%% Copyright (c) 2011, Loïc Hoguin <essen@dev-extend.eu> %% Copyright (c) 2011, Anthony Ramine <nox@dev-extend.eu> %% %% Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any %% purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above %% copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. %% %% THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES %% WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF %% MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR %% ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES %% WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN %% ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF %% OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. %% @doc Core HTTP parsing API. -module(cowboy_http). %% Parsing. -export([list/2, nonempty_list/2, content_type/1, content_type_params/3, media_range/2, conneg/2, language_range/2, entity_tag_match/1, http_date/1, rfc1123_date/1, rfc850_date/1, asctime_date/1, whitespace/2, digits/1, token/2, token_ci/2, quoted_string/2]). %% Interpretation. -export([connection_to_atom/1, urldecode/1, urldecode/2, urlencode/1, urlencode/2]). -type method() :: 'OPTIONS' | 'GET' | 'HEAD' | 'POST' | 'PUT' | 'DELETE' | 'TRACE' | binary(). -type uri() :: '*' | {absoluteURI, http | https, Host::binary(), Port::integer() | undefined, Path::binary()} | {scheme, Scheme::binary(), binary()} | {abs_path, binary()} | binary(). -type version() :: {Major::non_neg_integer(), Minor::non_neg_integer()}. -type header() :: 'Cache-Control' | 'Connection' | 'Date' | 'Pragma' | 'Transfer-Encoding' | 'Upgrade' | 'Via' | 'Accept' | 'Accept-Charset' | 'Accept-Encoding' | 'Accept-Language' | 'Authorization' | 'From' | 'Host' | 'If-Modified-Since' | 'If-Match' | 'If-None-Match' | 'If-Range' | 'If-Unmodified-Since' | 'Max-Forwards' | 'Proxy-Authorization' | 'Range' | 'Referer' | 'User-Agent' | 'Age' | 'Location' | 'Proxy-Authenticate' | 'Public' | 'Retry-After' | 'Server' | 'Vary' | 'Warning' | 'Www-Authenticate' | 'Allow' | 'Content-Base' | 'Content-Encoding' | 'Content-Language' | 'Content-Length' | 'Content-Location' | 'Content-Md5' | 'Content-Range' | 'Content-Type' | 'Etag' | 'Expires' | 'Last-Modified' | 'Accept-Ranges' | 'Set-Cookie' | 'Set-Cookie2' | 'X-Forwarded-For' | 'Cookie' | 'Keep-Alive' | 'Proxy-Connection' | binary(). -type headers() :: [{header(), iodata()}]. -type status() :: non_neg_integer() | binary(). -export_type([method/0, uri/0, version/0, header/0, headers/0, status/0]). -include("include/http.hrl"). -include_lib("eunit/include/eunit.hrl"). %% Parsing. %% @doc Parse a non-empty list of the given type. -spec nonempty_list(binary(), fun()) -> [any(), ...] | {error, badarg}. nonempty_list(Data, Fun) -> case list(Data, Fun, []) of {error, badarg} -> {error, badarg}; [] -> {error, badarg}; L -> lists:reverse(L) end. %% @doc Parse a list of the given type. -spec list(binary(), fun()) -> list() | {error, badarg}. list(Data, Fun) -> case list(Data, Fun, []) of {error, badarg} -> {error, badarg}; L -> lists:reverse(L) end. -spec list(binary(), fun(), [binary()]) -> [any()] | {error, badarg}. %% From the RFC: %% <blockquote>Wherever this construct is used, null elements are allowed, %% but do not contribute to the count of elements present. %% That is, "(element), , (element) " is permitted, but counts %% as only two elements. Therefore, where at least one element is required, %% at least one non-null element MUST be present.