1 = cookie('Customer', 'WILE_E_COYOTE', [{path, '/acme'}]), C1 = cookie("Customer", "WILE_E_COYOTE", [{path, "/acme"}]), {<<"Set-Cookie">>,<<"=NoKey; Version=1">>} = cookie(<<"">>, <<"NoKey">>, []), {<<"Set-Cookie">>,<<"=NoKey; Version=1">>} = cookie(<<"">>, <<"NoKey">>), LocalTime = calendar:universal_time_to_local_time({{2007, 5, 15}, {13, 45, 33}}), C2 = {<<"Set-Cookie">>, <<"Customer=WILE_E_COYOTE; " "Version=1; " "Expires=Tue, 15 May 2007 13:45:33 GMT; " "Max-Age=0">>}, C2 = cookie(<<"Customer">>, <<"WILE_E_COYOTE">>, [{max_age, -111}, {local_time, LocalTime}]), C3 = {<<"Set-Cookie">>, <<"Customer=WILE_E_COYOTE; " "Version=1; " "Expires=Wed, 16 May 2007 13:45:50 GMT; " "Max-Age=86417">>}, C3 = cookie(<<"Customer">>, <<"WILE_E_COYOTE">>, [{max_age, 86417}, {local_time, LocalTime}]), ok. -endif.