</blockquote> list(Data, Fun, Acc) -> whitespace(Data, fun (<<>>) -> Acc; (<< $,, Rest/binary >>) -> list(Rest, Fun, Acc); (Rest) -> Fun(Rest, fun (D, I) -> whitespace(D, fun (<<>>) -> [I|Acc]; (<< $,, R/binary >>) -> list(R, Fun, [I|Acc]); (_Any) -> {error, badarg} end) end) end). %% @doc Parse a content type. -spec content_type(binary()) -> any(). content_type(Data) -> media_type(Data, fun (Rest, Type, SubType) -> content_type_params(Rest, fun (Params) -> {Type, SubType, Params} end, []) end). -spec content_type_params(binary(), fun(), list({binary(), binary()})) -> any(). content_type_params(Data, Fun, Acc) -> whitespace(Data, fun (<< $;, Rest/binary >>) -> content_type_param(Rest, Fun, Acc); (<<>>) -> Fun(lists:reverse(Acc)); (_Rest) -> {error, badarg} end). -spec content_type_param(binary(), fun(), list({binary(), binary()})) -> any(). content_type_param(Data, Fun, Acc) -> whitespace(Data, fun (Rest) -> token_ci(Rest, fun (_Rest2, <<>>) -> {error, badarg}; (<< $=, Rest2/binary >>, Attr) -> word(Rest2, fun (Rest3, Value) -> content_type_params(Rest3, Fun, [{Attr, Value}|Acc]) end); (_Rest2, _Attr) -> {error, badarg} end) end). %% @doc Parse a media range. -spec media_range(binary(), fun()) -> any(). media_range(Data, Fun) -> media_type(Data, fun (Rest, Type, SubType) -> media_range_params(Rest, Fun, Type, SubType, []) end). -spec media_range_params(binary(), fun(), binary(), binary(), [{binary(), binary()}]) -> any(). media_range_params(Data, Fun, Type, SubType, Acc) -> whitespace(Data, fun (<< $;, Rest/binary >>) -> whitespace(Rest, fun (Rest2) -> media_range_param_attr(Rest2, Fun, Type, SubType, Acc) end); (Rest) -> Fun(Rest, {{Type, SubType, lists:reverse(Acc)}, 1000, []}) end). -spec media_range_param_attr(binary(), fun(), binary(), binary(), [{binary(), binary()}]) -> any(). media_range_param_attr(Data, Fun, Type, SubType, Acc) -> token_ci(Data, fun (_Rest, <<>>) -> {error, badarg}; (<< $=, Rest/binary >>, Attr) -> media_range_param_value(Rest, Fun, Type, SubType, Acc, Attr) end). -spec media_range_param_value(binary(), fun(), binary(), binary(), [{binary(), binary()}], binary()) -> any(). media_range_param_value(Data, Fun, Type, SubType, Acc, <<"q">>) -> qvalue(Data, fun (Rest, Quality) -> accept_ext(Rest, Fun, Type, SubType, Acc, Quality, []) end); media_range_param_value(Data, Fun, Type, SubType, Acc, Attr) -> word(Data, fun (Rest, Value) -> media_range_params(Rest, Fun, Type, SubType, [{Attr, Value}|Acc]) end). %% @doc Parse a media type. -spec media_type(binary(), fun()) -> any(). media_type(Data, Fun) -> token_ci(Data, fun (_Rest, <<>>) -> {error, badarg}; (<< $/, Rest/binary >>, Type) -> token_ci(Rest, fun (_Rest2, <<>>) -> {error, badarg}; (Rest2, SubType) -> Fun(Rest2, Type, SubType) end); (_Rest, _Type) -> {error, badarg} end). -spec accept_ext(binary(), fun(), binary(), binary(), [{binary(), binary()}], 0..1000, [{binary(), binary()} | binary()]) -> any(). accept_ext(Data, Fun, Type, SubType, Params, Quality, Acc) -> whitespace(Data, fun (<< $;, Rest/binary >>) -> whitespace(Rest, fun (Rest2) -> accept_ext_attr(Rest2, Fun, Type, SubType, Params, Quality, Acc) end); (Rest) -> Fun(Rest, {{Type, SubType, lists:reverse(Params)}, Quality, lists:reverse(Acc)}) end). -spec accept_ext_attr(binary(), fun(), binary(), binary(), [{binary(), binary()}], 0..1000, [{binary(), binary()} | binary()]) -> any(). accept_ext_attr(Data, Fun, Type, SubType, Params, Quality, Acc) -> token_ci(Data, fun (_Rest, <<>>) -> {error, badarg}; (<< $=, Rest/binary >>, Attr) -> accept_ext_value(Rest, Fun, Type, SubType, Params, Quality, Acc, Attr); (Rest, Attr) -> accept_ext(Rest, Fun, Type, SubType, Params, Quality, [Attr|Acc]) end). -spec accept_ext_value(binary(), fun(), binary(), binary(), [{binary(), binary()}], 0..1000, [{binary(), binary()} | binary()], binary()) -> any(). accept_ext_value(Data, Fun, Type, SubType, Params, Quality, Acc, Attr) -> word(Data, fun (Rest, Value) -> accept_ext(Rest, Fun, Type, SubType, Params, Quality, [{Attr, Value}|Acc]) end). %% @doc Parse a conneg header (Accept-Charset, Accept-Encoding), %% followed by an optional quality value. -spec conneg(binary(), fun()) -> any(). conneg(Data, Fun) -> token_ci(Data, fun (_Rest, <<>>) -> {error, badarg}; (Rest, Conneg) -> maybe_qparam(Rest, fun (Rest2, Quality) -> Fun(Rest2, {Conneg, Quality}) end) end). %% @doc Parse a language range, followed by an optional quality value. -spec language_range(binary(), fun()) -> any(). language_range(<< $*, Rest/binary >>, Fun) -> language_range_ret(Rest, Fun, '*'); language_range(Data, Fun) -> language_tag(Data, fun (Rest, LanguageTag) -> language_range_ret(Rest, Fun, LanguageTag) end). -spec language_range_ret(binary(), fun(), '*' | {binary(), [binary()]}) -> any(). language_range_ret(Data, Fun, LanguageTag) -> maybe_qparam(Data, fun (Rest, Quality) -> Fun(Rest, {LanguageTag, Quality}) end). -spec language_tag(binary(), fun()) -> any(). language_tag(Data, Fun) -> alpha(Data, fun (_Rest, Tag) when byte_size(Tag) =:= 0; byte_size(Tag) > 8 -> {error, badarg}; (<< $-, Rest/binary >>, Tag) -> language_subtag(Rest, Fun, Tag, []); (Rest, Tag) -> Fun(Rest, Tag) end). -spec language_subtag(binary(), fun(), binary(), [binary()]) -> any(). language_subtag(Data, Fun, Tag, Acc) -> alpha(Data, fun (_Rest, SubTag) when byte_size(SubTag) =:= 0; byte_size(SubTag) > 8 -> {error, badarg}; (<< $-, Rest/binary >>, SubTag) -> language_subtag(Rest, Fun, Tag, [SubTag|Acc]); (Rest, SubTag) -> %% Rebuild the full tag now that we know it's correct Sub = << << $-, S/binary >> || S <- lists:reverse([SubTag|Acc]) >>, Fun(Rest, << Tag/binary, Sub/binary >>) end). -spec maybe_qparam(binary(), fun()) -> any(). maybe_qparam(Data, Fun) -> whitespace(Data, fun (<< $;, Rest/binary >>) -> whitespace(Rest, fun (Rest2) -> qparam(Rest2, Fun) end); (Rest) -> Fun(Rest, 1000) end). %% @doc Parse a quality parameter string (for example q=0.500). -spec qparam(binary(), fun()) -> any(). qparam(<< Q, $=, Data/binary >>, Fun) when Q =:= $q; Q =:= $Q -> qvalue(Data, Fun). %% @doc Parse either a list of entity tags or a "*". -spec entity_tag_match(binary()) -> any(). entity_tag_match(<< $*, Rest/binary >>) -> whitespace(Rest, fun (<<>>) -> '*'; (_Any) -> {error, badarg} end); entity_tag_match(Data) -> nonempty_list(Data, fun entity_tag/2). %% @doc Parse an entity-tag. -spec entity_tag(binary(), fun()) -> any(). entity_tag(<< "W/", Rest/binary >>, Fun) -> opaque_tag(Rest, Fun, weak); entity_tag(Data, Fun) -> opaque_tag(Data, Fun, strong). -spec opaque_tag(binary(), fun(), weak | strong) -> any(). opaque_tag(Data, Fun, Strength) -> quoted_string(Data, fun (_Rest, <<>>) -> {error, badarg}; (Rest, OpaqueTag) -> Fun(Rest, {Strength, OpaqueTag}) end). %% @doc Parse an HTTP date (RFC1123, RFC850 or asctime date). %% @end %% %% While this may not be the most efficient date parsing we can do, %% it should work fine for our purposes because all HTTP dates should %% be sent as RFC1123 dates in HTTP/1.1. -spec http_date(binary()) -> any(). http_date(Data) -> case rfc1123_date(Data) of {error, badarg} -> case rfc850_date(Data) of {error, badarg} -> case asctime_date(Data) of {error, badarg} -> {error, badarg}; HTTPDate -> HTTPDate end; HTTPDate -> HTTPDate end; HTTPDate -> HTTPDate end. %% @doc Parse an RFC1123 date. -spec rfc1123_date(binary()) -> any(). rfc1123_date(Data) -> wkday(Data, fun (<< ", ", Rest/binary >>, _WkDay) -> date1(Rest, fun (<< " ", Rest2/binary >>, Date) -> time(Rest2, fun (<< " GMT", Rest3/binary >>, Time) -> http_date_ret(Rest3, {Date, Time}); (_Any, _Time) -> {error, badarg} end); (_Any, _Date) -> {error, badarg} end); (_Any, _WkDay) -> {error, badarg} end). %% @doc Parse an RFC850 date. -spec rfc850_date(binary()) -> any(). %% From the RFC: %% HTTP/1.1 clients and caches SHOULD assume that an RFC-850 date %% which appears to be more than 50 years in the future is in fact %% in the past (this helps solve the "year 2000" problem). rfc850_date(Data) -> weekday(Data, fun (<< ", ", Rest/binary >>, _WeekDay) -> date2(Rest, fun (<< " ", Rest2/binary >>, Date) -> time(Rest2, fun (<< " GMT", Rest3/binary >>, Time) -> http_date_ret(Rest3, {Date, Time}); (_Any, _Time) -> {error, badarg} end); (_Any, _Date) -> {error, badarg} end); (_Any, _WeekDay) -> {error, badarg} end). %% @doc Parse an asctime date. -spec asctime_date(binary()) -> any(). asctime_date(Data) -> wkday(Data, fun (<< " ", Rest/binary >>, _WkDay) -> date3(Rest, fun (<< " ", Rest2/binary >>, PartialDate) -> time(Rest2, fun (<< " ", Rest3/binary >>, Time) -> asctime_year(Rest3, PartialDate, Time); (_Any, _Time) -> {error, badarg} end); (_Any, _PartialDate) -> {error, badarg} end); (_Any, _WkDay) -> {error, badarg1} end). -spec asctime_year(binary(), tuple(), tuple()) -> any(). asctime_year(<< Y1, Y2, Y3, Y4, Rest/binary >>, {Month, Day}, Time) when Y1 >= $0, Y1 =< $9, Y2 >= $0, Y2 =< $9, Y3 >= $0, Y3 =< $9, Y4 >= $0, Y4 =< $9 -> Year = (Y1 - $0) * 1000 + (Y2 - $0) * 100 + (Y3 - $0) * 10 + (Y4 - $0), http_date_ret(Rest, {{Year, Month, Day}, Time}). -spec http_date_ret(binary(), tuple()) -> any(). http_date_ret(Data, DateTime = {Date, _Time}) -> whitespace(Data, fun (<<>>) -> case calendar:valid_date(Date) of true -> DateTime; false -> {error, badarg} end; (_Any) -> {error, badarg} end). %% We never use it, pretty much just checks the wkday is right. -spec wkday(binary(), fun()) -> any(). wkday(<< WkDay:3/binary, Rest/binary >>, Fun) when WkDay =:= <<"Mon">>; WkDay =:= <<"Tue">>; WkDay =:= <<"Wed">>; WkDay =:= <<"Thu">>; WkDay =:= <<"Fri">>; WkDay =:= <<"Sat">>; WkDay =:= <<"Sun">> -> Fun(Rest, WkDay); wkday(_Any, _Fun) -> {error, badarg}. %% We never use it, pretty much just checks the weekday is right. -spec weekday(binary(), fun()) -> any(). weekday(<< "Monday", Rest/binary >>, Fun) -> Fun(Rest, <<"Monday">>); weekday(<< "Tuesday", Rest/binary >>, Fun) -> Fun(Rest, <<"Tuesday">>); weekday(<< "Wednesday", Rest/binary >>, Fun) -> Fun(Rest, <<"Wednesday">>); weekday(<< "Thursday", Rest/binary >>, Fun) -> Fun(Rest, <<"Thursday">>); weekday(<< "Friday", Rest/binary >>, Fun) -> Fun(Rest, <<"Friday">>); weekday(<< "Saturday", Rest/binary >>, Fun) -> Fun(Rest, <<"Saturday">>); weekday(<< "Sunday", Rest/binary >>, Fun) -> Fun(Rest, <<"Sunday">>); weekday(_Any, _Fun) -> {error, badarg}. -spec date1(binary(), fun()) -> any(). date1(<< D1, D2, " ", M:3/binary, " ", Y1, Y2, Y3, Y4, Rest/binary >>, Fun) when D1 >= $0, D1 =< $9, D2 >= $0, D2 =< $9, Y1 >= $0, Y1 =< $9, Y2 >= $0, Y2 =< $9, Y3 >= $0, Y3 =< $9, Y4 >= $0, Y4 =< $9 -> case month(M) of {error, badarg} -> {error, badarg}; Month -> Fun(Rest, { (Y1 - $0) * 1000 + (Y2 - $0) * 100 + (Y3 - $0) * 10 + (Y4 - $0), Month, (D1 - $0) * 10 + (D2 - $0) }) end; date1(_Data, _Fun) -> {error, badarg}. -spec date2(binary(), fun()) -> any(). date2(<< D1, D2, "-", M:3/binary, "-", Y1, Y2, Rest/binary >>, Fun) when D1 >= $0, D1 =< $9, D2 >= $0, D2 =< $9, Y1 >= $0, Y1 =< $9, Y2 >= $0, Y2 =< $9 -> case month(M) of {error, badarg} -> {error, badarg}; Month -> Year = (Y1 - $0) * 10 + (Y2 - $0), Year2 = case Year > 50 of true -> Year + 1900; false -> Year + 2000 end, Fun(Rest, { Year2, Month, (D1 - $0) * 10 + (D2 - $0) }) end; date2(_Data, _Fun) -> {error, badarg}. -spec date3(binary(), fun()) -> any(). date3(<< M:3/binary, " ", D1, D2, Rest/binary >>, Fun) when (D1 >= $0 andalso D1 =< $3) orelse D1 =:= $\s, D2 >= $0, D2 =< $9 -> case month(M) of {error, badarg} -> {error, badarg}; Month -> Day = case D1 of $\s -> D2 - $0; D1 -> (D1 - $0) * 10 + (D2 - $0) end, Fun(Rest, {Month, Day}) end; date3(_Data, _Fun) -> {error, badarg}. -spec month(<< _:24 >>) -> 1..12 | {error, badarg}. month(<<"Jan">>) -> 1; month(<<"Feb">>) -> 2; month(<<"Mar">>) -> 3; month(<<"Apr">>) -> 4; month(<<"May">>) -> 5; month(<<"Jun">>) -> 6; month(<<"Jul">>) -> 7; month(<<"Aug">>) -> 8; month(<<"Sep">>) -> 9; month(<<"Oct">>) -> 10; month(<<"Nov">>) -> 11; month(<<"Dec">>) -> 12; month(_Any) -> {error, badarg}. -spec time(binary(), fun()) -> any(). time(<< H1, H2, ":", M1, M2, ":", S1, S2, Rest/binary >>, Fun) when H1 >= $0, H1 =< $2, H2 >= $0, H2 =< $9, M1 >= $0, M1 =< $5, M2 >= $0, M2 =< $9, S1 >= $0, S1 =< $5, S2 >= $0, S2 =< $9 -> Hour = (H1 - $0) * 10 + (H2 - $0), case Hour < 24 of true -> Time = { Hour, (M1 - $0) * 10 + (M2 - $0), (S1 - $0) * 10 + (S2 - $0) }, Fun(Rest, Time); false -> {error, badarg} end. %% @doc Skip whitespace. -spec whitespace(binary(), fun()) -> any(). whitespace(<< C, Rest/binary >>, Fun) when C =:= $\s; C =:= $\t -> whitespace(Rest, Fun); whitespace(Data, Fun) -> Fun(Data). %% @doc Parse a list of digits as a non negative integer. -spec digits(binary()) -> non_neg_integer() | {error, badarg}. digits(Data) -> digits(Data, fun (Rest, I) -> whitespace(Rest, fun (<<>>) -> I; (_Rest2) -> {error, badarg} end) end). -spec digits(binary(), fun()) -> any(). digits(<< C, Rest/binary >>, Fun) when C >= $0, C =< $9 -> digits(Rest, Fun, C - $0); digits(_Data, _Fun) -> {error, badarg}. -spec digits(binary(), fun(), non_neg_integer()) -> any(). digits(<< C, Rest/binary >>, Fun, Acc) when C >= $0, C =< $9 -> digits(Rest, Fun, Acc * 10 + (C - $0)); digits(Data, Fun, Acc) -> Fun(Data, Acc). %% @doc Parse a list of case-insensitive alpha characters. %% %% Changes all characters to lowercase. -spec alpha(binary(), fun()) -> any(). alpha(Data, Fun) -> alpha(Data, Fun, <<>>). -spec alpha(binary(), fun(), binary()) -> any(). alpha(<<>>, Fun, Acc) -> Fun(<<>>, Acc); alpha(<< C, Rest/binary >>, Fun, Acc) when C >= $a andalso C =< $z; C >= $A andalso C =< $Z -> C2 = cowboy_bstr:char_to_lower(C), alpha(Rest, Fun, << Acc/binary, C2 >>); alpha(Data, Fun, Acc) -> Fun(Data, Acc). %% @doc Parse either a token or a quoted string. -spec word(binary(), fun()) -> any(). word(Data = << $", _/binary >>, Fun) -> quoted_string(Data, Fun); word(Data, Fun) -> token(Data, fun (_Rest, <<>>) -> {error, badarg}; (Rest, Token) -> Fun(Rest, Token) end). %% @doc Parse a case-insensitive token. %% %% Changes all characters to lowercase. -spec token_ci(binary(), fun()) -> any(). token_ci(Data, Fun) -> token(Data, Fun, ci, <<>>). %% @doc Parse a token. -spec token(binary(), fun()) -> any(). token(Data, Fun) -> token(Data, Fun, cs, <<>>). -spec token(binary(), fun(), ci | cs, binary()) -> any(). token(<<>>, Fun, _Case, Acc) -> Fun(<<>>, Acc); token(Data = << C, _Rest/binary >>, Fun, _Case, Acc) when C =:= $(; C =:= $); C =:= $<; C =:= $>; C =:= $@; C =:= $,; C =:= $;; C =:= $:; C =:= $\\; C =:= $"; C =:= $/; C =:= $[; C =:= $]; C =:= $?; C =:= $=; C =:= ${; C =:= $}; C =:= $\s; C =:= $\t; C < 32; C =:= 127 -> Fun(Data, Acc); token(<< C, Rest/binary >>, Fun, Case = ci, Acc) -> C2 = cowboy_bstr:char_to_lower(C), token(Rest, Fun, Case, << Acc/binary, C2 >>); token(<< C, Rest/binary >>, Fun, Case, Acc) -> token(Rest, Fun, Case, << Acc/binary, C >>). %% @doc Parse a quoted string. -spec quoted_string(binary(), fun()) -> any(). quoted_string(<< $", Rest/binary >>, Fun) -> quoted_string(Rest, Fun, <<>>). -spec quoted_string(binary(), fun(), binary()) -> any(). quoted_string(<<>>, _Fun, _Acc) -> {error, badarg}; quoted_string(<< $", Rest/binary >>, Fun, Acc) -> Fun(Rest, Acc); quoted_string(<< $\\, C, Rest/binary >>, Fun, Acc) -> quoted_string(Rest, Fun, << Acc/binary, C >>); quoted_string(<< C, Rest/binary >>, Fun, Acc) -> quoted_string(Rest, Fun, << Acc/binary, C >>). %% @doc Parse a quality value. -spec qvalue(binary(), fun()) -> any(). qvalue(<< $0, $., Rest/binary >>, Fun) -> qvalue(Rest, Fun, 0, 100); qvalue(<< $0, Rest/binary >>, Fun) -> Fun(Rest, 0); qvalue(<< $1, $., $0, $0, $0, Rest/binary >>, Fun) -> Fun(Rest, 1000); qvalue(<< $1, $., $0, $0, Rest/binary >>, Fun) -> Fun(Rest, 1000); qvalue(<< $1, $., $0, Rest/binary >>, Fun) -> Fun(Rest, 1000); qvalue(<< $1, Rest/binary >>, Fun) -> Fun(Rest, 1000); qvalue(_Data, _Fun) -> {error, badarg}. -spec qvalue(binary(), fun(), integer(), 1 | 10 | 100) -> any(). qvalue(Data, Fun, Q, 0) -> Fun(Data, Q); qvalue(<< C, Rest/binary >>, Fun, Q, M) when C >= $0, C =< $9 -> qvalue(Rest, Fun, Q + (C - $0) * M, M div 10); qvalue(Data, Fun, Q, _M) -> Fun(Data, Q). %% Interpretation. %% @doc Walk through a tokens list and return whether %% the connection is keepalive or closed. %% %% The connection token is expected to be lower-case. -spec connection_to_atom([binary()]) -> keepalive | close. connection_to_atom([]) -> keepalive; connection_to_atom([<<"keep-alive">>|_Tail]) -> keepalive; connection_to_atom([<<"close">>|_Tail]) -> close; connection_to_atom([_Any|Tail]) -> connection_to_atom(Tail). %% @doc Decode a URL encoded binary. %% @equiv urldecode(Bin, crash) -spec urldecode(binary()) -> binary(). urldecode(Bin) when is_binary(Bin) -> urldecode(Bin, <<>>, crash). %% @doc Decode a URL encoded binary. %% The second argument specifies how to handle percent characters that are not %% followed by two valid hex characters. Use `skip' to ignore such errors, %% if `crash' is used the function will fail with the reason `badarg'. -spec urldecode(binary(), crash | skip) -> binary(). urldecode(Bin, OnError) when is_binary(Bin) -> urldecode(Bin, <<>>, OnError). -spec urldecode(binary(), binary(), crash | skip) -> binary(). urldecode(<<$%, H, L, Rest/binary>>, Acc, OnError) -> G = unhex(H), M = unhex(L), if G =:= error; M =:= error -> case OnError of skip -> ok; crash -> erlang:error(badarg) end, urldecode(<<H, L, Rest/binary>>, <<Acc/binary, $%>>, OnError); true -> urldecode(Rest, <<Acc/binary, (G bsl 4 bor M)>>, OnError) end; urldecode(<<$%, Rest/binary>>, Acc, OnError) -> case OnError of skip -> ok; crash -> erlang:error(badarg) end, urldecode(Rest, <<Acc/binary, $%>>, OnError); urldecode(<<$+, Rest/binary>>, Acc, OnError) -> urldecode(Rest, <<Acc/binary, $ >>, OnError); urldecode(<<C, Rest/binary>>, Acc, OnError) -> urldecode(Rest, <<Acc/binary, C>>, OnError); urldecode(<<>>, Acc, _OnError) -> Acc. -spec unhex(byte()) -> byte() | error. unhex(C) when C >= $0, C =< $9 -> C - $0; unhex(C) when C >= $A, C =< $F -> C - $A + 10; unhex(C) when C >= $a, C =< $f -> C - $a + 10; unhex(_) -> error. %% @doc URL encode a string binary. %% @equiv urlencode(Bin, []) -spec urlencode(binary()) -> binary(). urlencode(Bin) -> urlencode(Bin, []). %% @doc URL encode a string binary. %% The `noplus' option disables the default behaviour of quoting space %% characters, `\s', as `+'. The `upper' option overrides the default behaviour %% of writing hex numbers using lowecase letters to using uppercase letters %% instead. -spec urlencode(binary(), [noplus|upper]) -> binary(). urlencode(Bin, Opts) -> Plus = not proplists:get_value(noplus, Opts, false), Upper = proplists:get_value(upper, Opts, false), urlencode(Bin, <<>>, Plus, Upper). -spec urlencode(binary(), binary(), boolean(), boolean()) -> binary(). urlencode(<<C, Rest/binary>>, Acc, P=Plus, U=Upper) -> if C >= $0, C =< $9 -> urlencode(Rest, <<Acc/binary, C>>, P, U); C >= $A, C =< $Z -> urlencode(Rest, <<Acc/binary, C>>, P, U); C >= $a, C =< $z -> urlencode(Rest, <<Acc/binary, C>>, P, U); C =:= $.; C =:= $-; C =:= $~; C =:= $_ -> urlencode(Rest, <<Acc/binary, C>>, P, U); C =:= $ , Plus -> urlencode(Rest, <<Acc/binary, $+>>, P, U); true -> H = C band 16#F0 bsr 4, L = C band 16#0F, H1 = if Upper -> tohexu(H); true -> tohexl(H) end, L1 = if Upper -> tohexu(L); true -> tohexl(L) end, urlencode(Rest, <<Acc/binary, $%, H1, L1>>, P, U) end; urlencode(<<>>, Acc, _Plus, _Upper) -> Acc. -spec tohexu(byte()) -> byte(). tohexu(C) when C < 10 -> $0 + C; tohexu(C) when C < 17 -> $A + C - 10. -spec tohexl(byte()) -> byte(). tohexl(C) when C < 10 -> $0 + C; tohexl(C) when C < 17 -> $a + C - 10. %% Tests. -ifdef(TEST). nonempty_charset_list_test_() -> %% {Value, Result} Tests = [ {<<>>, {error, badarg}}, {<<"iso-8859-5, unicode-1-1;q=0.8">>, [ {<<"iso-8859-5">>, 1000}, {<<"unicode-1-1">>, 800} ]} ], [{V, fun() -> R = nonempty_list(V, fun conneg/2) end} || {V, R} <- Tests]. nonempty_language_range_list_test_() -> %% {Value, Result} Tests = [ {<<"da, en-gb;q=0.8, en;q=0.7">>, [ {<<"da">>, 1000}, {<<"en-gb">>, 800}, {<<"en">>, 700} ]}, {<<"en, en-US, en-cockney, i-cherokee, x-pig-latin">>, [ {<<"en">>, 1000}, {<<"en-us">>, 1000}, {<<"en-cockney">>, 1000}, {<<"i-cherokee">>, 1000}, {<<"x-pig-latin">>, 1000} ]} ], [{V, fun() -> R = nonempty_list(V, fun language_range/2) end} || {V, R} <- Tests]. nonempty_token_list_test_() -> %% {Value, Result} Tests = [ {<<>>, {error, badarg}}, {<<" ">>, {error, badarg}}, {<<" , ">>, {error, badarg}}, {<<",,,">>, {error, badarg}}, {<<"a b">>, {error, badarg}}, {<<"a , , , ">>, [<<"a">>]}, {<<" , , , a">>, [<<"a">>]}, {<<"a, , b">>, [<<"a">>, <<"b">>]}, {<<"close">>, [<<"close">>]}, {<<"keep-alive, upgrade">>, [<<"keep-alive">>, <<"upgrade">>]} ], [{V, fun() -> R = nonempty_list(V, fun token/2) end} || {V, R} <- Tests]. media_range_list_test_() -> %% {Tokens, Result} Tests = [ {<<"audio/*; q=0.2, audio/basic">>, [ {{<<"audio">>, <<"*">>, []}, 200, []}, {{<<"audio">>, <<"basic">>, []}, 1000, []} ]}, {<<"text/plain; q=0.5, text/html, " "text/x-dvi; q=0.8, text/x-c">>, [ {{<<"text">>, <<"plain">>, []}, 500, []}, {{<<"text">>, <<"html">>, []}, 1000, []}, {{<<"text">>, <<"x-dvi">>, []}, 800, []}, {{<<"text">>, <<"x-c">>, []}, 1000, []} ]}, {<<"text/*, text/html, text/html;level=1, */*">>, [ {{<<"text">>, <<"*">>, []}, 1000, []}, {{<<"text">>, <<"html">>, []}, 1000, []}, {{<<"text">>, <<"html">>, [{<<"level">>, <<"1">>}]}, 1000, []}, {{<<"*">>, <<"*">>, []}, 1000, []} ]}, {<<"text/*;q=0.3, text/html;q=0.7, text/html;level=1, " "text/html;level=2;q=0.4, */*;q=0.5">>, [ {{<<"text">>, <<"*">>, []}, 300, []}, {{<<"text">>, <<"html">>, []}, 700, []}, {{<<"text">>, <<"html">>, [{<<"level">>, <<"1">>}]}, 1000, []}, {{<<"text">>, <<"html">>, [{<<"level">>, <<"2">>}]}, 400, []}, {{<<"*">>, <<"*">>, []}, 500, []} ]}, {<<"text/html;level=1;quoted=\"hi hi hi\";" "q=0.123;standalone;complex=gits, text/plain">>, [ {{<<"text">>, <<"html">>, [{<<"level">>, <<"1">>}, {<<"quoted">>, <<"hi hi hi">>}]}, 123, [<<"standalone">>, {<<"complex">>, <<"gits">>}]}, {{<<"text">>, <<"plain">>, []}, 1000, []} ]} ], [{V, fun() -> R = list(V, fun media_range/2) end} || {V, R} <- Tests]. entity_tag_match_test_() -> %% {Tokens, Result} Tests = [ {<<"\"xyzzy\"">>, [{strong, <<"xyzzy">>}]}, {<<"\"xyzzy\", W/\"r2d2xxxx\", \"c3piozzzz\"">>, [{strong, <<"xyzzy">>}, {weak, <<"r2d2xxxx">>}, {strong, <<"c3piozzzz">>}]}, {<<"*">>, '*'} ], [{V, fun() -> R = entity_tag_match(V) end} || {V, R} <- Tests]. http_date_test_() -> %% {Tokens, Result} Tests = [ {<<"Sun, 06 Nov 1994 08:49:37 GMT">>, {{1994, 11, 6}, {8, 49, 37}}}, {<<"Sunday, 06-Nov-94 08:49:37 GMT">>, {{1994, 11, 6}, {8, 49, 37}}}, {<<"Sun Nov 6 08:49:37 1994">>, {{1994, 11, 6}, {8, 49, 37}}} ], [{V, fun() -> R = http_date(V) end} || {V, R} <- Tests]. rfc1123_date_test_() -> %% {Tokens, Result} Tests = [ {<<"Sun, 06 Nov 1994 08:49:37 GMT">>, {{1994, 11, 6}, {8, 49, 37}}} ], [{V, fun() -> R = rfc1123_date(V) end} || {V, R} <- Tests]. rfc850_date_test_() -> %% {Tokens, Result} Tests = [ {<<"Sunday, 06-Nov-94 08:49:37 GMT">>, {{1994, 11, 6}, {8, 49, 37}}} ], [{V, fun() -> R = rfc850_date(V) end} || {V, R} <- Tests]. asctime_date_test_() -> %% {Tokens, Result} Tests = [ {<<"Sun Nov 6 08:49:37 1994">>, {{1994, 11, 6}, {8, 49, 37}}} ], [{V, fun() -> R = asctime_date(V) end} || {V, R} <- Tests]. connection_to_atom_test_() -> %% {Tokens, Result} Tests = [ {[<<"close">>], close}, {[<<"keep-alive">>], keepalive}, {[<<"keep-alive">>, <<"upgrade">>], keepalive} ], [{lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~p", [T])), fun() -> R = connection_to_atom(T) end} || {T, R} <- Tests]. content_type_test_() -> %% {ContentType, Result} Tests = [ {<<"text/plain; charset=iso-8859-4">>, {<<"text">>, <<"plain">>, [{<<"charset">>, <<"iso-8859-4">>}]}}, {<<"multipart/form-data \t;Boundary=\"MultipartIsUgly\"">>, {<<"multipart">>, <<"form-data">>, [ {<<"boundary">>, <<"MultipartIsUgly">>} ]}}, {<<"foo/bar; one=FirstParam; two=SecondParam">>, {<<"foo">>, <<"bar">>, [ {<<"one">>, <<"FirstParam">>}, {<<"two">>, <<"SecondParam">>} ]}} ], [{V, fun () -> R = content_type(V) end} || {V, R} <- Tests]. digits_test_() -> %% {Digits, Result} Tests = [ {<<"42 ">>, 42}, {<<"69\t">>, 69}, {<<"1337">>, 1337} ], [{V, fun() -> R = digits(V) end} || {V, R} <- Tests]. urldecode_test_() -> U = fun urldecode/2, [?_assertEqual(<<" ">>, U(<<"%20">>, crash)), ?_assertEqual(<<" ">>, U(<<"+">>, crash)), ?_assertEqual(<<0>>, U(<<"%00">>, crash)), ?_assertEqual(<<255>>, U(<<"%fF">>, crash)), ?_assertEqual(<<"123">>, U(<<"123">>, crash)), ?_assertEqual(<<"%i5">>, U(<<"%i5">>, skip)), ?_assertEqual(<<"%5">>, U(<<"%5">>, skip)), ?_assertError(badarg, U(<<"%i5">>, crash)), ?_assertError(badarg, U(<<"%5">>, crash)) ]. urlencode_test_() -> U = fun urlencode/2, [?_assertEqual(<<"%ff%00">>, U(<<255,0>>, [])), ?_assertEqual(<<"%FF%00">>, U(<<255,0>>, [upper])), ?_assertEqual(<<"+">>, U(<<" ">>, [])), ?_assertEqual(<<"%20">>, U(<<" ">>, [noplus])), ?_assertEqual(<<"aBc">>, U(<<"aBc">>, [])), ?_assertEqual(<<".-~_">>, U(<<".-~_">>, [])), ?_assertEqual(<<"%ff+">>, urlencode(<<255, " ">>)) ]. -endif.